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让听得见炮声的人呼唤炮火!让一线直接决策!这是近一个时期以来,中国企业界发出的最强音。这种强音只能发源于中国企业界那个最沉静的灵魂——任正非。  相似文献   

“年度最佳推荐让我们能够静静地梳理一年中所经历和听到、看到的事情,回顾这一年中国企业界的优秀管理实践,这种精神盛宴正是我们所期待的!”——marry/上海  相似文献   

如果你的企业不够绿色,将来注定要失败!2008年春节前夕的雪灾,让大半个中国陷入瘫痪。而此前的2007整年里,全球气候变暖成为各国政要热议的话题,能源危机扫荡全球。全球企业界最新共识是,环保落后对于企业将是极其危险的。说得再彻底一点,你的企  相似文献   

正一、强化教育引导,让勇担当敢作为成为最强音。一是坚持政治引领。坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,教育引导干部不断提高政治站位。二是明确用人导向。坚持二十字好干部标准,把"政治合格、勇于担当、实绩突出、严格自律"的选人用人导向喊响叫亮。三是选树先进典型。大力宣传那些敢于直面问题、敢于担当的先进典型,让干部干有标杆、行有示范、做有榜样。二、持续整顿治理,让不担当不作为者成为"过街  相似文献   

过去的一年,中国企业界发生了诸多令人瞩目的变化:海外并购风起云涌,优秀中国企业在国际上的话语权不断增加:某些创新型行业获得了快速发展,比如随着3G的推广和普及,相关产业链上的企业品尝到了多年创新所期待的甜甜果实……对创新的不断探索,正成为企业界的主旋律,成为企业提升和再造竞争力的法宝!  相似文献   

<正>强化教育引导,让勇担当、善作为成为时代最强音。一是坚持政治引领。坚持用习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想武装头脑,教育引导广大党员干部不断提高政治站位,自觉践行"四个意识",坚决落实"两个维护"。二是坚持正确用人导向。贯彻新时代党的组织路线,坚持好干部标准,大力选拔敢于负责、勇于担当、善于作为、实绩突出的干部。三是发挥先进典型示范作用。及时发现先进典型,加大宣传力度,让党员干部干有标杆、行有示  相似文献   

党的十六大以来,落实科学发展观成为时代的最强音。节能环保、三农问题、安全生产、食品安全、住房等关系民生的问题逐渐纳入各级领导的政绩考核中。今年以来,针对这些广泛关注和反映强烈的热点、难点问题,中央各种督察组、检查组频频下派地方,让各级  相似文献   

佟景国 《经理人》2006,(1):45-50
创新必须也最终会成为中国企业群体突破的唯一选择 2005年是中国企业比较活跃的一年, 也是值得世界经济界和企业界关注的一年,更是中国企业创新的一年。最具代表性的是中国企业创新探索的7大模式, 代表了当今企业界的7种力量:产业联盟、科技应用创新、瓜分世界市场份额、发扬企业家精神、国际购并、商业模式创新、困境突破。这7种力量是中国企业创新的关键所在。  相似文献   

赵艳怀 《决策探索》2007,(12):56-57
近年来,纳税筹划是在中国企业界叫得最响的流行词,且大有星星之火、可以燎原之势,迅速遍布我国的各类企业和组织.  相似文献   

老井 《经营管理者》1995,(12):17-19
<正> 企业经营者实行年薪制,在中国企业界谈论了许久,也企盼了许久。今天,当年薪制实施实实在在摆在人们的面前之时,让多少人感到惊喜,让多少人感到困惑,让多少人翘首企盼,千呼万呼,始难出来。  相似文献   

Effects of Context and Feelings on Perceptions of Genetically Modified Food   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recently, there has been a surge of interest in the role of feelings in framing perceptions and decisions about risk, yet no study has specifically examined the impact of feelings on perceptions/judgments about biotechnology. This exploratory study investigated current perceptions of genetically modified (GM) food to examine (1) the effects of context (making judgments about GM food at the same time as rating other current areas of concern), and (2) the effect of feelings of dread (integral affect) and background feelings of stress (negative incidental affect) on risk judgments about GM food. An established psychometric method (semantic differential task) used with a sample of 126 adults (recruited "topic-blind," mostly from a student population) showed that, when rated in the context of other current concerns such as human cloning and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), there was less concern about GM food than might have been anticipated. Participants were recruited "topic-blind" in order to ensure that they were unaware that the focus of the research was on GM food specifically (and thus preventing biased recruitment to the study). Relative to 19 other current concerns GM food was "not dreaded," not viewed as "unethical," was judged as "controllable," and was seen as the least "risky" of all the issues studied. GM food was viewed as a "hot topic," a new risk, and as relatively unnatural (although it was not the highest rated concern on this scale). Ratings of risks across concerns by individuals experiencing high levels of negative incidental affect (stress) did not differ significantly from those reporting low stress.  相似文献   

