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基于中国居民两轮微观调查数据,本文通过构建期望贫困概率模型测量城市家庭贫困脆弱性,并从全国、地区、家庭维度进行动态演化研究。结果表明:中国对国际减贫的边际效应有所下降,城市慢性贫困持续好转,而暂时性贫困却有加剧迹象;相对贫困日益突出,且在北京、上海等经济发达地区尤为严峻,黑龙江贫困形势出现恶化,河南、湖南隐形贫困覆盖面最广,河南、湖北、湖南及重庆则是贫困高发区域。随着时间推移,贫困脆弱性年轻家庭化趋势明显,户主性别已退化为贫困脆弱性的非影响因素,而婚姻、孩子抚养问题成为扰动家庭稳定主要风险;个体教育的投入已无法形成抑制效应,只有均衡提升家庭教育水平才是减少贫困脆弱性的有效手段。从有效性识别来看,全国相对贫困线适用于慢性贫困脆弱性,地区相对贫困线适合暂时性贫困脆弱性,而高脆弱性识别则能助力精准脱贫。  相似文献   

Gustafson  Per E. 《Risk analysis》1998,18(6):805-811
A substantial body of risk research indicates that women and men differ in their perceptions of risk. This paper discusses how they differ and why. A review of a number of existing empirical studies of risk perception points at several problems, regarding what gender differences are found in such studies, and how these differences are accounted for. Firstly, quantitative approaches, which have so far dominated risk research, and qualitative approaches give different, sometimes even contradictory images of women's and men's perceptions of risk. Secondly, the gender differences that appear are often left unexplained, and even when explanations are suggested, these are seldom related to gender research and gender theory in any systematic way. This paper argues that a coherent, theoretically informed gender perspective on risk is needed to improve the understanding of women's and men's risk perceptions. An analysis of social theories of gender points out some relations and distinctions which should be considered in such a perspective. It is argued that gender structures, reflected in gendered ideology and gendered practice, give rise to systematic gender differences in the perception of risk. These gender differences may be of different kinds, and their investigation requires the use of qualitative as well as quantitative methods. In conclusion, the arguments about gender and risk perception are brought together in a theoretical model which might serve as a starting point for further research.  相似文献   

论文考察了公司治理对投资者关系管理的影响作用.论文以南京大学投资者关系管理指数(CIRINJU)作为上市公司投资者关系管理水平度量指标.研究发现,机构投资者持股、外部股权的提高能有效促进公司提升投资者关系管理水平,管理层持股与投资者关系管理呈U型关系,董事长与CEO分离与投资者关系管理呈弱正相关关系,外部董事与投资者关系管理可能存在替代关系而不是互补关系.研究还发现,上市公司海外上市或发行B股能促进公司提升投资者关系管理水平,公司规模与投资者关系管理存在显著正相关关系,财务杠杆与投资者关系弱显著负相关,公司业绩与投资者关系管理存在内生性.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the extant and emerging perspectives on, and approaches to, political risk management, particularly in the context of foreign direct investment. The authors identify and classify the various theoretical lenses in the domain of political risk management, and suggest a future research agenda. The paper contributes by conceptually categorizing and mapping the extant research onto three approaches to the management of political risk. Through conducting a narrative literature review, the authors suggest three theoretical perspectives on political risk management: institutions; resources and capabilities; and resource dependence. They argue that the institutions approach to political risk management is reactive, responding to external stimuli, whereas the resources‐ and capabilities‐based approach is proactive, preparing and acting in anticipation. The resource dependence domain offers an intermediate approach – the active management of political risk. The authors also suggest that the effectiveness of the domains’ approaches may vary across different national contexts.  相似文献   

While many studies deal with comparative public sector reform, the fundamental question of whether and to what extent states are actually able to abolish parts of their administrative structure remains untackled. Despite some efforts to solve this puzzle, the topic remains underestimated. This article identifies the main conceptual and theoretical problems associated with existent research on the termination of public organizations. Furthermore, the article systemizes various causal factors of termination into two broad dimensions: “organizational stickiness” and “political incentives.” Taken together, these constitute a typology, which is able to guide future empirical investigation of the termination of public organizations.
Christoph KnillEmail:

