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China has adopted a series of new decisions and important measures against AIDS since 2003 and tactics seen by the international community as effective in reducing the risk of AIDS are also beginning to receive policy support from the Chinese government. However, we need further investigation of  相似文献   


A psychodynamically trained clinical social worker living in Samoa since 1995 examines some of the questions that the situation of rapid cultural change exposes. What effects does culture have on individual adolescent development? How are “healthy"/"adaptive” developmental outcomes shaped by the historical moment in which an adolescent lives? What does it mean for a clinician to be an “outsider” in a dominant culture of “insiders”? This paper attempts to address some of these questions from a very personal perspective.  相似文献   

I.AttitudesTowardsthe"ConfucianismCraze"AnincreasingnumberofstudiesonConfucianismhavebeenconductedonthemainlandinrecentyears,andthereisevensomethingofa"craze"forConfucianism.Papershavebeenreadatlargesymposia,journalshavebeenpublished,lectureshavebeengiven…  相似文献   

Thepsychologyofaestheticsisaninter disciplinarysubjectlinkingaestheticsandpsychology .Thetargetofresearchinthepsychologyofaestheticsisgenerallyaestheticexperience (das sthetischeErlebnis) ,andincludesaestheticappreciationandartisticcreation ,whiletheresea…  相似文献   

文章认为,20多年来,"高福利的负面效应"和"市场机制的高效率"是对中国影响最大的西方经验。在这种思想影响下,中国政府从社会福利责任中的退出是导致经济与社会发展失调的重要因素。例如,我们在市场化条件根本不存在的情况下,实行"社会服务市场化",其结果是强势集团的霸权化;在未能保证社会成员基本社会服务权利前提下的"服务收费",使得对于绝大多数人来说,缴费是获得任何服务的前提条件。这种做法使贫苦人群更难抵御风险,是对"社会公平"这一社会发展的核心价值观的颠覆。 文章提出重建政府在社会福利中积极角色的命题。作者认为,政府在社会福利中应当发挥主导作用,应当加强自己的社会政策能力建设。由于中国缺乏工业文明的积累,以及计划经济重输入、输出而轻过程、细节和人的动机的二重原因,中国政府的社会政策能力较弱。这种情况需要改变。  相似文献   

Safeguard measures constitute a very important part of the WTO framework and permit governments to take trade-restricting measures to resolve  相似文献   

In order to resist the measures taken by the Wuhan government to weaken their power, the Nationalists in Nanjing represented by Jiang Jieshi began in the spring of 1927 to use underworld forces to indirectly seize party and administrative power in the areas under their control. After repeated consultations with some of the founding members of the Guomindang, Jiang Jieshi, motivated by the desire to establish a separate central organ and to legitimize his own position, launched the so-called "purge" marked by the April Twelfth Massacre. After realizing  相似文献   

TheMansionofDukeYansheng(popularlycalledtheMansionofConfucius)atQufuinShandongprovinceprovidesthemostcompleteandtypicalexampleforthestudyoffamilyhistory.ThesystemofsuccessionintheMansionofConfuciusisincorporatedintoanintegratedinteriorthatcentersaroundDukeYanshengandcoverstheoffspringofhiscloserelatives,aswellasordinarymembersofthecIan.ThisessaywillfocusonthesuccessionoftheclanpedigreeandtheinheritanceofpropertyduringtheMingandQingdynasties.I.SuccessionofClanPedigreeThesuccessionofthecl…  相似文献   

本文认为,中国的贫富差距在短时间内迅速扩大,一个基本的背景,就是资源分配从80年代的扩散趋势到90年代重新积聚趋势的逆转。作者指出,与改革初期资源扩散相伴随的“平等化效应”,使社会中的弱势群体和边缘群体首先受益;而90年代财富重新向少数人或群体积聚,则导致了新的社会不平等。文章还讨论了造成这种状况的原因,并提出了遏制贫富差距扩大的对策建议。  相似文献   

Intheareaofscientificresearch,humanrelationsareaspecialformofrelationsofproduction.Intheeraof"bigscience,"suchspecialrelationshavebecomeincreasinglysensitivefactorsthatinfluencethedevelopmentofscienceandtechnology.Topromotethedevelopmentofscienceandtechno…  相似文献   

