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沙县县委、县政府认真贯彻省委、省政府《意见》精神,在管理、考核、利益导向等方面连续制定出台了一系列新政策,推动了全县计划生育工作的深入开展。在管理服务上:制定出台《关于加强持二孩〈生育服务证〉育妇计生管理服务的暂行规定》,切实解决出生人口性别比失衡问题,其中住院分娩并及时主动落实绝育措施的,育妇可得到500元的奖励。在督查考核上:制定出台《计生常规工作月督查制度》,按月在县委办的《督查与反馈》上通报主要指标完成情况,每两个月组织人员进行一次专项督查,促进了基层计生经常性工作的落实。同时,制定出台《人口和计划生育责任目标考核办法》制定了可操作性的考核目标内容与考核评分标准,提高考核的科学性和增强考核的透明度。在干部队伍建设上:制定出台《关于进一步加强计划生育干部队伍建设的若干意见》,建立了全县计生干部管理、培训和奖惩机制。今年乡级党委班子换届中,有7名计生干部得到提拔使用,  相似文献   

去年2月贵州省在针对全省同生人口性别问题在黔东南州开展了调研工作,并提出对策。今年3月初,又专门成立了以贵州大学人口研究中心主任、教授杨军昌为课题牵头人的课题组,专门对全省出生人口性别比  相似文献   

为做好城市社区和流动人口计生服务管理工作,山东省烟台市人口计生委从抓基层基础入手,在完善服务管理体制机制上下硬功夫;从强化各项工作入手,着力实现各项工作规范,实现了城市人口计生服务管理的"一目了然、一清二楚、一点不漏、管理现代"的目标。  相似文献   

1月15日,全国人口和计划生育工作会议在北京召开。会议认真总结了2008年全国人口计生工作以及“十一五”人口发展和事业发展规划实施情况,研究部署了2009年重点工作。国家人口计生委主任李斌作工作报告,要求全国人口计生系统认真贯彻落实科学发展观,振奋精神、开拓创新、扎实工作,推动人口计生工作持续健康发展,以更加优异的成绩迎接新中国成立60周年。  相似文献   

一、全国扶贫工作简况为加速贫困地区的经济开发,我国政府于1984年制定并实施了扶贫政策。国务院和各地方政府确定了331个国家重点贫困县(确定标准为当年人均收入不足150元的  相似文献   

近年来,山东省德州市德城区新湖办事处不断创新城区计划生育管理模式,抓网络、夯基础,强管理、优服务,积极探索建立了"五个三"管理服务工作体系,即:三覆盖登记体系、三公开竞争体系、三优先管理体系、三落实服务体系和三负责领导体系,有力推动了城区人口计生工作的深入开展。  相似文献   

郯城县重坊镇注重发挥镇村两级人口学校的“主阵地”作用,不断加强人口学校的功能.促进了“双进”、“双建”活动的建康开展。  相似文献   

不久前召开的全国人口和计划生育工作会议突出强调了创新机制的问题,这是今年工作的核心,也是今后一个时期的重要任务。会议提出要构建理论创新、战略研究、工作运行、利益导向和社会保障、公共投入等五大机制。这些机制处于不同的层次,但又有着密切的联系。理论创新机制和战略研究机制处在宏观层次,主要由国家和省级人口计生委共同建立,为其他机制的建设提供理论指导和智力支持。工作运行机制是机制体系建设的基石,只有这个机制建立起来,人口计生工作的大厦才能稳固。利益导向和社会保障机制、公共投入机制既是工作运行机制的重要内容,同时…  相似文献   

苏妍  逯进 《人口学刊》2023,(5):69-82
数字经济不仅会对劳动力的技能需求产生调整作用,而且会通过就业创造效应和替代效应引发劳动力的工作变动。本文从数字基础设施、数字产业化、产业数字化和数字创新四个维度综合衡量城市数字经济发展水平,引入CLDS微观数据库标识工作变动,进而基于宏微观数据匹配研究数字经济发展对劳动力工作变动的影响及作用机理。结果表明:城市数字经济发展显著提升了劳动力工作变动的概率。在使用Heckman两阶段回归解决样本选择偏差问题、采用工具变量进行内生性检验之后,结论仍然具有稳健性。从工作技能视角看,相对于工作中主要使用非常规工作技能的劳动力,使用中等常规技能和高等常规技能的员工更易发生工作变动。异质性分析发现劳动力的性别、教育水平、就业方式以及所处区域等特征均呈现出显著的差异。拓展分析表明随着数字经济渗透率以及资源配置效率的提升,劳动力发生工作变动的概率呈下降趋势。基于研究结论,建议继续高质量推进数字中国建设,加强数字经济与实体经济的融合发展;针对不同特征劳动力群体,根据劳动力市场新需求,引导劳动力及时提升自身工作技能水平,实现更高质量的充分就业。  相似文献   

积极推进计划生育优质服务工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘维忠 《西北人口》2001,(3):24-25,,28,
本文探讨了开展计划生育优质服务的重要性,并分析了可能会出现的问题提出了相应对策.  相似文献   

Much research has concluded that the gender role attitudes of older women are more traditional in orientation. This line of research, however, has often confounded the impact of age and cohort. Consequently, cohort differences in life experiences have not been systematically explored. This study addresses the relationship between age and gender role attitudes, taking into account the potential mediating effects of life experiences and controlling for cohort. The conclusions suggest that the impact of age on gender role attitudes is not as strong as might be expected. Rather, the results show that the life experiences of different cohorts are better predictors of gender role attitudes among older women, though such experiences do not have the same impact on all women.  相似文献   

