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连词是连接词与词、短语与短语、分句与分句的重要语法手段。在英语写作中如何正确使用连词是中国学生学习英语的难点之一。具体语料显示了大学英语写作中连词误用的类型,即连词语类误用、连词缺失、连词非准确选用以及连词多用。错误纠正经过标示、修改和补讲三个步骤。在纠错中教师应尽量给予学生独立修正偏误的优先权。  相似文献   

不少名家认为殷墟甲骨刻辞中“于”字可以用为连词,其所举例句可分为三种类型:第一类“司岁于协遘”实际应断为“司岁,于协遘”,“于”字充作介宾结构;第二类“蒸于主乙于后主乙”应断为“蒸于主乙,于后主乙(蒸)”,这类句子实际上是复句;第三类“余其从多田于多白征盂方”因极为罕见,“多白”有可能是地名,也可能是误刻。由此观之,目前尚无充分证据证明“于”是连词。  相似文献   

习语是任何语言和文化的精华,民族特色鲜明.英汉习语在表现语义、用法和文化特征时,其对应关系可分为三类完全或基本对应类;部分或半对应类;非对应类.第一类习语可英汉互译,第二、三类习语不能直译,必须弄清它们的内涵和实际意义,再根据上下文灵活“意译”,先达意,后传神.  相似文献   

英汉语中动物象征意义对应关系比较   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
人们历来喜欢用动物的某些特征来阐明具有民族特色的处世哲学。英汉语中动物象征意义在表现语义、文化特征时 ,其对应关系可分为三类 :完全或基本对应类 ;部分或半对应类 ;非对应类。第一类可英汉互译 ,第二、三类不能直译 ,必须弄清它们的象征和实际意义 ,再根据上下文灵活“意译”,先达意 ,后传神。  相似文献   

茅盾的文论话语约可分为三类 :一为以现实主义理论为主的文艺理论家的文论话语 ;二为贯彻指示 ,提供政治导向的领导者的文论话语 ;三为用于评论作家作品的文论话语。第一类文论话语得之于前期的开放而失之于后期的封闭 ;第二类则纯属“角色”话语 ;唯第三类文论话略虽呈片断状态 ,却是真正突破中西权威理论“优位性和霸权性”“中心化力量”的充满个人创见的自由言说 ,因而也最具价值和生命活力。  相似文献   

英语中限制性和非限制性关系分句的本质区别在于前者对先行成分所指事物具有次范畴化功能,后者则没有这种次范畴化功能。认知功能上的区别决定了两类关系分句与其先行成分之间的语义契合关系和不同先行成分之后两类关系分句的使用规律:限制性关系分句因具有次范畴化功能而只能与可次范畴化的先行成分连用,非限制性关系分句则因无次范畴化功能而只能出现在不能次范畴化或无需次范畴化的先行成分之后。据此规律,本文对独指性和全指性先行成分之后限制性关系分句和非限制性关系分句的使用情况作出了解释。  相似文献   

在高等工科院校的教学中,通常将课程大致分为三类:第一类为基础课;第二类为技术基础课;第三类为专业课.各类课程都有其结构特点,因此在讲授中要针对不同课程内容的特点采用不同的教学方法,给学生以清新感,激发学生的求知欲.  相似文献   

对湖南益阳方言"听"的连词用法及其构成的"听p,都q"复句进行了考察。"听p,都q"复句属于条件复句中的无条件复句,根据"听p,都q"复句的句法语义特征可以分为多面列举式、多面总括式和单面总括式三个小类。文章还从表达感情色彩、使用范围、前后分句语序变换等方面与表条件关系的"管p,都q"复句进行比较,得出两种复句出现的不同语义环境和用法差异。  相似文献   

晚唐杂文的内容是多方面的,几乎触及到当时社会生活的每一个角落,充分体现出“杂”的特点。根据它们所反映的社会问题的基本趋向,本文把流传至今的晚唐杂文分为四大类:第一类:揭露统治阶级内部矛盾;第二类:抒发作者怀才不遇的愤懑;第三类:伦理道德、风俗人情的批评;第四类:谴责统治阶级对劳动人民的残酷掠夺。限于篇幅,仅将第一、二类举例列表于下:  相似文献   

每到节假日,医院里的医生总要忙一阵,忙着接诊和救治病人,而在这些病人中,青少年又占大多数。病人大体上分三类,第一类是消化道疾病,比如拉肚子、胃胀腹痛、恶心呕吐等等;第二类是外伤性疾病,如手外伤、眼外伤等等;第三类是伤风感冒、着凉发烧等等。这三类疾病集中在节假日发生,医生们戏称为“假日病”。  相似文献   

