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黄嘉文 《社会》2016,36(2):123-145
本文立足于社会规范视角,以中国综合社会调查(CGSS)数据为基础,考察与分析区域层次的收入不平等对居民幸福感的影响及其机制。结果显示,当前中国的收入不平等会损害个人对幸福的积极体验。与高收入群体相比,低收入群体更容易产生这种负向感知。相对剥夺和关系信任构成的社会心理过程是影响收入不平等与个人幸福感关系的重要机制,资源供给机制未获调查数据的支持。在此基础上,本文认为,国民幸福感的高低并非取决于收入不平等本身,而是分配体系构建的合理性。所以,建立具有公平正义价值导向的收入分配体系是提升中国居民幸福感的发展方向。  相似文献   

王晓焘 《社会》2011,31(4):158-174
有关收入性别不平等研究的现有文献过分关注市场转型,忽视了其他重要影响因素。本研究指出,是否为独生子女也是影响收入性别不平等的一个重要变量。基于2004年青年发展状况全国调查数据的分析,本研究发现,性别不平等在独生子女和非独生子女中有完全不同的表现。在非独生子女中,收入性别不平等表现突出,女性处于劣势地位;但在独生子女中,收入性别不平等并不存在。这一现象与独生子女的出生家庭和教育获得紧密相关。  相似文献   

本文分别从全国、省际和八大经济区域三个视角出发,利用全国及31个省级地区的相关统计数据,采用城乡居民总收入相对差距系数及其相应的分解方法,对分项收入的城乡不平等效应进行比较与分析.研究结果显示,四种分项收入的不平等效应不但具有性质与大小的差别,而且具有显著的区域差异.从影响性质来看,经营性收入导致城乡收入差距缩小,而工资性收入、转移性收入和财产性收入则导致城乡收入差距扩大;从影响大小来看,工资性收入、转移性收入、经营性收入和财产性收入对城乡收入差距的影响依次呈递减状态.同时,通过区域间的比较,我们发现各分项收入的城乡不平等效应在不同的地区具有不同的表现.  相似文献   

采用2013年和2018年中国家庭收入调查(CHIP)数据,基于收入来源视角和基尼系数分解法,对我国老年人收入结构和收入不平等进行了研究.结果显示:2013-2018年期间,老年收入结构显著变化,收入不平等程度呈现下降趋势.具体表现为,养老金收入比重下降,工资性收入比重显著增加.在收入不平等程度下降过程中,养老金收入的结构效应和集中效应起到强化作用,工资性收入结构效应起到阻碍作用,其他分项收入作用较弱;城乡老年人收入结构及其分布特征呈现显著差异性.据此,老年收入结构优化的方向应该是,稳定并逐步提高养老金等转移性收入水平和比重,适度调整和控制工资性收入、经营性净收入和财产性净收入在城乡间的均衡性,以缩小收入差距.  相似文献   

劳动收入占比下降成为世界范围内的普遍现象,大量文献从经济结构转型、国际贸易和技术进步视角解释,其普适性和解释力度有限,且忽视技术进步方向变化对劳动收入分配的影响。文章采用三方程标准化系统方法考察各地区技术进步偏向性,并采用面板数据的分位数回归方法分析技术进步的收入分配效应。结果显示:各地区技术进步偏向性与全国走势趋同,基本呈资本偏向型,即技术进步更有利于提高资本的边际产出。面板分位数回归结果显示,技术进步偏向性对劳动收入份额存在明显的抑制作用,即技术进步越偏向于资本,越有助于提升资本的收入份额而恶化劳动在收入中的地位。同时,在劳动收入的不同分位点,技术进步偏向性的收入分配效应不同,在到达50%分位点之前,劳动收入份额较低时,技术进步偏向性对劳动收入分配的抑制效应较强,而伴随着劳动收入水平的上升,其作用将不断减弱。同时,受到技术进步偏向性本身、要素禀赋结构以及其他地区经济环境的影响,技术进步偏向性的分配效应也出现地区差异。  相似文献   

基于2005-2014年中国老年健康影响因素跟踪调查的四次追踪数据,采用潜变量增长曲线模型,分析了基于收入差异的老年心理健康不平等变动趋势及影响机制。结果显示:第一,由收入差异导致的老年心理健康不平等随年龄增长呈收敛趋势,符合年龄中和效应理论;第二,身体失能是年龄中和效应存在的关键原因,身体失能比增龄在缓和由收入差异导致的心理健康不平等中的调节作用更大;身体失能降低了收入对老年心理健康不平等的影响作用;与低失能老年人相比,在高失能老年人中基于收入差异的心理健康不平等随年龄增长的收敛趋势更加明显。因此,应推动全人口、全周期健康管理,提高低失能老年群体的收入水平,并完善高失能老年群体的心理慰藉服务体系和社会功能补偿机制。  相似文献   

