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Analyzing data drawn from the Beijing Migrant Children Compulsory Education Survey (BMCCES), this study examines the impact of child, family and parent factors on migrant Chinese children’s performance in math. The central questions address the differences between the performance of migrant and non‐migrant children in Beijing, the family and parent correlates of education achievement, such as household income and parent education, the impact of social capital based on family relations, norms and interactions, such as educational expectation and parental involvement, and how the results compare to findings in the US literature. The results show some similarities and differences between the family‐related factors that impact achievement in the US and China.  相似文献   

This paper reports the findings of a survey of parents whosechildren attended 52-week residential schools. Seventy-threeparents completed a postal questionnaire which asked questionsabout three main areas: support and services received priorto their child’s entry into residential education; perceptionsof the quality of care and education provided by residentialschools; and concerns for their child’s future care andwelfare. Telephone interviews were conducted with 14 parents,to obtain additional information on the topics addressed bythe questionnaire. Parents were critical of services and supportreceived prior to their child’s entry into residentialeducation and reported high rates of exclusion from local services.Residential schools were generally perceived as providing agood quality of service, though considerable concern was expressedabout their geographical distance from the family home, andthis had a significant impact on the frequency of visits. Parentsexpressed high levels of concern about the future care and supportneeds of their children. Further research is required to understandthe relationship between the availability and quality of localservices and the need for 52-week residential schools. The impactof distant residential education on parent–child relationshipsand on future demand for residential care is considered.  相似文献   

农民工随迁子女教育公平的财政实现机制探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农民工随迁子女的教育公平是现代城市化进程中社会公平的重要内容与客观要求。教育公平主要通过教育资源的优化配置实现每个受教育者能享受到均等的教育,它包含教育机会公平、教育过程公平和教育质量公平。公共财政理论认为,教育属于准公共物品,这也是财政支持资源相对匮乏的农民工随迁子女的义务教育的理论依据。但由于其特殊性,应建立完善的政府间经费分担机制与财政监督机制。从财政支持农民工随迁子女教育公平的现状来看,教育机会公平显失、教育过程公平脆弱、教育质量公平任重道远。上述问题的根源在于农民工随迁子女财政教育经费投入不足、经费分担机制缺乏且不合理、缺乏专门的预算制度等。因此,针对上述问题,探寻完善财政实现机制,成为当前保障农民工随迁子女教育公平的必然选择。  相似文献   

柳建坤  张云亮 《社会》2005,40(5):213-236
本文以就读于八年级的流动儿童作为研究对象,考察了方言能力对其学业表现的影响及作用机制。通过对中国教育追踪调查2014—2015学年数据的分析,本研究发现,掌握流入地方言可以显著改善流动儿童的学业表现,但其影响主要体现在语文和英语两个科目上。同时,来自教师和同学的支持是方言能力影响流动儿童学业表现的作用机制。本研究从语言环境的角度揭示了流动儿童人力资本积累的逻辑,为相关部门完善与流动儿童相关的教育政策提供了经验证据。  相似文献   

We studied 12 migrant families who lived on the outskirts of Beijing, conducting participant observations and in-depth interviews between July 2008 and December 2009. Adopting the family strengths perspective, we identified the strategies employed by the migrant population to manage family life, the reliance on family networks for help and support, and their means of coping with the lack of equal access to state-provided benefits and services. We argue that migrants and their families should not be the target of policy or practice interventions – despite the unequal treatment, they cope with various difficulties, survive the migration process and succeed in adjustment and adaptation to the migrant life – rather, the divisive hukou system and the associated unequal distribution of benefits and services require fundamental reform.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to examine the existing research on the psychological distress experienced by parents whose young children (between the ages of 0 and 5 years old) have a congenital heart defect (CHD). A more detailed understanding of the distress experienced by these parents, including stress associated with the child's age, the severity of the child's diagnosis, and parent characteristics, is vital as it would allow for more targeted and individualized support for this population to enhance parental coping strategies and increase the likelihood of more positive parent–child interactions. This review of 25 studies contributes to the parenting stress literature by focusing on parents of young children and categorizing studies by publication characteristics, research methodology, and findings. The research clearly demonstrates that parents report a great deal of stress throughout the continuum of their child's health care experience. Recommendations for future research and practice implications, such as developing a stress vulnerability model specific to parenting children with CHD, clarifying the role between interdisciplinary team members regarding provision of psychosocial support to parents, and referring parents to specific community-based ongoing social support services, are presented.  相似文献   

北京城市打工子弟学校的现状和问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
办学的艰难与条件的恶劣,使得打工子弟学校无法满足标准化的教学要求。本文试图通过相关的实际调查与经验总结,为改善打工子弟学校的困境提出一些看法,同时也建议政府出台相关的政策,解决好流动人口子女的就学问题。  相似文献   

