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本文关注韦伯与史华慈对中国古代思想解读的关键差异,以及两人在强调中西文明伦理自觉性上的相通性。韦伯的《中国的宗教》在方法论和基本概念的使用上有重要的奠基意义,史华慈关于中国古代思想的研究在很大程度上与韦伯的思想遗产进行了积极对话。韦伯的“文明比较”与史华慈承自雅思贝尔斯的“轴心时代”,代表着看待中国古代文明的两种立场。本文从“‘天-命’与超越性秩序”“‘礼-仁’与人格秩序”“‘学’与社会和政治秩序”三个方面论述了二者的异同。史氏肯定中国古代思想中的超越性以及实然秩序和应然秩序之间的分歧,同时也追随韦伯,认为文明现代性的基础需要从自身的伦理资源中去发现。这意味着中国儒家思想同样包含着韦伯所认为的独属于西方宗教的伦理自觉性,以及此种伦理与世俗的紧张关系。  相似文献   

漫长的历史和多样的民俗景观,积淀了宗教意识与民族文化。道教是中国土生土长的传统宗教,中国传统戏剧是历史、文化等元素的综合产物,两者相关性研究是深刻认识道教思想内核、古为今用的前提,也是对戏剧的文化基因溯源、正确看待其宗教和美学价值的需要。论文主要从与道教相关戏剧着眼,从题材来源与创作关系,表演形式与宗教内容展现等方面入手,辅以具体案例进行分析。以期发现道教戏剧情节与宗教思想关系,利于文化繁荣发展。  相似文献   

熟悉社会学思想史的人都知道,德国著名社会学家韦伯早年毕业于柏林大学法律系并获得法学博士学位:但终其一生,他都以经济学家的身份在弗莱堡、海德堡和慕尼黑等几所著名大学里先后被聘任为经济学教授;而学术界又都公认他是著名的社会学家,其学术著作,无论是从文化论上着眼的《新教伦理与资本主义精神》和题为“世界诸宗教的经济伦理”的一系列(包括中国宗教、印度宗教和古代犹太教)比较文化史研究。  相似文献   

一、纪伯伦的宗教背景 纪伯伦·哈利勒·纪伯伦(1883~1931)是阿拉伯世界近代最负盛名的作家,在世界文坛享有和印度诺贝尔文学奖得主泰戈尔齐名的地位.纪伯伦是具有世界影响的东方文学家,无论在生活上,还是艺术、思想上,他都是一位具有双重性格的人物.他出生在黎巴嫩,长在美国;出身于基督教马龙派家庭,却有反叛宗教的性格;他精通母语阿拉伯语,又能用英语写作:他住西式楼房、用欧洲壁炉、喝阿拉伯咖啡、用中国红木酒杯喝威士忌、吃猪肉香肠……总之,他的作品既充满东方情调,挟带着黎巴嫩山野的神秘,同时又饱蘸西方式的激情,充满对自由、平等、博爱的向往和追求,以及对美的讴歌.  相似文献   

道教是中国传统文化的重要组成部分,道教建筑作为道教文化的物质载体和外化形式,不仅承担着修行、祭祀、举行斋醮仪式等宗教功能,还有传达道教美学思想的重要作用。本文试从道教文化和道教建筑的形成发展入手,从五个方面阐释道教美学思想在道教建筑中的涵义,旨在让更多的学人了解道教文化这一宝贵的民族遗产,深入发掘、提炼其精华所在,为未来的研究工作抛砖引玉。  相似文献   

夏光 《社会学研究》2005,20(3):133-155
本文从文化与现代性之关系的角度探讨了韦伯对现代性的理论解释的局限性。本文认为:韦伯之将现代性的一般文化特征归结为形式合理性的观点是一种简单化的观点,这种观点使他既看不到现代性与非西方文化传统共存的可能性,也看不到现代性在西方也有超越形式合理性的可能性。韦伯之所以会有这种观点,是因为其社会行动类型学对形式合理性与实质合理性的区分过于僵化,这种区分使他无法解释传统文化(尤其是非西方的传统文化)在现代社会中的持续影响,也无法理解形式合理性与实质合理性在现代性背景下的共存  相似文献   

基督教是西方文明的重要思想来源和精神基础,而道教则是中国土生土长的宗教,对中国文化的产生和发展有着重要的影响。从人与众生万物、人性及人与神的关系角度对比探讨两者关于人的观念差异,在哲学本体论的论域内二者是两种截然不同的路径,对实体存在论上则体现了中西方基本文化观念的根本差异。  相似文献   

