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What is the work of editors? Counselling of a ?service in background“The work of editors as employees in publishing houses or as free lancers is a ?service in background“ and hence it is less well-known in comparison with other media professionals. Nevertheless, editors have an important role as intermediary between authors and the reading public. The author delineates the profession of editors and the technical aspects of their work and explains some typical conflicts which may be relevant to a coaching of editors.  相似文献   

Relations between work life balance and protestantism. Considerations on the sociology of religion by May WeberThis article is based on the thesis, that specific trends of protestant ethics can be seen as a reason of job stress and lacking work life balance. In coaching, these problems are often important topics. The author refers to the analysis of Max Weber of the protestant ethics as historical precondition of the development of capitalism. This thesis is finally illustrated by a case study.  相似文献   

The ?new flexibility“ and anxiety The author postulates a high level of anxiety developing with the contemporary social demands on individuals for a maximum of flexibility. We have to take leave of traditional forms of organization, of proved routines, as well as of an individual professional biography and of conventional views of work and professional conditions.  相似文献   

Everybody loves a comic--or do they? A Human Resources Department picked up a pattern when several departing employees, all excellent performers, said they liked their jobs but felt "excluded" from the camaraderie. One said he'd found the humor "barbed." Another said she's never seen anything funny in jokes that seemed to convulse everyone else. The past five years have been so gloomy, economically speaking, that, in many hospitals and health care organizations, laughter is a mega-event. But lately I've been listening to what employees joke about and watching how their humor affects others. Physician executives need to be alert to some kinds of humor that are weapons used by employees against other employees, their managers, and the company generally.  相似文献   

Stoical calmness or passionate commitment? What shall we consult in restless times?In this small discourse stoicism (Gerd Achenbach) and commitment (Martin Buber) are set in a conversation together. It is shown, what in restless times can help us.  相似文献   

The costs of hospitals. Developments of the German hospital sector evaluated in the case of Berlin This article illustrates the development of the German hospital sector evaluated in the case of the capital Berlin. Due to the difficult economic situation of the hospital sector after the reunification major reforms became unavoidable. Especially a reduction of the average days of stay per case created overcapacities of personell. But all the reforms which have been taken during the last years had to consider the major role of the hospital sector for the labour market of the city. On the one hand the article shows, that the reforms of the nineties have been successful also with regard to the important role for the labour market. On the other hand the restructuring of the hospital sector is not finished yet, there is still a need for further reforms.  相似文献   

In the past years professional consulting practice spread into the universities and reached all institutional levels and status groups. Above all coaching found a large acceptance. The article undertakes the attempt of a critical overview and analyzes the change of roles and responsibilities at the universities regarding both: the consulting practice and institutional changes through this practice. The consulting authority in the field of the university and quality standards must be developed and a quality discourse must be continued.  相似文献   

What does communicative competence mean concerning the tension between East and West Germans? Although East and West Germany have been formaly reunified and ten years have passed the existence of different cultures cannot be denied. Trompenaars dimensions offer the possibility to make an intercultural comparison of the two cultures. I have chosen firm-cultures, individualism versus collectivism and specific versus diffuse culture. I also compare my experience as a West German lawyer in an East German administration with the results. The awareness and identification of these differences are important for more genuine recognition and acceptance of East and West Germans.  相似文献   

Sometimes in the course of a team supervision it becomes obvious, that the team is stuck in a predicament that cannot be influenced. We can even realize downright double-bind-constellations. With three case examples the author dwells on the question if it makes sense to uncover and explore the situation nevertheless, even if there seems to be no scope of action. Which kind of support supervision can offer the team at all in this situation? Which ethical, pragmatical and methodical questions are implied?  相似文献   

Ethics Education complements business administration only if it teaches strategic competencies that help managers to become better leaders. To this end, this article sketches an ordonomic approach to an economic ethics for competitive markets, to a business ethics for firms (corporate citizens), and to a process ethics for new governance. The core idea of this ordonomic approach is the win-win concept of mutually beneficial value creation. Thus, ordonomics is compatible with the market economy and at the same time supplements the management education in business schools: This approach systematically identifies strategic competencies that enable managers to display the kind of entrepreneurial leadership that is necessary for firms to fulfill their social function of value creation—by making use of moral commitments as a factor of production.  相似文献   