The Moving Parents and Children Together (M‐PACT) programme is one of the growing number of interventions tailored to meet the multiple and complex needs of children and families affected by parental substance misuse. This paper pulls together the qualitative findings from 13 evaluated M‐PACT programmes in England. Sixty‐four families attended an M‐PACT programme, including 82 children and 75 adults. Qualitative data were collected from 37 children, 36 adults and over 30 group facilitators. Six themes are discussed: engaging with M‐PACT, shared experiences, understanding addiction, changes in communication, healthier and united families, and ending M‐PACT. The majority of families benefitted in a range of ways from the programme: meeting others who were experiencing similar problems, greater understanding about addiction and its impact on children and families improving communication within the family. In many families there was more openness and honesty, stronger relationships and more time as families, and a reduction in arguments and conflict. The key findings are discussed in terms of the potential for interventions of this kind to reduce family‐related harm from parental substance misuse.  相似文献   

This research sets out to discover what impact parental schizophreniamakes on a child’s life. It focuses on the daily lifeand experiences of children. Their health, education, familyand leisure activities are examined. Contact with helping agenciesand their unmet needs are investigated. The sample was drawnfrom the children of patients attending the mental health servicesin South West Dublin. They were matched with a control groupof children of well parents. The majority of children who haveone parent with schizophrenia had similar profiles to the childrenof well parents in the areas of physical health, positive familyfeelings, friendships, hobbies and household tasks. In a numberof other areas, however, differences were found. Sample childrenhad more psychiatric disturbance, more problems associated withschool, less contact with relatives and spent more time at home.The children had little access to services and were upset byhospital visiting. The need for an educational programme andsupport for these children was demonstrated. It is recommendedthat a more co-ordinated approach is required by both adultand child mental health services in order to meet their needs.  相似文献   

Children living in out-of-home care are at greater risk of poor educational outcomes compared to other children. To address their educational needs, several programs have been developed. Within a qualitative paradigm, this study explored the experiences of students about their involvement in TEACHaR (Transforming Educational Achievement for Children at Risk), a specialized education programme. Eight students (aged 13 to 18 years) from the programme participated in individual, semi-structured interviews. Responses were analysed using Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis. Participants indicated that the programme provided individualized and flexible academic support, reduced their shame and embarrassment and provided them with more than academic support. They highlighted the importance of the student–educator relationship, and the need for encouragement and motivation to pursue their educational goals. Finally, findings report on how COVID-19 impacts on student experiences of the programme. Recommendations for the development and improvement of education programs for students in out-of-home care conclude this paper.  相似文献   

The study compared a group of 62 new Israeli fathers of pre‐term infants with a comparison group of 58 new fathers of full‐term infants with respect to parental stress, depression symptoms, mastery, self‐esteem and involvement with the child. Findings indicated that fathers of pre‐term infants had significantly greater stress and depression scores and lower involvement rate with the child compared with fathers of the matching group. No differences were found with respect to the fathers' mastery and self‐esteem. New fathers of full‐term infants, aged 30 years and more, had significantly higher self‐esteem compared with fathers aged less than 30 years. Findings are discussed with respect to practice in neonatal units.  相似文献   

1990-2000年中国的经济转型、学校扩招和教育不平等   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吴晓刚 《社会》2009,29(5):88-113
本文考察了20世纪90年代中国经济改革过程中教育分层的趋势。基于1990年和2000年人口普查的样本数据,本研究将学龄子女和其父母的背景信息作匹配,对家庭背景如何影响他们入学和继续受教育的机会进行研究,结果表明,尽管在1990年至2000年的十年中教育机会有了极大的扩展,但家庭背景仍然在决定入学和升学方面发挥着重要作用。在这一时期,农村户口子女的状况相比于城镇户口同龄人来说变得愈加不利,父亲的社会经济地位对于入学状况的影响作用增大了。尽管作为九年义务教育全国普及的结果,农村(户口)孩子获得的初中教育的机会相对增加了,高中教育升学机会的城乡差距却在扩大;即使在控制了地区经济发展水平的差异后,父亲的社会经济地位对于高中升学率的影响仍然呈增加趋势。  相似文献   

In order to develop a valid tool for screening the traits of adult children of alcoholics (ACOA), this study focused on finding common characteristics among ACOA and developing a tool based on those characteristics. An item pool was generated targeting three distinct characteristics discussed in the alcohol literature related to ACOA, and the items were reviewed by a panel of experts. Using data from the sample, a confirmatory factor analysis, t -test and correlation analysis were conducted to gather various validity evidences for the screening tool. Cronbach's coefficient alpha test was used to check the internal consistency of the tool. The evidence of the reliability and validity for the ACOA traits screening tool provide the social work practice with an empirically validated method of measuring these traits in the children of alcoholics.  相似文献   