中古城市与近代公民权的起源:韦伯城市社会学的遗产   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王小章 《社会学研究》2007,22(3):99-120
公民权是近代政治的一个核心概念;西方晚期中古城市是别具特性的近代公民权的发源地。通过对韦伯之城市研究的某种重构式的解读,本文分析指出,借助于东西城市的比较研究和中世纪城市与古代城市的比较研究,借助于其城市社会学中潜在的宗教之维,韦伯向我们展示了西方中古城市何以能孕育出近代民主公民权制度之雏形的结构的、经济的、文化的条件。韦伯关于中古城市与近代公民权之起源的分析架构,对于我们理解、认识社群主义与自由主义之争,以及近期一些与公民权有关的理论和国内一些相关研究,都不乏启发意义。  相似文献   

孔子思想作为中华民族的文化瑰宝,随着中国在世界上的重要性不断加强,也逐渐受到了西方学者的关注,然而对孔子思想,尤其是对《论语》的研究,早在15到16世纪就已经开始了。传教士作为文化传输的重要载体,在孔子思想传入欧洲并且被研究的过程中起到了功不可没的核心作用。他们中的代表人物如利玛窦、殷铎泽等都选择孔子思想作为研究中国文化的切入点,因此研究孔子思想在欧洲的传播过程对中欧文化交流有着重要意义。  相似文献   

在西方音乐史的研究中,宗教音乐不仅是一个极其重要的研究领域,也是一个十分复杂的研究对象。我国对宗教音乐的研究起步较晚:19世纪中期以后,西方音乐文化逐渐影响到国内,20世纪初黄自、萧友梅、丰子恺等人致力于给国人介绍西方古典音乐;1949年以后,大量西方音乐通过前苏联传人国内;"文革"时期,由于受到极"左"思想的影响,西方音乐的研究一直停滞不前,直到80年代才逐渐步入正轨;而国内真正重视对西方宗教音乐的研究则始于90年代初期。这一时期,出现了一批重新审视宗教和西方音乐文化关系问题的文章,包括杨燕迪在对西方音乐的界定中写到:西方音乐"是以基督教文明为基质发展起来的艺术音乐",可见宗教对西方音乐文化的影响与基督教在音乐史中的重要历史地位已经逐渐得到了国内学者的普遍认可。  相似文献   

李友广 《国学学刊》2021,(1):30-38,142
受天下混乱局势影响,圣人观念是先秦诸子所普遍关注的一个理论与现实兼具的重要问题。在这当中,儒道两家的圣人观念最具代表性。由于儒家的思想理论往往生发于内在心性,故而其视野中的圣人在德行上表现得非常突出,并最终呈现为外王事功与对于万物的化育上。与儒家不同,道家则从道的高度来审视和规定人的本质,认为圣人不仁、不自生,无为、无执,是道的自然性质在圣人身上无为的体现,其客观效果便如具有遍在性的道一样可以利益众人与万物。可以说,儒道两家对于圣人的看法是异大于同,异中有同。到了儒道两家思想逐渐合流的战国秦汉,儒道两家视野中的圣人并不只是具有道德这一维度,而是在道德维度的基础上更加强调与注重圣人之功。  相似文献   


This essay looks to the complex intercultural relations of China and Korea to highlight two important issues in political theory and international relations: the transnational nature of world politics and the limits of analytical binaries such as East‐West and tradition‐modernity. Discussions of international politics in East Asia characteristically address issues of security and development studies. More recently, Confucianism has been mobilized as part of the clash of civilizations of Asia with the West. This essay will consider how cultural boundaries are negotiated within the region via an analysis of the workings of the transnational discourse of Confucianism in the construction of Korean identity. While many make truth claims about what ‘Confucianism’ means in Korea, this essay examines the discursive economies of ‘Confucian events’ in three overlapping social spaces: official, mass media, and academic. This essay will show the diversity of Confucianism within East Asia, and underline how rather than being a simple orthodoxy, the shape of Confucianism is an active political issue. While many try to define a core ‘Korean Confucianism’, I argue that we should use Confucianism as an analytical tool to understand something else, citing how some scholars are using Confucianism for the specific project of building democracy in Korea.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the role of religion and spirituality in dementia caregiving among Vietnamese refugee families. In-depth qualitative interviews were conducted with nine Vietnamese caregivers of persons with dementia, then tape-recorded, transcribed, and analyzed for emergent themes. Caregivers related their spirituality/religion to three aspects of caregiving: (1) their own suffering, (2) their motivations for providing care, and (3) their understanding of the nature of the illness. Key terms or idioms were used to articulate spiritual/religious dimensions of the caregivers' experience, which included sacrifice, compassion, karma, blessings, grace and peace of mind. In their narratives, the caregivers often combined multiple strands of different religions and/or spiritualities: Animism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism and Catholicism. Case studies are presented to illustrate the relationship between religion/spirituality and the domains of caregiving. These findings have relevance for psychotherapeutic interventions with ethnically diverse populations.  相似文献   