周彬  齐亚强 《社会》2012,32(5):130-150
文章利用2005年中国综合社会调查(CGSS2005)数据与县级社会统计资料,通过拟合多层Logistic回归模型,分析了地区收入不平等程度对个体健康状况的影响,系统检验了绝对收入理论和收入不平等理论。结果表明,即使在控制了个体收入对健康的凹陷效应之后,县级收入不平等程度仍对个体自评健康具有显著的负面影响。对收入不平等影响健康的作用机制的进一步分析表明,社会心理机制仅能部分解释不平等对健康的负面效应,而新唯物主义机制未能得到经验支持。  相似文献   

袁小良 《社会工作》2024,(1):130-157+166
在现代化发展过程中,如何处理效率与公平是所有国家面临的共同课题。20世纪90年代以来,福利国家转向社会投资范式试图超越效率与公平的权衡。本文利用经合组织国家社会福利支出数据库(SOCX)和福利国家比较数据集(CWS)建构了涵盖18个经合组织福利国家1990年至2017年的面板数据,以福利支出指标和税后基尼系数为代理变量,检验了福利国家社会投资转向与收入不平等的关系,特别是福利体制对两者关系的调节效应。结果显示:在控制一系列变量的条件下,福利国家提高社会投资类政策支出比例有助于缓解收入不平等;在主效应的前提下,福利体制对两者的关系有一定的调节作用,其中保守主义福利体制强化了两者关系,而南欧和东亚福利体制削弱了两者关系。这表明福利体制对理解福利国家的社会投资转向改革以及缓解收入不平等仍有一定的理论和现实生命力。  相似文献   

王鹏 《社会》2017,37(5):217-241
随着中国城镇化进程的推进,越来越多的农村户籍人口实现了身份转换,成为制度认可的新市民。本文利用中国综合社会调查(CGSS)数据发现,即使户口状况相同,"新市民"与"老市民"之间依然存在一定的收入差距。分位数回归及其分解的结果显示,"农转非"人群在劳动力市场上仍受到制度性或非制度性歧视,且歧视程度随着分位数的变化呈现倒U型趋势。同时,"农转非"人群内部也存在较大的差异,歧视降低了自致型"农转非"人群相较于城市原居民的禀赋优势,而外致型"农转非"人群则面临人力资本劣势与就业市场歧视的双重压力。  相似文献   

近年来,农民收入增长缓慢已成为农业和农村经济发展中的突出问题.文章利用1995-2008年我国农业发展的时间序列数据,作农民收入主要影响因素的实证分析,对农民收入结构进行主成分分析,得出我国农民收入主要来源于生产性收入,生产性收入分为农业收入和非农业收入.文章选择相关变量建立回归模型,结果显示,农业结构调整、改善财政支农结构、加大对农民教育的扶持、促进农村劳动力转移等是提高我国农村居民收入的有效途径.文章最后给出相应农民增收的对策建议.  相似文献   

Using data from the Korean Labor and Income Panel Study (KLIPS), recent trends in intergenerational income mobility were explored, examining the relationship between income mobility and income inequality in South Korea. The study found that the intergenerational elasticity of income is about 0.2 and there is no clear‐cut trend in intergenerational income mobility. In addition, this study showed that there is no systematic relation between rising income inequality and intergenerational income mobility in contemporary Korea. Overall, the results indicate that intergenerational income mobility is irresponsive to the income inequality the respondents experienced growing up. It is assumed that education and welfare transfer programs might offset the consequences of income inequality by leading to upward mobility for children from low‐income households.  相似文献   

This study investigated the role of provincial governance in the growth of per capita income of Vietnamese households, using a balanced panel data set for the period 2012–2014. Although we found no evidence for the influence of provincial governance when a linear fixed‐effect regression estimator was used, the results from a fixed‐effect quantile regression estimator revealed that provincial governance has a positive effect on all groups (but not the poorest) and that the effect tends to be greater for better‐off households. In addition, we found that wage employment plays a larger role in the income growth of poorer households, whereas returns on education are greater for richer households. The findings suggest that a mean regression approach that looks only a t the role of explanatory variables on mean household welfare, and does not consider differences in the distribution of household welfare, may miss some heterogeneity that is of interest to policymakers. Key Practitioner Message: ? Using a quantile regression approach has allowed the current study to provide new insight into the role of household‐related factors in household welfare. ? Finding shows that good governance tends to provide greater benefits to richer households than to other groups in the population.  相似文献   

