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This paper examines the different contexts for leadership in children’s services with a particular focus on integrated working. It reviews contemporary theories that appear to offer relevant frameworks for thinking about children’s service leadership. It is argued that children’s services require leadership at all levels to enable a dynamic, interactive service on the front line. Multi‐professional team leadership is a crucial and much underestimated role in integrated services, which should be thinking in terms of leadership capacity throughout the organisation rather than focusing predominantly on the most senior roles in the hierarchy.  相似文献   

This article discusses the issue of engagement in antenatal parent education for women living in deprived areas. The article focuses on the findings of a local evaluation of a Sure Start parent education programme designed to improve parental engagement with antenatal services. The article discusses the re‐orientation of this service, the impact on service users and the implications for professionals. Evidence suggests that this service has been beneficial for those involved and resulted in improved levels of engagement, with 9 per cent of eligible women attending prenatal sessions prior to the introduction of the Sure Start local programme's parent education service and 34 per cent of eligible women attending after its introduction. Despite this, the service only reaches a small proportion of the eligible population. The article also discusses the issue of professional resistance from mainstream services as an unintended consequence of the introduction of the Sure Start local programme and considers the implications of this for effective delivery. Copyright © 2006 The Author(s).  相似文献   

This article reports findings from a phenomenographic investigation into career practitioners’ ways of experiencing social media in career services. Focus‐group interviews were conducted with 16 Danish and Finnish career practitioners with experience using social media in career services. Four qualitatively different ways of experiencing social media in career services were identified. Social media in career services was experienced as (a) a means for delivering information, (b) a medium for 1‐to‐1 communication, (c) an interactive working space, and (d) an impetus for paradigm change and reform. The results suggest that models of career intervention and ways of experiencing social media appear to be intertwined. The hierarchical structure of the findings may serve as a tool that enables career practitioners to deepen their ways of experiencing and understanding social media in career services by using the critical aspects that were identified.  相似文献   

This article reports on a qualitative study exploring the experiences of parents of young children with faltering growth and feeding difficulties. They were interviewed as part of an evaluation of two projects using a behavioural model to resolve persistent feeding problems. The 22 respondents provided valuable insights into their experiences of parenting such children and of the various services they had received. One important finding was the extent to which they found input by some professionals unhelpful. It concludes by suggesting how workers in this field might better support parents, using the principles of partnership combined with behavioural techniques. © 2006 The Author(s). Journal compilation © 2006 National Children's Bureau  相似文献   

Information and communication technologies (ICTs) play an increasingly important role in the preventative and planning work carried out by rescue services, but to date there has been little research investigating how these technologies may be involved in the gendering of the organization. In this study, I seek to complement existing analyses of the gendered rescue service by focusing on a web portal used to collect, process and publish data about accidents in Sweden. Through the figuration of the ‘modest witness’ I suggest how an apparent absence of gender in the accident reporting process may actually be part of a wider organizational process of gendering in which only certain bodies are allowed to be visible and allowed to witness officially.  相似文献   

This article describes a qualitative study exploring the impact of poverty on children’s access to and use of services, which took a comparative approach to gather the views of children from more and less affluent households. Findings suggest affordability and related factors including limited mobility constrained service use for less affluent children, resulting in cumulative missed opportunities. However, extended family, friends and agencies facilitated service access, mitigating the impact of poverty on service use to some extent. Research implications include the importance of listening to and taking account of the views of children from lower income families in service planning.  相似文献   

Deaf children have an increased prevalence of mental health problems compared with hearing children. Generic Child And Adolescent Mental Health Services do not have the skills or expertise to meet the mental health needs of this group of children. Three teams in England provide specialist mental health services for deaf children. This research explored children’s experiences of using these services. Twenty‐four deaf children participated in the study. Overall children valued and benefited from the service. The expertise of the staff and the presence of deaf clinicians were key to these positive experiences.  相似文献   


This pa per de scribes the find ings from a pur pos ive sample of 152 male and fe male Rus sian-speak ing drug ad diets who im migrated to Is rael dur ing the last ten years. Ap prox i mately one-third of the co hort was not Jew ish, in clud ing 47 per cent of the women. Forty-one per cent of the subjects re ported be ing phys i cally abused and 25 per cent of the women, com pared to 5 per cent of the men, re ported be ing sex u ally abused as a child. Al co hoi abuse was found to be dif fer ent among the par ents of male and fe male ad diets: 46% of the women com pared to 31% of the men had fa thers who drank ex ces sively; 14% of the women compared to 5% of the men had moth ers who were heavy drink ers. Also, female ad diets were more likely than male ad diets to have a mother who used il licit drugs. Treat ment re lated is sues are dis cussed along with the need for specialized, culturally sen si tiveser vice pro vision.  相似文献   


As the population of Hispanics in the U.S. is growing, their utilization of hospice care remains low. In a study of 110 rural His-panics, most (88%) were not familiar with hospice, but did report willingness to accept such service in their homes. The most important possible barrier to receiving hospice care was language, along with poverty, lack of health insurance, and low levels of education. Hospice social workers can contribute greatly to an effort to increase access to hospice by offering education to the Hispanic community and promoting cultural awareness among hospice staff.  相似文献   

