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利用固定效应模型对1988-2001年全国计划生育/生殖健康调查数据进行了再次分析,以量化考察知情选择政策对中国已婚育龄个体避孕措施选择的影响。研究发现,知情选择与已婚育龄个体避孕措施选择的变化之间呈现一定的因果关联。知情选择导致了育龄个体避孕措施选择的改变,表现为短效自控型避孕措施选择的可能性随着知情选择的开展在逐步升高,而长效医控型避孕措施选择的可能性在逐步降低。  相似文献   

本文通过对甘肃省农村已婚育龄妇女的人工流产状况的分析,建议加强对农村育龄妇女的生殖健康教育,降低非意愿妊娠率及人工流产率,提高育龄妇女的生殖健康水平。  相似文献   

在计划生育工作中,评价避孕有效程度和计划生育工作水平,常以人工流产率的高低作为考核和衡量的指标之一。目前国内有关计划生育统计资料通常采用期内人工流产人数与期内出生人数之比值,即按出生数:人工流产数=100∶X的比例式求得比值,以此表示人工流产的比例,或是用人工流产与已婚有生育条件的育龄妇女之比,即:  相似文献   

浅谈乡村已婚育龄妇女管理规范化欧阳玉模,胡粮纲,李朝增在生育上起决定作用的是已婚育龄妇女。她们对计划生育的态度不但影响生育的数量,而且影响人口的素质,这部分人是计划生育工作的重要管理对象。因此,加强乡村已婚育龄妇女规范化管理,对于降低农村人日出生率,...  相似文献   

四、流动人口户籍地乡(镇)人民政府或街道计划生育工作机构的工作职责是什么? 答:主要有七条工作职责: (1)为流出人口办理《流动人口婚育证明》; (2)对流动人口开展多种形式的人口与计划生育宣传教育; (3)指导流动人口已婚育龄妇女知情选择安全、有效、适宜的避孕节育措施,适时提供随访服务;  相似文献   

妇女生育率的计算,涉及到两个变量:分子是婴儿出生数,分母是有关的妇女人数。按照分母中所用的是育龄妇女人数或仅是已婚育龄妇女人数,妇女生育率又可分为育龄妇女生育率和已婚育龄妇女生育率。 在未婚生育仅为个别现象的情况下,可以认为育龄妇女生育率与已婚育龄妇女生育率具有共同的分子。这时,育龄妇女生育率=已婚育龄妇女生育率×已婚比例。该关系式表明,  相似文献   

12万例宫内节育器避孕效果调查报告   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
国家人口计生委为全面贯彻落实以人为本的科学发展观,在人口和计划生育技术服务工作中提供安全、可靠的避孕方法,维护亿万育龄妇女身心健康,于2005年在11个省(市)城乡进行了宫内节育器避孕效果抽样调查。1调查背景与概况宫内节育器是我国育龄妇女使用的最主要的避孕方法,在2.30亿采用各种避孕措施的已婚育龄妇女中,有1.14亿妇女正在使用宫内节育器,占49.79%。随着避孕方法知情选择的全面推行,使用宫内节育器的人数还会继续增加。准确掌握宫内节育器的避孕有效性和副反应发生情况,提高宫内节育器质量,有根据地推荐使用宫内节育器直接关系到广…  相似文献   

江西泰和县位于革命老区井冈山下,有52万人口,10万育龄妇女。如今,全县育龄妇女可谓遇上了好时机,在避孕节育方面有“知情选择工程”来保护,在优生优育方面有  相似文献   

为加强和改进流入已婚育龄妇女计生避孕药具服务管理工作,确保低生育水平持续稳定,近期,山东省威海市计生药具管理站在全市范围内开展了流入已婚育龄妇女使用避孕药具情况专项调查。调查工作基本情况调查对象:全市流入的使用避孕药具的已婚育龄妇女。  相似文献   

适应市场经济需要,实现计划生育工作思路和工作方法的“两个转变”,“知情选择”是一个有效的切入,提高育龄妇女“知情率”是关键环节,实现了“要我计划生育”到“我要计划生育”的根本性转变。  相似文献   

Estimates of induced abortion in urban North Carolina   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In 1965, Warner developed an interviewing procedure designed to eliminate evasive answer bias when questions of a sensitive nature are asked. He called the procedure ‘randomized response.’ The authors have been studying the technique for several years and, in this paper, are reporting some of the estimates of induced abortion in urban North Carolina using randomized response. Estimates of the proportion of women having an abortion during the past year among women 18–44 years of age are reported. For the study population indices were developed relating induced abortion to total conceptions for whites and nonwhites. The illegal abortion rate per 100 conceptions was estimated to be 14.9 for whites and 32.9 for nonwhites. Estimates of the proportion of women having an abortion during their lifetime among women 18 years old or over are also shown. Among ever married women, the proportion having an abortion during their lifetime declined as education increased. Estimates were high for women with 5 or more pregnancies. Most of the respondents stated that they were satisfied that the randomized response approach would not reveal their personal situation. Furthermore, they did not think their friends would truthfully respond to adirect question regarding abortion.  相似文献   