Although it is often thought that the British public is opposed to genetically modified (GM) food, recent qualitative work suggests that most people are ambivalent about GM food and crops. In this article we explore the structure of attitudes in order to examine whether attitudinal ambivalence can be captured by more quantitative methods. Based on the finding that the perceived risks and benefits of GM food can be treated as independent dimensions, we propose a four-way typology of attitudes, consisting of a positive, negative, indifferent, and ambivalent group. This study showed that the differences between the four groups could best be described by three main dimensions: (1) a general evaluative dimension, (2) an involvement dimension, and (3) an attitudinal certainty dimension. While these different attitudinal dimensions have generally been studied in isolation, we argue that they should be studied collectively.  相似文献   

Decreasing acceptance of biotechnologies over time has been reported in Europe. Studies claim that attitudes are negative, even hostile, and that people are very worried about genetic engineering in food and medicine. However, such studies are mostly based on surveys and these have significant methodological problems, such as low response rates, which may indicate that only those with strong views respond, thus biasing the sample. Here an alternative method, involving "topic-blind" recruitment of participants and a behavioral measure (food tasting), was used. We show that in a topic-blind sample of 100 individuals, 93% willingly tasted and ate what they believed to be genetically modified (GM) food in an experimental setting, and 48% said they would buy GM food in the future, results that are surprising in the context of other reports about attitudes and intentions toward GM food. Purchasers and nonpurchasers differed in their attitudes toward GM food on key risk-related scales (particularly on a dread-not dread scale--a measure of integral affect--and an ethical-unethical scale). Despite these differences, however, and despite their negative attitude, most nonpurchasers (85.7%) still tasted the GM apple. Incidental affect (state stress and trait worry) was not found to influence risk-related judgments about GM food. Integral affect (dread of GM plants and animals used for food) and concerns about the future risks of GM animals in food were found to be key predictors of willingness to purchase GM food.  相似文献   

GM Foods and the Misperception of Risk Perception   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Public opposition to genetically modified (GM) food and crops is widely interpreted as the result of the public's misperception of the risks. With scientific assessment pointing to no unique risks from GM crops and foods, a strategy of accurate risk communication from trusted sources has been advocated. This is based on the assumption that the benefits of GM crops and foods are self-evident. Informed by the interpretation of some qualitative interviews with lay people, we use data from the Eurobarometer survey on biotechnology to explore the hypothesis that it is not so much the perception of risks as the absence of benefits that is the basis of the widespread rejection of GM foods and crops by the European public. Some respondents perceive both risks and benefits, and may be trading off these attributes along the lines of a rational choice model. However, for others, one attribute-benefit-appears to dominate their judgments: the lexicographic heuristic. For these respondents, their perception of risk is of limited importance in the formation of attitudes toward GM food and crops. The implication is that the absence of perceived benefits from GM foods and crops calls into question the relevance of risk communication strategies for bringing about change in public opinion.  相似文献   

我国企业债券市场明显滞后于整个资本市场的发展,加快发展企业债券市场的呼声日高。但是去除企业债券发展的束缚是一个渐进的过程。在此背景下,本文对我国企业债券融资发展进行定量预测。考虑到影响我国企业债券发展的因素较多且不确定,笔者采用灰色系统GM(1,1)模型进行预测。GM(1,1)模型是有偏差的灰指数模型,其精度取决于背景值的构造形式和初始条件的选取。已有的研究文献均是从一个侧面单独改进GM(1,1)模型,这里,笔者提出一种同时优化背景值和初始条件的新GM(1,1)模型。笔者发现新优化GM(1,1)模型比单独优化背景值或单独优化初始条件有更高的模拟精度。在此基础上,利用新改进GM(1,1)模型对我国2010年之前的企业债券余额进行了预测。  相似文献   

