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李志学 《学习与探索》2005,2(5):157-160
清代中国东北边疆早在清朝完成统一、沙俄入侵之前即已确定,并通过<尼布楚条约>固定下来.第二次鸦片战争后,通过<瑷珲条约>和<北京条约>的签订,沙皇俄国侵吞中国东北边疆的大片领土,致使在清政府管辖之下的世代居住和生活在此地的中国各族人民,随着国土的沦丧而成为俄罗斯的华侨华人,从而揭开了俄罗斯华侨华人史的特殊一页--"割地成侨".  相似文献   

韩宏韬 《唐都学刊》2006,22(2):10-12
孔颖达的<对<论语>问>,是一篇精美的政论文,但宋代俞德邻认为,唐太宗误认曾子为孔子,而颖达竟不省,故责其告君欠谨.俞德邻的解读依据<新唐书>.根据<贞观政要>、<旧唐书>、<十三经注疏>、<全唐文>,<新唐书>所载<对<论语>问>错误有二其一,张冠李戴;其二,文体不合.同时,<全唐文>等文献所载<对<论语>问>的几处异文值得商榷.  相似文献   

杨文秀 《唐都学刊》2005,21(5):19-21
唐诗对于研究唐代的历史、文化和文学,具有重要的参考价值.安史之乱作为唐王朝由盛至衰的转折点,也是唐长安城走向衰败的始点.在诸多唐诗中就反映出长安城的变化.杜牧的<隋堤柳>、温庭筠的<柳长句>、<杨柳八首>等描绘出蔚然成荫的唐都长安;杜甫的<千秋节有感二首>、杜牧的<过勤政楼>、白居易的<勤政楼西老柳>反映了南内兴庆宫自安史之乱以后的凄凉;从羊士谔<乱后曲江>看到唐代著名的曲江风景区也遭到严重破坏.  相似文献   

<三国演义>中,有关张飞的人物描写,有一些固定模式的词语.同样的词语也会用在相近人物的身上.日本的军记物语中虽多有人物的衣装描写,却很少有像<三国演义>那样的人物相貌,乃至五官的描写.作为例外,引用中国故事较多的<太平记>在人物描写方法上承接了<三国演义>的影响;而<太平记>中的定型化言语表现又影响到了日本近世翻译成日文的<通俗三国志>.追根溯源,以先行文学中的人物来比喻或说明作品中人物的方法,可以追溯到汉代人物樊哙在<三国演义>中的引用.日中文学之间的承接影响关系研究和比较研究的结合将有助于廓清两国文学之间的交流关系.  相似文献   

陈承明 《社科纵横》2001,2(3):7-8,72
马克思的<资本论>与江泽民的"三个代表"理论具有内在联系.<资本论>从生产力、生产关系和上层建筑等方面,为"三个代表"提供理论依据,因而是"三个代表"的重要思想来源;"三个代表"把马克思主义的普遍真理与有中国特色的社会主义相结合,是对无产阶级政党的性质、地位和作用的新概括,反过来又丰富和发展了<资本论>,因此二者是紧密联系和一脉相承的.我们只有把它们结合起来学习,才能深刻理解其精神实质,提高贯彻执行的自觉性,使<资本论>与"三个代表"的理论,在改革开放和现代化建设的实践中,结出更丰盛的历史硕果.  相似文献   

马士远 《唐都学刊》2005,21(6):98-102
扬州大学文学院博士生导师、语言学科学术带头人钱宗武先生在<<尚书>新笺与上古文明>一书中,尝试采用现代语法学理论与传统文化阐释学知识融为一体的方法对今文<尚书>进行注释与笺说,在传统笺说和注释形式中揉进新质,不但为解读<尚书>开辟了新途径,而且提出了诸如<尚书>的儒源地位、文学特性、德法兼治思想和不少具有学术价值的新观点,对<尚书>蕴涵的上古文明母题进行了多方位思考.  相似文献   

