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古人云:一日为师,终身为父。师徒制是一种以口传身授为主要形式的技能传授方式,从人类早期社会一直存在且发展至今。师徒关系作为中国特有的传统人际模式,在不同历史时期内涵也随之改变,存在与其相匹配的符号、价值观念,这种变化是中国社会整体变迁的一种现实缩影。换言之,师徒关系的变迁过程本质是社会建构的结果。本研究拟从社会学和中国研究的视角出发,从时空脉络来研究传统师徒关系,力图通过中国传统师徒关系变迁过程透视中国社会结构的变迁。  相似文献   

张友庭 《社会学》2007,(3):1-12
对中国民间组织发展困境的理解需要在一定的社会基础中进行,而对社会分析范式的探索,能使我们在总结以往理论的基础上吸取经验教训,从而更加敏锐地认识社会,并指导现实中民间组织发展的实践。综合各种社会分析范式,并结合当前关于社会转型的具体研究成果,笔者提出“转型社会”的核心概念,并运用“共生共变效应”作为“转型社会”最鲜明的特征,以区别于既往研究中作为“传统——现代社会”的一元线性的社会转型的单性过渡形态,采用一种复性的过渡社会形态来分析当前中国民间组织发展困境及其发展展望。  相似文献   

两种传统的人际关系模式及其不同的社会功能意义。 社会人际关系是社会构成的一个重要方面,在有关社会发展的现代研究中,社会人际关系的模式及其功能作用受到越来越多的注意和重视,许多中外学者在这方面做出了富有启发性的探索。如费孝通在其早年以中国现实为出发点的研究著作《乡土中国》中,就曾论及小农社会中的人际关系。他指出,中国社会当时的人际关系模式是“差序格局”,而西方社会更多表现出“团体格局”的特性。“差序格局”和“团体格局”代表了两种传统的人际关系模式。  相似文献   

随着中国改革开放的日益深入.西方社会的各种思潮观念和生活方式也随之涌入国门,它对中国传统的社会人际关系产生了深远的影响。当代中国社会人际关系集中体现在:功利化人际关系淡化了人的感情,“人情”与“面子”仍维系人际关系,契约化人际关系挑战伦常关系等几方面。文中从人际关系的概念入手,阐述了中国人人际关系的总体特征,同时借助社会交换理论来诠释中国社会特定的人际关系模式,并肯定社会交换理论在解释中国社会人际关系方面的重要作用,  相似文献   

社会管理创新是一个时代课题。随着以信息技术为支撑的网络社会的逐步形成和深入发展,虚拟网络已经渗透到现实社会生活的各个方面,成为人们社会交往的重要渠道和实现人际关系的重要载体。网络社会对上海社会运行的影响力逐渐强化,现实社会对网络社会的依赖性与日俱增。网络时代的到来,对上海的社会管理工作带来了全新的命题。一方面网络为城市社会管理提供了新的手段和方式;另一方面网络也对上海现有的社会管理体制形成较大的挑战。深入揭示网络社会与现实社会的互动关系及内在机理,阐明网络传播对现实社会管理产生的种种影响,把握利用网络加强社会管理的有效方式,构建涵盖网络社会与现实社会的社会管理的新体制与新机制,是上海社会管理创新的一项重要任务。  相似文献   

近代以来,随着市场经济的成长,社会对劳动分工和专业化的要求越来越高,各种基于实验和观察的现代科学开始逐渐从基于直观和思辨的哲学中独立出来.随着专业主义的发展,人类社会在近两三百年中的知识成就超过了以往几千年的总和.时至今日,以发表公共意见为主的传统知识分子,已逐渐让位于各个领域里的专家.继承了启蒙时代遗风的传统公共知识分子虽然还有影响,但已逐渐趋于边缘,这一点在英美等发达国家表现尤为明显.而在中国,在知识分子这个大概念下,社会始终没有把专家与公共知识分子区分开来,专业知识和公共意见常常被媒体混为一谈,专业知识的事实正确常常被公共意见的政治正确所淹没,结果造成民粹主义的泛滥.  相似文献   

在当今中国的社会,政治文明和精神文明贯穿与整个社会的飞速发展,传统文化的重要地位日益凸显出来。本文以传统文化中的老子哲学来简述中国传统文化对构建社会主义和谐社会和社会主义生态社会的价值所在。  相似文献   

