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自20世纪70年代以来,洗钱犯罪活动开始呈抬头趋势,洗钱活动的范围也不再仅限于传统的贩毒走私等领域,而是开始向金融系统蔓延,同时,金融系统也开始成为洗钱活动的重要途径。本文从这些国家反洗钱法律体系和反洗钱机监管机制上探究值得我国反洗钱工作值得借鉴的地方,并对我国现行的反洗钱工作提出建议。  相似文献   

黄海涛 《经营管理者》2009,(18):133-134
反洗钱是当今国际社会的一个焦点问题。我国近年来受到发达国家的影响,非常注重采用法律手段打击洗钱活动,在较短的时间内就初步构建了以反洗钱刑事法律为基点、以金融机构反洗钱法规为重心、其他法律法规相配套的反洗钱法律体系,专门的《反洗钱法》也已经出台。反洗钱的业务开展情况也正在逐步得到改善。但相比国际反洗钱立法及实际工作的需要,我国当前的反洗钱立法等还存在诸多缺陷和问题,需要尽快健全完善。首先,我国尚无一部专门的反洗钱法。其次,我国目前尚未加入任何反洗钱国际性和区域性组织。最后,我国尚未建立与金融机构反洗钱制度相衔接的社会反洗钱系统,缺乏强有力的反洗钱组织。  相似文献   

如何能够发现,识别犯罪资金,预防追踪犯罪资金流动,打击洗钱犯罪的行为。金融行业是打击洗钱活动的重要窗口,要维护正常运转的金融秩序,服务于社会。  相似文献   

在当今复杂的金融和社会环境下,做好反洗钱工作是国家利益和人民群众根本客观要求,是维护金融机构诚信及金融稳定的需要,也是保证信誉支付稳定,促进中国农业发展银行发展(以下简称为农发行)的有效保证。文章以农发行基层行反洗钱工作为基础,归纳了日常反洗钱工作中存在的一些问题及建议。  相似文献   

随着改革开放的不断发展,洗钱犯罪活动对金融秩序造成了极大危害,人民银行对反洗钱工作重视程度逐渐加深。如何加强对洗钱活动的侦测以及针对其进行有效的应对措施成为金融机构目前急需解决的重要课题,本文对金融机构所面对的难点进行剖析并提出相应对策。  相似文献   

简骏俊 《决策与信息》2011,(11):117-117
近年来我国反洗钱工作不断深入的同时,有关的法规制度相对滞后的问题逐渐凸显。本文通过分析,提出了完善建议。  相似文献   

简骏俊 《决策与信息》2011,(12):270-270
近年来随着反洗钱工作的不断深入,反洗钱监管手段等方面还存在一些不足,尚需进一步完善。本文通过分析,提出了完善建议。  相似文献   

20世纪中期以来,洗钱犯罪活动迅速蔓延,严重威胁各国的国家安全,危及全球经济发展。洗钱活动的日益猖獗,对各国经济、金融秩序以及社会稳定产生了不利影响。现阶段我国经济快速发展,与世界经济日益融合,在经济犯罪集团化、犯罪分工专业化、以及犯罪行为国际化的背景下,加强反洗钱工作具有非常重要的意义。  相似文献   

我国目前已经初步建立了反洗钱的行政管理体制,但由于起步晚,所以目前制度设计还有些不能适应当代洗钱活动的形势,本文主要分析我国目前的反洗钱行政管理体制,并在此基础上,尝试提出一些解决办法。最终目的是完善我国的反洗钱行政管理体制,提高对洗钱活动的打击力度,维护金融稳定与安全。  相似文献   

基于发展逻辑的管理业绩评价系统设计框架   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
管理业绩评价作为现代企业管理控制的一个重要环节,侧重于对管理者的管理控制结果进行评价,其根本目标是衡量各级管理者的战略实施控制活动的效率和效果。目前存在的关于管理业绩评价系统的设计框架多且彼此不一致的问题,以致于企业无所适从。因此,重要的问题是如何在已有设计框架的基础上,创造一种具有综合性的管理业绩评价系统设计框架,使得企业能够根据自身组织背景及其变化设计并调整其业绩评价系统,同时使业绩评价系统得到有效运转和持续改善。本文从管理业绩评价历史变迁的视角出发,依据其发展逻辑,并通过理论分析,提出了管理业绩评价系统设计的一个理论框架,为管理业绩评价学术研究、理论交流和实务操作提供了一个共同视角和参照系。  相似文献   

This article report on a study of the strategic decision to develop computerized management information systems (MIS) in 32 business organizations. THe findings suggest that this decision is a complex policy decision which involves protracted environmental negotiations, a high and escalating commitment of organizational resources, and extensive organizational preparation. Eleven organizational and environmental factors which influence the decision are identified through a literature review. The influence of these factors on the success of the decision is examined and recommendations are made for managing the decision-making process to insure improved decision outcomes.  相似文献   

价值链分析在MIS开发战略研究中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
管理信息系统的战略开发研究是管理信息系统开发中极为重要的工作,只有制定了正确的管理信息系统开发战略,才能设计成功一个获得用户满意的管理信息系统。在管理信息系统战略研究中可以采用外部价值链和内部价值链分析方法确定管理信息系统的开发战略重点。  相似文献   

