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This paper examines the behavior of riot participants in the context of an expected utility maximization model. The basic hypothesis is that a riot presents the participants with a constantly changing set of opportunities, and that their behavior can only be understood in light of these changing returns and costs. The model is tested using data collected by the National Advisory Committee on Civil Disorders. The results are consistent with the hypothesis of maximizing behavior.  相似文献   

It was hypothesized that subjects who exhibit high social distance toward a hippie-target will be more likely to report a hippie shoplifter than subjects low on social distance. This hypothesis is derived from the theoretical literature in deviant behavior and social psychology and examines two issues: (1) the relationship between social distance and the severity of reaction to deviance, and (2) the extent of congruence between verbal scale scores and overt actions. The hypothesis was tested using observational data collected during a field experiment in which rigged shoplitting events were enacted and self-report data collected during follow-up interviews. The data support our hypothesis and increases our confidence in the congruence of attitudes and behavior.  相似文献   

Abstract Building upon earlier studies, two hypotheses concerning the association between participation in outdoor recreational activities and pro-environmental behavior are tested using data collected in a general population survey from a random sample of individuals in four communities in Pennsylvania. The first hypothesis, that there is a positive association between outdoor recreational participation and pro-environmental behavior, received substantial support. In contrast to previous research, the results did not support the second hypothesis which stated that there will be differences between/among different types of outdoor activities with respect to their impact on pro-environmental behaviors. Clarifications are made with respect to previous classifications of outdoor recreation activities.  相似文献   

I tested the hypothesis that cohabitors, as a component of their lifestyle choice to live together without being married, would be more sexually experienced and sexually active than noncohabitors. Differences between cohabitors and noncohabitors were examined in three independent samples (Ns = 173, 136, and 148). Within each group, differences between cohabitors and noncohabitors were examined in regard to background variables, perceived parent sexual attitudes, sexual behavior, sexual history, sexual satisfaction, orgasmic responsiveness, conception history, social competence, and relationship attachment. In general, the hypothesis was confirmed that cohabitors have greater and earlier sexual experience than noncohabitors. Other findings indicated that cohabitors were more socially competent and had parents with more negative sexual attitudes than noncohabitors. No differences in relationship attachment (love and liking for their partner) were found.  相似文献   

We argue that winner-take-all voting in states and the unequal distribution of electoral votes across states in presidential elections makes incumbent presidents rationally place more weight on the preferences of voters in closely contested, larger states when making policy decisions. This hypothesis is tested by examining whether presidential veto decisions are influenced by the floor votes of senators from these electorally crucial states. In a pooled sample of 325 individual bills from 1970 through 1988, we find significant evidence of this behavior by incumbent presidents.  相似文献   

Previous research on antecedents of generalized control expectancies has indicated that parents of children with internal control expectancies express more warmth than parents of children with external control expectancies. However, few studies have utilized observational methodologies and no study has identified a specific mechanism by which parental warmth may contribute to differences in children's control expectancies. In addition, no study has examined whether individual differences in children's behavior are associated with differences in parental warmth. We tested the hypothesis that mothers of internally and externally controlled children would differ in their expression of nonverbal behavioral indicators of warmth. To test the hypothesis, the interactions of 50 second-grade children and their mothers were videotaped. Compared to mothers of externally controlled children, mothers of internally controlled children displayed more smiles, exhibited more positive touches (hugs, pats, rubs), and gazed for longer periods of time toward their child. Analyses of the children's behavior revealed that internally controlled children displayed more smiles and engaged in less off-task behavior than externally controlled children. Results of the current study further clarify the nature of the association between parental warmth and children's generalized control expectancies and suggest nonverbal behavior as a possible mechanism.  相似文献   