Christian Adam   has received his B.A. in Politics and Public Administration from University of Konstanz. Michael W. Bauer   is Assistant Professor of Comparative Public Policy and Administration. Christoph Knill   is Professor of Comparative Public Policy and Administration. Philipp Studinger   is Student of Politics and Public Administration from the University of Konstanz.  相似文献   

This paper presents a review of the concept of asset specificity and of the impact which asset specificity is expected to exert on the performance of buyer–supplier relationships. The paper begins by unpacking the complex definitional features of asset specificity and how its multifaceted nature is reflected in an inconsistent and rather ad hoc operationalization of the construct in the extant empirical literature. Following a comprehensive examination of the many dimensions of asset specificity, the review then focuses on the expected role of asset specificity in inter‐firm relationships according to three different theoretical perspectives: transaction costs economics, the resource‐based view and relational exchange theory. Considerable ambiguities and inconsistencies are highlighted by reviewing hypotheses typically developed within their respective theoretical framework. The paper concludes by identifying key challenges and new directions in order to derive maximum benefit from future research.  相似文献   

基于TO视角的项目复杂性测度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析传统项目复杂性影响要素的基础上,从客观性任务和主观性组织的角度探讨了项目复杂性微观影响因子的TO概念模型;并基于ProjectSim建立了以隐性工作量表示的项目复杂性测度方法;然后以世博AB片区项目构建模型,对TO测度方法的假设进行验证,证实基于隐性工作量的项目复杂性测度方法正确有效。本研究丰富和发展了复杂项目管理理论,对大型复杂项目管理具有重要的理论指导意义。  相似文献   

The development of the techniques of risk assessment and management are considered, noting the early emphasis on quantitative approaches. The basic strategies available to governments for risk management—educational, economic, and regulatory—are discussed. Six specific issues are considered with reference to the Canadian experience and the lessons learned. These are: the separation of risk assessment from risk management; the uncertainties of science; the weakness of numerical comparisons; too great a trust in education; the Great White Father Syndrome; and regulatory perils. This examination shows a number of inadequacies in the application of risk management techniques. It is suggested that knowledge of the limitations of quantitative assessment in its application to decision-making together with the involvement of those affected by the risk in the decision-making processes will lead to greater success.  相似文献   

Cancer prevention is a major component of cancer control, which also comprises screening, treatment, rehabilitation and palliative care. Preventive approaches need to be congruent with those adopted for other chronic diseases, with a major impact in reduction of incidence and mortality of many common cancers to be expected from smoking control and dietary modification. Increasing interest is now being paid to other environmental causes of cancer, and to gene-environment interactions. However, one of the major research needs remains the evaluation of better ways to convince people to make the necessary changes in their lifestyle that will reduce their risk of cancer.  相似文献   

The paper examines developments that led to the termination of California’s major state-run international trade programs managed by the now defunct Technology, Trade and Commerce Agency and provides perspectives on future policy options. Study findings indicate that what the academic literature refers to as “theory failure” and “implementation failure,” along with deficiencies in leadership and organizational culture, must be seen as the major reasons for the programs’ elimination.  相似文献   

中国境内上市公司网站投资者关系栏目实证研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
郝臣  李礼 《管理科学》2005,18(1):56-61
首先指出我国境内上市公司的投资者关系管理正处于起步阶段;其次界定了投资者关系和投资者关系管理的定义,设计了一个初步的投资者关系管理模型;最后在对 400 家境内上市公司网站中设有投资者关系栏目的样本进行评价的基础上,客观地论证了我国境内上市公司网站投资者关系栏目的现状及存在问题,给出一个相对完整的投资者关系栏目.  相似文献   

