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We examined the contribution of relational aggression in adolescents' peer and dating relationships to their psychological and behavioral adjustment. In the Fall and again four months later, 1279 (646 female) grade 9 students reported on relational aggression perpetration and victimization in their romantic and peer relationships, depression/anxiety symptoms (psychological adjustment) and delinquency (behavioral adjustment). Using hierarchical regression analyses, controlling for Time 1 adjustment/behavior, peer relational aggression perpetration predicted depression/anxiety. Dating relational victimization also predicted depression/anxiety, but only for girls. Furthermore, girls who were perpetrators of relational aggression in both peer and dating contexts were most likely to show increases in delinquent behavior. We conclude that dating and peer relationships are not redundant, but make independent and additive contributions to adolescent adjustment. Girls, in particular, may be at greatest risk for poor outcomes when they have relationally aggressive relationships. Results also highlight the need for greater awareness of the complexity and significance of adolescent dating relationships.  相似文献   

Surveys have shown that one in four women in the United States experiences intimate partner violence in her lifetime. Interpersonal violence has demonstrated negative effects on a victim's health and well-being. Yet research on interventions aimed at treating the psychosocial effects of this experience is limited. The purpose of the research reported here is to deepen our understanding of the impact of group-based interventions for treating this population. Specifically, this study looks at two different group models to determine their effectiveness in treating two widely recognized effects of intimate partner violence: increased depression and lowered self-esteem.  相似文献   

Exposure to intimate partner violence (IPV) is a traumatic life event. Almost 50 percent of IPV‐exposed children show subsequent post‐traumatic stress symptoms (PTSS), and they are at increased risk for depression. We examined maternal emotion socialization and children's emotion regulation as a pathway that may protect IPV‐exposed children from developing PTSS and depression. Fifty‐eight female survivors of IPV and their 6‐ to 12‐year‐old children participated. Results showed no direct relations between maternal emotion socialization and child adjustment. However, several indirect effects were observed. Higher mother awareness and acceptance of sadness and awareness of fear predicted better child sadness and fear regulation, respectively, which in turn was related to fewer child PTSS. Similar indirect pathways were found with child depression. In addition, mothers’ acceptance and coaching of anger was associated with better child anger regulation, which related to fewer depression symptoms. Implications for prevention and intervention with high‐risk families are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examines the relative importance of key variables proposed by intergroup and social learning theories for understanding ethnic attitudes. The focus is on how ethnic identification, perceived parental attitudes and victimization by peers are related to ethnic attitudes. The sample includes Dutch (N = 295) and Turkish (N = 158) children (10–12 years of age) in the Netherlands. For both ethnic groups, stronger ethnic identification is related to more positive in‐group evaluation, and a higher degree of victimization relates to more negative out‐group evaluation. Furthermore, parental attitudes are related to out‐group evaluation. Higher perceived in‐group favoritism among parents was related to a less positive evaluation of the out‐group. In addition, Turkish parental attitudes turn out to be related to ethnic identification and in‐group evaluation. Further analyses suggest that the effect of perceived parental attitudes on children's group evaluations is not only due to projection. It is concluded that the study of ethnic attitudes among children should focus on group identification as well as on the social influences of parents and peers. Furthermore, it is important to distinguish between in‐group and out‐group aspects of ethnic attitudes and to include both majority and minority children.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of aggressive and prosocial contexts of peer groups on children's socioemotional and school adjustment. Data on informal peer groups, social functioning, and different aspects of adjustment were collected from multiple sources in a sample of elementary school children (149 boys, 181 girls; M age = 10 years). Multilevel analyses indicated that group aggressive and prosocial orientations made direct contributions to children's social, school, and psychological functioning. Group contexts also moderated the individual‐level relations between social behavior and self‐perceptions; prosocial behavior was associated with social or scholastic self‐perceptions more evidently in low prosocial and high aggressive groups. The results suggest that the peer group is an important context for children's performance and adjustment in various domains.  相似文献   

Although low participation rates have historically been considered problematic in peer nomination research, some researchers have recently argued that small proportions of participants can, in fact, provide adequate sociometric data. The current study used a classical measurement perspective to investigate the internal reliability (Cronbach's α) of peer nomination measures of acceptance, popularity, friendship, prosocial behavior, and overt aggression. Data from 642 participants attending 10 schools were resampled at different participation rates ranging from 5 percent to 100 percent of the original samples. Results indicated that (1) the association between participation rate and Cronbach's α was curvilinear across schools and variables; (2) collecting more data for a given variable (by using unlimited vs. limited nominations, or two vs. one items) was significantly related to higher internal reliability; and (3) certain variables (overt aggression, popularity) were more reliable than others (acceptance, friendship). Implications for future research were discussed.  相似文献   

