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住院是无可奈何的事。医院环境陌生,整日卧床,无所事事,生活习惯不适应,人际关系不同平日,病痛在身,感到孤单无助。这种心理上的变化,对躯体健康十分不利。这时,亲人们如能在探视时问来看看病人,病人喜悦之情是可想而知的。  相似文献   

电视里,职场专家在高谈阔论:“马屁”是语言中的钻石,我们要学会赞美别人。  相似文献   

谢晓 《女性天地》2005,(9):50-51
会化妆不会卸妆的女孩子大有人在。皮肤科医生举了几种需要卸妆的情况:1.不论是浓妆或淡妆.擦了粉底、有颜色的彩妆品.如口红、眼影、腮红等。  相似文献   

刘赛 《现代妇女》2013,(11):266-266
“二重证据法”自上世纪二十年代中期由王国维先生首倡以来,对历史学、文献学等学科的研究影响甚剧。笔者结合自己的理解略述管窥。  相似文献   

给太太道歉也有学问,不能直来直去,时间、地点、火候都得掌握好,才能事半功倍。  相似文献   

黄治妮 《老年世界》2009,(12):43-43
炎热的夏天,汗水会带走身上大量的盐分。这样的天气,喝点什么样的水才能补充营养,让身体保持健康呢?  相似文献   

与人约会,若是在北京,姗姗来迟的人有一个标准的说法:塞车。这时常不过是托词,说的人也未必在乎听者信不信,如有人偏要打圆场,那她或他立马就数落起交通问题,一脸的愤然,于是,各种酒宴总是从国家大事吃起。传闻日本已故总理田中角荣年轻时赴约,远远看见人家走来了,但已过定时,便转身离去。当然是做戏,但这种戏恐怕也只有在日本做得出,那里的公共交通是世界上最准时的,难以当借口。  相似文献   

在美国据说谈什么都可以,上至骂总统,下至交流性经验,但唯独谈到借钱,双方便紧张起来,借钱者唯唯诺诺,被借者唯恐避之不及,一句话,借钱实在是尴尬之事。  相似文献   

古保祥 《职业》2014,(7):72-72
“三心二意”吃饭,说的是一种让顾客满意的营销智慧。当你事业遇到瓶颈的时候,不妨沉下心来观察和思索,常会有“曲径通幽”的独特秘方。  相似文献   

长虹 《老年世界》2010,(23):36-36
老化是我们体内的基因努力适应所处环境以保持健康的表现。但是,在老化过程中,我们的身体会逐步地失去这种应付环境的能力。按照有关专家的说法,“99%的老化可能是因为自由基引起的”。当身体将葡萄糖转化为能量时就会产生出自由基,自由基也称之为“氧化剂”。  相似文献   

Old Silk Street老秀水The former outdoor Silk Street (xiushuijie) was not just another tourist destination,it was also a place of really good stories to impress the people back home.The tall tales usually had elements of extremely harsh weather conditions,such as blistering cold temperatures,or scorching heat,given that both Beijing's"Spring"and"Autumn"seasons only lasts a few short weeks.Also, in the tall tales,there would probably be one or two"bargaining battles."A typical story might be:"She wanted 480 y...  相似文献   

北京秀水街与故宫博物院和长城被誉为京城三大"必看景点"。平日可吸引两万购物者,而周末光顾的客流量可达五至六万,秀水街的独特魅力究竟何在?过去,秀水街的很多商店都靠低价出售假冒名牌商品而蜚声海内外;如今,在欧美高层访华团的影响及中国政府的监管下,商家们只出售秀水街自主品牌及其他一些地方真品。  相似文献   

Chinese silk is favored by women,because it is soft and beautiful.A silk scarf is a woman's main accessory,and a scarf can be tied into different shapes.  相似文献   

In addition to the former outdoor and the new Beijing Silk Street complex,there is also Silk Street No.2,just north of Beijing Silk Street,on Dongdaqiao Road.It has nothing to do with the original complex;rather,it"borrowed"its name for branding purposes.The four- story building,with an area of 16,000 square meters,  相似文献   

Cells in the body grow and die, cells in lab dishes grow and die, and individual organisms grow and die. The parallels seem maddeningly obvious, but scores of scientists still labor to draw the correct connections, to uncover the mechanisms that underlie aging in cell culture flasks and in whole animals. Do our cells stop growing, quit working, cease dividing, or start dying as we age? Do we die when our cells do, or are we somehow more than the sum of our cells? For decades, scientists have searched for evidence that links changes in cell growth, cell function, cell division, and cell death to the phenomenon we call aging. Although definitive proof eludes them, researchers continue to conduct experiments in tissue culture and in animal models, amassing information that points us toward a greater understanding of what aging is--and is not.  相似文献   

Contemporary sociology of literature is predominantly shaped by the research of literary production, which approaches literary works as black boxes and subordinates them to social interactions and institutions. Even sociologists who recognize usefulness of literature for its inner quality often look at literary texts as mere passive objects to be translated into sociological discourse. In proposing a new sociology of literature, I first briefly outline the history of sociological studies of literature; second, I introduce “the state of the art” in the sociology of literature; third, I explore the relationship between sociology and literature in more general terms; and lastly, I discuss approaches and ideas with the potential to become components of a new research program, which would be a powerful alternative to the mainstream paradigms in sociological studies of literature. Such a program would make it clear that sociology can greatly benefit from cooperation with literature when sociologists are sensitive to the subtleties and (especially aesthetic) specificities of literary works.  相似文献   

This article offers an analysis of family homelessness in Britain and makes suggestions for change and development in both policy and practice. In Britain, family homelessness too often has been defined solely as a housing issue. The author asserts that this approach ignores the evidence that it is a complex problem in which not only economic and political, but also personal and social, factors play significant roles. The widespread failure to recognize the broad range of needs and problems experienced by homeless families seriously limits British vision and creativity in developing potential solutions. The article sets forth a number of policy recommendations, including developing comprehensive housing and service programs for homeless families; adding an intensive service component to existing homeless-at-home programs; emphasizing homelessness prevention; better utilizing persistently vacant housing; better utilizing the private rental sector; and exchanging Britain's present national commitment to temporary accommodation for an ongoing commitment to build sufficient affordable housing. These recommendations are based on the author's experience as an Atlantic Fellow in Public Policy at the Department of Social Policy and Social Work at the University of Oxford and on her 10 years of work with homeless families in the United States.  相似文献   


Process recording has been used in social work field education for many years. The traditional format for a process recording is a written verbatim report of the transaction between worker and client. This article argues that it may be useful to reconceptualize process recording as a continuum of techniques. The proposed continuum is outlined, strengths and weaknesses of the various methods are described, suggestions are made for incorporating a range of techniques into an enhanced learning experience for social work students, a model for training field instructors in these methods is described, and the article concludes with a recommendation for ongoing renewal of teaching methodologies.  相似文献   

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