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In this paper, we discuss the concomitants of record values arising from the well-known bivariate normal distribution BVND(μ1, μ212, ρ). We have obtained the best linear unbiased estimators of μ2 and σ2 when ρ is known and derived some unbiased linear estimators of ρ when μ2 and σ2 are known, based on the concomitants of first n record values. The variances of these estimators have been obtained.  相似文献   

In this paper, we discuss a general class of skew two-piece skew-normal distributions, denoted by GSTPSN1, λ2, ρ). We derive its moment generating function and discuss some simple and interesting properties of this distribution. We then discuss the modes of these distributions and present a useful representation theorem as well. Next, we focus on a different generalization of the two-piece skew-normal distribution which is a symmetric family of distributions and discuss some of its properties. Finally, three well-known examples are used to illustrate the practical usefulness of this family of distributions.  相似文献   

This paper considers multiple regression model with multivariate spherically symmetric errors to determine optimal β-expectation tolerance regions for the future regression vector (FRV) and future residual sum of squares (FRSS) by using the prediction distributions of some appropriate functions of future responses. The prediction distribution of the FRV, conditional on the observed responses, is multivariate Student-t distribution. Similarly, the prediction distribution of the FRSS is a beta distribution. The optimal β-expectation tolerance regions for the FRV and FRSS have been obtained based on the F -distribution and beta distribution, respectively. The results in this paper are applicable for multiple regression model with normal and Student-t errors.   相似文献   

When one wants to check a tentatively proposed model for departures that are not well specified, looking at residuals is the most common diagnostic technique. Here, we investigate the use of Bayesian standardized residuals to detect unknown hierarchical structure. Asymptotic theory, also supported by simulations, shows that the use of Bayesian standardized residuals is effective when the within group correlation, ρ, is large. However, we show that standardized residuals may not detect hierarchical structure when ρ is small. Thus, if it is important to detect modest hierarchical structure (i.e., ρ small) one should use other diagnostic techniques in addition to the standardized residuals. We use “quality of care” data from the Patterns of Care Study, a two-stage cluster sample of patients undergoing radiation therapy for cervix cancer, to illustrate the potential use of these residuals to detect missing hierarchical structure.  相似文献   

The location-scale model with equi-correlated responses is discussed. The structure of the location-scale model is utilised to genera-te the prediction distribution of a future response and that of a set of future responses. The method avoids the integration procedures usually involved in derivation of prediction distributions and yields results same as those obtained by the Bayes method with the vague prior distribution* Finally the re-suits have been specialised to cover the case of the normal intra-class model.  相似文献   

For estimating an unknown parameter θ, we introduce and motivate the use of balanced loss functions of the form Lr, w, d0(q, d)=wr(d0, d)+ (1-w) r(q, d){L_{\rho, \omega, \delta_0}(\theta, \delta)=\omega \rho(\delta_0, \delta)+ (1-\omega) \rho(\theta, \delta)}, as well as the weighted version q(q) Lr, w, d0(q, d){q(\theta) L_{\rho, \omega, \delta_0}(\theta, \delta)}, where ρ(θ, δ) is an arbitrary loss function, δ 0 is a chosen a priori “target” estimator of q, w ? [0,1){\theta, \omega \in[0,1)}, and q(·) is a positive weight function. we develop Bayesian estimators under Lr, w, d0{L_{\rho, \omega, \delta_0}} with ω > 0 by relating such estimators to Bayesian solutions under Lr, w, d0{L_{\rho, \omega, \delta_0}} with ω = 0. Illustrations are given for various choices of ρ, such as absolute value, entropy, linex, and squared error type losses. Finally, under various robust Bayesian analysis criteria including posterior regret gamma-minimaxity, conditional gamma-minimaxity, and most stable, we establish explicit connections between optimal actions derived under balanced and unbalanced losses.  相似文献   