Cooperation with peers is challenging for young children, and there are large individual differences in the development of cooperation. The roles of child characteristics and peer experiences for peer interaction during free play have been studied extensively, but it is unclear which factors predict young children's successful cooperation at different points in development. In this study, 2‐, 3‐, and 4‐year‐old children were observed during a peer cooperation task. Both their interactive behavior and cooperation success were examined, and the association of these variables with child characteristics and peer experiences was explored. Results showed that successful peer cooperation increased with age. Moreover, early individual differences in peer cooperation were related to temperamental characteristics, and, among older children, the rate of cooperation was related to prior peer experience.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to examine the role of attention regulation as a mediator between parent–child relationships and peer social skills. Using the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development data set, mother–child and father–child relationships measured at 54 months and grade 1 predicted peer social skills at first and third grades. Attentional control processes, especially ability to sustain attention and ratings of attention problems, served as mediators between parent–child relationships and peer outcomes. The implications of these processes for theories of family-peer relationships are noted.  相似文献   

The present study addresses the influence that group norms exert on individual aggressive and prosocial behavior. The study hypothesis is that for early adolescents who change their peer group affiliations, the characteristics of the group they are leaving (departing‐group influence) are not as influential as those of the group that they are joining (attracting‐group influence). From a larger sample of fifth and sixth graders who were followed over a one‐year period, 198 early adolescents were identified as those who changed peer group affiliations. Peer nominations on aggression, prosociality, social preference and popularity, and social network information were collected. Results confirmed that there were significant attracting‐ but not departing‐group influences on aggression and prosociality. Expected associations between aggression, prosocial behavior, and social status were confirmed. The discussion is framed around a social‐ecological perspective that emphasizes the short‐term adaptive nature of aggressive behavior in some peer groups and the need for considering social mobility when assessing group influence on individual behavior.  相似文献   

This article examines the experiences and views of child-protectionsocial workers and managers in relation to the management ofviolence against child-protection social workers in a largecounty council’s Social Services Department. These findingsdemonstrate the importance of the role of managers and agencysupport systems in dealing with such matters. Questions areraised concerning the effects of interventions by child-protectionprofessionals with resistant and threatening parent service-users,and challenges some of the assumptions underlying the currentparadigm in child-protection work which demands an uncriticalview that working in partnership with parents is always in theinterests of children, and is always possible. The findingssuggest that in certain types of situations, workers’effectiveness can be compromised when carrying out their rolesin both supporting families and protecting children. They alsoillustrate the types of agency responses which professionalsand managers find helpful and unhelpful in response to parentalthreats and aggression. In particular, the importance of supervisionand support from managers is addressed, as are the implicationsof the findings for practice and agency support strategies forworkers. The relevance of the findings are also set out withinthe context of the requirements placed upon individual practitionersand agencies which employ social workers by the General SocialCare Council Codes of Conduct and Practice for Social Care Workersand their Employers.  相似文献   

Environmental factors work to make siblings in the same family different from one another rather than similar. The Sibling Inventory of Differential Experience (SIDE; Daniels & Plomin, 1985) was constructed to evaluate how differently siblings perceive their experiences to be across three domains: parental treatment, sibling treatment, and peer characteristics. The goals of the study were threefold: to assess the degree to which siblings agree about their differential experiences; to examine the stability of perceived differential treatment across three years; and to assess genetic and environmental contributions to the SIDE using both the twin design and the stepfamily design. These goals were explored using a genetically sensitive sample of 719 same-sex sibling pairs ranging from 10 to 18 years of age of whom 94% of eligible pairs were retested three years later. Results indicated moderate agreement between siblings, and considerable stability across 3 years. As in previous research on the SIDE, MZ vs. DZ results indicated greater genetic influence than did results for full siblings vs. genetically unrelated siblings. The results suggest that, although intended as a measure of nonshared environment, the SIDE is not impervious to genetic influence as assessed by the twin design.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of an 8‐week Parent Effective Training (PET) program on family communication and flexibility. Forty‐two pairs of Korean parents were randomly assigned to either an experimental group that provided the PET program or a control group that did not offer the program. The two groups were compared on pre‐, post‐, and follow‐up measures of PAC(Parent‐Adolescent Communication), ENRICH(Enriching and Nurturing Relationship Issues, Communication and Happiness), and FACES(Family Adaptability Cohesion Evaluation Scale), while controlling for the effects of socio‐demographic variables. Compared with the control group, the experimental group showed significant improvements in family communication between parents and children and between the husband and the wife but no such improvements in family flexibility. These findings suggest that the PET program is a useful short‐term tool for Korean parents wishing to enhance family communication.  相似文献   