Hypotheses and assumptions on the intimacy regulating and the monitoring function of gaze were tested in three successive experiments. In a 2 (sex of the dyad) × 6 (order of the intimacy levels) × 3 (questions' intimacy level) factorial design 144 subjects were interviewed by a confederate who was either constantly looking into their eyes (experiment I), was constantly avoiding mutual gaze (experiment II) or showed varying looking behavior (experiment III). The data clearly revealed that the compensation hypothesis predicting an inverse relationship between gaze and topic intimacy has to be rejected. Intimacy regulation through gaze functions more via adaptation processes. Adaptation can also account for differences in gaze dependent upon the partner's looking behavior. The sequence hypothesis which predicted decreasing gaze with increasing predictability of the partner's behavior was confirmed.It follows from these data that looking behavior has an internal structure with information receiving (regarding the partner's attentiveness and the ease of monitoring the interaction, monitoring function) more important in an encounter than information sending (communicative function); and—at least in the type of situation chosen—reactions towards situational conditions are primarily performed via adaptation processes.This research was supported by a grant from the University of Bielefeld 86/2754.  相似文献   

The authors reexamine the role of open shop legislation in affecting union outcomes. New indices of union success are employed which include election voting behavior, the size of newly certified units, and the rate of union decertification. Three competing hypotheses are empirically tested: (1) the free rider argument predicting lower membership levels in right-to-work (RTW) areas; (2) the saturationist hypothesis predicting a higher level of organizing activity in RTW areas as a result of large concentrations of unorganized workers; and, (3) the hypothesis that legislation is vitiated by distinct organizing behaviors in RTW and nonRTW areas. Empirical results, based on SMSA data from 35 states, tend to provide support for hypotheses (2) and (3). Recently, RTW areas have experienced more prounion outcomes, and the union returns to regional attributes (measured by Chow tests) are found to be distinct in the two areas.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that having a common religion is associated with more stable marriages is tested using California data on divorce for the period 1966-1971. The results confirm the hypothesis, and the authors note that "religious homogamy among Jewish couples is associated with longer [marriage] duration than any other group. Couples who report no religious affiliation appear to be at greatest risk of early filing for divorce. The religious groupings include the Jewish, the Conservative Protestant, the Liberal Protestant, the Roman Catholic and those with no religious affiliation."  相似文献   

Ethnic differences in fertility-related behavior are examined in a community-based probability sample of 706 Mexican-American and 317 non-Hispanic white females aged 13 through 19 years. Mexican-Americans are more likely than whites to have had a live birth, but are no more likely to have been pregnant and are less likely to have had sexual intercourse. Sexually experienced Mexican-Americans, however, are twice as likely as whites to have been pregnant. Among those ever pregnant, Mexican-Americans are more likely to have had a live birth, while whites are more likely to have had an abortion. Ethnic differences remain strong when socioeconomic status and indicators of social instability are controlled statistically, lending more support to the "minority status" hypothesis than to the "characteristics" hypothesis concerning the fertility-related behavior of minority group members.  相似文献   


On the basis of the problem-behavior theory for adolescence, we hypothesized that already during childhood sexual behavior is associated with (non-sexual) externalizing behaviors and tested the hypothesis in a community sample. In the context of a postal questionnaire survey of 6-10 year old children, the parents of 349 girls and 326 boys completed the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL). The CBCL Sex Problems scale did not differ between genders, ethnic groups, or age groups. For both girls and boys, the scores on the Sex Problems scale correlated significantly but modestly (maximum r = 0.35) with all other CBCL scales; only in boys did the correlations with externalizing behaviors exceed those with other scales. We conclude that children from a community sample who show sexual behavior as defined by the CBCL tend to be the ones with increased behavioral/emotional problems in general, with only modest specificity in symptomatology.  相似文献   

This experiment tested the hypothesis that viewing an erotic demonstration of condom placement would affect a positive change in attitudes toward condoms and willingness to use them. It was expected that the effect would be mediated by erotophobia and gender. Subjects were classified as erotophobic or erotophilic and viewed a film that demonstrated either sex with condom use, sex without condom‐use, condom information without sex, or neutral subject material. Subjects were pre‐and post‐tested on the Attitude Toward Condoms Scale (Brown, 1984) and on willingness to use condoms. The results showed that those who viewed sex with condom‐use demonstrated a change in attitudes, regardless of gender or erotophobia classification. The discussion includes suggestions for increasing willingness to use condoms in men and the application of erotophobia to contraceptive attitudes and behavior.  相似文献   

