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文章探讨城市更新与土地集约利用的关系,通过借鉴国内外城市在更新过程中土地集约利用的经验,提出了我国城市更新过程中土地集约利用的政策建议。  相似文献   

文化旅游的兴起是当今旅游业发展的一大趋势。城市更新是城市发展的一种重要途径。随着文化消费时代的来临、文化经济的快速发展,文化旅游在城市更新发展中扮演着日益重要的角色。本文主要以广州为例,探讨了城市更新背景下文化旅游发展的意义、面临的问题和挑战以及进一步的思考。  相似文献   

单菁菁  耿亚男  于冰蕾 《城市》2021,(12):12-24
城市更新是新时代推动城市高质量发展的必然要求,而城中村改造是城市更新的重要内容和难点问题.笔者研究发现,城中村更新改造的关键难点在于增值利益的再分配,任何过度谋求单方面或局部利益最大化的做法都会使项目实施难度加大、改造成本增加,最终导致成本外溢、由社会共同负担.因此,必须摒弃单方面主导城中村更新改造和谋求局部利益最大化...  相似文献   

20世纪50年代至70年代,日本经济经历了长达20年之久的飞速增长。这期间,日本在追求经济效益的同时,也使得大量人文自然环境遭到破坏。因此,自20世纪80年代开始,日本社会关于保护人文自然环境的呼声日益高涨。本文通过介绍日本近代化产业遗产的概况,特别是以大牟田三井三池煤矿和足尾铜矿为具体事例,总结和分析日本保护利用矿业遗产的意义和作用,以期发现对我国矿山城市转型具有借鉴意义的经验。  相似文献   

王春兰 《城市观察》2010,(6):130-141
改革开放以来,中国社会矛盾与冲突日益凸显,政治社会环境变化对城市规划的影响不容忽视。在城市规划建设过程中,作为利益冲突与博弈的三方,政府、商业利益群体、居民的行为都在利己与利他之间徘徊并寻找平衡点。围绕城市更新利益而形成的三角冲突与博弈表现为,政府与商业利益群体之间冲突与合作并存,政府与民众之间冲突与依赖并存,开发商与居民之间冲突与不信任并存。在"柔性机制"的作用下,城市更新中的冲突与博弈没有引发彻底的结构性变动,但其仍然对社会变革与发展具有推动。面临全球化时代激烈的竞争环境,地方政府在城市规划建设中更要做到"形式民主"。  相似文献   

王桢桢 《城市观察》2010,(3):123-130
城市更新是城市改造、重建、再生和延续的过程。从广州城市改造的经验观察,实践中所运用的政府、市场以及混合改造模式都存在治理困境。政府改造模式导致“角色”错位,市场改造模式导致公共利益受损,混合改造模式导致成本外溢。传统的改造模式由于没有将改造成本内部化,不论是政府行为还是市场行为都会产生负外部性。笔者由此提出新的治理模式——利益共同体模式。这种模式区分行动者的不同角色,以产权为纽带,以外部性成本内部化为基础,通过合约安排使政府、开发商和原住地居民组成利益共享、风险共担的共同体。在这样一个“利益共享、风险共担”的新模式运作下,旧城改造不再是单一的政府和市场行为,而是一个兼顾公共利益和私人利益的社区集体行为。这种治理模式符合社会发展与和谐社会的理念,能将旧城改造的成本内部化,使产权人享有真正意义的决策权,有利于社区的可持续性发展。‘  相似文献   

正4月,一则上海将正式开展第五批优秀历史建筑申报的新闻引起关注。据相关报道,已有200余处优秀历史建筑、近百个风貌保护街坊、近20条风貌保护道路进入了备选名单。对城市遗产而言,增加保护对象是有必要的,但接下来,如何避免走仅仅挂个牌子的老路,显然也十分重要。墨尔本的城市遗产不仅包括历史建筑和遗址等物质实体,也包括城市肌理、公园水岸等历史遗留下来的空间环境。为了管理和维护好这些城市遗产,各级政府委托专门机构进行调查研究,并定期对保护对象进行评估,提出具体措施。此外,为了提升民众生活质量,增进社会文化活力,墨尔本相关部门还会采用各种方式和途径,引导公众参与遗产保护工作,充分发挥舆论监督的作用。  相似文献   

澳门的工业遗产在城市快速发展的过程中面临荒废和拆除的危机。针对澳门土地资源稀缺、人口密集的特点,提出澳门近代工业遗产适应性再利用的保护方式。以益隆炮竹厂为主要研究对象,通过个案分析法、田野调查法,针对益隆炮竹厂保护所面临的问题,结合遗产保护、居民休闲、旅游业发展与氹仔城市更新四大城市发展需求,提出适用于益隆炮竹厂以及其他澳门近代工业遗产的适应性再利用的策略:突出文化特色、结合功能需求进行改造、借势宣传和植入可持续发展的观念,以期对澳门其他近代工业遗产的保护具有普适性的意义与价值。  相似文献   