We derive approximating formulas for the mean and the variance of an autocorrelation estimator which are of practical use over the entire range of the autocorrelation coefficient ρ. The least-squares estimator ∑ n −1 i =1ε i ε i +1 / ∑ n −1 i =1ε2 i is studied for a stationary AR(1) process with known mean. We use the second order Taylor expansion of a ratio, and employ the arithmetic-geometric series instead of replacing partial Cesàro sums. In case of the mean we derive Marriott and Pope's (1954) formula, with (n− 1)−1 instead of (n)−1, and an additional term α (n− 1)−2. This new formula produces the expected decline to zero negative bias as ρ approaches unity. In case of the variance Bartlett's (1946) formula results, with (n− 1)−1 instead of (n)−1. The theoretical expressions are corroborated with a simulation experiment. A comparison shows that our formula for the mean is more accurate than the higher-order approximation of White (1961), for |ρ| > 0.88 and n≥ 20. In principal, the presented method can be used to derive approximating formulas for other estimators and processes. Received: November 30, 1999; revised version: July 3, 2000  相似文献   

When a (p+q)-variate column vector (x′,y′)′ has a (p+q)-variate normal density with mean vector (μ12) and covariance matrix Ω, unknown, Schervish (1980) obtains prediction intervals for the linear functions of a future y, given x. He bases the prediction interval on the F-distribution. However, for a specified linear function the statistic to be used is Student's t, since the prediction intervals based on t are shorter than those based on F. Similar results hold for the multivariate linear regression model.  相似文献   

This paper presents a methodology for model fitting and inference in the context of Bayesian models of the type f(Y | X,θ)f(X|θ)f(θ), where Y is the (set of) observed data, θ is a set of model parameters and X is an unobserved (latent) stationary stochastic process induced by the first order transition model f(X (t+1)|X (t),θ), where X (t) denotes the state of the process at time (or generation) t. The crucial feature of the above type of model is that, given θ, the transition model f(X (t+1)|X (t),θ) is known but the distribution of the stochastic process in equilibrium, that is f(X|θ), is, except in very special cases, intractable, hence unknown. A further point to note is that the data Y has been assumed to be observed when the underlying process is in equilibrium. In other words, the data is not collected dynamically over time. We refer to such specification as a latent equilibrium process (LEP) model. It is motivated by problems in population genetics (though other applications are discussed), where it is of interest to learn about parameters such as mutation and migration rates and population sizes, given a sample of allele frequencies at one or more loci. In such problems it is natural to assume that the distribution of the observed allele frequencies depends on the true (unobserved) population allele frequencies, whereas the distribution of the true allele frequencies is only indirectly specified through a transition model. As a hierarchical specification, it is natural to fit the LEP within a Bayesian framework. Fitting such models is usually done via Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). However, we demonstrate that, in the case of LEP models, implementation of MCMC is far from straightforward. The main contribution of this paper is to provide a methodology to implement MCMC for LEP models. We demonstrate our approach in population genetics problems with both simulated and real data sets. The resultant model fitting is computationally intensive and thus, we also discuss parallel implementation of the procedure in special cases.  相似文献   

The last decade saw enormous progress in the development of causal inference tools to account for noncompliance in randomized clinical trials. With survival outcomes, structural accelerated failure time (SAFT) models enable causal estimation of effects of observed treatments without making direct assumptions on the compliance selection mechanism. The traditional proportional hazards model has however rarely been used for causal inference. The estimator proposed by Loeys and Goetghebeur (2003, Biometrics vol. 59 pp. 100–105) is limited to the setting of all or nothing exposure. In this paper, we propose an estimation procedure for more general causal proportional hazards models linking the distribution of potential treatment-free survival times to the distribution of observed survival times via observed (time-constant) exposures. Specifically, we first build models for observed exposure-specific survival times. Next, using the proposed causal proportional hazards model, the exposure-specific survival distributions are backtransformed to their treatment-free counterparts, to obtain – after proper mixing – the unconditional treatment-free survival distribution. Estimation of the parameter(s) in the causal model is then based on minimizing a test statistic for equality in backtransformed survival distributions between randomized arms.  相似文献   