在不确定的市场环境下,企业的投资机会具有期权特点。本文在委托代理框架下,研究实物期权投资中的最优合同设计问题。考虑一个委托代理制的企业,委托人拥有推迟项目投资的期权,授予代理人执行该投资期权。信息不对称下,代理人有隐藏信息转移现金流的动机。为了实现自身利益的最大化,委托人设计合同,在该合同下,代理人将揭示真实的信息。在信息对称与信息不对称的情形下,分别建立实物期权模型,得到了委托人设计的最优合同。并通过数值分析,得到了如下的主要结论,信息不对称下,与信息对称相比,高成本的项目投资时机推迟,低成本的项目时机提前,投资期权价值减少。委托人的期权价值随着审核效率的提高而增大。当代理人越没有耐心时,委托人的期权价值越大。本文的研究为现实中的委托代理框架下的实物期权投资决策提供了一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

Uncertainty in new product development (NPD) planning embraces market, creative, technological, and process dimensions to a much greater extent than in non‐NPD project planning. Yet, NPD management is becoming increasingly decentralized, both within the firm and across the supply chain. Hence, planning for NPD uncertainty often results in path‐dependent scenarios cutting across the strategic, tactical, and operational levels of planning. To coordinate this resulting complexity, we propose a stochastic hierarchical product development planning framework with multiple recourses, i. e., corrective actions, to maximize performance across a firm's entire NPD program. We also argue the necessity for a fourth planning level, the infrastructural, that reestablishes norms for market projections, technological forecasts, scheduling, and requirements as latent uncertainty in the environment is continually revealed. An illustration from the automotive industry is presented to demonstrate a deployment of our framework. We additionally discuss the applicability of this framework for managing NPD capabilities over time.  相似文献   

目前VFP已被许多单位与个人作为开发较小型管理信息系统(MIS)时的首选,但在开发过程中,会遇到诸如重要数据加解密、向主界面中添加工具栏、菜单与工具栏协调、报表或表单的数据源选择等问题.本文试对上述问题提出一些技巧性的解决方案.  相似文献   

We present an integrated framework for measuring product development performance. The framework consists of a three stage model for exploring the relationships between metrics used by design, manufacturing, marketing functions, and overall commercial success. Using a cross‐sectional survey of 383 product development professionals working on 38 product development projects in the high‐tech electronic assembled goods manufacturing sector, we provide empirical evidence of the proposed framework. The findings indicate that in the high‐tech manufacturing sector (1) commercial success of new product development projects is primarily determined by market share, (2) gain in market share is primarily driven by lower unit cost and not by technical performance, and (3) reduction in unit cost is primarily driven by the increased speed of new product development and not by the R&D budget. The study failed to identify any significant association between R&D budget and technical performance, and development speed and technical performance.  相似文献   

School feeding is an established development aid intervention with multiple objectives including education, nutrition, and value transfer. Traditionally run by international organizations in low‐income settings, school feeding programs have had a substantial impact in many less‐developed countries. However, recent rethinking by the World Bank and the World Food Programme has prompted a shift toward long‐term, sustainable solutions that rely more upon local resources, local capacity, and community participation. Supply chain management, which is critical to program delivery, is vital to developing a sustainable approach to school feeding. We propose a theoretical framework that identifies the internal and external factors that shape the supply chain and connects them to the objectives and performance measures of sustainable programs. Drawing upon supply chain management theory, current school feeding practices, and expert feedback, this article contributes to development aid logistics and program transitioning with a focus on sustainable program design. It aims to provide a comprehensive introduction to school feeding and relevant supply chain issues, a framework to identify sustainability problems in school feeding supply chains, and a starting point for further research on program design.  相似文献   

Kara Morgan 《Risk analysis》2005,25(6):1621-1635
Decisions are often made even when there is uncertainty about the possible outcomes. However, methods for making decisions with uncertainty in the problem framework are scarce. Presently, safety assessment for a product containing engineered nano-scale particles is a very poorly structured problem. Many fields of study may inform the safety assessment of such particles (e.g., ultrafines, aerosols, debris from medical devices), but engineered nano-scale particles may present such unique properties that extrapolating from other types of studies may introduce, and not resolve, uncertainty. Some screening-level health effects studies conducted specifically on engineered nano-scale materials have been published and many more are underway. However, it is clear that the extent of research needed to fully and confidently understand the potential for health or environmental risk from engineered nano-scale particles may take years or even decades to complete. In spite of the great uncertainty, there is existing research and experience among researchers that can help to provide a taxonomy of particle properties, perhaps indicating a relative likelihood of risk, in order to prioritize nanoparticle risk research. To help structure this problem, a framework was developed from expert interviews of nanotechnology researchers. The analysis organizes the information as a system based on the risk assessment framework, in order to support the decision about safety. In the long term, this framework is designed to incorporate research results as they are generated, and therefore serve as a tool for estimating the potential for human health and environmental risk.  相似文献   

Despite more than 25 years of research on the processes and outcomes of information systems development in organizations, deficiencies exist in our knowledge about the effective management of complex systems development processes. Although individual studies have generated a wealth of findings, there is a need for a cumulative framework that facilitates interpretation of what has been learned and what needs to be learned about the process of information systems development. This paper reviews prior research on ISD processes and identifies the different types of contributions that have been made to our growing knowledge. More important, it generates a cumulative framework for understanding the process of ISD that could provide a valuable template for future research and practice.  相似文献   

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