古榆真的很老了, 树干上满是风雨的斑驳,断裂的枝干像伤口,却已不再有疼痛。如果能见到这古榆的横断面,查一查它的年轮,你能数到360多个数字的排行……  相似文献   

Sincetheintroductionofreformin1978,China'sindustrialproductionhasforgedaheadataraterarelyseeninthemodernworld.Atthesametime,thespiralingcostofindustrialproductshasinevitablycausedgreatconcern.Thispaperwillexaminefromamacro-economicperspectivewhycostshavec…  相似文献   

I.“CulturalConsciousness”andHistoricalResponsibilityofChineseScholars  Tenyearsago ,IwasaskedbytheMinistryofEducationtospeakattheInternationalSymposiumontheEducationandDevelopmentofInfantsandChildreninthe 2 1 stCentury .Eversincethen ,Ihavebeenthinkingabou…  相似文献   

艾滋病在中国并不是一个简单的疾病流行的问题,而是具有中国独特性的社会问题,且是后于某些社会问题而出现的,因而具有相当鲜明的社会选择倾向。其危害也不仅仅指向个体生命,而是危及社会发展的根本理念。本文分析了艾滋病“问题”在中国的建构过程,指出对此“问题”认知过程中产生的学理冲突既影响到有关政策的制定,又反过来建构了艾滋病“问题”的现状。据此,作者提出应从建设社区与社区的文化机制、流动人口的社会组织化、重新认识与定位青少年等方面入手,把艾滋病“问题”从危机转化为契机,推动建设和谐社会的进程。  相似文献   

Characteristics of the regional structure of industrialization in China If we take the year 2004 as a temporal cross-section,  相似文献   

The early years of the Western HanDynasty saw a major trend of intellectualintermingling. This ranged from free debateon the different schools of thought throughthe peaceful co-existence of six sects to thecomplementary duality of Confucianism andTaoism. In Sima Qian’s masterwork Shiji(Historical Records), the diverse schools ofthought flourishing before the rise of the QinEmpire in 221 BC had been reduced to sixsects: Confucianism, Legalism, Logicism,Mohism, Taoism and the School of …  相似文献   

Lin Duan pointed out in his paper “Lawand Society in Taiwan” published in Qinghuafazhi lunheng, no. 5, that one of our con-cerns is whether the public have faith in thejudiciary in Taiwan and what the public’sopinion is of legal personnel such as judges,procurators and policemen. Forensic soci-ology has put an end to the “forensic myth.”Through forensic sociological studies we notonly have an understanding of the limitedusefulness of lawsuits but know that law-suits are not necessarily …  相似文献   


This article presents a case study based on the “Neighborhood in Solidarity” (NS) methodology to illustrate its application in a locality of 8,000 inhabitants in Switzerland. This specific project is proposed to exemplify the global aim of the NS methodology. That aim is to increase the integration of elderly persons in societies in order to improve their quality of life. The case study demonstrates the enhancement of the capacity of the older people to remain actively engaged in their neighborhood. The article focuses on the creation of an autonomous community of empowered older people who can resolve their own problems after a 5-year project. The construction of the local community is presented throughout the six steps of the methodology: (1) preliminary analysis, (2) diagnostic, (3) construction, (4) project design, (5) project implementation, and (6) empowerment and with three degrees of involvement (community, participative, and integrative involvement). Performance and output indicators, quality indicators, and social determinants of health assess the development of the local project. The impacts of the projects which are illustrated in this specific example motivated this publication to inspire practitioners from other countries.  相似文献   

Sincetheinitiationofreformsandopeninguptotheoutsideworld,therehasbeenunprecedenteddevelopmentinchildren'smediainChina.InthispaperIwilldiscussdevelopmentsonthemainlandofChinaduringthe199Os.Children'smediaherereferstothemassmedia,includingtelevision,radiobroadcasting,newspapersandmagazinesandnewelectronicmediadesignedforchildrenaged15andyounger.I.TheDevelopmentofTelevisionProgramsforChildren1-CCTVAtCCTVprogramsforchildrenaremainlytheresponsibilityof'theJuvenileandAnimationdepartments.Gre…  相似文献   

I. IntroductionThe rural areas of Zhejiang province in China are one of the regionswith a higher degree of de-agriculturalization, which roughly correspondsto that in rural areas throughout the country. De-agriculturalization inthese areas has gone through five stages: From 1949 to 1957, which wasthe embryonic stage of rural industry; from 1958 to 1959 was the stage ofthe people's commune industries; from 1959 to 1965 was a period ofreadjustment to non-agricultural enterprises; from 1966 to 1…  相似文献   

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