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In this paper, we focus on the variable selection for the semiparametric regression model with longitudinal data when some covariates are measured with errors. A new bias-corrected variable selection procedure is proposed based on the combination of the quadratic inference functions and shrinkage estimations. With appropriate selection of the tuning parameters, we establish the consistency and asymptotic normality of the resulting estimators. Extensive Monte Carlo simulation studies are conducted to examine the finite sample performance of the proposed variable selection procedure. We further illustrate the proposed procedure with an application.  相似文献   

We propose a penalized quantile regression for partially linear varying coefficient (VC) model with longitudinal data to select relevant non parametric and parametric components simultaneously. Selection consistency and oracle property are established. Furthermore, if linear part and VC part are unknown, we propose a new unified method, which can do three types of selections: separation of varying and constant effects, selection of relevant variables, and it can be carried out conveniently in one step. Consistency in the three types of selections and oracle property in estimation are established as well. Simulation studies and real data analysis also confirm our method.  相似文献   


In this article, we focus on the variable selection for semiparametric varying coefficient partially linear model with response missing at random. Variable selection is proposed based on modal regression, where the non parametric functions are approximated by B-spline basis. The proposed procedure uses SCAD penalty to realize variable selection of parametric and nonparametric components simultaneously. Furthermore, we establish the consistency, the sparse property and asymptotic normality of the resulting estimators. The penalty estimation parameters value of the proposed method is calculated by EM algorithm. Simulation studies are carried out to assess the finite sample performance of the proposed variable selection procedure.  相似文献   

In this article, a new efficient iteration procedure based on quantile regression is developed for single-index varying-coefficient models. The proposed estimation scheme is an extension of the full iteration procedure proposed by Carroll et al., which is different with the method adopted by Wu et al. for single-index models that a double-weighted summation is used therein. This distinguish not only be the reason that undersmoothing should be a necessary condition in our proposed procedure, but also may reduce the computational burden especially for large-sample size. The resulting estimators are shown to be robust with regardless of outliers as well as varying errors. Moreover, to achieve sparsity when there exist irrelevant variables in the index parameters, a variable selection procedure combined with adaptive LASSO penalty is developed to simultaneously select and estimate significant parameters. Theoretical properties of the obtained estimators are established under some regular conditions, and some simulation studies with various distributed errors are conducted to assess the finite sample performance of our proposed method.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider the variable selection for a class of semiparametric instrumental variable models. By combining orthogonal weighting technology and empirical likelihood method, we propose an orthogonal weighted empirical likelihood-based variable selection procedure. Under some mild conditions, the consistency and sparsity of the variable selection procedure are studied. Furthermore, some simulation studies and a real data analysis are carried out to examine the finite-sample performance of the proposed method.  相似文献   

In this article, we present a new efficient iteration estimation approach based on local modal regression for single-index varying-coefficient models. The resulted estimators are shown to be robust with regardless of outliers and error distributions. The asymptotic properties of the estimators are established under some regularity conditions and a practical modified EM algorithm is proposed for the new method. Moreover, to achieve sparse estimator when there exists irrelevant variables in the index parameters, a variable selection procedure based on SCAD penalty is developed to select significant parametric covariates and the well-known oracle properties are also derived. Finally, some numerical examples with various distributed errors and a real data analysis are conducted to illustrate the validity and feasibility of our proposed method.  相似文献   

Variable selection is an important issue in all regression analysis and in this paper, we discuss this in the context of regression analysis of recurrent event data. Recurrent event data often occur in long-term studies in which individuals may experience the events of interest more than once and their analysis has recently attracted a great deal of attention (Andersen et al., Statistical models based on counting processes, 1993; Cook and Lawless, Biometrics 52:1311–1323, 1996, The analysis of recurrent event data, 2007; Cook et al., Biometrics 52:557–571, 1996; Lawless and Nadeau, Technometrics 37:158-168, 1995; Lin et al., J R Stat Soc B 69:711–730, 2000). However, it seems that there are no established approaches to the variable selection with respect to recurrent event data. For the problem, we adopt the idea behind the nonconcave penalized likelihood approach proposed in Fan and Li (J Am Stat Assoc 96:1348–1360, 2001) and develop a nonconcave penalized estimating function approach. The proposed approach selects variables and estimates regression coefficients simultaneously and an algorithm is presented for this process. We show that the proposed approach performs as well as the oracle procedure in that it yields the estimates as if the correct submodel was known. Simulation studies are conducted for assessing the performance of the proposed approach and suggest that it works well for practical situations. The proposed methodology is illustrated by using the data from a chronic granulomatous disease study.  相似文献   

