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<正> 英语条件句除了用常见的连接词 if,as long as(so long as),evenif,unless,in case等引导外,还有许多特殊的表达方法,本文拟就此问题谈谈自己的看法,不当之处,请指正。一、省去连接词,用倒装形式来表示条件。如:Apart from danger of shock there is a danger to theeyes should the lamp be accidentally broken(=If the lampshould be accidentally broken……).  相似文献   

unless和if是引导限定性条件句最常见的从属连词。一些词典和语法参考书都将unless分句与if…not分句等同起来。但是,在有些情况下两者在语义和句法上总是存在着某种差别。语义上,unless强调排它,相当于ifand only if;句法上,if…not的适用范围要大于unless。严格地说,它们并非真正等值,因此不可随意互换。  相似文献   

(一)英语的让步状语从句主要用 though,although 等连接词来引导;也可用 even if,eventhough,granting(that),granted(that),等连接词来引导;有时用表语(状语或动词+宾语)+as(that 或 though)结构来表示;有时用“疑问词+ever”(或 no matter+疑问词)来表示。以上诸结构我们统称为 though-clause。例如:  相似文献   

在英语中,条件概念的表达方式,除了用条件连接词如if,unless等引导的条件状语外,还可以有多种表达方式,这不仅出现于虚拟语气,而且还可包含在陈述语气、祈使语气的句中。而在有些文体中(如小说、戏剧)中,含蓄条件句比普通的条件状语从句的出现率更高。  相似文献   

经常会遇到各种各样的条件句。英语中表示条件的方法和结构有多种,其中完全不可能实现的条件句的表示较为复杂和难以掌握。学习和了解完全不可能实现的条件句(非真实条件句),可以帮助英语学习者减少学习障碍。  相似文献   

本文讨论的是连接词and在常见含意以外的多种用法以及译法。用法包括表示转折关系、因果关系、目的意图、条件或假设和承上启下;意义包括moreover.by comparison consequently,theveupon,therefore.but,in order to以及if等。这时它在形式上连接的虽是两个并列部分.而实际上这两部分并不并列。  相似文献   

Introduction English Language teaching as a profession has enjoyed a long history.And ever since itsinitiation,people have investigated different models in language acquisition/learning andteaching,although only in recent years has attention been paid to the studies of SLA.In theChinese setting,research in foreign language teaching(TEFL)has been made in the fashionof the theories of first language acguisition or SLA,for it is believed that the contributions tostudies of the input provided by mothers(i.e motherese) in L1 acquisition and teachers inter-locuters in SLA are necessarily important for understanding the direction that TEEL researchhas followed,as they have provided both a methodololgy for investigating input and the re-search questions.The behaviorist,the cognitivist and the interactionist approaches have putforward different models in interpreting L1 acquisition and SLA,which obviously have theirown merits and demerits,depending on the level at which they are employed and the purposethey are  相似文献   

非真实条件句,本质上都是表示说话人的一种认知推测,即根据假定的与事实相反或可能相反的条件,推测出一个实际上不存在或可能不存在的结果。这种推测意义在较古英语中完全是一个依附语境的语用因素,而现代英语则通过转喻模式,使这一语用因素找到一个词汇—形态—句法的统一体,从而实现了自身的语法化。  相似文献   

真值函项的蕴含面临着所谓的"蕴含悖论",它也是"乌鸦悖论"、"经验意义标准"难题、葛第尔问题等一系列认识论难题的逻辑根源。认知蕴含定义了一种非真值函项的蕴含关系。如果"如果p那么q"是一种认知蕴含,那么这个蕴含式是真的,当且仅当在p为真的条件下,q的概率是1。因此,认知蕴含表达一种特殊的条件概念。相应地,部分认知蕴含可以基于概率论建立起来。引入认知蕴含,可以消解上述认识论难题,普通认知条件句和虚拟条件句(反事实条件句)也能以同样的方式来处理,而不必求助于"可能世界"。  相似文献   

“作为”通常是动词,有时也是名词(如在“大有作为”中),但是在最近半个多世纪以来,“作为”又增加了介词的意义和用法。介词“作为”相当于英语介词 as、德语连词 als、俄语比拟连接词 kak 和前置词短语 Bka(?)ecTBe。它最初出现在欧洲语言的中译文中。如早期杰出的俄文翻译家瞿秋白,1933年翻译列宁论托尔斯泰的文章时,就用了介词“作为”:“托尔斯泰作为一个预言家,发  相似文献   

