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贺苗 《学术交流》2006,(5):163-166
陈染是20世纪女性个人化写作的领军作家,她将个体视为自己文学创作的出发点,以其前所未有的孤寂、凄美、绝望,传达出女性个体所独有的身体、心理体验。她思索着人的孤独,憧憬着死亡的美丽,并将其指向人的生存价值。可以说,孤独和死亡意识是贯穿陈染小说的两条主线,也是其小说所要展现的更为深远的主题。  相似文献   

本文论述了马尔克斯小说中以死亡为背景的人物的种种孤独感 :梦境中的孤独、困境中的孤独、面临他人死亡时的孤独、不通人道造成的孤独 ,等等。  相似文献   

伍尔夫创作思想形成轨迹略探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
甄艳华 《学术交流》2003,(8):157-158
弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫是享有世界声誉的英国女作家,“意识流”小说的代表人物之一。人们往往认为,现代派作家对现实主义文学是一笔抹杀的。然而,事实并非如此。伍尔夫对现实主义作家如笛福和哈代评价极高。她所反对的并非现实主义,而是物质主义或自然主义。她曾说过:“我们对于笛福和他这部小说(指《鲁宾逊漂流记》)的心情,与希腊人对于荷马的崇敬十分相似。”[1]由此,我们不难看出,伍尔夫十分尊重本国文学传统。事实上,伍尔夫不仅善于继承本国的传统,而且从俄国、法国、美国的优秀作家那里吸取了丰富的营养。我们可以说,伍尔夫的现代小说理论,…  相似文献   

《邱园记事》在伍尔夫小说创作中的艺术价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苟丽梅 《社科纵横》2005,20(1):184-185
伍尔夫的小说《邱园记事》是伍尔夫小说从传统走向现代的过渡作品 ,既有传统小说的影子 ,又运用了“意识流”的创作方法。在这部小说中伍尔夫初次实践了她的现代小说的创作理念 ,并对以后她的意识流小说的创作产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   

在政治家、经学家、史学家、文坛宗主等表象背后,与一般宋人笔记和当今文学史所显示的大相径庭,欧阳修晚年人生的底色其实是衰痛、哀恸与孤独.他外在的事功显赫,文学的成就辉煌,但他肉身的早衰病痛、面对小儿女相继死亡的精神哀恸,以及敏锐心灵所体会的生命孤独,种种忧伤缺憾却并不因此而得以抚平.论文拟藉由欧阳修诗文、书简、表状中并不完整的自我言说,对其迥异于表面风光的生命底色作深入幽微的掘发与阐释.  相似文献   

孤独中过年,怎么办'哲学家总是对孤独情有独钟。尼采对孤独的定义是"一个值得被理解的人寻求理解而不可得",与寂寞和无聊含义并不相同。尼采还说:"谁将声震长空,必长久源自缄默;谁将点燃闪电,必长久如云漂泊"。歌手却一般不会这样理解。张楚唱《孤独的人是可耻的》,这更契合大众的心理。王菲的《笑忘书》则唱出了一种无助的潇洒。孤独是一个人的战争,想要打赢这场战争,你所倚仗的武功秘籍只在拒绝孤独和享受孤独之间。  相似文献   

汉乐府民歌:生命的悲歌   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肖晓阳 《唐都学刊》2000,16(3):41-45
在汉乐府民歌中,歌者倾诉了感慨时世的忧愤、遭遇孤独的悲愁;抒发了面对死亡的哀伤、生命脆弱的感叹;感人命难保,须及时行乐,觉求仙虚妄,当直面死亡。将对生的悲愁、对死的哀伤、对永恒的追寻,化作了一曲生命的悲歌。  相似文献   

王宗杰 《学术交流》2007,(9):163-165
在当代日本小说中,很少有作家像吉本芭娜娜这样集中、多元地在作品中阐释死亡的主题。她的小说以现代城市生活为背景,描写了当代人对高速发展的科学技术的不适应;对就业竞争的无奈;对名牌消费潮流中的物欲愿望的反思,等等。作品阐释了后现代思潮冲击下城市青年在懒散、平凡的表象之下,内心世界的彷徨、孤独、奋争,表述了日常发生在身边的现代社会的多元化的死亡现象和面对死亡向死而生的哲学思考。  相似文献   

蒲松龄与爱伦·坡小说超异美的异同比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对蒲松龄和爱伦·坡小说比较研究,阐述东西方文学、美学在时空观、意识观、生死观、审美观等方面的异同,各自的发展,相互的渗透,及在现当代所形成的世界性的汇合与交融。文章提出的蒲松龄小说与爱伦·坡小说相互对应的审美范围,即时空超逸美与意识飘移美、生命绵延美与死亡至上美、物我和合美与人类孤独美饶有新意  相似文献   

吴淑严 《社科纵横》2012,27(12):174-175
长篇小说《心是孤独的猎手》,认为“孤独是绝对的,最深切的爱也无法改变人类最终极的孤独”,这是卡森式的主题.卡森之所以执着地关注着现代社会所存在的多元孤独形态,除了有作家个人独特的创作经历、情感经验等个人原因之外,更多的则是因为孤独存在的无法根除性和社会必然性.  相似文献   