This study examined the links among parents' interaction styles, their children's social information processing, and peer acceptance. Fourth‐grade children (N = 159) and their parents were observed during family discussions. One year later peer acceptance and children's information processing choices (goals, strategies, and attributions) in response to social dilemmas involving their parents and peers were assessed. Fathers' interaction styles with their children predicted both girls' and boys' information processing in regard to their fathers and peers, which, in turn, were related to peer acceptance. Mothers' interactive styles with their children predicted children's social information processing in regard to parents and peers and peer acceptance in similar ways, but only for girls. This study provided evidence that parent–child interaction is linked to children's information processing concerning their relationships with parents and peers and in turn with children being liked by peers. The implications of a social information processing approach for understanding family–peer links are emphasized.  相似文献   

Domestic violence and substance use are issues which pervadesocial work practice, yet are often on the margins of the knowledgebase for practitioners and their managers. This article providesan overview of the literature on substance use and domesticviolence, highlighting the problems with the separation of bothpractice and policy in these areas. Research on substance useand the needs of women survivors of domestic violence are explored,alongside the more substantial literature on perpetrators ofdomestic violence and patterns of substance use. The problemsof a simplistic analysis which suggest that there is a causallink between substance use and domestic violence are highlighted.Using data from an on-going research project, the sources ofthe continuing and dysfunctional separation of work in theseareas are explored.  相似文献   

李景华 《唐都学刊》2004,20(3):157-160
婚姻暴力的产生不仅受到社会政治、经济、文化的影响,还与施暴者的大脑结构有关。如果大脑的功能出现障碍,会加大使用暴力的可能性。国外脑科学家认为通过对有暴力行为的患者进行脑部检查,并施以药物治疗,改善大脑功能,就能有效中止暴力行为。  相似文献   

This study is the first to explore the effect of social worker manpower on family violence incidents. In addition, it is the first study to investigate the geography of family violence in Taiwan. Using data from the County‐Level Important Indicator Query System, this study performs panel regressions to analyze the determinants of county‐level family violence incidents between 2005 and 2011. The empirical results clearly indicate that family violence incidents tend to be higher in counties that suffer economic disadvantage and in which there is an inadequate deployment of social worker manpower. The findings have important implications for combating family violence.  相似文献   

Despite the proliferation of studies on parent involvement, few have specifically examined the psychosocial variables of single parent involvement. In this qualitative study, ten single mothers with children in the first two years of primary school were interviewed to explore psychosocial variables of their involvement in education. Financial assistance, personal resilience and support from loved ones especially grandparents supported their involvement. The lack of time to provide supervision due to long hours spent at work, low wages, difficulties with quality supervision of children's homework and grandparents' differences in disciplinary practices prevented their involvement. Implications for school-community-family partnerships were discussed.  相似文献   

This self-report and observational study explores the relationship between perceptions of different kinds of teasing experiences and psychosocial functioning in an overweight treatment-seeking adolescent population. Participants were 96 adolescents enrolled in a residential weight-loss camp program. Prior to the start of treatment, participants' weight status was measured by trained program staff, and participants' perceptions of teasing experiences and psychosocial functioning were assessed through self-report questionnaires. Controlling for body mass index, more frequent and upsetting weight-related teasing experiences were associated with worse psychological functioning. Adolescents most distressed by weight-related teasing exhibited lower self-esteem and higher depressive symptoms regardless of reported frequency of weight-related teasing. Competence-related teasing was also associated with more worries about weight, greater depressive symptoms, and more negative anti-fat attitudes. Weight-related teasing, but not competence-related teasing, was associated with lower levels of program and social involvement for heavier adolescents.  相似文献   

This article addresses the benefits of modifying the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program by Kabat-Zinn for survivors of interpersonal trauma. MBSR, originally designed for those dealing with chronic health conditions, is being offered to individuals with a variety of issues around the country, including people who have histories of surviving interpersonal violence. Discussed here are the psychosocial needs of women who have survived interpersonal trauma and the rationale for creating a phase I trauma-intervention based on the MBSR model. An example of one model of a trauma-informed MBSR intervention developed by the author is presented, as well as a summary of findings derived from a randomized controlled pilot study of the model with a community-based sample of women survivors of interpersonal trauma. Outcomes include statistically and clinically significant improvements in reducing symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder and depression, as well as decreases in a measure of anxious attachment. Qualitative findings are also summarized.  相似文献   

Collins (2008) provides a grand theory that unifies all forms of human violence occurring in face‐to‐face situations, ranging from spousal abuse to medieval warfare. Laitin (2008) appreciates Collins's microscopic analysis of diverse data but points to important shortcomings in the theory, especially Collins's metaphoric explanations that are not testable. Here Collins's theory is merged with an existing biosocial model of dominance, replacing the metaphors with tangible, measurable hormonal mechanisms.  相似文献   

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