“而”字在成语中十分活跃。了解成语中“而”字的作用,对于同学们正确理解和运用有关成语是很有好处的。成语中的“而”字不外乎有以下七种作用:一、表示递进,相当于“而且(并且)”。如:学而不厌——专心学习,而且永不厌倦(满足)。二、表示转折,相当于“但是(可是,却)”。如:不期而遇——没有事先约定,却意外地碰见了。三、表示结果,相当于“就(便)”。如:知难而退——遇见困难便退缩不前。四、表示时间,相当于“然后(以后、之后)”。如:三思而行——再三(反复)考虑,然后去做。五、表示目的(要做什么),相当于“来(去)”。如:择善而从——选…  相似文献   

As the oldest and most frequently used conventional expressions,Chinese proverbs usually represent the way of thinking of the Chinese people.Metaphors,one typical type of Chinese proverbs,try to establish a relation of equality between two relatively dissimilar entities, such as time and money.The ability to understand and to use figurative language is related to one's social competence and professional achievement.In order to reveal the mechanism of proverb processing,the current study takes a close look at the nature of semantic properties and their inter-relationships in Chinese proverbs.522 Chinese sentential proverbs(the two clauses of the proverb are of the same syntax,e.g.,“人活脸,树活皮”)were presented to 360 university students.They were asked to rate the familiarity(1 for least familiar, 7 for most familiar), predictability(1 for least predictable, 7 for most predictable),agreement(1 for least matched between the two clauses,7 for most matched between the two clauses),degree of being understandable(1 for least understandable,7 for most understandable),and imaginability(1 for least imaginable,7 for most imaginable)based on a 7-point Likert Scale,as well as age of acquisition(AOA).Correlation and regression analysis were conducted based on these ratings. The results show a significant positive correlation between familiarity and each of the rest semantic properties,which are consistent with the findings of the previous work.A significant negative correlation between age of acquisition and each of the rest semantic properties is also observed in the current study.However,no significant correlation is found between familiarity and degree of being understandable,which might be due to the low rating of familiarity and the wide dispersity.In order to further reveal the inter-relationships of semantic properties, hierarchical regression analyses are carried out and show that familiarity,imaginabiltity,agreement,and age of acquisition significantly predict the degree of being understandable,while familiarity and age of acquisition significantly predict the predictability of proverbs. Our results demonstrate that familiarity and age of acquisition are two important factors which influence our understanding of Chinese proverbs. In addition, the semantic consistency between two clauses of a Chinese sentential proverb and degree of imagination also play an important role in understanding idiomatic strings.Imaginability is related to the theory of″Dual Coding,″which argues that visual and verbal information are processed differently and along distinct channels in the human mind, creating separate representations for information processed in each channel.The mental codes corresponding to these representations are used to organize incoming information that can be acted upon,stored,and retrieved for subsequent use.Both visual and verbal codes can be used when recalling information.The ability to code a stimulus in two different ways increases the chance of remembering that item compared to if the stimulus is only coded one way.Our results suggest that the processing of a Chinese proverb partially relies on the accessibility to visual code of a proverb which is primarily affected by culture. Therefore, Chinese culture could influence the understanding of Chinese proverbs. Specifically,in the creating process,a number of concrete concepts are used to express the abstract inter-relationships through their similarity,e.g.,the relationship between a person(人)and his/her reputation(脸)is similar to that between a tree(树)and its bark(皮).In other words,the reputation of a person is as important as the bark of a tree.In order to successfully understand the Chinese proverbs,it is important to learn about the deeper meanings of″face″and″reputation″in Chinese culture.That explains why the comprehension of a proverb is significantly associated with one's culture understanding.Based on the current study,more studies should be conducted with a focus on the understanding process of proverbs,which will help reveal the mental mechanism of Chinese and preserving Chinese culture.  相似文献   

研究了亚纯函数的惟一性问题,在将分担值集的有关条件减为较弱的情况下,证明了下述结论:如果存在一个具有12个元素的复数集合S,使得对任意两个非常数的亚纯函数f和g,只要满足E—({∞},f)=E—({∞},g)和E—k)(S,f)=E—k)(S,g),其中k≥3,则必有f≡g.这一结论改进了仪洪勋和吕巍然的结论.假设S是一个具有13个元素的集合,若对任意的两个非常数亚纯函数f和g,只要满足E—({∞},f)=E—({∞},g)和E—(S,f)=E—(S,g),则必有f≡g.  相似文献   

