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1912年,美国人步济时创办北京社会实进会,目的是组织学生参与社会服务工作,以改造社会和救治中国。就这样,西方社会工作来到中国,生根、发茅……直至100年后的今天,社会工作正朝着职业化、专业化、制度化的方向前进,迎来她新的生命历程。  相似文献   

1912年,美国人步济时创办北京社会实进会,目的是组织学生参与社会服务工作,以改造社会和救治中国。就这样,西方社会工作来到中国,生根、发茅……直至100年后的今天,社会工作正朝着职业化、专业化、制度化的方向前进,迎来她新的生命历程。  相似文献   

1912年,美国人步济时创办北京社会实进会,目的是组织学生参与社会服务工作,以改造社会和救治中国。就这样,西方社会工作来到中国,生根、发茅……直至100年后的今天,社会工作正朝着职业化、专业化、制度化的方向前进,迎来她新的生命历程。  相似文献   

1912年,美国人步济时创办北京社会实进会,目的是组织学生参与社会服务工作,以改造社会和救治中国。就这样,西方社会工作来到中国,生根、发芽……直至100年后的今天,社会工作正朝着职业化、专业化、制度化的方向前进,迎来她新的生命历程。  相似文献   

1912年,美国人步济时创办北京社会实进会,目的是组织学生参与社会服务工作,以改造社会和救治中国。就这样,西方社会工作来到中国,生根、发芽……直至100年后的今天,社会工作正朝着职业化、专业化、制度化的方向前进,迎来她新的生命历程。  相似文献   

1912年,美国人步济时创办北京社会实进会,目的是组织学生参与社会服务工作,以改造社会和救治中国。就这样,西方社会工作来到中国,生根、发芽……直至100年后的今天,社会工作正朝着职业化、专业化、制度化的方向前进,迎来她新的生命历程。  相似文献   

1912年,美国人步济时创办北京社会实进会,目的是组织学生参与社会服务工作,以改造社会和救治中国。就这样,西方社会工作来到中国,生根、发茅……直至100年后的今天,社会工作正朝着职业化、专业化、制度化的方向前进,迎来她新的生命历程。  相似文献   

1912年,美国人步济时创办北京社会实进会,目的是组织学生参与社会服务工作,以改造社会和救治中国。就这样,西方社会工作来到中国,生根、发芽……直至I00年后的今天,社会工作正朝着职业化、专业化、制度化的方向前进,迎来她新的生命历程。这100年里,有哪些社会工作的重要思想曾在人们的内心激荡?有哪些重要史实值得铭记?有哪些影响深远的活动和实践至今仍被人们一次又一次提起?有哪些重要人物在中国社会工作发展史上熠熠闪光?传统的半行政化的社会工作又有哪些值得吸纳的精髓?引进的西方社会工作又如何与本土嫁接?……  相似文献   

“万丈高楼平地起”。广州社工在四川灾区的成功探路是与广州多年的社会工作发展基础分不开的。尽管这种自下而上的发展形势和成果为创新社会工作发展模式打下了很好的基础,但这个“模式”要成为中国社会工作本土化的样本,还有待完善。  相似文献   

刘名瑞  黄鼎曦 《城市》2011,(8):13-18
进入21世纪以来,开拓新区、跨越式发展成为我国特大城市普遍采取的空间发展战略。新区建设可以疏解旧城的人口和基础设施压力,防止城市摊大饼式蔓延发展,培养新的产业增长极,有利于提高城市综合竞争力。那么在十多年来的跨越式空间拓展取得初步成效之后,如何重新确定城市中心区的功能定位,提升传统中心区的人居环境品质,  相似文献   

摘要该文回顾上海公交企业近百年来的土建工程,介绍各时期的重点、创新工程。  相似文献   

本文以增城绿道建设为例,通过对绿道发展情况的分析,阐述了绿道对于改善城乡居民生活方式、破解统筹城乡发展难题和促进区域和产业协调发展的重要作用和意义。  相似文献   

This article examines the institutional development of Jewish museums in Prague, Budapest, and Bratislava from 1989 to the present, with special reference to their role as agents of cultural memory. I consider how these museums contribute to the formation of Jewish identities in post-communist societies, which are themselves struggling to form collective identities. After analyzing the institutional structures and exhibition concepts of these museums in relation to shifts in the politics of representation, I propose a core area on which each museum could base its future development.  相似文献   