One of the less studied aspects of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict is its demography. On the Jewish side, active steps are taken by the state to encourage Jewish immigration and Jewish births and discourage Jewish assimilation. As part of these efforts, the “problematic relationships” between Arab men and Jewish women from low socioeconomic background have become a high agenda item in public discussions in Israel during the last decade. I will examine here how the diagnostic category “girls at risk” and a therapeutic intervention employed by social services dealing with these couples helps maintaining the delicate balance between Jewish and democratic values. I will analyze these practices as a solution to a structural problem of the Jewish enclave in Israel. Video Abstract  相似文献   

The subject is play and day-care services for school-age children. The paper draws on research carried out by the author and colleagues at Thomas Coram Research Unit (TCRU). It reports a survey of 120 services, randomly sampled, from 20 local authorities in England and Wales. This provides data about the standards to be found in such services when they became subject to registration and inspection under the Children Act 1989, and identifies shortcomings with regard to material resources and practice. The paper then draws on two case studies, and reports and discusses the problems met by local authorities in carrying out their new duties under the Act. These included their inexperience of services for over fives, the lack of resources available to improve services and the transient nature of holiday play schemes. It covers ways in which registration personnel used the Act to raise standards, eg ‘counselling out’, making requirements and conditions, and advising and resourcing service providers. The concluding discussion points to the need for further policy development in this area.  相似文献   

This article focuses on girls’ and mothers’ experiences of police and criminal justice system responses and the impact of investigation processes following reporting of child sexual abuse. Participants spoke of a lack of timely therapeutic provision and the subsequent role of female caregivers in providing support. Problems with criminal justice processes and the subsequent impact on families’ wider lives were also discussed. Findings suggest that criminal justice processes need to be better attuned to these micro level impacts and should show more sensitivity to the overall experience of children in the aftermath of sexual abuse. Implications for practice are discussed.  相似文献   

While children and young people’s participation is a well‐established research field, much less has been written about the roles that adults play in supporting this participation. This article examines the involvement of adults within participatory forums in English schools and local authorities. Drawing on empirical data from research on children’s participation in pupil and civic councils, the article discusses the complex and sometimes contradictory pressures on adults in their advisory roles with young participants. The article goes on to explore these roles within a broader conceptual framework that counterposes children’s ‘places’ with children’s ‘spaces’.  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore young peoples’ normative representations of work. In particular, we are interested in the ways young people view work roles which could be considered ‘atypical’ such as young caring or language brokering. Interviewed were 46 young people (15–18 years) some who did, and some who did not engage in the ‘atypical’ work roles of language brokering or young caring. Findings indicated that young people have a strong representation of what a ‘normal’ childhood comprises and that friends, teachers and parents play a mediational role in cementing this contextually. However, respondents presented two alternative representations around engagement in ‘atypical’ roles, with some individuals holding both views at the same time. On the one hand, they felt that engagement in ‘atypical’ activities would be experienced as a loss of ‘normal’ childhood. On the other hand, a more positive representation of ‘atypical’ childhoods was also drawn on, in which engagement in ‘atypical’ activities was seen as a source of pride and a contributor of additional skills to a child’s development. This opinion was evidenced by both those who had, and those who had not engaged in ‘atypical’ work.  相似文献   

The Israeli case of intra-regional spatial inequalities exhibits a paradoxical situation: the socialist rural society, in communal Kibbutzim and cooperative Moshavim, have become the capitalist class in their relations with the urban society in the neighbouring development towns. The present study analyses the emergence and development of this form of intra-regional town—country antagonism.Using the principles of location theory and analysis, in conjunction with recent conceptions of the working of the capitalist spatial economy, intra-regional town—country antagonism is shown as deriving from the very structure of Israeli society itself. The intra-regional case thus reflects the emergence and development of class relations in Israeli society as a whole.  相似文献   

The family‐focused mental health intervention, ‘Let's Talk About Children,’ has positively influenced the lives of families affected by parental mental illness. This paper outlines the use of this brief, strengths‐based intervention for parents with gambling and other co‐occurring issues from the gamblers’ support services sector. Over a six‐month period, a training manual and accompanying resources were adapted for the gamblers’ support services sector and a targeted training session developed. Nine problem gambling counsellors from three Victorian gambling support services trialled the Let's Talk About Children intervention over a four‐month period. Qualitative data were gathered through focus groups, interviews, and practice enquiry groups to determine the impact of the Let's Talk About Children model for gambling support services. The results are presented as ‘practice wisdoms and recommendations’ reporting on the impact of the trial and to provide some guidance to support others in the implementation of a specific family‐focused intervention. This paper reports on the first exploratory trial of Let's Talk About Children for the gambler's support services sector in Australia.  相似文献   

Choosing a secondary school represents an important step in the lives of students in Italy, in that it has a strong bearing on their ultimate educational achievement and labor force trajectory. In this article, we analyze the effect of generational status and length of residence on the transition to secondary school among immigrants living in Italy. Using data from the ITAGEN2 follow‐up, we analyze scholastic results from the middle school final exam and the choice of secondary school among the adolescents in Italy. Children of immigrants are more likely to have inferior outcomes on the middle school exam and to enroll in vocational and polytechnic schools. Our multivariate results indicate that, after controlling for the family’s human capital and other key background factors, immigrant students show greater propensity to choose a vocational path. Differences between immigrants and natives in secondary school tracks are also manifested when previous scholastic results are taken into account.  相似文献   

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