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粤闽浙三省新移民身份特征的比较分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
潮龙起 《南方人口》2009,24(4):52-58,13
根据侨情调查和人口普查资料,通过对粤、闽、浙三省新移民出国时身份特征的比较发现.就粤、闽、浙三省新移民的自然属性来说,粤籍新移民年龄层次的多元化特点明显,性别比例平衡:浙籍新移民的年龄较集中在青壮年,但也呈现多元化的趋向,性别比例不大平衡:而闽籍新移民青壮年比例最高,性别比例失衡。就粤、闽、浙三省新移民的社会属性来说,粤籍新移民文化程度最高,浙籍次之,闽籍最低;三省新移民的职业身份都以农民、工人为主,但广东、浙江新移民职业结构的多元化特征明显,而福建新移民的职业层次相对较低。造成粤、闽、浙三省新移民身份特征的差异主要是三省侨乡不同的社会经济背景和移民传统、新移民迁移的不同途径以及目标国的移民政策。  相似文献   

利用世界银行全球双边迁移数据库和联合国全球移民存量数据库,对1960~2020年中国周边邻国国际移民的变化趋势进行分析,同时关注邻国国际移民的来华情况,并对其未来趋势进行预判。研究发现,60年间,中国邻国国际移民存量与邻国来华移民存量均呈现先减后增的阶段性变化特征。与此同时,中国邻国国际移民的目的地逐渐向欧美与海湾地区转移,不同邻国国际移民的目的地分布存在差异。在此期间,尽管邻国来华移民在全部在华国际移民中占据重要地位,但绝大多数邻国国际移民并未将中国大陆视为其主要目的地。结合中国未来发展前景与“一带一路”倡议等战略安排,可以预见中国今后将迎接更大规模的邻国国际移民。当前,需要在学术研究与相关政策制定等方面做好充分准备。  相似文献   

何敏波 《南方人口》2010,25(1):39-46
台山有数量庞大的海外移民,他们主要来源于农村,对当地农村发展有重要的影响,一直受到较多的关注,而当地农村的国内移民却往往被忽视。改革开放以来,国内移民的数量大幅增加,而且随着个体经济实力上升、人脉力量突显等原因,整体实力不断提升,对农村经济发展、社会网络扩展、村民心态等都有重要的影响,成为侨乡的“新推手”。  相似文献   

三峡移民社区的整合一直是学术界关注的问题之一。本文通过实地调查和个案访谈,以移民纠纷作为切入点。主要分析了移民社区中社会资本的缺失与重构。认为移民社区的整合和合法性的获得来源于国家力量和移民、移民和移民之间关系网络的生成和维系。而移民纠纷深深的“嵌入”这些关系网络所构成的社区基础秩序之中。同时深刘的体现了社区合法性的维系机制。  相似文献   

新移民是推动当代美国华人人口增长和结构变迁的主要因素.1965年美国颁布新移民法,彻底废除了种族歧视性条款,按国籍分配移民配额,华人获得相对平等的入境权;再加上配额外的直系亲属移民,使得华人移民数量不断攀升.中美建交后,原先由台湾享用的2万名移民配额转给中国大陆,1982年美国另给台湾2万名移民配额,此外还给香港和澳门一些移民配额.由于新移民的持续大规模涌入,美国华人人口增速惊人,至2015年已超过450万,其中60%以上为移民,40%为土生华裔.华人移民不仅在来源地和类型上趋向多元化,而且在社会经济背景上呈现出两极分化的特点.  相似文献   

俄罗斯转轨时期移民问题研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
移民问题是俄罗斯一个较为敏感的问题。从20世纪80年代后半期开始,苏联国内向国外移民的倾向日益增强。俄罗斯大多数移民外流的目的都是为了改善物质生活条件。苏联的解体和俄罗斯选择新自由主义经济发展模式使其快速与国际劳动力市场接轨,俄罗斯成为世界上一个主要的劳动力资源进口国。对于移民迁入国来说,移民的增加具有正反两方面的作用。对于俄罗斯来说,其正面影响是外来移民的迁入在很大程度上解决了某些经济部门和某些地区的劳动力短缺问题,但与此同时,外来移民的流入也引起许多社会问题的出现。  相似文献   

城市新移民是城市化过程中的一个新兴事物,通过对我国城市贫困救助及社会保障制度现状的考察,重新构建了城市新移民的贫困救助和社会保障机制。对于不同类别的城市新移民,社会保障机制的目标不同,对于长期在城市工作,已经有了相对固定住所和工作的城市新移民,社会保障机制的作用应该是通过规范的、系统的制度来保障他们与城市居民一样享受正常的社会保障。对于短期务工、常年流动的城市新移民,社会保障机制的作用是进行贫困救助,帮助他们在没有收入、没有工作、发生意外伤害的时候得到援助。  相似文献   