In the paper the problem of testing of two-sided hypotheses for variance components in mixed linear models is considered. When the uniformly most powerful invariant test does not exist (see e.g. Das and Sinha, in Proceedings of the second international Tampere conference in statistics, 1987; Gnot and Michalski, in Statistics 25:213–223, 1994; Michalski and Zmyślony, in Statistics 27:297–310, 1996) then to conduct the optimal statistical inference on model parameters a construction of a test with locally best properties is desirable, cf. Michalski (in Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications 26:1–21, 2003). The main goal of this article is the construction of the locally best invariant unbiased test for a single variance component (or for a ratio of variance components). The result has been obtained utilizing Andersson’s and Wijsman’s approach connected with a representation of density function of maximal invariant (Andersson, in Ann Stat 10:955–961, 1982; Wijsman, in Proceedings of fifth Berk Symp Math Statist Prob 1:389–400, 1967; Wijsman, in Sankhyā A 48:1–42, 1986; Khuri et al., in Statistical tests for mixed linear models, 1998) and from generalized Neyman–Pearson Lemma (Dantzig and Wald, in Ann Math Stat 22:87–93, 1951; Rao, in Linear statistical inference and its applications, 1973). One selected real example of an unbalanced mixed linear model is given, for which the power functions of the LBIU test and Wald’s test (the F-test in ANOVA model) are computed, and compared with the attainable upper bound of power obtained by using Neyman–Pearson Lemma.  相似文献   

A p-component set of responses have been constructed by a location-scale transformation to a p-component set of error variables, the covariance matrix of the set of error variables being of intra-class covariance structure:all variances being unity, and covariance being equal [IML0001]. A sample of size n has been described as a conditional structural model, conditional on the value of the intra-class correlation coefficient ρ. The conditional technique of structural inference provides the marginal likelihood function of ρ based on the standardized residuals. For the normal case, the marginal likelihood function of ρ is seen to be dependent on the standardized residuals through the sample intra-class correlation coefficient. By the likelihood modulation technique, the nonnull distribution of the sample intra-class correlation coefficient has also been obtained.  相似文献   

We study two of the classical bounds for the Bayes error P e , Lissack and Fu’s separability bounds and Bhattacharyya’s bounds, in the classification of an observation into one of the two determined distributions, under the hypothesis that the prior probability χ itself has a probability distribution. The effectiveness of this distribution can be measured in terms of the ratio of two mean values. On the other hand, a discriminant analysis-based optimal classification rule allows us to derive the posterior distribution of χ, together with the related posterior bounds of P e . Research partially supported by NSERC grant A 9249 (Canada). The authors wish to thank two referees, for their very pertinent comments and suggestions, that have helped to improve the quality and the presentation of the paper, and we have, whenever possible, addressed their concerns.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the asymptotic distributions of MLE and UMVUE of a parametric functionh1, θ2) when sampling from a biparametric uniform distributionU1, θ2). We obtain both limiting distributions as a convolution of exponential distributions, and we observe that the limiting distribution of UMVUE is a shift of the limiting distribution of MLE.  相似文献   

In this paper, we estimate the reliability of a system with k components. The system functions when at least s (1≤s≤k) components survive a common random stress. We assume that the strengths of these k components are subjected to a common stress which is independent of the strengths of these k components. If (X 1,X 2,…,X k ) are strengths of k components subjected to a common stress (Y), then the reliability of the system or system reliability is given byR=P[Y<X (k−s+1)] whereX (k−s+1) is (k−s+1)-th order statistic of (X 1,…,X k ). We estimate R when (X 1,…,X k ) follow an absolutely continuous multivariate exponential (ACMVE) distribution of Hanagal (1993) which is the submodel of Block (1975) and Y follows an independent exponential distribution. We also obtain the asymptotic normal (AN) distribution of the proposed estimator.  相似文献   