This research examines the relationships among social class, parental values, and child‐rearing practices using data from a recent national survey in Taiwan. Kohn's “self‐direction versus external conformity” hypothesis was not supported, nor was his “intent versus consequence” hypothesis. Data, however, showed some evidence in support of Bronfenbrenner's “physical versus psychological” hypothesis. Attempts were made to explain the results in terms of possible overriding and confounding effects of Confucianism and social changes.  相似文献   

黄英  李艳红 《国学学刊》2021,(1):111-120,F0003
唐代是宗教信仰开放的时代,诗人信奉佛教还是道教,抑或儒释道并信,都是自由的。白居易虽崇尚道教,但他更虔诚地信奉佛教,这体现在他诗歌创作中使用了大量的佛教词语。据统计,《白居易诗集》中出现了86个偏正式佛教词语,涉及佛教文化的方方面面,包括佛教基本概念方面的词语;佛法、佛事、戒律方面的词语;以具体表佛教抽象含义的词语;佛教、道教通用的词语。这充分证明白居易的诗歌创作与佛教关系甚为密切。  相似文献   

In this article, I suggest that postdivorce paternal disengagement may be rooted in the father's tendency to link his children and ex-wife as a single entity in consequence of his failure to adequately mourn the loss of his ex-wife and to redefine his paternal role and identity in distinction from his spousal role and identity. I also suggest that the ex-spousal conflict that disengaged fathers often blame for their disengagement is the product of these failures and shows the progress from conflict through disengagement. These claims are developed on the basis of findings of other authors and illustrated though a case analysis of an absent father.  相似文献   

Traditionally disability has been viewed in the popular imagination as either a highly positive or highly negative phenomenon. Disability and disabled people deserve to be seen in an integrated, holistic way and to have recognised as much diversity as characterises the human condition. The recent case of Oscar Pistorius fatally shooting Reeva Steenkamp has highlighted this tendency. Before this incident, Pistorius’ disability was viewed in a predominantly positive light. He had been described as a ‘supercrip’ who had, despite his physical impairments, ‘overcome’ his mobility limitations and was consequently attributed heroic status by some. However, after this fatal incident, the portrayal of Pistorius’ disability has, perhaps inevitably, shifted. This paper will offer possible psychosocial reasons for this tendency to view disability in a binary way.  相似文献   

Abstract Notwithstanding Gramsci or Foucault, there remains a tendency, in historical sociology, to explain processes of domination in terms of political and economic forces. In the study of state formation and imperialism, realpolitik is given precedence over ritual, material factors over the moral suasion of the sign. Yet European colonialism was also a cultural project. In Southern Africa, nonconformist missions, the vanguards of empire, conjured up new maps, new systems of relations, new notions of time, production and personhood. From their very first encounters with native communities, it is argued, they sowed the state of colonialism on which the colonial state - and a more enduring condition of dependency - was founded.
About sunset the king, attended by his brothers and a few more persons, came to our tent…I said that I had brought a small present for him, as a token of friendship—while opening it he remained silent, not moving even his head, only his eyes towards the parcel. I then took from it a gilded copper comb and put it into his hair, and tied a silver spangled band and tassel round his head, and a chain about his neck, and last of all presented him with a looking glass…  相似文献   

Some scholars have put forward what they call a post-Confucian thesis to explain East Asia’s successful economic development. The thesis makes two important arguments: first, that Confucianism has enabled East Asian countries to take a different type of capitalism and a different path to modernity than did the West; second, that Confucianism has been the source of those ethics such as activism, hard work, thrift, and the like that have been conducive to economic development in East Asia. This article calls into question the first argument of the thesis by taking the example of the employment systems in Japan and Korea and showing that Confucianism has not been an important factor in defining their central features. In order to evaluate the second argument, this article investigates two major modernization campaigns in Japan and Korea, claiming that those supposedly Confucian virtues can be better seen as the products of the states’ social engineering for modernization and economic development.
Keedon KwonEmail:

Keedon Kwon   is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His interests focus on political and economic developments in twentieth-century Japan and Korea. He is completing his dissertation on modernization campaigns in these two countries.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a replication and extensionof a previous study showing that white Americans seriously misperceivethe racial values of other whites around them. Based on a 1970national sample survey, the new data confirm the earlier findingsthat whites tended to overestimate white support for racialsegregation and that this tendency was related to their ownracial values. The second study also shows that many whitestended to underestimate white support for desegregation, thatthe tendency to attribute their own racial values to other whitesvaried with those values, and that, in general, white racialopinion was perceived to be more conservative than it actuallywas.  相似文献   

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