Objective . Researchers have found a distinct difference between expressed support for the death penalty (which garners a majority of Americans) and expressed preference for the death penalty over other sentences (which attracts only a minority). Despite the strength of this finding in academic circles, the media tend to cover the death penalty as if it were indisputably favored by a majority of Americans. This article tests the effect of this disparity in coverage. Methods . Using an experimental design, respondents were placed in three groups: Condition 1 read a typical media portrayal depicting widespread support for the death penalty, Condition 2 read a realistic portrayal of the mix of preferences for the death penalty and an alternative sentence, and Condition 3 (the control group) read an article unrelated to the death penalty. Results . Compared to the control group and Condition 1, those who read a more realistic account of public opinion on the death penalty (Condition 2) were less supportive of capital punishment, more likely to think death penalty opponents would talk comfortably about their position, and believed the death penalty would become less prevalent in the future. Conclusions . These findings suggest that the unrealistic media portrayal of public opinion on the death penalty is bolstering a sense of inevitability about the issue.  相似文献   

死亡是个体生命之必然归宿,现实社会对待死亡普遍有回避心理,然而现代医学进步使死亡问题无法回避,而死亡意识又是构建哲学的基础和主要内容,为此哲学必须研究死亡意识与现象,其目的是通过研究死亡以反思人的生命意义及生存价值,实现哲学意义上的精神超越。  相似文献   

对于周作人等文化名人在鲁迅逝世后有关鲁迅的评价,学界给予了较多关注,但对于当时的青年学生在鲁迅逝世后的纪念活动,学界关注不够。本文以鲁迅逝世后的北平文化界为考察范围,除介绍文化名人对鲁迅逝世的看法外,重点探讨北平的青年学生有关这一事件的活动和言论,以期较为立体地展示当时北平文化界的状况。  相似文献   

贾玉峰 《唐都学刊》2005,21(2):65-70
关于苏格拉底之死,有维护贵族统治说、拥护民主说、悲剧说与顽固保守和不见容于希腊说等几种主流的死因分析.但苏格拉底在命运、选择方面对荷马史诗中阿喀琉斯的认同,以及阿喀琉斯之死,笔者以为苏格拉底之死是有其深刻的文化背景的,应从"阿喀琉斯之死"所昭示的希腊精神入手,在希腊文化层面上对苏格拉底之死进行分析.  相似文献   

Summary The death of a child is an intrinsically tragic event for theparents of that child. What might appear as abnormal grief inbereaved parents can often be understood in the context of thepreceding circumstances of their lives and that of the child.This paper examines guilt and anger as experienced by a bereavedcouple in relation to the sudden death of their mongol son;the inability of another couple to detach themselves from theirbaby who had suffered a cot death; and the effects on bereavedparents of the denial of death in modern society.  相似文献   

Adolescents' exposure to death is high, with approximately 40% of adolescents reporting past year death of a peer. Each of the estimated annual 14,000 deaths of adolescents has an impact on friends, classmates, and peers, with adolescent girls experiencing more peer deaths within a one year time frame than boys. Much of the literature focuses on parent or sibling death but little on the death of a peer. The sudden and unexpected nature of adolescent deaths appears to be a common experience that deeply affects adolescent girls and puts them at risk for a wide range of negative physical, emotional, social, and cognitive outcomes. The author outlines a task-oriented group intervention that meets the developmental, emotional, cognitive, and gender-specific needs of adolescent girls grieving the death of a peer.  相似文献   

Ours has been described as a death denying society. The removal of death taboos may be expected to help us control and modify pathological fears of our own death and the death of others. More positively, attempts to understand and accept the reality of death may promote richer appreciation of dimensions of living. Professional workers committed to helping others during such crises as dying and bereavement seem to have a special need to resolve their own fears and develop an understanding of the meaning of death as a psychosocial as well as a biological event. Yet little or no provision is made to meet such needs during professional education and training. This paper discusses the importance of death education in the helping professions, explores the content of death education courses, and makes suggestions regarding teaching and resource aids.  相似文献   

从《左传》看春秋时人的生死观   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘蓉  白炜 《唐都学刊》2004,20(3):94-97
死亡是生命的终结,对于死亡的态度实则展现着人们生存的精神风貌。春秋时代的人们把死亡看作是一种必然,从而无所畏惧。他们勇敢地选择死亡,平静地面对死亡,直至把死亡演绎成一种生命的美丽。(他们的死亡是勇武的,美的,善的,一如他们鲜活的生命。因此他们是真正的死而不朽。  相似文献   

Hospice work has been regarded as particularly stressful due to the complexity inherent in the provision of end-of-life care. Burnout and death anxiety are especially relevant to hospice social workers because they regularly function in a high-stress, high-loss environment. The purpose of this study was threefold: to determine the prevalence of burnout and death anxiety among hospice social workers; to examine associations between burnout and death anxiety; and to explore the factors which may contribute to the development of death anxiety and burnout. Participants completed four items: the Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human Services Survey (MBI-HSS), the Death Anxiety Questionnaire (DAQ), a demographic questionnaire, and a set of open-ended questions. Findings indicate that mean scores on the subscales of the MBI-HSS ranged from the low to moderate range and that a strong positive correlation existed between death anxiety and the depersonalization subscale of the MBI. Three key themes emerged from the qualitative data: (a) personal interest in hospice social work developed through a variety of ways; (b) although death anxiety decreased from exposure and understanding of the death process, there was increased death anxiety surrounding working with certain patients; and (c) burnout was primarily related to workload or difficult cases.  相似文献   

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