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Soohan Ahn 《随机性模型》2016,32(3):433-459
This article describes our study of the total shift during the first passages (one-sided and two-sided exit times) of Markov-modulated Brownian motion with bilateral ph-type jumps, which is referred to as MMBM. The total shift is defined as the value of a so-called shift process at the first passage epochs of the MMBM. The shift process, introduced by Bean and O’Reilly, behaves like a continuous Markovian fluid process; that is, it increases or decreases linearly with slopes regulated by the underlying Markov process that determines the path of the MMBM. Hence, the notion of total shift, which includes the first passage times of the MMBM as special cases, is useful for describing various performance measures of systems modeled by the MMBM. In this article, we present formulas for the Laplace–Stieltjes transform matrices of the total shift during various first passages of the MMBM. In particular, a Riccati equation is derived so that a matrix associated with the Laplace–Stieltjes transform of the total shift during the first return time of the MMBM is its minimal non-negative solution matrix. With this solution matrix, the Laplace–Stieltjes transform matrices can be obtained without much additional work. Furthermore, it is shown that the Riccati equation satisfies the conditions for the Newton scheme to have quadratic convergence, which enables us to use algorithms with quadratic convergence, such as Newton’s method and the Stochastic Doubling Algorithm, to compute the presented matrix-driven formulas. For the analyses, we take an approach based on approximating the MMBM with a sequence of scaled Markov-modulated fluid flows with bilateral ph-type jumps, referred to as MMFF, that weakly converge to the MMBM. Another contribution of this article is that duality results are derived in relation to the MMBM, which is an extension of the duality theorems developed by Ahn and Ramaswami for an MMFF without a jump.  相似文献   

In this paper, we employ an intensity-based credit risk model with regime-switching to study the valuation of basket CDS in a homogeneous portfolio. We assume that the default intensities are described by some dependent regime-switching shot-noise processes and the individual jumps of the intensity are driven by a common factor. By using the conditional Laplace transform of the regime-switching shot-noise process, we obtain the closed form results for pricing the fair spreads of the basket CDS. We present some numerical examples to illustrate the effect of the model parameters on the fair spreads.  相似文献   

A Markov-modulated Brownian motion (MMBM) is a substantial generalization of the classical Brownian Motion and is obtained by allowing the Brownian parameters to be modulated by an underlying Markov chain of environments. As with Brownian Motion, the time-dependent analysis of the MMBM becomes easy once the first passage times between levels are determined. However, in the MMBM those distributions cannot be obtained explicitly, and we need efficient algorithms to compute them. In this article, we provide a powerful approach based on approximating the MMBM with a sequence of scaled Markov-modulated fluid flows without Brownian components that weakly converge to the MMBM. Our main result is a Riccati equation for an associated matrix of transforms that satisfies conditions for the Newton scheme to have quadratic convergence and thus yields a very practical tool. The solution of that Riccati equation determines needed first passage times in the MMBM without much additional work. The success of our approach, which is based essentially on first-order fluid flows and a stochastic limit process, is argued to be due to the way we have isolated certain terms involving the quadratic variation effects of the Brownian. As an illustration of our algorithm, we present a numerical example of time-dependent results for a MMBM considered by Asmussen for which he determined (only) the eventual first return probabilities which we use here as an accuracy check.  相似文献   

The use of bivariate distributions plays a fundamental role in survival and reliability studies. In this paper, we introduce a location-scale model for bivariate survival times based on the copula to model the dependence of bivariate survival data with cure fraction. We create the correlation structure between the failure times using the Clayton family of copulas, which is assumed to have any distribution. It turns out that the model becomes very flexible with respect to the choice of the marginal distributions. For the proposed model, we consider inferential procedures based on constrained parameters under maximum likelihood. We derive the appropriate matrices for assessing local influence under different perturbation schemes and present some ways to perform global influence analysis. The relevance of the approach is illustrated using a real data set and a diagnostic analysis is performed to select an appropriate model.  相似文献   

Consider a process that jumps among a finite set of states, with random times spent in between. In semi-Markov processes transitions follow a Markov chain and the sojourn distributions depend only on the connecting states. Suppose that the process started far in the past, achieving stationary. We consider non-parametric estimation by modelling the log-hazard of the sojourn times through linear splines; and we obtain maximum penalized likelihood estimators when data consist of several i.i.d. windows. We prove consistency using Grenander's method of sieves.  相似文献   