本文对《左传》中表示时间单位的“年、时、月、日”等词语的意义进行了深入探讨。其中,“日、时”具有多种与时间相关的意义,这些意义的体现除了与它们不同的结构形式有关,还与它们在句中的句法位置和语法功能存在明显的对应关系。“月、年”的主要功能相对单一,主要是与数词组合,但由于上古汉语没有序数和基数的区分,导致这种组合同时具有表示时点和时段的双重意义,而对这两种意义的区分,同样需要依靠其在句中所处的句法位置予以判定。  相似文献   

清初政府为了管理热河地区蒙古诸部,实行了盟旗制度,随着蒙地的开垦,汉人移居,为了加强管理,府厅州县遂之设立,从而出现了盟旗和府厅州县交错分布的格局,本文介绍了热河地区盟旗和府厅州县交错格局的形成过程。  相似文献   

新冠疫情的冲击放大了中小企业的脆弱性.中小企业需要对外部事件冲击进行持续跟踪和评估,同时培育短期应急管理能力和长期适应能力.根据事件系统理论,外部事件在时间、空间和强度上存在差异,并对员工个体、团队、组织和外部环境等不同层面产生了不同的影响.在不同事件特征维度下中小企业脆弱性产生的管理区域不同,进而影响其相应的管理工具选择.中小企业应根据事件特征及企业脆弱性区域,制定短期和中长期应对策略.  相似文献   

This study describes and accounts for gender differences in earnings among the foreign-born in Israel and how these differences vary by origin countries. It expands on an earlier study that examined the effect of being foreign-born and female on employment status. I address three major questions: Do earnings corroborate the “double disadvantage” of immigrant women relative to both native-born women and native and foreign-born men? How do gender differences in earnings evolve with the prolongation of tenure in the new country? Does the combined effect of nativity status and gender act similarly among all foreign-born groups? Results of OLS regressions from the 1995 population census indicates that, everything else being equal, immigrants, including immigrant women, out-earn native-born men. The effect of tenure, by single year, shows that immigrant men and immigrant women follow very similar trajectories but the latter achieve similarity to native-born men much sooner. A detailed analysis reveals important stratification by country of birth. All the immigrant women who out-earned native men and native women originated in America or Europe. By contrast, all immigrant women who are at a disadvantage relative to native-born men are from Asia or Africa. The most common pattern, in which immigrant women earn as much as native-born men do but out-earn native-born women, characterizes immigrants from both Asia–Africa and Europe–America. The results are discussed in reference to three working hypotheses—“absorption climate,” “immigration motivation,” and “socio-cultural norms”—and in close connection with observations from the investigation on employment status.  相似文献   

辽宋金元时期是北方以至东北少数民族迅速发展,建立政权并形成强大统治力量的重要时期,也是中华民族共同进步、发展与繁荣的重要时期。辽金元少数民族的发展壮大,是由于吸收和借鉴了以汉民族为主体的中原地区的先进文化。同时,这些少数民族也对中原地区经济文化的发展起到了积极的推动作用。尤其是这些少数民族对祖国北方和东北边疆地区的开发与建设做出了巨大贡献,他们已经融合成为中华民族大家庭中的重要成员。就其对祖国历史的贡献表明,他们都是伟大的民族。  相似文献   

Using unique 1990-round census microdata, thepaper describes the household arrangements ofelderly people in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic,Estonia, Finland and Romania. We overview suchtopics as institutionalization, ``headship'rates, ``relationship to reference person,'general household composition, and solitaryliving. Few elders in any country lived withrelatives other than children or spouses. However, elder living arrangements in Finlandexhibit a more ``Northern European' pattern,those in Bulgaria and Romania a ``SoutheasternEuropean' pattern and those in the CzechRepublic a somewhat intermediate pattern. Thesituation in Estonia seemed again distinct.  相似文献   

In this paper, I outline the history of Pakistan’s experience with “Islamic” laws and their impact on women. I also trace the links between the state, nationalism, religion, and women’s organizations, and demonstrate how they have shaped women's lives in Pakistan. I focus mainly on General Zia ul-Haq’s influence in fostering and reinforcing certain detrimental ideologies and policies regarding women. I argue that a close examination of the state, nationalism, the search for cultural authenticity in post-colonial nations, and the struggles and dilemmas of women's activism in Muslim cultures are all central to advancing the discussion of women in islam. With chains of matrimony and modesty You can shackle my feet The fear will still haunt you That crippled, unable to walk I shall continue to think. (Kishwar Naheed, a contemporary poet, quoted in Mumtaz and Shaheed 1987: 77) Her current research interests include gender and development in third-world countries and transnational feminist movements. Her dissertation examines the role of women's non-governmental organizations in Pakistan.  相似文献   

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