佛山绿道公众感知情况调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要从公众对佛山绿道建设情况、使用情况、绿道周边配套设施的重要程度等多个角度对佛山绿道公众感知情况进行调查。本调查采用了调查问卷、个别访谈等方式。根据调查访谈结果,对问卷中涉及到的几个方面进行了分析,调查结论如下:绿道使用率不高,使用时间不长;绿道建成后居民热衷去绿道休闲娱乐;绿道对沿线环境改善以空气和风景为主;绿道沿线公共设施使用率不多,但仍需增加休闲座椅等设施;绿道对城市旅游起一定作用,有助于城市特色和城市形象提升;绿道沿线相关配套设施建设对绿道浏览都比较重要;绿道沿线治安、卫生状况、空气质量对绿道浏览相对最重要。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,随着中国经济的发展和社会观念的变化,当代青年的消费理念和消费行为也随着发生变迁,在西方物质主义价值观影响下,当代青年消费出现物化意识观念下享乐型消费盛行、个人主义观念下符号型消费凸显、异化消费观念下消费理性失衡等消费误区。后物质主义作为绿色政治理论核心价值观之一,其提倡的生态优先发展、绿色消费、理性平衡等观念能为青年绿色消费模式的建构提供理念导向。从物质主义到后物质主义是当代青年绿色消费模式建构的必然选择,绿色消费模式建构包含三个转向,即从物质——享乐型消费到后物质——生态型消费、从个性——符号型消费到需求——发展型消费和从欲望——异化型消费到理性——适度型消费。  相似文献   

Recent government policy has focused on the provision of a safe environment for all children. Parenting support is increasingly being recognised as a core method of safeguarding children, and this is of particular importance, given the widespread prevalence of maltreatment and poor parenting practices, the overwhelming number of child protection referrals and the inherent flaws in risk assessment. Until recently, there was no formulation of an overall model of practice based on these changes. In this paper, we present compelling reasons for believing that a public health approach to safeguarding is the only way of ensuring that all children are protected within a population, including children at high risk. The rationale for the delivery of such a model is presented alongside the application of one such evidence‐based population‐level strategy, which has been demonstrated to reduce population‐level indicators of maltreatment. Novel approaches to the delivery of parenting interventions including media‐based strategies are discussed in terms of their potential for reaching families who may be missed by traditional services. The economic aspects of a public health model are discussed, and their relevance for middle‐ and low‐income countries. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Citing Literature

Number of times cited: 23

  • Angelo P. Giardino, Michelle A. Lyn and Eileen R. Giardino , Introduction: Child Abuse and Neglect , A Practical Guide to the Evaluation of Child Physical Abuse and Neglect , 10.1007/978-3-030-00635-8_1 , (3-26) , (2018) . Crossref
  • Christina M. Rodriguez and Shannon M.O. Wittig , Predicting child problem behavior and maternal/paternal parent-child aggression: Identifying early prevention targets , Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology , 10.1016/j.appdev.2018.11.001 , 60 , (76-86) , (2019) . Crossref
  • Barry Luckock, Jane Barlow and Chris Brown , Developing innovative models of practice at the interface between the NHS and child and family social work where children living at home are at risk of abuse and neglect: a scoping review , Child & Family Social Work , 22 , S4 , (62-69) , (2015) . Wiley Online Library
  • Shilpa Boppana and Christina M. Rodriguez , Mediators between Parenting History and Expected At-Risk Parenting: Role of Conformity, Coping, and Attitudes , Journal of Child and Family Studies , 26 , 11 , (3237) , (2017) . Crossref
  • Peter Sidebotham , Fatal Child Maltreatment , The Wiley Handbook of What Works in Child Maltreatment , (48-70) , (2017) . Wiley Online Library
  • Nick Axford and Vashti Berry , Perfect Bedfellows: Why Early Intervention Can Play a Critical Role in Protecting Children—A Response to Featherstone et al. (2014) ‘A Marriage Made in Hell: Child Protection Meets Early Intervention’ , The British Journal of Social Work , (2017) . Crossref
  • Wendy Nicholson and Gillian Turner , School Nursing: Making a Difference in Adolescent Health and Well-Being , International Handbook on Adolescent Health and Development , 10.1007/978-3-319-40743-2_26 , (489-510) , (2016) . Crossref
  • Tanya S. Hinds and Angelo P. Giardino , Policy Direction: Focus on Prevention , Child Physical Abuse: Current Evidence, Clinical Practice, and Policy Directions , 10.1007/978-3-319-61103-7_4 , (113-147) , (2017) . Crossref
  • Christina M. Rodriguez, Tamika L. Smith and Paul J. Silvia , Parent–Child Aggression Risk in Expectant Mothers and Fathers: A Multimethod Theoretical Approach , Journal of Child and Family Studies , 25 , 11 , (3220) , (2016) . Crossref
  • Christina M. Rodriguez, Tamika L. Smith and Paul J. Silvia , Multimethod prediction of physical parent–child aggression risk in expectant mothers and fathers with Social Information Processing theory , Child Abuse & Neglect , 51 , (106) , (2016) . Crossref
  • Susan J. White and David G. Wastell , Epigenetics Prematurely Born(e): Social Work and the Malleable Gene , British Journal of Social Work , (bcw157) , (2016) . Crossref
  • Christina M. Rodriguez, Enrique Gracia and Marisol Lila , Multimethod prediction of child abuse risk in an at-risk sample of male intimate partner violence offenders , Child Abuse & Neglect , 60 , (27) , (2016) . Crossref
  • A. Gonzalez‐Izquierdo, A. Ward, P. Smith, C. Walford, J. Begent, Y. Ioannou and R. Gilbert , Notifications for child safeguarding from an acute hospital in response to presentations to healthcare by parents , "Child: Care, Health and Development" , 41 , 2 , (186-193) , (2014) . Wiley Online Library
  • Adele D. Jones, Ena Trotman Jemmott, Priya E. Maharaj and Hazel Da Breo , Collective Complacency and Engendering Community Action , An Integrated Systems Model for Preventing Child Sexual Abuse , 10.1057/9781137377661_6 , (198-223) , (2014) . Crossref
  • Madeleine Stevens , The cost‐effectiveness of UK parenting programmes for preventing children's behaviour problems – a review of the evidence , Child & Family Social Work , 19 , 1 , (109-118) , (2012) . Wiley Online Library
  • Karen Whittaker , Supporting parents and parenting practices: The health visiting context , Journal of Health Visiting , 2 , 5 , (250) , (2014) . Crossref
  • Matthias Albrecht , Prävention von Gewalt gegen Kinder und von Kinderunfällen - Plädoyer für eine integrierende Betrachtungsweise , Kindesmisshandlung und -vernachlässigung , 17 , 2 , (112) , (2014) . Crossref
  • Matthew Mullen , Getting serious about the human right to play , Asia Pacific Journal of Sport and Social Science , 3 , 2 , (130) , (2014) . Crossref
  • Sarah Skeen and Mark Tomlinson , A public health approach to preventing child abuse in low‐ and middle‐income countries: A call for action , International Journal of Psychology , 48 , 2 , (108-116) , (2013) . Wiley Online Library
  • Peter Sidebotham , Rethinking Filicide , Child Abuse Review , 22 , 5 , (305-310) , (2013) . Wiley Online Library
  • Stuart Logan, Ruth Gilbert and Jenny Woodman , Developing services for a public health approach to child maltreatment , The International Journal of Children's Rights , 20 , 3 , (323) , (2012) . Crossref
  • , Public Health Approaches to Safeguarding Children , Child Abuse Review , 20 , 4 , (231-237) , (2011) . Wiley Online Library
  • MISSING-VALUE MISSING-VALUE , Influence of legal/professional context on parental and professional activity , Therapeutic Assessment and Intervention in Childcare Legal Proceedings , 10.4324/9781315719429-6 , (114-130) , (2015) . Crossref