The multivariate skew-t distribution (J Multivar Anal 79:93–113, 2001; J R Stat Soc, Ser B 65:367–389, 2003; Statistics 37:359–363, 2003) includes the Student t, skew-Cauchy and Cauchy distributions as special cases and the normal and skew–normal ones as limiting cases. In this paper, we explore the use of Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods to develop a Bayesian analysis of repeated measures, pretest/post-test data, under multivariate null intercept measurement error model (J Biopharm Stat 13(4):763–771, 2003) where the random errors and the unobserved value of the covariate (latent variable) follows a Student t and skew-t distribution, respectively. The results and methods are numerically illustrated with an example in the field of dentistry.  相似文献   

A discrete distribution associated with a pure birth process starting with no individuals, with birth rates λ n =λ forn=0, 2, …,m−1 and λ n forn≥m is considered in this paper. The probability mass function is expressed in terms of an integral that is very convenient for computing probabilities, moments, generating functions and others. Using this representation, the mean and the k-th factorial moments of the distribution are obtained. Some nice characterizations of this distribution are also given.  相似文献   

We investigate the behaviour of simplicial depth under the perturbation (1−ε)F+ε δ z , where F is a p-dimensional probability distribution and δ z is the point-mass distribution concentrated at the point z. The influence function of simplicial depth at the point x, up to a scalar multiplier, turns out to be the difference between the conditional depth, given that one of the vertices of the random simplex is fixed at the position z, and the unconditional depth. The scalar multiplier is p+1, which suggests that simplicial depth can be more sensitive to perturbations as the dimensionality grows higher. The geometrical properties of the influence function give new insight into the observed behaviour of simplicial depth and its relation with halfspace depth. The behaviour of the perturbed simplicial median is also investigated.  相似文献   

This paper gives conditions for the consistency of simultaneous redescending M-estimators for location and scale. The consistency postulates the uniqueness of the parameters μ and σ, which are defined analogously to the estimations by using the population distribution function instead of the empirical one. The uniqueness of these parameters is no matter of course, because redescending ψ- and χ-functions, which define the parameters, cannot be chosen in a way that the parameters can be considered as the result of a common minimizing problem where the sum of ρ-functions of standardized residuals is to be minimized. The parameters arise from two minimizing problems where the result of one problem is a parameter of the other one. This can give different solutions. Proceeding from a symmetrical unimodal distribution and the usual symmetry assumptions for ψ and χ leads, in most but not in all cases, to the uniqueness of the parameters. Under this and some other assumptions, we can also prove the consistency of the according M-estimators, although these estimators are usually not unique even when the parameters are. The present article also serves as a basis for a forthcoming paper, which is concerned with a completely outlier-adjusted confidence interval for μ. So we introduce a ñ where data points far away from the bulk of the data are not counted at all.  相似文献   

The sieve bootstrap (SB) prediction intervals for invertible autoregressive moving average (ARMA) processes are constructed using resamples of residuals obtained by fitting a finite degree autoregressive approximation to the time series. The advantage of this approach is that it does not require the knowledge of the orders, p and q, associated with the ARMA(p, q) model. Up until recently, the application of this method has been limited to ARMA processes whose autoregressive polynomials do not have fractional unit roots. The authors, in a 2012 publication, introduced a version of the SB suitable for fractionally integrated autoregressive moving average (FARIMA (p,d,q)) processes with 0<d<0.5 and established its asymptotic validity. Herein, we study the finite sample properties this new method and compare its performance against an older method introduced by Bisaglia and Grigoletto in 2001. The sieve bootstrap (SB) method is a numerically simpler alternative to the older method which requires the estimation of p, d, and q at every bootstrap step. Monte-Carlo simulation studies, carried out under the assumption of normal, mixture of normals, and exponential distributions for the innovations, show near nominal coverages for short-term and long-term SB prediction intervals under most situations. In addition, the sieve bootstrap method yields better coverage and narrower intervals compared to the Bisaglia–Grigoletto method in some situations, especially when the error distribution is a mixture of normals.  相似文献   

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