魏钦恭 《社会》2005,40(2):204-240
本文辨析和检验了收入不平等的两种表现形式及其对公众容忍度的影响效应。研究结果显示,客观收入差距对公众容忍度并无直接影响,而感知的收入差距越大,对不平等的厌恶倾向越明显。但客观差距大并不意味着个体感知到的差距大,感知偏差及情境分割效应的存在,区县而非省级、时下而非过往的收入差距状况更易为个体所捕捉和感知,进而对其容忍度产生间接影响,且这种情境传导效应及对客观差距的感知程度在不同群体间有明显差异。这一结果为我们理解过大收入差距与较高容忍度共存的反差现象提供了基于分配结构异质性的观察视角和情境反应在地化的经验解释。  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to review the theoretical limitations of single dimensional approaches for measuring inequality and to prove the effectiveness and practicality of the concept of “multidimensional inequality” by analyzing the inequality embedded in Korean society. This study constitutes nine dimensions of inequality (income, education, health, employment, social capital, leisure, work‐family reconciliation, housing, and social security) and analyzes inequality through the lens of each dimension by using data from of the first to fifth wave of the Korea Welfare Panel Study. The findings show a high degree of correlation among the dimensions of income, education, health, and social capital. However, work‐family reconciliation and housing have a relatively low correlation with income and the other dimensions. Second, multidimensional disparities were found between the groups of gender, age, and region. In conclusion, this study found a high degree of overlap between the concepts of income‐oriented inequalities and the multidimensional inequality approach. By capturing the notions of the multidimensional disparities that exist in each of the different groups, this study confirmed the effectiveness of multidimensional inequality as a useful concept for informing the creation of social policy intervention to alleviate inequality.  相似文献   

This study uses a sample of 71 countries and nonparametric quantile and partial regressions to model a number of threatened species (reptiles, mammals, fish, birds, trees, plants) in relation to various economic and environmental variables (GDPc, CO2 emissions, agricultural production, energy intensity, protected areas, population and income inequality). From the analysis and due to high asymmetric distribution of the dependent variables it seems that a linear regression is not adequate and cannot capture properly the dimension of the threatened species. We find that using OLS instead of non-parametric techniques over- or under-estimates the parameters which may have serious policy implications.  相似文献   

周娟  张广胜 《创新》2011,5(4):59-63,135
通过对劳动力流动和收入分配的相关研究进行综述,并基于1989~2008年中国各省份的面板数据,采用STATA10.0计量软件,建立联立方程组,运用似不相关方法实证研究农村非农就业对中国区域城乡收入不均等的影响,结果表明:中国农村非农就业在一定程度上扩大了省际间城乡收入不均等;从中国东中西部各地区实证结果看,农村非农就业有利于缩小东部地区的城乡收入不均等,但扩大了中西部地区城乡收入不均等,且农村非农就业对西部地区城乡收入差距的影响程度远高于全国和东中部地区。  相似文献   

The Wilkinson hypothesis, which posits that it is income inequality, rather than economic growth, that determines population health in wealthy societies has been widely debated over decades. This article, with an original case selection process, retests the controversial hypothesis with the time‐series–cross‐section (TSCS) regression model. The main findings are that disposable income inequality is not statistically significantly associated with life expectancy, and its influences on the health of the elderly population are counterintuitively beneficial. Infant mortality rate is the only health indicator that both has the statistically significant association with income inequality and corresponds with the Wilkinson hypothesis. Finally, the relationship between income inequality and population health is not as simple as the hypothesis suggests and found to be dynamic and complex depending on what health indicator is used for the test.  相似文献   

本文按研究对象将收入差距划分为总体收入差距和组群收入差距两大类,从收入不平等、极化和组群收入差距三个层面梳理了收入差距的测度及其分解方法。其中,收入不平等侧重于对总体收入差距的刻画;极化着眼于收入分布中的“聚集”或“扎堆”现象,其衡量指标大体上可分为两极分化测度指标和多极分化测度指标。在收入差距的分解上,Shapley分解和组群收入差距的分布分解方法都是较为前沿的研究领域。文章还强调了各种收入差距衡量指标或分解方法的适用性和针对性,以便有的放矢地选用合适的相关指标和方法,更精准地探寻收入差距的成因。  相似文献   

Income inequality has been increasing across the developed world for the last few decades. The welfare state has played an important role in reducing income inequality, but it has now entered into an era of transformation. The shift from public to private pension schemes is one of the main policy instruments in this shift. An increase in private pensions is expected to create an increase in income inequality. Therefore, using data from OECD SOCX, this study examined how the effect of private pensions on income inequality might be changed by the institutional design of public pension systems. The results suggest that the effect of private pensions differs when the institutional design of the public pension system is considered. An increase in private pensions is related to an increase in income inequality when the public pension has a low level of coverage and a high level of earnings‐relatedness.  相似文献   

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