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Following initial geological assessments, Poland was identified as having one of the largest reserves of unconventional natural gas in the European Union. The Poles, seeking to diversify their energy sources, met the news with tremendous fanfare. However, shale gas development often requires voluminous speculative activity before the gas can be successfully extracted – an activity which has been rare in Poland, where a lack of critical infrastructure coupled with bureaucratic red tape in the permission process has led to slow growth in exploration activities. This article examines the current situation in Poland's unconventional gas and oil development.  相似文献   

以厦门市城中村M社博物馆建设项目为例探究在城中村"口述史行动"中青年参与社区活动情况发现:组织动员是社区动员开启的引擎,需求整合是社区动员促进青年人参与的基础,需求整合下促进青年社区主体性的实现是青年由最初观望态度到积极参与的内在动力。村庄精英的经验和意识动员、专家的知识权威动员、青年人参与中形成的内化动员,这三大主体互动形成的行动逻辑是促进青年人由被动参与到主动参与的核心机制。  相似文献   

Grâce à l'étude d'un mouvement social en faveur de l'incorporation de deux banlieues dans une agglomération, les auteurs examinent le succès du leadership à s'assurer l'appui populaire en rapport avec les structures sociales de la communauté. Leur analyse indique que l'obtention de cet appui est affecté par deux ensembles de conditions. Premièrement, les dispositions structurales qui contribuent à la communauté. Leur analyse collectivité nuisent aux leaders dans leur tâche alors que celles qui l'intègrent morphologiquement la facilitent. En second lieu, la position sociale de ceux qui assument la direction du mouvement et leurs liens avec divers organismes communautaires affectent aussi leurs possibilités de mobiliser l'appui populaire qu'ils souhaitent.  相似文献   

Characterized as a “wicked” problem, water shortage in the American West will soon become a reality—due to increasing population, climate change, and decreased flows. Concurrently, water‐centered technologies such as hydraulic fracturing and directional drilling have facilitated the rapid and widespread growth of unconventional oil and gas (UOG) production in the United States. Water markets are increasingly touted as the best, most efficient, and fairest mechanisms for allocating vital and scarce resources. Yet this contention is largely unexplored at the food‐energy‐water nexus, particularly from an environmental justice perspective—where equitable water access for all users is a central concern. We utilize a case study in Colorado's South Platte basin based on 41 in‐depth interviews to show: (1) distortions created in regional water markets as wealthy UOG operators participate in them and (2) ways in which access to water markets becomes blocked for smaller, newer, or water‐poor water users. We also highlight how UOG producers’ presence may inhibit the formation of alternative systems for water exchange. Thus, the participation of UOG operators in Colorado's water markets appears to drive environmental injustice and increased inequity at the food‐energy‐water nexus, rather than facilitating fair or efficient access to water for all users.  相似文献   

七、卡塔尔--天然气产业独树一帜 (一)油气的储、产量 2003年,卡已探明的石油地质储量20.8315亿吨,约占世界的1.2%,居世界第14位:已探明天然气储量25.7684万亿立方米,约占世界的14.98%,仅次于俄罗斯和伊朗,居第3位;石油产量3600万吨,约占世界的1.05%,居第24位.  相似文献   

十、也门悄悄崛起 (一)油气储量和产量 2003年,也门已探明石油地质储量5.4794亿吨,约占世界总储量1733.9882亿吨的0.32%,居世界第28位;已探明天然气储量0.4785万亿立方米,约占世界172.0680万亿立方米的3.79%,居第33位;石油产量1750万吨,约占世界总产量340434万吨的0.51%,居第33位.  相似文献   

上海城市燃气供气中相当大比例是人工制气。随着东海天然气的开采、“西气东输”等因素的出现,上海市传统的煤气工业将有大变化。该文介绍上海市煤气工业现状分析、国内燃气现状分析和结合上海产业结构调整战略,调整上海现有燃气产业发展方向的新思路。  相似文献   

十、也门悄悄崛起 (一)油气储量和产量 2003年,也门已探明石油地质储量5.4794亿吨,约占世界总储量1733.9882亿吨的0.32%,居世界第28位;已探明天然气储量0.4785万亿立方米,约占世界172.0680万亿立方米的3.79%,居第33位;石油产量1750万吨,约占世界总产量340434万吨的0.51%,居第33位.  相似文献   