Volume 20 , Issue 4 July/August 2011

Pages 238-255  相似文献   

In an attempt to reconcile public relations research with a range of critical concerns, J. Grunig and colleagues have proposed a two-way symmetrical model that reformulates public relations as a more inclusive, balanced, and ethical practice. A contradiction exists, however, between two-way symmetrical theory and the asymmetrical research agenda it perpetuates: an agenda that continues to subsidize commercial and state communications at the expense of other segments of the population. To achieve real inclusion and balance in public relations, research must begin to address the public communications needs and constraints of previously excluded segments of the population  相似文献   

随着全球城市化进程的推进,城市热岛效应已成为当下严重的环境问题之一,严重制约人类健康与城市的可持续发展。城市生态空间对城市热岛效应的缓解具有重大意义,而目前,从局地效应角度研究城市生态空间对热环境影响还比较缺乏,影响城市生态空间降温效应的因素还未明了。因此,本文基于多源遥感数据,对广州市中心区生态空间进行识别并反演地表温度,定量刻画城市核心区内部生态空间的降温强度,以探讨广州市生态空间斑块结构特征和空间布局对周边环境温度的影响。结果表明:⑴生态空间与地表温度的空间分布具有明显的高低值耦合分布趋势,生态空间越集中连片分布,越有利于促进局地热量扩散,以缓解城市的热岛效应;⑵生态空间对周边环境降温强度主要由其空间结构特征和空间位置共同决定,当生态空间的空间结构特性保持一定时,其所处的空间位置不同对缓解周围城市热环境的作用也有所差异。本研究揭示城市生态空间的结构特征及其周围环境对冷却效应强度的影响机制,为促进城市的可持续发展提供有益的建议。  相似文献   

傅蜜蜜 《城市观察》2015,(2):186-192
本文以广州城市文化为例,探讨多元文化的意义以及在多元城市文化的共舞中,后现代文化与传统文化如何在对话中走向兼容共处.  相似文献   

当前,食品安全事故频发、农产品工业化之殇引起公众对于科学的信任危机。科学与社会互动的"发声"与"呛声"呈现协同演化趋势,在"意见的公开广场"上各方力量交锋更为激烈。Web2.0赋权当代青年参与科学传播,网络青年自组织创造了多个情境化版本。在"有反思的科学传播"发展阶段,对话是必由之路。媒介社区青年想象共同体以廓清环境为己任,调动公众参与,期望重建安全与信任;为对话协商、营造共识氛围、重构理性、建设公共空间提供了可能。互联网领域的科学传播充满意识形态之争,需要调整、规范各个多元化利益主体的行动框架,共建科学传播的良性治理结构。当前我国科学传播处于渐进式、不均衡发展状态,要把科学传播纳入公益救助,探索公益和商业的多元化发展模式。  相似文献   

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