This brief article discusses population dynamics, contraception, and abortion in Shanghai, China. China's policy of rapidly developing medium and small cities and towns is coming to fruition. China now has 666 cities, of which 75 are megacities, 192 are medium-sized cities, and 399 are small cities. It is expected that there will be about 800 cities by the year 2000. Population movement of the floating population has increased. During 1990-95 the domestic migrant population was 3.02% of total population. 24.44 million (67.1%) were floating population who moved within provinces, and 11.98 million floated between provinces. Population is affected by declines in the supply of water. The Yellow River spans 5400 km and passes through nine provinces, including the two most populous provinces of Henan and Shandong. The Yellow River empties into the Yellow Sea, when the river is flowing. Since 1972, stretches of the Yellow River have run dry for as many as 683 km. The driest stretch of the river tends to be from Kaifeng City in Henan Province to its mouth at the Yellow Sea. The river bed has been dry for as many as 136 days. The lack of water from the Yellow River impacts on the millions who live along its banks near the Yellow Sea. The Shanghai Population Information Center reports that married women's abortion rate has declined and unmarried women's abortion rate has increased. An information program on contraception and contraceptive services for unmarried women is planned for completion by Spring 1998. It is hoped that the family planning program will be as successful in decreasing abortion rates among the unmarried as among the married. In the community of Pengpu New Village, Zabei District, a new family planning program was established which promotes the concept of family planning among nongovernmental organizations, the unemployed, and the floating population.  相似文献   

通过对总和生育率(TFR)、终身生育率(CFR)与政策生育率(PFR)的概念及相关数据分析,论证总和生育率与政策生育率是完全不同的概念,不可直接比较。在特定条件下TFR、CFR和政策生育率会产生差异,在一个国家生育水平下降的历史时期,TFR必然小于当年49岁组女性的CFR;"超生率"、"未婚率"、"未育率"和"不孕率"的变化,决定了政策生育率与终身生育率的差异。借鉴日本经济与人口发展相关数据,可以相信由平均初婚年龄推迟、女性有偶率下降导致的生育水平下降很可能成为对我国人口均衡发展的最大潜在威胁。因此,当前以及今后相当的时期内,我国的政策生育率应高于1.8。  相似文献   

Abstract In this paper the relationship between the use of abortion and contraception among married women in a society experiencing uronid decline in fertility is analysed using data from the Korean National Fertility Survey of 1974. The level and pattern of abortion before and after modern contraceptives became widely available are described, and the implications of the changing patterns of abortion and contraception are discussed.  相似文献   

本文基于CHARLS 2013年全国追踪调查数据分析了已婚子女对母亲健康的影响。为了克服子女数量所带来的内生性,本文基于计划生育政策在民族和城乡之间的差别进行因果识别。研究结果表明,对于子女都已成家的母亲来说,子女数量的增加会显著降低偏瘦和低血压的概率,提高高血压的概率,总体上不会显著提高身体健康的概率。但是对于60岁以上的老龄女性而言,子女数量的增加会显著降低偏瘦、低血压和肥胖的概率,提高高血压的概率,并且在总体上会显著提高身体健康的概率。  相似文献   

R Zha 《人口研究》1983,(5):16-21, 34
Changes in marriage patterns occur primarily in changes in the age at marriage. During a study of fertility among Beijing, China, women in 1981, another study was undertaken of the marriage situation of 8299 women who were born in 1914, 1920, 1930, 1940, and 1946. Data show that the rate of unmarried women was close to zero, which is one reason for the high birth rate in the past. A majority of the urban and rural women born in 1914, 1920, and 1930 married before the age of 15 years, indicating that the economic, social, and marriage customs for those decades changed very little. The 1940 cohort, however, showed no urban marriages prior to the age of 15 years and less than 1% in the villages, the reason being that these women were of marriageable age in the mid-to-late 1950s when China underwent major social and economic changes that raised the status of women and permitted them to join the work force or go to school. Very few urban women in the 1946 cohort married before 20 years of age, and the number of rural women who married before they were 18 years old declined noticeably. Findings also show that for both urban and rural women, the average age at marriage was 1-3 years later than the modal age at marriage. Beginning with the 1940 cohort the age at marriage was older by 2 1/2 years, signaling major changes. Except for the 1914 cohort, the median age at marriage for all others gradually became higher. 70% of the 1946 cohort voluntarily married after turning 23 years old, reflecting the effectiveness of the late marriage, late birth policy. Although close to 59% of rural women born in 1946 married before 23 years of age, nearly double the rate for urban women, it is nevertheless a major change from the 1930 cohort where 95% of the women married before turning 23 years old.  相似文献   

This paper presents results of a validation survey of abortion conducted in Tallinn, Estonia in April and May 1992. The sample was drawn from patient records in a maternity hospital. Women who had an abortion in that hospital in 1991 were asked about recent abortions as part of a survey about women’s health. More than 80% of the respondents reported having a recent abortion. Some respondents misreported their abortion as a miscarriage. Moreover, some variation in reporting was associated with respondents’ characteristics. Ethnic Estonians were less likely to report their abortion than were Russians, women over age 40 were less likely to report the abortion than younger women, and women who had the abortion late in the first trimester were less likely to report that abortion. There was some evidence that unmarried women were less likely than married women to report their abortion, and that women who had borne three or more children were less likely to report their abortion than women who had borne fewer children. These differences probably stem from the extent to which pregnancy or abortion is considered stigmatizing for women in different situations.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the practice of prenatal sex selection in rural central China. It examines the prevalence and determinants of prenatal sex determination by ultrasound scanning and subsequent sex‐selective abortion. The data are derived from a survey of 820 married women aged 20–44 and from in‐depth interviews with rural women and men, village leaders, family planning managers, and health providers, conducted by the author in one county in central China in 2000. Prenatal sex determination was a widespread practice, especially for second and higher‐order pregnancies. Sex‐selective abortion was prevalent and order of pregnancy, sex of fetus, and sex of previous children were major determinants of the practice. A female fetus representing a high‐order pregnancy in a family with one or more daughters was the most likely to be aborted. Awareness among rural families that in the population at large a future marriage squeeze was likely did not diminish the demand for sex‐selective abortion.  相似文献   

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