A new variable selection approach utilizing penalized estimating equations is developed for high-dimensional longitudinal data with dropouts under a missing at random (MAR) mechanism. The proposed method is based on the best linear approximation of efficient scores from the full dataset and does not need to specify a separate model for the missing or imputation process. The coordinate descent algorithm is adopted to implement the proposed method and is computational feasible and stable. The oracle property is established and extensive simulation studies show that the performance of the proposed variable selection method is much better than that of penalized estimating equations dealing with complete data which do not account for the MAR mechanism. In the end, the proposed method is applied to a Lifestyle Education for Activity and Nutrition study and the interaction effect between intervention and time is identified, which is consistent with previous findings.  相似文献   

In this article, the partially linear covariate-adjusted regression models are considered, and the penalized least-squares procedure is proposed to simultaneously select variables and estimate the parametric components. The rate of convergence and the asymptotic normality of the resulting estimators are established under some regularization conditions. With the proper choices of the penalty functions and tuning parameters, it is shown that the proposed procedure can be as efficient as the oracle estimators. Some Monte Carlo simulation studies and a real data application are carried out to assess the finite sample performances for the proposed method.  相似文献   

Variable selection is an effective methodology for dealing with models with numerous covariates. We consider the methods of variable selection for semiparametric Cox proportional hazards model under the progressive Type-II censoring scheme. The Cox proportional hazards model is used to model the influence coefficients of the environmental covariates. By applying Breslow’s “least information” idea, we obtain a profile likelihood function to estimate the coefficients. Lasso-type penalized profile likelihood estimation as well as stepwise variable selection method are explored as means to find the important covariates. Numerical simulations are conducted and Veteran’s Administration Lung Cancer data are exploited to evaluate the performance of the proposed method.  相似文献   

This article proposes a variable selection procedure for partially linear models with right-censored data via penalized least squares. We apply the SCAD penalty to select significant variables and estimate unknown parameters simultaneously. The sampling properties for the proposed procedure are investigated. The rate of convergence and the asymptotic normality of the proposed estimators are established. Furthermore, the SCAD-penalized estimators of the nonzero coefficients are shown to have the asymptotic oracle property. In addition, an iterative algorithm is proposed to find the solution of the penalized least squares. Simulation studies are conducted to examine the finite sample performance of the proposed method.  相似文献   

We study model selection and model averaging in semiparametric partially linear models with missing responses. An imputation method is used to estimate the linear regression coefficients and the nonparametric function. We show that the corresponding estimators of the linear regression coefficients are asymptotically normal. Then a focused information criterion and frequentist model average estimators are proposed and their theoretical properties are established. Simulation studies are performed to demonstrate the superiority of the proposed methods over the existing strategies in terms of mean squared error and coverage probability. Finally, the approach is applied to a real data case.  相似文献   

Summary.  We introduce a flexible marginal modelling approach for statistical inference for clustered and longitudinal data under minimal assumptions. This estimated estimating equations approach is semiparametric and the proposed models are fitted by quasi-likelihood regression, where the unknown marginal means are a function of the fixed effects linear predictor with unknown smooth link, and variance–covariance is an unknown smooth function of the marginal means. We propose to estimate the nonparametric link and variance–covariance functions via smoothing methods, whereas the regression parameters are obtained via the estimated estimating equations. These are score equations that contain nonparametric function estimates. The proposed estimated estimating equations approach is motivated by its flexibility and easy implementation. Moreover, if data follow a generalized linear mixed model, with either a specified or an unspecified distribution of random effects and link function, the model proposed emerges as the corresponding marginal (population-average) version and can be used to obtain inference for the fixed effects in the underlying generalized linear mixed model, without the need to specify any other components of this generalized linear mixed model. Among marginal models, the estimated estimating equations approach provides a flexible alternative to modelling with generalized estimating equations. Applications of estimated estimating equations include diagnostics and link selection. The asymptotic distribution of the proposed estimators for the model parameters is derived, enabling statistical inference. Practical illustrations include Poisson modelling of repeated epileptic seizure counts and simulations for clustered binomial responses.  相似文献   