李舜华 《学术交流》2001,(1):116-121
关于<西游记>在国外的传播,东方远远早于西方.国外对于<西游记>的研究,也随着<西游记>的传入而开始了,但早期的评论都极为简约,20世纪五六十年代<西游记>研究进入了一个崭新的阶段.由于文化的差异,东西方对<西游记>的最初接受,实际已构成了分别由"玄奘"与"猴子"为代表的两个世界,前者有着更浓厚的宗教色彩,而后者则更侧重文本自身的隐喻.此后,从故事的形成、版本的流传、作者的考证、文本的比较,到最终对佛光道影下寓意的解读、文本结构的分析,东西方学者的研究几乎涉及了<西游记>的每一个领域,他们从不同的文化角度,彼此补充、又互相糅合地解读着一则"中国的寓言".  相似文献   

完善消费者立法若干基本问题研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
许建宇 《浙江学刊》2001,(1):152-155
随着市场化进程的加快,我国的<消费者权益保护法>(以下简称<消法>)面临着诸多亟待完善的问题.本文撷取其中几个既具有理论研讨价值又有实践意义的代表性问题(包括<消法>的适用范围、法律责任、消费仲裁制度等),提出了若干立法修改建议和制度设计方案.  相似文献   

张锐智 《日本研究》2005,3(4):92-96
在近代中日法文化交流转向的过程中,黄遵宪是开启日本近代法文化流入中国的第一人.黄遵宪撰写的<日本国志>是"中国近代第一部系统而深入地研究日本的百科全书式著作".在<日本国志>中,黄遵宪对日本明治维新后宪政制度现状的评介,为近代中国输入了全新宪政文化,同时也为清末的宪政改革提供了重要的法文化的借鉴.  相似文献   

潘世东 《唐都学刊》2001,17(1):73-76
在刘劭与曹丕、<人物志>与<典论·论文>之间,存在着多方面的、直接的影响与被影响的关系.<典论·论文>中的诸多思想脉络和学术向度的获得,与<人物志>存在或深或浅、或隐或显的联系.<典论·论文>思想的活泼敏锐、思维方式的灵犀生动和思维视野的开阔宽广,以及思维质量的高度和深度显然得益于<人物志>.  相似文献   

黄荣贵  桂勇 《社会》2013,33(5):88-117
本文结合社会运动联盟理论和城市治理理论,比较了上海和广州两个城市跨小区的业主组织联盟形态,提出一个基于治理结构与政治机会(威胁)的比较分析框架来理解两个城市业主组织联盟形态的差异。研究发现,与广州相比,上海的物业管理制度更加完善,基层治理组织架构也更加健全,体制内支持者相对缺乏,从而降低了社会冲突发生以及冲突激化为社会性公共议题的可能性。考虑到都市抗争的反应性特征以及中国社会管理体制所具有的社会控制和利益表达双重功能,都市抗争研究应该具体分析行动限制的制度根源、国家在预防社会抗争出现以及在抗争过程中的多重角色。  相似文献   


The main influences in the regulation of animal welfare policy in New Zealand are discussed. Animal welfare organizations on the one hand are intent on improving conditions for animals, whereas government regulatory bodies are more concerned with preserving the status quo. Both types of organizations have allies in academia. Government agencies are largely informed through research from the ‘mandated’ field of Animal Welfare Science, which is characterized by a positivistic framework that tends to support the status quo. Animal Welfare Science can be contrasted with the emerging interdisciplinary field of Human Animal Studies, which continues the tradition of critical theory that questions the positivistic basis of the animal welfare establishment. We conclude that while genuine science, defined as all rational and theoretically informed discourse, could make a difference to animals, the mandated field of Animal Welfare Science serves more to entrench animal suffering than to prevent it.  相似文献   