四、科威特步步求稳 (一)油气储量和产量 2003年,科已探明石油储量132.1917亿吨,约占世界石油总储量的7.62%,居世界第5位;已探明天然气储量1.5574万亿立米,约占世界天然气总储量的0.9%,居世界第21位.石油产量9250万吨,约占世界石油总产量的2.72%,居世界第13位.[1]据《俄罗斯油气新闻》2004年6月1日报道,科在最近的2个月里已把本国原油的日产量从220万桶增加到235万桶,目前,科正设法按日产240万桶生产原油.  相似文献   

This paper describes the results of a comparative study of the factors which inhibited or facilitated the development of the issue of community control of schools in fifty-seven cities in the United States. The findings suggest that the degree to which blacks and the poor were mobilized for political action and the political characteristics of the city were important in determining whether or not the issue entered the political arena.  相似文献   

An oil boom is a complex social and economic phenomenon. The socioeconomic system presented in this article represents a novel effort to explicate boom impacts and changes, within a systems framework, at the community level to enhance community planning and development efforts. Most boomtown studies focus on longitudinal changes of a boom‐bust‐recovery cycle or social‐disruption‐based approaches. This article is an effort to demonstrate that longitudinal changes or social disruptions of a boom manifest through the interactions and interrelationships between social entities and stakeholders acting within the boom conditions and surrounding conditions. The socioeconomic system approach in this article analyzes the boom as a system, which provides a useful lens for many other rural communities currently experiencing unconventional oil and gas development in the United States. The socioeconomic system highlights five main challenges or factors that need to be addressed through community development strategies: develop affordable housing, invest in community infrastructure, expand public services, attract new businesses to the area, and develop better community integration strategies to build trust and unity within the community. This article is qualitative and exploratory in nature. As a result, it explicates the functions, structure, and relationships between system entities to provide a broader understanding of coherence, conflicts, and synergies within a system.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

There is potential for nonprofit organizations to increase effectiveness by mobilizing social media to help achieve goals. However, the sector is only just becoming aware of the possibilities for social media and lags behind other sectors in its use. We report a New Zealand initiative to enhance the capability of nonprofit organizations through action research that has implications for nonprofit organizations elsewhere. Borrowing from resource mobilization theory, we introduce the concept of resource mobilization chains to explain the requirements for and obstacles to taking advantage of social media. A survey and two in-depth case studies found that nonprofit organizations demonstrated extremely limited familiarity with and use of social media. Participants were enthusiastic about the potential of mobilizing social media to achieve organizational goals, but struggled to take concrete steps to implement their aspirations. Lack of resources was a key obstacle identified in both survey and case study research.  相似文献   

略析中阿油气合作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国和阿拉伯国家的石油天然气合作具有厚实的发展基础和突出的经济互补性,其在世纪之交已迈开成功步伐,形成平等互利、双向投资、形式多样的良好态势.这种互利合作建立在互有需求的共同利益基础上,在新世纪“中阿合作论坛”成立等因素的推动下,战略意义深远,发展前景广阔.本文还就深化中阿油气合作提出若干建言.  相似文献   

中国和阿拉伯国家的石油天然气合作具有厚实的发展基础和突出的经济互补性,其在世纪之交已迈开成功步伐,形成平等互利、双向投资、形式多样的良好态势.这种互利合作建立在互有需求的共同利益基础上,在新世纪"中阿合作论坛"成立等因素的推动下,战略意义深远,发展前景广阔.本文还就深化中阿油气合作提出若干建言.  相似文献   

Like many nonprofit organizations, community development corporations (CDCs) rely on various sources of funding and support for their activities in poor and distressed neighborhoods. Funders often include the federal government, state and local government agencies, financial institutions, and philanthropic organizations. The author explains how community foundations are different from other philanthropic organizations and describes the various mechanisms that community foundations use to support community development. She suggests that there is a natural fit between the purpose of community foundations and the philosophy of community development, concluding that it is important for CDCs, as well as other nonprofit organizations, to understand how community foundations are different from other philanthropic organizations so that they may better position themselves to take advantage of the many resources that community foundations bring to their communities.  相似文献   

目前,中日在对待东海油气资源问题上的立场与态度,已严重影响了中日关系健康发展。而如何公平划分东海油气资源所处的争议海域,合理勘探和开发其资源, 显然是改善双方关系的重要路径之一。日方挑起争议,事态升级东海油气资源争议升级始于2004年5 月27日,日本杏林大学平松茂雄教授乘飞机调查我国东海天然气开采设施建设情况,5  相似文献   

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