This study explores a deceptively simple question: was Gandhi a “charismatic” leader? We compare Gandhi's rhetorical leadership to social movement leaders and charismatic U.S. presidents to examine whether any consistencies in charismatic rhetoric emerge across historical and cultural contexts. Our findings indicate that charismatic themes of articulating the intolerable nature of the present and appealing to values and moral justifications emerged in similar levels across all three samples. In addition, Gandhi's speeches contained comparable levels of language that emphasized his similarity to followers, followers’ worth, links between the past and future, and abstract, intangible themes as compared to other leaders. In contrast, themes of collective focus and active, aggressive speech varied significantly across the three samples. Recognizing that content analysis should be utilized with caution across cultural settings, we suggest a number of possible explanations for Gandhi's pervasive appeal and implications for future research into the universality of visionary rhetoric.  相似文献   

Looking at the articles and books published in German and English it becomes obvious that intercultural coaching has become a field of expertise just as leadership or conflict coaching. However, the developments in the scholarly debate about intercultural and cross-cultural communication have not expanded into coaching. To avoid constrictions coaching needs to be combined systematically with a dynamic and cohesive notion of culture. Inspired by the theories of transformative learning and the sociology of knowledge three methodological meta-perspectives are introduced to reflect and use cultures in coaching. A practical coaching example illustrates how these culture reflexive perspectives can be handled. Lastly, coaching itself needs to be considered as a culture bound format.  相似文献   

商场? 赌场?     
成功人士之所以成功,并非他们天生没有缺点,而是他们在实践的磨炼中,努力发挥自己的长处,注意克服自己的短处,压抑自己的“赌性“在有的人看来,人生何处没有赌,无论是创业还是选老婆,不管是买房子,还是炒股票,对于不能绝对掌控后果的未来,就  相似文献   

晓露 《领导文萃》2014,(24):98-98
正什么叫挣钱?什么叫赚钱?写写这两个字就知道了。挣钱的"挣"是一个提手旁,加一个市场竞争的"争"。这就是说,创业的第一个阶段都是挣钱的阶段,辛辛苦苦用我的双手到市场去拼搏、去竞争,挣下这一份家业。什么叫赚钱呢?"赚"字左边是一个"贝"字,右边是一个"兼"字,贝就是货币,就是融资,兼就是企业兼并。必须进行资产重组,必须兼并,  相似文献   

儿子的公司早上8点打卡.我每天早上7点半叫他起毕竟.洗漱、吃早点再骑摩托去公司,加之路上可能出一点意外,要赶上打卡不"防患于未然"行么?但有一次儿子贪睡没赶上打卡时间当月奖金就"泡汤"了,所以儿子对打卡抱有"敌意"。我女婿  相似文献   

在我们的生活中,往往会有这样一种情况,即:在我们与人交谈时,重要的常常倒不是交谈的内容,而是怎么说,何时说。美国明尼苏达教育学院的罗伯·格林教授曾经做过这样一项有趣的调查,被调查的75名对象均为学有  相似文献   

The topic of education and learning currently being debated with much fervor in the public arena reflects the process of change within postmodern society and its impact on the development of children and adolescents. This discussion grapples with the issue of the authority of parents and teachers as well as their role in the context of family and school. The task of trying out new roles and agreeing on them is of pre-eminent importance, since traditional role models are no longer tenable. In doing so, the relation between hierarchy and discourse is being established anew.  相似文献   

Within the German corporate governance system, the supervisory board fulfills several functions: monitoring and consultation of the management board, as well as reconciliation of interests. These divergent tasks might lead to conflicting demands. The agency theory focuses on the control function of the supervisory board and postulates a sufficient degree of independence from management. Following behavioral theories, the same requirement holds for the consultation function. In addition, on the basis of stakeholder theory, the reconciliation of interests emphasizes on the supervisory board’s independence from interests of individual stakeholder groups. Although in sum, the requirement of independence is one of the central corporate governance measures, the results of our empirical study indicate that only 5.9?% of the analyzed 527 DAX supervisory board members meet the examined independence criteria of the German Corporate Governance Code. Nevertheless, a comparison with Italian control committees shows that German supervisory board members fulfill the European Recommendations at a higher rate.  相似文献   

目前,全球经济形势仍不明朗,在一些地区和领域,衰退进一步恶化的态势仍未得到有效控制,好转的迹象尚未出现,诸多国家大规模的经济刺激计划还需要一段时间才能产生更为明显的效果,包括美国、日本、德国在内的全球主要经济体已陷入衰退。在此关键时刻,作为世界经济增长引擎之一的中国经济如能保持平稳较快增长,必将给国际社会带来信心与力量,2009年中国的两会注定是要引起世人关注。本刊特专程访谈参加全国人大二次全会的政府、国企、私营代表,一起探讨——  相似文献   

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