Urban species often adjust their behavior to survive in urban environments, characterized by the proximity of humans, habitat fragmentation and heterogeneous, fluctuating ecological resources. Several hypotheses have been put forth to explain how species manage living in heterogeneous and complex anthropogenic habitats. The ability of individuals or species to beneficially modify their behaviors in response to changes in the environment has indeed been alternatively explained based on phylogenetic, adaptive, and ontogenic arguments. In this study we investigated the role of sociality as a driver of behavioural flexibility in urban birds. Sociality can be defined as the tendency to associate with conspecifics or form a group and may influence a species’ ability to survive in an urban ecosystem to the extent that it represents advantages to species or individuals in terms of resource exploitation, fitness, and predation risk-avoidance. Given the potential benefits of sociality we hypothesized that sociality is a further characteristic that may explain how species have successfully expanded their range into urbanized areas. Based on this hypothesis, we predicted that pigeons (Columba livia) will show higher behavioural flexibility when in larger groups, whatever their genetic background and living-circumstances. Using pigeons as a model system, we compared 27 groups in France and Italy composed of four different genetic strains and varying living-conditions: free-living feral pigeons in urban areas, free-living domestic pigeons at the property of a local breeder captive, feral pigeons in a French ecological field station, captive domestic pigeons in an Italian ecological station. We tested two standardized behavioral measures of behavioural flexibility: thresholds for fear or neophobia and rates of problem solving. We found that group number affects neophobia and to a lesser extent problem-solving, suggesting that sociality is a factor enhancing birds’ faculties to establish in and cope with heterogeneous urban environments. We consider this hypothesis here as compatible and complementary to existing hypotheses on species’ adaptation to urban ecosystems.  相似文献   

This study recounts the implementation and evaluation of a problem-solving skills training program for adolescents. Sixty-six students from the seventh, eighth, and ninth grades of a local junior high school were identified by guidance counselors as needing problem-solving training—48 male and 18 female students between the ages of 11 and 16. The hypothesis that students included in the training sessions would demonstrate better problem-solving skills, a more internal locus of control, and a higher level of self-esteem than control group students was tested via a pretest-posttest Control Group Design. The results of a stepwise discriminant analysis of the data supported the hypothesis. An analysis of grade level differences indicated that the program had less effect on the seventh-grade training group. Implications for program modification and the limitations of the evaluation findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Lipps (1907) presented a model of empathy which had an important influence on later formulations. According to Lipps, individuals tend to mimic an interaction partner's behavior, and this nonverbal mimicry induces—via a feedback process—the corresponding affective state in the observer. The resulting shared affect is believed to foster the understanding of the observed person's self. The present study tested this model in the context of judgments of emotional facial expressions. The results confirm that individuals mimic emotional facial expressions, and that the decoding of facial expressions is accompanied by shared affect. However, no evidence that emotion recognition accuracy or shared affect are mediated by mimicry was found. Yet, voluntary mimicry was found to have some limited influence on observer' s assessment of the observed person's personality. The implications of these results with regard to Lipps' original hypothesis are discussed.  相似文献   

74 entrepreneurs, graduates and non-graduates, are tested at two time points in a matched group design. Data are obtained on a wide range of personal and environmental characteristics and uncertainty. Role of time and education in performance is analyzed. Uncertainty is predicted by using characteristics in the personal and perceived environment domain as predictors. Analysis does not support the hypothesis of relationship between change in time and performance of entrepreneurs. Differences in level of education are found to be related to variations in performance. Entrepreneur's uncertainty is found to be best predicted by combining the predictors in the personal and perceived environment categories, rather than each taken separately.  相似文献   