We present a new test for the “continuous martingale hypothesis”. That is, a test for the hypothesis that observed data are from a process which is a continuous local martingale. The basis of the test is an embedded random walk at first passage times, obtained from the well-known representation of a continuous local martingale as a continuous time-change of Brownian motion. With a variety of simulated diffusion processes our new test shows higher power than existing tests using either the crossing tree or the quadratic variation, including the situation where non-negligible drift is present. The power of the test in the presence of jumps is also explored with a variety of simulated jump diffusion processes. The test is also applied to two sequences of high-frequency foreign exchange trade-by-trade data. In both cases the continuous martingale hypothesis is rejected at times less than hourly and we identify significant dependence in price movements at these small scales.  相似文献   

This paper presents an efficient Monte Carlo simulation scheme based on the variance reduction methods to evaluate arithmetic average Asian options in the context of the double Heston's stochastic volatility model with jumps. This paper consists of two essential parts. The first part presents a new flexible stochastic volatility model, namely, the double Heston model with jumps. In the second part, by combining two variance reduction procedures via Monte Carlo simulation, we propose an efficient Monte Carlo simulation scheme for pricing arithmetic average Asian options under the double Heston model with jumps. Numerical results illustrate the efficiency of our method.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider two test statistics for testing the strict TTT transform order between two life distributions of interest. We give their asymptotic distributions and compare our tests with some other related tests in terms of Pitman's asymptotic efficiency. Also we present some results to show the performance and the asymptotic normality of our tests.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate a new estimator of the integrated volatility of Itô semimartingales in the presence of both market microstructure noise and jumps when sampling times are endogenous. In the first step, our estimation wipes off the effects of the microstructure noise, and in the second step our estimator shrinks the effects of jumps. We provide consistency of the estimator when the jumps have finite variation and infinite variation and establish a central limit theorem for the estimator in a general endogenous time setting when the jumps only have finite variation. Simulation illustrates the performance of the proposed estimator.  相似文献   

We present a new method for deriving the stationary distribution of an ergodic Markov process of G/M/1-type in continuous-time, by deriving and making use of a new representation for each element of the rate matrices contained in these distributions. This method can also be modified to derive the Laplace transform of each transition function associated with Markov processes of G/M/1-type.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider Markov fluid models with jumps which are useful for e.g. insurance risk modeling and the performance analysis of high-speed data networks. Recently, Ahn and Ramaswami [Ahn, S. & Ramaswami, V. (2004). Transient analysis of fluid flow models via stochastic coupling to a queue. Stochastic Models, 20 (1) 71–101] provided a transient analysis of the Markov modulated fluid flow model using stochastic coupling to a queueing model. Here we extend their results and provide a transient analysis of Markov fluid models with jumps. We also present some numerical examples.  相似文献   

The Riesz distributions on positive definite symmetric matrices are used to introduce a class of Dirichlet–Riesz distributions. In addition, several distributional properties are stated. Essentially, we show the relationship between the Dirichlet–Riesz distributions of the first kind and the second kind, respectively. We derive Wilks’ factorization of the matrix-variate Dirichlet–Riesz. Further, several results on the product of Riesz and beta–Riesz matrices with a set of Dirichlet–Riesz matrices of the first kind have been derived.  相似文献   

Continuous-time autoregressive processes have been applied successfully in many fields and are particularly advantageous in the modeling of irregularly spaced or high-frequency time series data. A convenient nonlinear extension of this model are continuous-time threshold autoregressions (CTAR). CTAR allow for greater flexibility in model parameters and can represent a regime switching behavior. However, so far only Gaussian CTAR processes have been defined, so that this model class could not be used for data with jumps, as frequently observed in financial applications. Hence, as a novelty, we construct CTAR processes with jumps in this paper. Existence of a unique weak solution and weak consistency of an Euler approximation scheme is proven. As a closed form expression of the likelihood is not available, we use kernel-based particle filtering for estimation. We fit our model to the Physical Electricity Index and show that it describes the data better than other comparable approaches.  相似文献   