陈朋 《科学发展》2013,(2):34-44
社区是社会的基础和细胞。网络虚拟社会正以其信息多元性、交互性和去中心化等特点,使社区治理面临多方面的挑战。基于上海市6区15个街道(镇)39个社区(居委会)的实证调研表明,虚拟社会在丰富上海社区治理资源的同时,也给社区治理带来了严峻挑战。这主要表现在:虚拟社会的"参与式社区自治"难敌现实社会的"任务型社区自治";虚拟社会呼唤社区治理"崇尚自由"与现实社区治理强调"建构秩序"难以实现有机均衡;虚拟社会期待社区治理实现"多元共治"却遭遇了现实社区推行"自上而下"的治理。为此,网络虚拟社会背景下的上海社区治理创新需要明确的思路是:坚定一个模式——协商合作而不是"独自打保龄球";明确一个原则——强化政府对社区的有效治权而不是无原则的屈从"民意";正视一个态度:积极正视而不是有意回避网络社会给社区治理带来的风险。要做好"顶层设计",提高社区治理效能;尊重居民情感和地位,畅通网络民意渠道,保障居民的知情权、表达权和监督权;加强对网络舆论的引导,形成自觉、自主、自治的网络舆论平台;提升网络安全管理技术水平,完善社区网络预警及保障体系;重心下沉,努力探索社区公共服务新模式。  相似文献   

中国传统社会是一个法治缺失的社会。这种法治缺失在法律文化方面主要表现为,宗法等级原则排斥了普遍平等的法治原则;权力至上传统排斥了法律至上的法治原则;程序虚无观念排斥了程序正义法治观念;工具意识的法律取向排斥了保障权利的法治原则。在社会主义法治社会建设中,应不断消除传统法律文化的负面影响,使法治原则和精神得以真正彰显。  相似文献   

转型期的中国社会,传统规范遭到挑战,个体与社会疏离,社会矛盾日益凸显。社会整合成为亟待解决的难题。本文认为,在转型期社会组织能够通过塑造共同价值、遏制个体原子化、缓解社会冲突等方式,发挥其社会整合的功能。但是,社会组织之于社会整合的功能有其限度,并在一定条件下可能不利于社会的整合。因此,必须合理引导社会组织的发展以促进其社会整合功能的发挥。  相似文献   

This article provides a discussion about marriage with regard to social work policy and practice with cultural groups that experience life differently from predominantly White America. Marriage is influenced by culture, tradition, and economic reality supporting or hindering the success of marriages. Often, parenting is influenced by marriage, as roles are shared and meted through the resources provided by marriage. As an introduction, this article explains the unique contribution of each article in the special issue, showing the need for social work to respond more critically, urgently, and in threefold systemic fashion to create change in the lives of historically vulnerable populations in U.S. society.  相似文献   


This article will discuss social development models and their application to the establishment of social work field education in Lithuania. A model of field education as social development is presented and discussed, with reference to promoting core social work knowledge, values and skills, establishing relationships between educational and social welfare institutions, and identifying the impact of field education programs on community well-being. Examples from the authors' experience in educational program development and implementation are presented, along with implications for international social work education.  相似文献   


With the abolition of the double registration regime, on paper Chinese NGOs are more independent from the Government’s bureaucratic commands than ever. Nevertheless, in reality the Chinese Government’s control over Chinese NGOs remains heavy-handed. Through giving NGOs bianzhi and purchasing services from NGOs, the Chinese Government caused and continues to cause the Chinese NGOs to adopt certain attributes of the danwei tradition. Specifically, the Government strives to embed the CPC into the Chinese NGOs and make the Chinese NGOs financially dependent on the Government. The danwei tradition is not merely a lingering legacy of China’s Communist past but also a result that the Government today actively seeks to bring about.