The development of a transformation explanation for collective behavior is traced from LeBon's theory of crowd mind, through Park's dissertation on rational and critical discussion in publics versus psychic reciprocity in crowds, to Blumer's distinction between symbolic interaction in routine social life and circular reaction in collective behavior. The LeBon-Park-Blumer hypothesis holds that crowds transform individuals, diminishing or eliminating their ability to rationally control their behavior. The accumulated logical arguments and empirical evidence against the transformation hypothesis are reviewed. Some theoretical and methodological paradoxes are noted in Blumer's adoption of Park's rather than Mead's explanation for human behavior in problematic situations.  相似文献   

Migration and fertility in Malaysia: a tale of two hypotheses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2 hypotheses that are prevalent in the migration and fertility literature, are tested using data from the 1966-67 West Malaysian Family Survey. Particular attention is paid to conceptual and methodological frameworks of research and study of sociodemographic trends in Malaysia. Noting that confusion exists in previous studies of migration and fertility, especially in regards to comparing migrants and nonmigrants with residence background and migration experience, the 2 hypotheses are discussed: 1) the assimilation hypothesis in which a) place of childrearing (origin) is an important influence on fertility behavior (e.g. geographical differentials of fertility norms, family size preference), b) residence during childbearing period (destination) is a residential status that may be related to fertility (e.g. values, expectation, economic opportunities, contraceptive availability), and c) the assimilitation process can be expressed as a weighted combination of specific influences of either place of childrearing or childbearing; 2) the migration hypothesis in which a) there is something intrinsic to geographical shifts that cannot be accounted for by mere knowledge of the place of origin or destination, b) individuals are selected by age, education, ethnicity, and motivation, and c) the impact of migration is selected on specific fertility-related characteristics, e.g. the postponment of childbearing. The data in the study are drawn from a KAP-style national survey which utilized a stratified (size of place) probability sampling frame of 5457 married Malaysian women between 15 and 45 years of age. In view of the hypothesis, the identification of area of early socialization and adult experience measures the area of greatest influence on individual fertility behavior. Measures of migration are advantageous to approximating the true timing of migration and fertility in a causal ordering. To conclude, Bach suggests that fertility levels of migrants can be accounted for through the assimilation model, while migration is considered to have only a unique and small effect. The acceptance of the assimilation model also suggests that migration is related to fertility through exposing individuals to two divergent environments. Rural to urban and urban to small town migrants, however, require use of both the assimilation and migration models.  相似文献   


The assumption that parental influence in the sexual socialization process is likely to affect premarital sexual behavior is challenged in this article. The hypothesis that individuals brought up in sexually conservative homes will have less premarital heterosexual involvement than those from liberal home environments is tested in a secondary analysis of cross-sectional survey interview data from a national probability sample of 1177 American college students. Correlational and contingency table analysis using indices to measure perceived Parental Sexual Conservatism and Premarital Socio-sexual Involvement suggests that parents may be less influential in the sexual socialization process than has been generally assumed. Previous findings demonstrating the relationship between religiosity and premarital sexual permissiveness are examined in light of the study's results.  相似文献   

The primary purpose of the current study was to explore the role of apathy and personal insecurity in risk-taking behavior among university students. Furthermore, it examined the influence of socio-economic factors (such as age, gender, and education) on risk-taking behavior. For this purpose, 882 university students elicited their responses through self-structured questionnaire. Factor analysis and reliability analysis were applied to test the reliability, validity, and robustness of scales. Bivariate analysis was used to test hypothesis, independent T-test was used to examine the differences in categories of risk-taking behavior, and multiple linear regression was used to scrutinize model fit. There was association between apathy, personal insecurity, socio-economic characteristics (such as gender, education, and father education) and risk-taking behavior of the university students. The current study would add to empirical foundation to build a theoretical framework of risk-taking behavior based on education, age, income, and residential background. This study contributes to the academic scholarship by explaining individual differences based on socio-economic status in prediction of risk-taking behavior. Furthermore, it provides a different theoretical insight and logical explanation of risk-taking propensity for constructs of apathy and personal insecurity. To the best knowledge of the researchers, it is first study to explain the association apathy, personal insecurity and risk-taking behavior through quantification of data among resourceful group of youth.  相似文献   

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