In this paper we are concerned with variable selection in finite mixture of semiparametric regression models. This task consists of model selection for non parametric component and variable selection for parametric part. Thus, we encountered separate model selections for every non parametric component of each sub model. To overcome this computational burden, we introduced a class of variable selection procedures for finite mixture of semiparametric regression models using penalized approach for variable selection. It is shown that the new method is consistent for variable selection. Simulations show that the performance of proposed method is good, and it consequently improves pervious works in this area and also requires much less computing power than existing methods.  相似文献   

Summary.  Measuring the process of care in substance abuse treatment requires analysing repeated client assessments at critical time points during treatment tenure. Assessments are frequently censored because of early departure from treatment. Most analyses accounting for informative censoring define the censoring time to be that of the last observed assessment. However, if missing assessments for those who remain in treatment are attributable to logistical reasons rather than to the underlying treatment process being measured, then the length of stay in treatment might better characterize censoring than would time of measurement. Bayesian variable selection is incorporated in the conditional linear model to assess whether time of measurement or length of stay better characterizes informative censoring. Marginal posterior distributions of the trajectory of treatment process scores are obtained that incorporate model uncertainty. The methodology is motivated by data from an on-going study of the quality of care in in-patient substance abuse treatment.  相似文献   

I suggest an extension of the semiparametric transformation model that specifies a time-varying regression structure for the transformation, and thus allows time-varying structure in the data. Special cases include a stratified version of the usual semiparametric transformation model. The model can be thought of as specifying a first order Taylor expansion of a completely flexible baseline. Large sample properties are derived and estimators of the asymptotic variances of the regression coefficients are given. The method is illustrated by a worked example and a small simulation study. A goodness of fit procedure for testing if the regression effects lead to a satisfactory fit is also suggested.  相似文献   

Ruiqin Tian 《Statistics》2017,51(5):988-1005
In this paper, empirical likelihood inference for longitudinal data within the framework of partial linear regression models are investigated. The proposed procedures take into consideration the correlation within groups without involving direct estimation of nuisance parameters in the correlation matrix. The empirical likelihood method is used to estimate the regression coefficients and the baseline function, and to construct confidence intervals. A nonparametric version of Wilk's theorem for the limiting distribution of the empirical likelihood ratio is derived. Compared with methods based on normal approximations, the empirical likelihood does not require consistent estimators for the asymptotic variance and bias. The finite sample behaviour of the proposed method is evaluated with simulation and illustrated with an AIDS clinical trial data set.  相似文献   

This article considers the adaptive lasso procedure for the accelerated failure time model with multiple covariates based on weighted least squares method, which uses Kaplan-Meier weights to account for censoring. The adaptive lasso method can complete the variable selection and model estimation simultaneously. Under some mild conditions, the estimator is shown to have sparse and oracle properties. We use Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) for tuning parameter selection, and a bootstrap variance approach for standard error. Simulation studies and two real data examples are carried out to investigate the performance of the proposed method.  相似文献   

This article studies variable selection and parameter estimation in the partially linear model when the number of covariates in the linear part increases to infinity. Using the bridge penalty method, we succeed in selecting the important covariates of the linear part. Under regularity conditions, we have shown that the bridge penalized estimator of the parametric part enjoys the oracle property. We also obtain the convergence rate of the estimator of the nonparametric part. Simulation studies show that the bridge estimator performs as well as the oracle estimator for the partially linear model. An application is analyzed to illustrate the bridge procedure.  相似文献   

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