Social work educators are challenged with preparing students for international social work and work with immigrant and refugee populations. This pilot project aimed to develop an online global classroom to teach an international social work course to social work students participating from five different locations: United States (N=25), South Africa (N=4), Mexico (N=11), Hong Kong (N=6), and Australia (N=2). Qualitative data were collected from students regarding their experiences in this global classroom. Thematic analysis revealed the development of rich authentic learning, where their interactions with international classmates led to a transformative learning experience and a beginning sense of social work in a global context. Implications for future leaning and teaching of social work content across global borders are discussed.  相似文献   

Today, students are increasingly interested in global issues. To meet this need, social work education must find models to incorporate international content into social work curriculum. This article presents a pedagogical experience to familiarize social work students with comparative social welfare from a global perspective. In a graduate seminar, students utilized data from the United Nations and the World Bank to examine social conditions in different parts of the world in order to gain a broader view of global social conditions. The result was a compilation of profiles highlighting the social conditions of developing countries across different regions of the globe. Furthermore, based on students’ feedback, the benefits of doing such comparative study and the implications for internationalizing social work curriculum are discussed.  相似文献   

社会建设就是建设社会现代化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
当前,中国特色社会主义建设事业从原来的经济、政治、文化建设三位一体扩展为包括社会建设的四位一体的总体布局,标志着我国社会发展进入以社会建设为重点的新阶段。社会建设就是建设社会现代化。建设社会现代化是一个宏大复杂的系统工程,其发展将经历三个阶段:从改善民生事业、社会事业、加强创新社会管理做起为第一个阶段;着力推进社会体制改革,实现城乡一体化,理顺社会关系,形成一个与社会主义市场经济体制及现代经济结构相协调的合理、开放、包容的现代社会结构为第二个阶段;实现民主法治、公平正义、诚信友爱、充满活力、安定有序,人与人和谐相处的社会主义和谐社会的社会现代化为第三个阶段。  相似文献   


An Indigenous social work guided by Indigenous Australians’ participation and experience that has, at its heart, human rights and social justice is in its infancy in Australia. The present paper continues a discussion on Indigenous Australian social work theory and practice developments being generated by those working in this field. Aspects of this “praxis” include recognition of the effects of invasion, colonialism, and paternalistic social policies upon social work practice with Indigenous communities; recognition of the importance of self-determination; contemporary Indigenous and non-Indigenous colleagues working in partnership; the impact of contemporary racist and neocolonialist values; and rethinking contemporary social work values and practices. There is discussion of appropriation and reinterpretation of social work concepts, incorporation of international and local Indigenous theory, and the framing of social work by Indigenous Australians’ views and values.  相似文献   

Attention to extreme forms of political violence in the social sciences has been episodic, and studies of different forms of political violence have followed different approaches, with “breakdown” theories mostly used for the analysis of right-wing radicalism, social movement theories sometimes adapted to research on left-wing radical groups, and area study specialists focusing on ethnic and religious forms. Some of the studies on extreme forms of political violence that have emerged within the social movement tradition have nevertheless been able to trace processes of conflict escalation through the detailed examination of historical cases. This article assesses some of the knowledge acquired in previous research approaching issues of political violence from the social movement perspective, as well as the challenges coming from new waves of debate on terrorist and counterterrorist action and discourses. In doing this, the article reviews contributions coming from research looking at violence as escalation of action repertoires within protest cycles; political opportunity and the state in escalation processes; resource mobilization and violent organizations; narratives of violence; and militant constructions of external reality.
Donatella della PortaEmail:

I reinforce a vision for family science in which we routinely step back from our research to consider the fit of the empirical world with the reality of everyday life. This vision suggests that we pursue the methodological advances of the past decade but remain mindful of the limitations of the scientific approach. Such mindfulness will help us attend to both similarity and variability in families and in family‐life experience. A responsible social science also requires that we attend to rhetoric or how we communicate. I reflect on the practice of humility as a way to achieve these goals.  相似文献   

Ian Parker 《Human Relations》1997,50(2):183-196
This paper locates contemporary socialpsychological conceptions of group identity in thecontext of crises in forms of knowledge, and in the waysresearchers have responded to crises in disciplinaryidentity. Forms of group social psychology that emergedwithin the European tradition of research promised afully social account of human activity and experience,but recent trends of research in the discipline, even within group identity frameworks, havereturned to the individual as a focus of study. The workof Bion is used to draw attention to the ways in whichcrises in group identity often provoke particular varieties of response which serve to defend thegroup, varieties of response which look to theindividual as an escape from the threat or as a solutionto the problem.  相似文献   

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