别金花 《城市观察》2011,(3):110-115
非物质文化遗产被誉为"人类精神的家园",应该加以珍视。在保护的基础上,非物质文化遗产可以进行适当旅游开发。本文以大都市上海为背景,廓清了非物质文化遗产的特色、优势、作用、影响,以使非物质文化遗产重新走入大众视野,焕发出盎然生机,实现非物质文化遗产保护与旅游开发的"双赢"。  相似文献   

Understanding the tourism‐poverty link is critical if tourism is to be used as a mechanism for reducing poverty. Yet, the available empirical analysis is insufficient for this. This article proposes a research agenda for closing this gap in the literature. It argues that, while analysing the link poses peculiar challenges, models exist to do so. Second, it contends that the key question is not whether the link exists but under what conditions it is strongest. Finally, it maintains that the best way to analyse the link is to incorporate accurate diagnosis and evaluations into tourism projects, using the approaches and concepts of the literature on impact evaluation.  相似文献   

This article examines the purposes, defines the role, and analyzes the functions of a faculty field liaison. It reflects the experience of faculty members who have carried this assignment as a major responsibility. In recognition of the impact of this role on the educational process and the need for it to be clearly understood, the authors have attempted to distill its essence and to clarify the requirements for its effective practice.  相似文献   

发展邮轮旅游是促进我国旅游业转型发展的新机遇.现阶段,我国邮轮旅游业发展存在缺乏权威、有效的公共宣传渠道来推广邮轮旅游产品,邮轮旅游业的赢利模式单一,经济规模较小等瓶颈.创建中国邮轮旅游信息平台是解决邮轮旅游业发展瓶颈的重要举措之一.  相似文献   

俞彤 《职业时空》2012,(7):17-18,22
旅游业的蓬勃发展,赋予了高校旅游管理专业承担社会服务的重任。高校旅游管理专业社会服务包括文化引领、人才培养、旅游规划、行业培训、信息咨询等多种形式。高校旅游管理专业可通过建立双师素质的教师团队和建设产学研一体化的实验(实训)基地等措施提升社会服务能力。  相似文献   

Many community‐based tourism ventures face marketing problems similar to those of other rural producers. They depend on intermediaries, such as private companies, membership organisations, public sector institutions and non‐governmental organisations, to facilitate market access. The article analyses the strengths and weaknesses of each type of intermediary, based on different levels of marketing support. Reflecting discussions about marketing assistance in other rural sectors, it argues that intermediary institutions have different areas of expertise and experience different constraints in terms of capacity‐building, marketing know‐how, financial resources and overall livelihood impacts. Instead of pursuing individual support strategies, it is therefore necessary to develop combined approaches of marketing assistance, depending on location, tourism resources and existing organisational structures.  相似文献   

This study contributes to the literature on transracial adoptions in two important ways: (1) it compares how parents and transnational adoptees negotiate racial and family identities through the use of heritage camps and (2) it informs that comparison with insights garnered from the theory of relational dialectics. The results, which are based on interviews with Korean-born children and Caucasian-American parents (matched parent-child pairs), suggest that parents utilized camps to both downplay their children's racial differences and give credence to their children's “unique” lives. Adoptees, in contrast, were not concerned with downplaying race; instead, they reported that although camps were fun, they did not impact their sense of identity significantly because they did not do enough to address the racial challenges they faced. These results suggest a potential disjuncture between parental purposes for utilizing heritage camps and the actual experiences of adoptees while at these camps. Moreover, they suggest that additional empirical attention should be paid to adoption policies and practices that explicitly address the racial and ethnic needs of transnational adoptees.  相似文献   

Inconsistencies in previous findings concerning the relationship between emotion and social context are likely to reflect the multi-dimensionality of the sociality construct. In the present study we focused on the role of the other person by manipulating two aspects of this role: co-experience of the event and expression of emotion. We predicted that another's co-experience and expression would affect emotional responses and that the direction of these effects would depend upon the manipulated emotion and how the role of the other person is appraised. Participants read vignettes eliciting four different emotions: happiness, sadness, anxiety, and anger. As well as an alone condition, there were four conditions in which a friend was present, either co-experiencing the event or merely observing it, and either expressing emotions consistent with the event or not showing any emotion. There were significant effects of co-experience in the case of anger situations, and of expression in the case of happiness and sadness situations. Social appraisal also appeared to influence emotional response. We discuss different processes that might be responsible for these results.  相似文献   

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