笔者在多年英语教学实践过程发现英语中的but,save,except,except for,besides,in addition to,as well as,apart from,aside from,but for,save for,excepting,other than,otherwise,otherwise than等词或词组都有“除了…”之意。例如: Except for a half hour at lunchtime,there were no breaks in the day to relieve the boring work。除了吃午饭的半小时外,全天没有别的休息时间来缓解令人厌倦的工作。 It was clear that Dad could do no more thann he was doing already——farmming go acres in addition to  相似文献   

“”作为连接词,引出的时间从句有两种意义:第一,表示“当…的时候”,“趁着…(时候)”;第二,(从句通常用连接)表示“直到…的时候”,“直到…为止”,“在…(尚未)…之际”。本文拟对上述第三种用法,即对“()…”结构的特点进行一些分析。 一、在“…”结构中,从句的行为是主句的行为持续的界限,即主句的行为一直持续到从句的行为发生,或者说从句行为的发生使主句的行为停止或中断。例如: 1.我徘徊着,直到太阳落下地平线的时  相似文献   

《现代高级英汉双解辞典》,给英语preposition一词下的定义是:“word used with a noun or pronoun to mark its relationwith another word(e.g.for direction and position) as in:go from home;swim in the river; walk to school;travel byair”这段汉译的译文是:“介词;前置词(与名词或代词连用,以表示它与其它字在方向或位置等上的关系。如下列各例:go from home 中的from;swim inthe river中的in;walk to school中的to;travel by air中的by。”  相似文献   

设函数f(z)=z+a_2z~2+…在单位圆内解析单叶,记其族为S。对f(z)∈S,令φλ(z)=(f(z)/z)~λ=1+sum from 1 to ∞D_nZ~n。本文限制f(z)∈S(a)或Kc(a)(文中定义)条件下,获得β的上界,γ的下界,使t_n(λ)=||D_n(λ)|-|D_(n-1)(λ)||≤Aπ~(-β),sum fron 1 to ∞t(λ)<∞。  相似文献   

Sterilizing and drving Chinese traditional honey pills (diameter 20mm) and their packages with a Radio-Frepuency electronic field' The output of the Radio-Frequency source is 500 watt,the frequency is 35MHz,the process time is from 3 to 12 minutes. After a once-through treat ment, total of germs decreases from 13000 Per gram,sterilizing rate is 90% ; total of fungus de creases from 160 per gram to 20 per gram,sterilizing rate is 87. 5%,moisture content of honey pills decreases to below 15%,and the treated packages will not mould.Using Radio-Frequency electric field and Radio-Frequency magnetic field in the organic syn thesis, there are features such as temperature rising quickly & evenly,no sudden ebullition .reacting peacefully, utilizing reactants adequately,and no pollution to the environment,etc, it may be ex panded to be used in industrial manufactuing Make experiments as following:①Use parallel-piate capacitor to couple a Radio-Frequency electric field,its output power of Radio-Frequency is 500 watt and its frequency is 35MHz (megacycle),synthesizing PhNHCOCH3 with it, the productivity is 57. 2%,close to the that of the regular synthesis, 63. 3%,The produc tivity can be greatly improved if reaction container of better function is manufactured.②Use inductance to couple a Radio-Frequency magnetic field,its output power of Radio-Fre-quency is 500 watt,and its frequency is 34MHz(mega hertz),Adopt the Skraup reaction,to synthe size o-aminophenol (C5H7NO) and glycerol (C3H3O3 ) etc. into 8-hydroxynuinoline (C9H7NO), its productivity is 84. 6% .superior to that of the regular synthesis,68. 2%.  相似文献   

关于矩阵乘积的迹,[2,3,4,5]推广了Bellman不等式。本文就n=2~m(m为自然数),A、B正定且AB=BA时,证明了 tr(A~(2~m)B~(2~m))≤[tr(AB)]~(2~m)≤(trA)~(2~m)(trB)~(2~m)………………(1)在A_1,A_2,…,A_m为n阶两两可交换的正定Hermite矩阵的条件下,证明了 tr(A_1~m A_2~m…A_m~m)≤[tr(A_1A_2…Am)]~m≤multiply from i=1 to m[tr(A_i~m)]…………(2)其中tr(A)表示矩阵A的迹。  相似文献   

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