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Welfare economics must adapt to the growing consensus over the assignment of rights to animals. We extend nonmarket valuation techniques to the study and measurement of the preferences of Chinook salmon regarding their aquatic habitat and the value of their existence. We find that these techniques are as valid for fish as they are for humans. Our applied study indicates that opportunities exist for Pareto‐improving trades between salmon and California agricultural and hydropower interests. (JEL Q510)  相似文献   

This paper analyzes 13 models of family therapy according to their special emphases on the Family FIRO model's dimensions of inclusion, control and intimacy. We first examined chapters on each model in Gurman and Kniskern's Handbook of Family Therapy; we then sent our preliminary ratings to the authors of the chapters for comment. The final conceptual analysis of the models indicated that 4 family therapy models emphasize inclusion as a primary focus, 4 emphasize control, and 5 emphasize intimacy. We also rated the secondary and tertiary emphases of the models. This analysis provides a possible guide for therapists who wish to be eclectic or integrative in their work, specifically, by suggesting a way to match therapy techniques from different family therapy models to the presenting family issues that each model emphasizes most strongly.  相似文献   

This paper offers a model for conceptualizing interactional patterns in families presenting for treatment of obesity, and suggests a method for organizing assessment and for prioritizing treatment strategies. We use the Family FIRO Model as a framework to organize complex assessment issues, to assign priorities for which issues should be treated first, and to select appropriate treatment techniques that cut across different models of family therapy.  相似文献   

We present a classification system which presumes that information about families can be seen from three different perspectives (historical, interactional, and existential) and that treatment proceeds from three approaches (understanding, transformation, and identification). Using this scheme, we discuss how theories from different schools of thought are substantially overlapping, show that families may respond according to principles other than those the therapist had in mind, indicate how traditional links between certain evaluation perspectives and approaches are unnecessarily limiting, and define two current poles or modes in family therapy (the “ingenious” and the “involved”), suggesting indications for the use of each mode. Various teaching benefits of the scheme are outlined.  相似文献   

We conducted a meta-analysis of 21 studies of family-involved therapy for alcoholism, evaluating them for design adequacy, clinical significance, and effect size. The review is divided into studies of family involvement in three phases of treatement: (a) initiation of treatment, (b) primary treatment/rehabilitation, and and (c)aftercare. We conclude that family therapy is effective in motivating alcoholics to enter treatment. Once the drinker enters treatment, family-involved treatment is marginally more effective that individual alcoholism treatment. The data suggest that three factors may mediate the effect of treatment: gender, investment in the relationship, and perceived support from the spouse for abstinence. Modest benefits have been obtained in family-involved relapse prevention programs. The most recent studies are starting to address tese issues by developing treatment models specifically for women alcoholics and identifying factors that could be used to match appropriate treatments to alcoholics and their families. These efforts are just beginning, however, and we make a number of recommendations to support implementation of these and other efforts.  相似文献   

This paper presents a three-dimensional model for teaching questioning to those wishing to develop skills in couple and family therapy. The model breaks questions into their component parts of format (the style of the question: open, closed, forced choice, rating, or ranking); orientation (the person who is being inquired about: self or other), and subject (the content of the question: behavior, feelings, beliefs, meaning, or relationship). The model is presented in the context of our post-Milan version of couple and family therapy training. The model is useful in that it allows students gradually to increase their repertoire of questions in a way that offers step-wise learning and integrates with their existing skills.  相似文献   

Premarital sexual coercion is conceptualized as nonconsensual sexual activity between two persons who are not married to each other but who are involved in an intimate relationship with one another. Factors and consequences associated with premarital sexual coercion are presented. Three possible clinical scenarios are discussed, and a case example is presented to highlight the importance of several therapeutic issues, including the need for individual sessions with the victim in order to provide crisis intervention and assess her safety and willingness to continue the relationship.  相似文献   

The Family Task Interview (FTI) is a multiple task interview administered by tape recorder and designed to elicit clinically relevant family interaction. The FTI has been designed to improve on previous similar instruments and a series of studies to evaluate its validity, reliability, and acceptability have been carried out. Further psychometric and practical evaluation is necessary, but results so far suggest that the FTI is a well standardized and easily administered instrument which is useful for research where assessment of family interaction using direct observation is required.  相似文献   

The theory of family paradigms provides an integrative framework for under-standing and systematizing the diverse ways that families organize and make sense of family life. Using formal methods of analysis based on logical and geometrical arguments, the priecise implications of models of family types can be investigated and compared. The paradigmatic framework can thus be refined and extended to form a more rigorous theoretical grounding for family typologies is explored and a miltidimensional model is derived the geometry of which is equivalent to, but more succinctly captures, the underlying structure of uariation in family para-digms. In Part II, the resulting model is interpredtd and explored in terms of implications for family theory, theory construction, and family therapy. Clarifying the basic dimensions of the paradigmatic framework also permits more precise exploration of interrelationships among related models of family types, which can be understood as reduced models derivable from the complete geometry of the paradigmatic framework.  相似文献   