Mode Jumping Proposals in MCMC   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms generate samples from a target distribution by simulating a Markov chain. Large flexibility exists in specification of transition matrix of the chain. In practice, however, most algorithms used only allow small changes in the state vector in each iteration. This choice typically causes problems for multi-modal distributions as moves between modes become rare and, in turn, results in slow convergence to the target distribution. In this paper we consider continuous distributions on R n and specify how optimization for local maxima of the target distribution can be incorporated in the specification of the Markov chain. Thereby, we obtain a chain with frequent jumps between modes. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach in three examples. The first considers a simple mixture of bivariate normal distributions, whereas the two last examples consider sampling from posterior distributions based on previously analysed data sets.  相似文献   

Innovation diffusion represents a central topic both for researchers and for managers and policy makers. Traditionally, it has been examined using the successful Bass models (BM, GBM), based on an aggregate differential approach, which assures flexibility and reliable forecasts. More recently, the rising interest towards adoptions at the individual level has suggested the use of agent based models, like Cellular Automata models (CA), that are generally implemented through computer simulations. In this paper we present a link between a particular kind of CA and a separable non autonomous Riccati equation, whose general structure includes the Bass models as a special case. Through this link we propose an alternative to direct computer simulations, based on real data, and a new aggregate model, which simultaneously considers birth and death processes within the diffusion. The main results, referred to the closed form solution, the identification and the statistical analysis of our new model, may be both of theoretical and empirical interest. In particular, we examine two applied case studies, illustrating some forecasting improvements obtained.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider an ergodic diffusion process with jumps whose drift coefficient depends on an unknown parameter. We suppose that the process is discretely observed. We introduce an estimator based on a contrast function, which is efficient without requiring any conditions on the rate at which the step discretization goes to zero, and where we allow the observed process to have nonsummable jumps. This extends earlier results where the condition on the step discretization was needed and where the process was supposed to have summable jumps. In general situations, our contrast function is not explicit and one has to resort to some approximation. In the case of a finite jump activity, we propose explicit approximations of the contrast function such that the efficient estimation of the drift parameter is feasible. This extends the results obtained by Kessler in the case of continuous processes.  相似文献   

It is well known that moment matrices play a very important rôle in econometrics and statistics. Liu and Heyde (Stat Pap 49:455–469, 2008) give exact expressions for two-moment matrices, including the Hessian for ARCH models under elliptical distributions. In this paper, we extend the theory by establishing two additional moment matrices for conditional heteroskedastic models under elliptical distributions. The moment matrices established in this paper implement the maximum likelihood estimation by some estimation algorithms like the scoring method. We illustrate the applicability of the additional moment matrices established in this paper by applying them to establish an AR-ARCH model under an elliptical distribution.  相似文献   

《Econometric Reviews》2012,31(1):54-70

This study forecasts the volatility of two energy futures markets (oil and gas), using high-frequency data. We, first, disentangle volatility into continuous volatility and jumps. Second, we apply wavelet analysis to study the relationship between volume and the volatility measures for different horizons. Third, we augment the heterogeneous autoregressive (HAR) model by nonlinearly including both jumps and volume. We then propose different empirical extensions of the HAR model. Our study shows that oil and gas volatilities nonlinearly depend on public information (jumps), private information (continuous volatility), and trading volume. Moreover, our threshold augmented HAR model with heterogeneous jumps and continuous volatility outperforms HAR model in forecasting volatility.  相似文献   

Piecewise-deterministic Markov processes form a general class of non diffusion stochastic models that involve both deterministic trajectories and random jumps at random times. In this paper, we state a new characterization of the jump rate of such a process with discrete transitions. We deduce from this result a non parametric technique for estimating this feature of interest. We state the uniform convergence in probability of the estimator. The methodology is illustrated on a numerical example.  相似文献   

This paper presents limit theorems of realized multipower variation for semimartingales and Gaussian integral processes with jumps observed in high frequency. In particular, we obtain a central limit theorem of realized multipower variation for semimartingale where some of the powers equal one and the others are less one. Convergence in probability and central limit theorems of realized threshold bipower variation for Gaussian integral processes with jumps are also obtained. These results provide new statistical tools to analyze and test the long memory effect in high frequency situation.  相似文献   

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