Trust, the Asymmetry Principle, and the Role of Prior Beliefs   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Within the risk literature there is an ongoing debate on whether trust is vulnerable or enduring. Previous research on nuclear energy by Slovic in 1993 has shown that negative events have much greater impact on self-reported trust than do positive events. Slovic attributes this to the asymmetry principle: specifically, that trust is much easier to destroy than to create. In a questionnaire survey concerning genetically modified (GM) food in Britain (n= 396) we similarly find that negative events have a greater impact on trust than positive events. Because public opinion in Britain is skewed in the direction of opposition toward GM food, the pattern of results could either be caused by the fact that negative information is more informative than positive information (a negativity bias) or reflect the influence of people's prior attitudes toward the issue (a confirmatory bias). The results were largely in line with the confirmatory bias hypothesis: participants with clear positive or negative beliefs interpreted events in line with their existing attitude position. However, for participants with intermediate attitudes, negative items still had greater impact than the positive. This latter finding suggests that, congruent with the negativity bias hypothesis, negative information may still be more informative than positive information for undecided people. The study also identified the labeling of GM products, consulting the public, making biotechnology companies liable for any damage, and making a test available to detect GM produce as being particularly important preconditions for maintaining trust in the regulation of agricultural biotechnology.  相似文献   

提高灰色GM(1,1)模型精度的微粒群方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
改变背景值插值系数和边值是提高灰色GM(1,1)模型精度的途径之一。对于满足灰色GM(1,1)建模条件的序列,利用微粒群算法,给出了通过优化背景值插值系数和边值提高灰色GM(1,1)精度的新方法。给出了计算实例。计算表明,应用此方法可以提高灰色GM(1,1)模型的精度。  相似文献   

Felicia Wu 《Risk analysis》2004,24(3):715-726
Genetically modified (GM) crops have met with widespread approval among scientists and policy makers in the United States, but public approval of GM crops, both domestically and abroad, is progressing much more slowly. An underlying cause of public wariness may be that both nations and individual consumers do not perceive significant benefits to themselves from GM crops, while fearing the risks they may incur. In this study, an economic analysis is conducted to determine whether the benefits of one type of GM corn, Bt corn (genetically modified to resist damage from the ECB and Southwestern corn borer), outweigh the potential risks; and who the "winners" and "losers" are among stakeholder groups that may be affected by Bt corn. It is found that Bt corn growers, consumers, and industry all benefit from Bt corn adoption, though the purported health and environmental benefits of reducing chemical pesticide usage through Bt corn are negligible. Though the aggregated public benefit is large, the welfare gain to individual consumers is small and may not make up for perceived risks. While environmental and health risks of Bt corn are unlikely, the potential market risks-impacting both the organic corn market and total U.S. corn exports-are found to be significant. Currently, distributional analysis is not a part of regulatory decision making of Bt corn in the United States; yet it may help to explain why decision makers at both the government and individual-consumer levels have failed to embrace Bt corn and other GM crops.  相似文献   

Identity preserving production and marketing (IPPM) systems are used extensively in the Canadian canola industry to segregate varieties with different traits from the commodity stream. This paper examines one use of identify preserved production and marketing systems for genetically modified (GM) canola. A number of transgenic herbicide tolerant (HT) varieties have been approved for release in Canada since 1995 but delays in approval in other countries led the Canadian canola sector to use IPPM systems to segregate these varieties and direct them toward accepted markets. This paper looks at a number of systems developed for input-trait GM canola, with a focus on the governance mechanisms used.  相似文献   

Although the grey forecasting model has been successfully adopted in various fields and demonstrated promising results, the literatures show its performance could be further improved. For this purpose, this paper proves that the growth rate of the simulated value of the grey model GM(1,1) is a fixed value. If the growth rates of the primary sequence are equate, the fitted value deriving from GM(1,1) is the same as the primary sequence, otherwise greater error would occur. In order to overcome shortcoming of the fixed growth rates, extend the traditional GM(1,1) model by introducing linear time-varying terms, which can predict more accurately on non geometric sequences, termed EGM(1,1). Finally, compared with the other improved grey model and ARIMA model, experimental results indicate that the proposed model obviously can improve the prediction accuracy.  相似文献   

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