The current study examined different types of display rule knowledge and their relation to parental control of children's emotional expression and children's social competence. A sample of 61 third-grade children (50% Euro-American, 40% Latino, and 10% African-American, Asian-American or other) participated in the current study. Children's knowledge of display rules for positive and negative emotions was explored, as were the different reasons for endorsing the use of display rules. Parental level of control of children's emotions was also examined. Findings indicate that children who endorsed the use of display rules for both positive and negative emotions were rated as more competent by both teachers and peers. Parental control of children's expression of emotion was negatively related to children's knowledge of display rules and better social outcomes.  相似文献   

Rural migrant workers in urban China: living a marginalised life   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The rural migrant worker population in China is attracting more and more attention because of its magnitude and potential economic and social impact on Chinese society. While literature abounds in describing the demographic trends and economic impacts of rural to urban migration, very few articles have been written about the psychosocial impacts of migration on the lives of rural migrant workers in urban China. Drawing on the concept of marginalisation, this article describes the nature and characteristics of marginalised living experienced by migrant workers. More importantly, it examines the underlying policy issues contributing to such marginalised living. It is argued that the Hukou system (household registration system), the process of decentralisation and the obscure role of trade unions have contributed to the experience of marginalisation of rural migrant workers in urban cities in China. Implications for policy changes are also discussed.  相似文献   

A survey of all social services departments in England was undertakenin order to identify and investigate current work concerningthe participation of disabled children within decision makingregarding their own care and in service development. Developinga culture of, and good practice in, children’s participationis integral to government policy. Results demonstrate that disabledchildren are being involved in a range of decision-making areas;however, participation is not yet embedded or sustained acrossall social services departments, and the involvement of disabledchildren at a higher strategic level is still rare. The participationof disabled children needs further development including moreevidence on which factors can support and promote disabled children’seffective participation.  相似文献   


The article analyzes 3 severe cases of child abuse that were widely discussed in the mass media in China in 2007 based on a framework used by the International Society for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect in its official publication World Perspectives on Child Abuse. The framework sets out the basic elements that must be included in systems of child protection: a) a responsible government or government-authorized organization; b) a set of institutional arrangements for reporting cases of child abuse, investigation, and intervening when necessary; and c) state guardianship or mechanisms to remove children from their parents’ care when necessary. By applying the framework to the 3 cases under analysis, the authors found that these basic elements are missing from the Chinese child protection system, and therefore, they recommend that a reform of the system to address these elements should be a priority for Chinese social policy. The article makes a number of recommendations for reform.  相似文献   

While many researchers accept the principle that participants have a right to receive information learned from their participation in research, there are few studies examining the impact of receiving results on participants. This study was developed to examine the impact on parents of the receipt of individual results of research-based psychological testing of their children. A summary of the child's individual results of standardized measures of language and development was sent by mail with the questionnaire designed to assess the impact of receiving results. Response rate from the mailed questionnaire was 55.6% (n?=?74/133). Most parents reported the results as helpful and positive. The majority would receive results again. Overall, the sharing of individualized feedback from psychological testing conducted as part of a research study was well accepted by parents. This practice appears ethically permissible with appropriate support options for addressing participant concerns upon receiving the results as well options for clinical follow-up for the child.  相似文献   

In this study, Sweden and China's family policies, with a specific focus on their effect on gender equality, are compared. We describe the different goals and objectives of parental/maternity leave and childcare policies. The effect of family policies on gender equality, indicated by equal employment opportunities for women and the gender division of labour in the family in the two countries, is also discussed. A systematic comparison revealed that both countries included the promotion of gender equality in their policy agendas, but they varied in design and implementation. Swedish family policies assume childcare is a public concern, and women's participation in the labour market and men's involvement in childcare are considered to be crucial to achieving gender equality. In contrast, China's family policies emphasize women's participation in the labour market, but overlook the gender division of household work and childcare at home.  相似文献   

洪岩璧 《社会》2010,30(2):45-73
摘 要:本文通过梳理国内外有关族群(民族)分层的文献,认为有必要把“民族”纳入到中国的市场转型和社会分层理论框架之中,并从教育获得的角度对这一问题进行实证分析。影响中国少数民族教育获得的因素主要包括:城乡地域区隔、职业结构(阶层)、文化差异和国家政治进程(政策变迁)。基于对2004年中国西部抽样调查数据分析,作者发现:(1)基础教育阶段入学的族群差异主要由城乡差别和阶层不平等造成,族群不平等已不显著;(2)少数民族子女高中升学概率依然显著低于汉族,其原因部分在于城乡、地域和阶层因素,部分在于少数民族和汉族的文化差异(如语言环境)等因素;(3)与汉族教育不平等的代际传递模式不同,少数民族教育不平等的代际传承以资源转化模式为主,从而影响了不同族群在教育扩展中的获益程度。总体而言,虽然中国西部少数民族的教育获得仍显著落后于汉族,但其教育不平等更多地来自城乡和阶层之间的差异。  相似文献   

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