景志铮  郭虹 《西北人口》2007,28(2):33-36
本文以社会排斥理论作为概念工具,对城市新移民的城市社区融入问题进行研究。笔者从新移民和城市居民两个不同的角度收集资料,根据新移民的职业、在城市的居住时间和长期居住意愿选取典型个案。笔者从经济排斥、社会关系排斥和文化排斥三个方面进行分析。认为社会排斥是新移民社区融入的壁垒所在,缓解消除社会排斥,实现社区参与、社会交往的“破冰”,是形成社区内社会关系“互构共变”的基础,是城市新移民真正融入社区的前提。  相似文献   

三峡移民迁移满意度的转变及其根源   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
三峡移民在搬迁到新迁入地后,对迁移的总体评价态度有一个从较高的满意度向较低的满意度过渡的转变。本文采用“同期群”研究方法,通过对三峡移民评价态度影响因素的回归分析,说明了三峡移民在安置地的适应过程大致可以分为三个阶段,即角色标签阶段、角色学习阶段、角色同化与比较阶段。而角色同化和比较阶段中,三峡移民的横向比较引起的相对剥夺感是三峡移民满意度变低的主要原因。  相似文献   

利用联合国经济和社会事务部国际移民统计数据库中1990-2013年中国对143个国家和地区的移民存量数据,在修正移民零值基础上,采用国际移民引力模型考察了中国对外移民的区位分布及其影响因素。研究结果表明:中国对外移民主要分布在距离较近和收入较高的国家或地区;影响中国对外移民的因素有移民输入国经济发展水平、经济规模、人口规模、制度质量以及距离;移民输入国资源丰富程度和老龄化程度对中国移民没有显著影响。本文的研究结论意味着保持中国经济持续健康发展、提高国民收入水平、继续深化改革提高制度质量对减少人才流失具有重要意义。  相似文献   

A cohort component projection of local populations based on sex and single year of age offers great value for planning local services, but demands data beyond the detail available. Local fertility, mortality and migration schedules by age and sex must be estimated sensitively to local variation if the results are to be of greater value than simpler methods of projection. Two approaches are compared, using data for the recent past: (a) direct estimation of local area age-specific schedules of fertility, mortality and migration based on data available to the national statistical agency; (b) graduation of national schedules using only local area population estimates by age, total numbers of births, and total numbers of deaths; age-specific migration is indirectly estimated from successive population estimates. These two approaches are compared with a projection using the same rates for each area. The three projections have been implemented for electoral wards in the Fife local government area of Scotland, using the flexible framework provided by POPGROUP software. Persuasive local population projections based on standard data for standard areas are feasible without the regular publication of migration flows.  相似文献   

This paper presents the findings of a systematic review of scholarly publications that report empirical findings from studies of environmentally-related international migration. There exists a small, but growing accumulation of empirical studies that consider environmentally-linked migration that spans international borders. These studies provide useful evidence for scholars and policymakers in understanding how environmental factors interact with political, economic and social factors to influence migration behavior and outcomes that are specific to international movements of people, in highlighting promising future research directions, and in raising important considerations for international policymaking. Our review identifies countries of migrant origin and destination that have so far been the subject of empirical research, the environmental factors believed to have influenced these migrations, the interactions of environmental and non-environmental factors as well as the role of context in influencing migration behavior, and the types of methods used by researchers. In reporting our findings, we identify the strengths and challenges associated with the main empirical approaches, highlight significant gaps and future opportunities for empirical work, and contribute to advancing understanding of environmental influences on international migration more generally. Specifically, we propose an exploratory framework to take into account the role of context in shaping environmental migration across borders, including the dynamic and complex interactions between environmental and non-environmental factors at a range of scales.  相似文献   

Growing interest in the environmental aspects of migration is not matched by research on their interrelationships, due partly to the lack of adequate data sets on the two together. Focusing on the microlevel, we describe the data required to effectively investigate these interrelationships. Data sources are discussed, including information that should be collected, focusing on household surveys and remote sensing. The main section of the paper describes three alternative approaches to data collection: (a) using existing population and environmental data from different sources, illustrated by Burkina Faso; (b) adding questions to a survey developed for another purpose, illustrated for Guatemala using a DHS survey; and (c) designing a new survey specifically to collect both migration and environmental data to investigate interrelationships, illustrated by Ecuador. Methods used and summary findings are described, followed by a discussion of their advantages and limitations. We conclude with recommendations as to effective use of each approach as research on migration?Cenvironment linkages moves forward.  相似文献   