Innovation is often thought of as an outcome. In this chapter, we review the literatures on innovation processes pertaining to the invention, development, and implementation of ideas. In particular, we explore how these processes unfold within firms, across multi-party networks, and within communities. Moreover, we identify four different kinds of complexities associated with innovation processes that we label as evolutionary, relational, temporal, and cultural complexities. While one approach is to manage or control such complexities, we draw attention to literatures that suggest that it is far more productive to harness these complexities for sustaining ongoing innovation. We conclude the chapter by highlighting some areas for future research.  相似文献   

基于企业属性的IT价值多维度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,业界对于IT为企业所带来的战略价值持有两种观点,一种观点认为,IT已经成为基础设施,是企业的一种纯技术工具,将不再为企业带来竞争优势,企业对于IT只需进行风险管理;另一种观点则认为IT仍然具有战略价值,对于提升企业竞争力仍具有推动作用。本文从组织管理的角度审视IT价值,结合企业特定的内部条件和外部环境探讨了IT带给企业的差异性,从行业、规模、组织结构、管理流程以及企业文化五个企业属性维度分析了IT对企业具有的不同战略价值,认为IT仍然是企业未来发展和提升竞争力的核心动力之一。  相似文献   

创新能力是每个领导干部都必须具备的能力,而理论创新又是工作创新、制度创新、管理创新、方法创新、体制创新的先导。如何实现从理论学习到理论创新的升华,既是领导干部对自身能力的挑战,也是实施具体领导活动的客观要求。从理论学习到理论创新,一般而言,大体应该有这样五个环节:一是学习细化,二是领会融化,三是吸收消化,四是思考转化,五是总结深化。这五个环节犹如数学原理中的加、减、乘、除法运算和求取平方数一样,有着一般性规律和内在要求。学习细化,必须做好“加法”。理论知识的获取主要靠多读、多看、多听、多交流。在读原著、读文…  相似文献   

文章简单介绍了有关通货膨胀与RPV关系的理论并构建了理论模型;然后估算了中国加权的RPV与不加权的RPV以及通货膨胀率,再构建单变量的GARCH模型将通货膨胀率分解为预期通货膨胀、非预期通货膨胀和通货膨胀不确定性三个要素,并运用估计得到的数据实证检验了中国通货膨胀与RPV的关系.研究得出中国通货膨胀与RPV呈指数型非线性关系,并且存在结构断点,国外有关通货膨胀与RPV关系的理论模型也得到了一定地数据支持,但是单独一种理论模型无法全面解释中国RPV与通货膨胀的关系,三种模型结合起来也是不健全的.  相似文献   

自1992年中国与韩国建交以来,中韩关系经受了时间和国际风云变幻的考验,现已步入稳定的发展轨道。致力于建设全面合作伙伴关系,已经成为中韩双方的共识。在经济全球化、区域一体化的国际形势下,进一步发展中韩关系不仅符合双方的根本利益,而且有利于世界的和平、稳定与发展。建交以来的中韩关系中韩建交顺应历史潮流,符合两国利益。建交后两国在政治、经济、文化等方面得到了全面发展。(一)高层交往频繁,政治互信进一步加强建交以来,两国政治关系进展顺利。两国不仅实现了首脑互访,而且通过政党、议会等高层人士的活跃交流,为在更广的范围内…  相似文献   

陆苗耕 《领导科学》2003,(21):45-47
1998年1月1日,中华人民共和国与南非共和国正式建立外交关系。中、南建交在南非各界引起强烈反响,南非非洲人国民大会(以下简称非国大)率先发表声明,高度评价曼德拉宣布同中国建交、同台湾断交的决定。南非白人政党民主党认为,从国际政治现实和南非长远经济利益出发,南非与中华人民共和国建交是不可避免的。中、南双方的官方接触始于1990年,中间发生了1994年4月新南非诞生的重大变化,至1998年元旦实现两国建交,经历了近8个春秋。神秘的坚冰解冻期解冻期,1990年至1994年初新南非成立,约4年时间。新中国成立后,我国政府坚决支持南非人民反对种…  相似文献   

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