21世纪的美国社会保障:趋势与借鉴   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
美国社会保障的未来趋势是:预期寿命延长、劳动力数量增长缓慢、退休人数增加、退休年龄不断提前,这些共同加剧了社会保障收支不平衡状况,企业成为社会保障的生力军,社会保障事业出现私有化和私营化苗头。其借鉴意义:重视预期寿命延长对社会保障的压力,及早为延长退休年龄做好准备工作,重新定位企业在社会保障制度中的地位,改善社会保障的管理工作。  相似文献   

Mortality crossovers at older ages have been observed when comparing different populations, particularly disadvantaged populations with advantaged populations. A growing body of research indicates that mortality convergences to actual crossovers are real and not a result of overstating of age at the older ages. Only recently have the mortality experiences of Native Americans been compared with those of other Americans; specific Native American tribal populations have not been examined, however. Presented here are the mortality experiences of the Navajo and those of the total U.S. population and U.S. white population since the mid-20th century. Comparison provides further support to findings that convergences and crossovers actually occur between disadvantaged and advantaged populations.  相似文献   

This study explored the life course experiences of older lesbians and their concerns and needs as they age. Interviews with sixty-two lesbians, age 55 and older, living in the three west coast states, revealed common themes related to coming out, family and partner relationships, sources of support, aging-related concerns, personal accomplishments, and hopes for the future. Implications for research with older lesbians and for appropriate social work practice and service delivery with this aging population are discussed.  相似文献   

As more and more children experience nonintact families because of nonmarital birth or parental marital disruption, researchers have paid more attention to whether nonintact family experiences have negative effects on later life. This study uses data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth to consider how experiences of parental structure affect chances of high school graduation. The study shows that the negative effects of parental structure are simpler than theoretical notions might suggest.  相似文献   

BackgroundA decrease in the level of physical activity from pre-pregnancy to pregnancy seems to be a general problem, despite the obvious health benefits of physical activity. Quantitative studies indicate that pregnant women's fears might explain why they reduce their level of physical activity, but still no qualitative research has investigated the experiences influencing these women.QuestionTo explore healthy women's perceptions of risk associated with physical activity during pregnancy.MethodAn interpretive narrative approach was used to gain insight into pregnant women's personal stories and lived experiences. Five Danish pregnant women aged 26–36 years participated in semi-structured, in-depth interviews between September and December 2010. The analysis method was based on two types of narrative inquiry: (1) a narrative analysis to cover the story, and (2) a paradigmatic analysis to cover the themes.FindingsMost of the pregnancy stories highlighted a specific experience, which made the women anxious. These experiences were: previous miscarriages, fertility treatment and shortened cervix. Also bodily challenges and pain scared the women, such as hypertonic pelvic muscles, Braxton Hicks contractions, abdominal pain, exhaustion, and shortness of breath. The stories also described the impacts of women's relatives and friends on their perceptions of risk.ConclusionSpecial consideration should be given to pregnant women who have had negative experiences in previous pregnancies and bodily challenges, which make them anxious and discourage them from being physically active. Healthcare professionals could also pay attention to the fact that women's relatives and friends play a major role in women's perceptions of risk.  相似文献   

This article examines the prevalence of intimate partner violence (IPV) among a national sample of Internet-recruited U.S. men who have sex with men (MSM) (n = 1,575), and associations between reporting of IPV, minority stress, and sexual risk-taking. Five outcomes are examined: experiences of physical and sexual violence, perpetration of physical and sexual violence, and unprotected anal intercourse (UAI) at last sexual encounter. MSM who reported experiencing more homophobic discrimination and internalized homophobia were more likely to report experiences of IPV. The results point to the need for prevention messages to address the external and internal stressors that influence both violence and sexual risk among MSM.  相似文献   

Although homosexuality was still identified as a sign of effeminacy in the West at the beginning of the twentieth century, the work of George Chauncey suggests that working-class men in the West were able to maintain a masculine identity by playing the active, or insertive, role in sexual encounters. The experiences of one middle-class English homosexual, J. R. Ackerley (1896-1967), reveals that maintaining one's masculinity was more difficult for men of the middle class who desired same-sex contact. After a period in which his identity vacillated between the poles of male and female, he conceived a masculine homosexual identity by consciously rejecting effeminacy in himself and others, by dressing as a "normal" middle-class male, and, most importantly, by seeking relationships with younger, working-class men.  相似文献   

BackgroundIn several countries, midwifery students undertake continuity of care experiences as part of their pre-registration education. This is thought to enable the development of a woman-centred approach, as well as providing students with the skills to work in continuity models. A comprehensive overview of factors that may promote optimal learning within continuity experiences is lacking.AimTo identify barriers and facilitators to optimal learning within continuity experiences, in order to provide a holistic overview of factors that may impact on, modify and determine learning within this educational model.MethodsAn integrative literature review was undertaken using a five-step framework which established the search strategy, screening and eligibility assessment, and data evaluation processes. Quality of included literature was critically appraised and extracted data were analysed thematically.FindingsThree key themes were identified. A central theme was relationships, which are instrumental in learning within continuity experiences. Conflict or coherence represents the different models of care in which the continuity experience is situated, which may conflict with or cohere to the intentions of this educational model. The final theme is setting the standards, which emerged from the lack of evidence and guidance to inform the implementation of student placements within continuity experiences.ConclusionThe learning from continuity experiences must be optimised to prepare students to be confident, competent and enthusiastic to work in continuity models, ultimately at the point of graduation. This will require an evidence-based approach to inform clear guidance around the intent, implementation, documentation and assessment of continuity experiences.  相似文献   

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