This paper offers a model for high quality training in family therapy. The unique aspects of the Family Consortium's model are that it: (a) is aimed at practicing professionals; (b) emphasizes structural family therapy principles with strategic and experiential elements; (c) is geared secondarily toward training members as effective peer consultants and trainers; and (d) uses an awareness of the isomorphic nature of training, therapy and family transactions. Part I describes the practical organization structure of the Consortium. Part II discusses the current theoretical philosophy and training approach of this evolving group. Examples are given of how the Consortium has dealt with specific training issues.  相似文献   

The clinician working with the family of an autistic child may need to assess the family at several levels. The first level requires an assessment of the behavioral deficits and excesses of the child. The next level examines the family in terms of their behavioral skills and the impediments that occur when they implement behavior change programs. The third level involves assessing the family unit to identify obstacles to change. While many well-functioning families may be stressed by the crises that arise in raising an autistic child, other families are predisposed to dysfunction regardless of the presence of the child.  相似文献   

This paper sets forth generic guidelines for the clinician to observe in building and practicing a personal integrative method in family therapy. Principles are articulated around five foci: (a) the need for a personal paradigm, (b) the assimilation of aspects of scholastic approaches, (c) the role of the person of the therapist, (d) the adaptation of the model to specific cases, and (e) the pathways toward the development of a personal integrative model. An informed view of integrative practice is emphasized, in which a theoretical base is created, strategies and techniques are related to this paradigm, and the treatment of specific cases is linked to the general model.  相似文献   

While there has been considerable growth in recent years in the use of collaborative teamwork in Systemic Family Therapy, there has been a dearth of literature concerning the process of team functioning. Based upon a careful analysis of actual teamwork, a model for conducting more efficient and effective team conferences has been developed. The ensuing discussion examines the risks in working in teams and proposes ways to counteract these. Further avenues of research are suggested.  相似文献   

This article describes a theoretically based structural family assessment procedure designed for use in evaluating therapy outcome. The standardized procedure for eliciting family interaction consists of the administration of three family tasks. The family's interactional patterns on the tasks are evaluated along six dimensions of structural family functioning: Structure, Flexibility, Resonance, Developmental Stage, Identified Patienthood, and Conflict Resolution. A manual has been developed for standardizing ratings for research applications. The measure demonstrated good interrater and internal consistency reliability. Available evidence for the content, factor, and construct validity of the measure is presented. Clinical outcome research studies conducted with the measure provide evidence that the measure is sensitive to different types of structural family intervention modalities and that it discriminates between a structural family intervention versus a no treatment/wait list control condition as well as between a structural family intervention versus an individual psychotherapy treatment modality. Finally, the measure has been demonstrated to be nonreactive under both treatment and wait list conditions.  相似文献   

This paper argues that family therapy is failing to attend to the contexts in which family mental health services are provided and, therefore, is losing touch with the realities of family services in communities. We present a model for describing the institutional contexts of family mental health treatment in North America, and explore how these contexts influence family treatment. The model proposes that family mental health care can be categorized into three levels, analogous to the levels of the health care delivery system: (a) primary, (b) secondary, and (c) tertiary care. These levels represent systematically different contexts for family treatment; each has unique advantages and limitations. Translating treatment methods across levels can be hazardous because of differences in contexts. We argue that delineating the contextual levels of family mental health care can encourage more fruitful and respectful collaboration among the diverse professional groups working with families.  相似文献   

Evidence suggests that a signcant proportion, though by no means all, of bequests is equally divided among the beneficiaries. This is inconsistent with standard models of bequests, which predict that equal division should occur only by chance. This paper proposes a modified model incorporating "family fairness" as well as utilitarianism as an influence on behavior. Various implications for debt neutrality are analyzed.  相似文献   

Sociology and other social sciences struggle to emulate a model of scientific evidence that is often inappropriate. Not only do social researchers encounter special limits, but they are also handicapped by a distorted and idealized picture of practices in the "hard sciences." Ironically, while often obliged to use data of lower quality, sociology employs standards for evaluating a theory that are not attained in the hard sciences. After a brief review of these obstacles, we describe a set of procedures for using empirical data to rigorously evaluate theories and hypotheses without resorting to the mimicking of hard science. The interaction between theory and evidence normally involves deriving implications from the theory (usually referred to as hypotheses) and then ascertaining how closely the empirical evidence meets these implications. The appropriateness of the implications is a key factor in the entire operation, linking as they do the data and the theory. The evaluation of a theory is no better than the theory's implications (as generated by the investigator) coupled with the quality and appropriateness of the evidence. It is our impression, however, that because this step is insufficiently addressed, there are unnecessary problems in the evaluation of theories. We use the term "Implication Analysis" to describe our efforts to review and improve current procedures.  相似文献   

Family therapy research and psychotherapy research in general have been criticized for their lack of relevance to clinical practice. This paper presents a fivestage model that family therapy researchers can follow to increase the relevance of their work for clinicians and other consumers of family therapy research. Using lessons derived from private industry, the research model is based on a marketing and developmental perspective.  相似文献   

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