Prevailing theory holds that lobbyists primarily lobby their legislative allies, yet the literatures on advocacy and legislative organization suggest that we should not always expect this to be true. Institution design gives some legislators disproportionately greater power, and jurisdictional requirements often create a contentious environment forcing lobbyists to lobby their ideological opponents. Drawing on these literatures, I revise the basic lobbying model to predict conditions where we might expect to see advocates lobby their foes. I test my hypotheses with data on campaign contributions made in New York on the contentious issue of American Indian gambling casinos. I find that while advocates often lobbied their allies, they were more likely to contribute heavily to legislative leaders regardless of position, and often even contributed to rank-and-file opponents as the environment became more competitive. I also find some evidence that this was different for Indian nations, who may have employed a more naïve advocacy strategy than more traditional interest groups.  相似文献   

问永宁 《唐都学刊》2009,25(3):95-98
回族民间传说和不少学术著作都认为常遇春是回回人。但从常遇春长辈的名讳、常遇春家族的行为方式及有关常遇春后代的资料、元代色目人的地位等方面来看,常遇春不太可能是穆斯林,因而也不太可能是回回人。  相似文献   

杨军 《唐都学刊》2009,25(3):79-82
邓中夏是中国共产党早期的著名领导人之一,在把马克思主义中国化的历史进程中,成为新民主主义革命理论的重要奠基者之一。从党的二大以后到大革命时期,他结合自己从事工人运动的丰富实践经验,连续发表理论文章,就中国革命的对象、任务、动力、领导权、同盟军以及中国革命的历史进程等问题进行了深刻的阐述。为新民主主义革命理论的最终形成作出了巨大贡献,成为毛泽东思想的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

The author traces the evolution of the politics of history in Ukraine with regard to the famine of 1932-33. He examines the role played by this policy in domestic politics and foreign relations and, in particular, the campaign of President Yushchenko and his political allies to impose an interpretation of the famine as genocide against the Ukrainian people and the greatest tragedy of the twentieth century.  相似文献   

The Nordic welfare states are known as women-friendly. However, during the last years their policies have been to turn the back on women. At least in Finland there seem to exist two powerful forces that have advanced the non-egalitarian development: the economic recession of the 1990s and the integration of Europe. The decline of the Nordic welfare states is going to have considerable consequences for social service professionals, the great majority of whom are women. Therefore, they should create new strategies and find new allies in order to defend their own as well their clients rights.  相似文献   

This article argues that social workers are ethically obligated to serve as allies of transgender and gender-nonconforming communities and, thus, should critically examine the diagnosis of gender identity disorder and the oppression inherent in pathologizing gender nonconformity. Social workers should also consider the oppression inherent in the socially constructed gender binary that is the root of the perceived psychosis in gender nonconformance and should fight against this oppression and, therefore, against that binary. This article proposes several action steps that social workers can take to advocate for the transgender and gender-nonconforming communities.  相似文献   

In four studies, we demonstrate that subtle linguistic differences in news reporting are sufficient to influence whether people interpret violent acts as patriotism or terrorism. In Study 1, a content analysis of newspaper articles describing violence in Iraq revealed that words implying destruction and devious intent were typically used in reference to violent actions associated with Iraq and opponents of the United States, while more benign words were used in reference to the United States and its allies. These observed differences in word usage establish schemas that guide perception of violence as terrorism or patriotism, thereby affecting people's attitudes toward (Study 2) and memory for (Studies 3 and 4) violent events. Implications for the media's impact on public policy are discussed.  相似文献   

朱伟东 《唐都学刊》2013,29(2):96-98
基辛格《大外交》中对戴高乐的评价反映了美国外交学界对法美关系的基本观点,作为美国的盟国,法国的独立性源于历史上法国对美国的观感.从美国独立到二战结束,法美之间充满矛盾与纠葛,究其原因是美国对二战中及二战后法国的轻视,刺激了拥有悠久历史与文化的法国人的自尊心,激起了法国政界与民间对美国的不满情绪,认真梳理这段历史,对于我们认识戴高乐主义的实质与法美矛盾的本源或将有所裨益.  相似文献   

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