The migration efficiency ratio of an area is defined as the net migration of the area (in-migrants minus out-migrants) divided by the total number of moves whose origin or destination is that area (in-migrants plus out-migrants) multiplied by 100. This paper investigates variations in migration efficiency from 1955 to 1960 among Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas with populations of 250,000 or more. Regional variation in migration efficiency was evident, ranging from an average of ?9.7 in the Northeast to 19.6 for SMSA’s in the Western region. Nonwhites tended to have higher migration efficiency than whites. Rapidly growing metropolitan areas had higher migration efficiency ratios than areas growing at a lower rate or losing population. The educational level of a metropolitan area, as measured by the percent of the population 25 years old or over with at least a high school education, was positively related to migration efficiency. The composition of the migrant population, both in- and outmigrants for a given area, was related to the value of the migration efficiency ratio. If the migrant population contained a large proportion of persons aged 20–34, migration efficiency was low, regardless of the direction of the major migration stream. Region was found to have a major effect. Variables that had a strong and positive relationship with migration efficiency in one region were usually found to have no relation, or a negative relation, with it in other areas. Obviously, further research is needed for the identification of factors producing these strong regional effects.  相似文献   

This paper examines the long-term patterns of migration within China between 1950 and 1988. The analysis uses data from China S 1988 211,000 Fertility and Birth Control Survey, which asks respondents about their most recent interprovincial move. The results suggest that long-term migration patterns can be explained by political and economic changes in China. We argue that the approaches we introduce can offer significant insight into long-term migration patterns for countries where historical data on migration are unavailable or unreliable.  相似文献   

"六普"数据显示,近几年上海市人户分离状况呈现出新的空间特征,主要表现在:人户分离人口的规模和迁移率在空间分布上呈现出严重的不均衡;大部分区县人户分离人口的来源地及迁居目的地集中化程度高,具有"近邻优先"的特点;逐步形成由中心城区县流向近郊区区县和中心城区县之间相互流动的两大迁移圈;中心城核心区、边缘区、近郊区、远郊区等四大区域之间的人户分离人口流动呈现出三大迁居主流。本文在总结这些空间特征的同时,就如何解决上海市人户分离问题提出了几点建议,以期上海市内户籍人口的迁移能科学健康有序进行。  相似文献   

段成荣  吕利丹  王宗萍  郭静 《南方人口》2013,28(4):44-55,80
文章利用2010年第六次全国人口普查数据,概括和分析全国流动儿童的人口学特征、迁移特征和受教育状况等关系流动儿童生存和发展的基本情况。流动儿童规模庞大、增长迅速、且分布高度集中,多数来自农村;跨省流动儿童约占三分之一;他们作为父母的随迁者已属于长期流动的人口;流动儿童的受教育状况有所好转,但情况依然不乐观.仍然有2.94%的义务教育阶段适龄流动儿童未按规定接受义务教育,流动儿童的学前教育和高中教育问题亟待解决。文章分析结论期望能为流动儿童各方面问题的解决提供基本的依据。  相似文献   

托达罗人口迁移模型与中国城乡综合就业发展战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国经济学家托达罗认为,农村劳动力向城市流动的结果不仅使城市失业人口大量增加,而且导致农村劳动力严重不足,因此应控制农村劳动力向城市迁移。我国当前存在着大量的农村剩余劳动力,城市就业形势又相当严峻,要全面解决中国的就业问题,应借鉴托达罗人口迁移理论,实现城乡综合就业。  相似文献   

范力达 《人口学刊》2003,70(3):21-24
国际间的人口迁移与境内迁移有着很大的不同,这些不同包括国际间迁移遇到更多的障碍,受到各国迁移法规和政策限制;迁移者知识和技能是否可以转移到另一社会环境中使用的问题;国家之间语言、文化宗教以及其它一系列差异要远远大于境内区域间的差异。由于国际迁移的这些特点,国际迁移在境内迁移的理论基础上,还要考虑国家之间的法规和政策限制的因素、国家间社会福利之间的差别,以及更注重对非经济因素的考查。目前的全球化和区域一体化趋势对国际的或区域的劳动力市场发展提出了新的要求。  相似文献   

通过全国第五次和第六次人口普查数据对比分析,发现十年间我国人口流动的区域分布格局变化不大.东部沿海仍然是最主要的人口流入地.中部地区人口大量外迁的趋势依旧.西部地区作为人口流入地的吸引力有所下降;越来越多的人选择城市作为流动目的地.超一半的流动人口来自于镇;流动人口的受教育程度略有提升但务工经商人群文化程度普遍偏低,外出年龄有所推迟:留守儿童与留守老人数量激增。造成上述特征及变化的原因主要有区域经济发展格局、城乡发展差距与要素集聚格局以及流动人口接纳安置能力与政策等方面的因素。今后我国人口流动需要随着区域经济发展格局的变化.以及新型城镇化、主体功能区等新思路的安排进行舍理引导与配置。  相似文献   

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