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该文介绍了台湾逢甲大学独具特色的"Freshman Project",从中思考如何在大学期间培育未来人才所需的"能力资源"——想象力、创造力、独立思考、沟通与表达能力、团队合作及解决问题的能力,并以大学生职业生涯规划与管理课程为例开展改革探索,主要措施包括更新授课内容、丰富授课模式、多元成果展示等。  相似文献   

"团队"是近年较为流行的一个词,事实上,现今社会的确愈来愈重视"团队"。和群体不同,团队不是某个在一起工作的集体。一个真正的团队应该有一个共同的目标,其成员之间的行为相互依存,相互影响,并且能很好合作,追求集体的成功。团队工作代表的是一系列鼓励成员间倾听他人意见并且积极回应他人观点、对他人提供支持并尊重他人兴趣和成就的价值观念。一个优秀的团队必须是拥有创新能力的团队,团队中的每个成员都习惯改变以适应环境不断发展变化的要求。  相似文献   

创新研究群体在运行中部分团队存在"结构失范"与"合作低效"的问题。理解与解决此类问题的出发点是,打开创新研究群体合作网络的"黑箱",从静态结构层面与动态演化层面揭示其演化的过程与机理。基于自发秩序下科学共同体视阈,将具有中国特色的高水平基础研究科技创新团队——创新研究群体的合作网络视作一类特殊的变化的科学共同体,将其演化过程归纳为"三个阶段、两个转折点":首先是"无形学院"阶段——经过"立项转折点"后进入"科研创新项目团队"阶段——经过"变异转折点"后跃迁进入"混合型学术共同体"阶段;创新研究群体由具备合作基础的松散自发学术群体,转化为正规的边界明晰的项目团队,最后以群体为基础深化与扩展成"混合型学术共同体",经历了一个"模糊——明晰——扩展"的合作网络演化过程;结合团队生命周期等组织管理理论,通过对创新研究群体网络演化机理的分析,以及某优秀创新群体的探索性案例分析,初步打开其合作与发展的"黑箱",从组织形态演化角度拆解其重要节点与阶段划分,对于创新群体的问题解决与发展治理,有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

基于创业学习理论,以众创空间与孵化器中的创业团队为研究对象,探讨了合作质量对再次合作意愿的交互影响,分析了任务关系和团队信任对二者关系的调节效应。研究发现:团队创业过程中,结果质量和过程质量对再次合作意愿存在交互影响;任务关系对合作质量与再次合作意愿之间的关系存在差异影响,任务依赖显著调节了结果质量与再次合作意愿的关系,而任务独立对过程质量和再次合作意愿产生了显著的调节效果;信任介入了任务关系对再次合作意愿的交互影响关系,任务依赖则通过情感信任缓解了结果质量对再次合作意愿的消极影响。  相似文献   

马卫华  刘佳  樊霞 《管理学报》2012,9(11):1627-1633
利用广东省高等院校98个学术团队的调查数据进行实证分析,探索了团队建设在产学研合作与学术团队核心竞争力之间的中介作用。研究结果表明,团队建设与团队核心能力各维度存在显著正相关,团队建设对学术能力的影响大于对服务社会能力的影响;团队正式化在产学研合作广度、合作深度和团队学术能力、服务社会能力之间是部分中介作用;团队文化氛围在产学研合作广度和学术能力、服务社会能力之间无中介作用,在合作深度和学术能力之间是部分中介作用,在合作深度和服务社会能力之间是完全中介作用;团队学习能力在产学研合作广度、合作深度和学术能力、服务社会能力之间是部分中介作用。  相似文献   

曾俊秀 《经营管理者》2009,(19):322-322
在全球化浪潮下,西方的公司体制、管理模式给中国企业提供了新的视角,中国企业开始接受西方高效的管理理念,如"授权和激励"、"团队合作"等。本文从跨文化视角分析团队合作在中国推广的现状及原因。  相似文献   

团队合作与激励结构的关系及博弈模型研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
本文研究了团队合作与激励结构的关系,分析了团队中存在拆台行为时的最佳激励结构,与不存在拆台行为的团队的最佳激励结构进行了代理成本的比较分析,分析了特定条件下团队员工间竞争与合作的重要性,分析了基于团队竞争与合作的团队成员的性格、能力结构及团队的产品组织结构。  相似文献   

基于非理性预期的团队合作问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将行为金融理论应用于解决团队合作问题,在考虑团队成员非理性预期的条件下,通过建立合作模型,研究各成员的博弈行为、团队价值以及团队监督,并分析了非理性预期对团队合作的动态影响.结果表明,面对未来的不确定性,过度预期成员会增加团队合作道德风险,使团队绩效降低,对其应加强监督;而保守预期成员则能减少团队合作道德风险,提升团队价值,对其应削弱监督.此外,随着工作经验的丰富,团队成员将趋于理性,非理性预期对团队合作的影响会逐渐减小.该结论在选拔团队成员和实施团队监督等方面的运用,能够有效促进团队合作.  相似文献   

高管团队组成特征与行为整合关系研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本研究运用公共组织、国有企业、民营企业和欧美外企等四类组织的325个高管团队样本,从行为视角探索了高管团队行为整合的结构和测量,重点研究了高管团队组成特征与行为整合的关系。实证结果发现,高管团队行为整合可分为决策参与、开放沟通和团队合作三个行为维度,高管团队规模、信任与高管团队行为整合变量显著相关。高管团队的多项异质性与行为整合显著负相关,这些异质性包括最高学历、海外学习考察时间、工作经历、每周工作时间、进入方式、团队任期、经营战略偏好等。  相似文献   

本文从学术团队核心能力建设的动态角度,利用广东省高校学术团队的数据,从产学研合作的广度和深度两个维度,研究探讨了产学研合作对学术团队核心能力影响的作用机理,深入剖析了学术团队的研究偏好、成员的互补性等团队特征的差异性特征对该影响作用的调节效应。研究结果表明,产学研合作对学术团队的建设具有积极的影响,产学研合作会对学术团队建设的正式化和学习能力产生正向的影响,而产学研合作的深度较广度相比,会对学术团队的学习能力影响更为突出。当进一步考虑到学术团队特征的异质性时,产学研合作对学术团队建设的影响效应也将随学术团队特征的异质性而体现出内在的差异性。其中,学术团队的研究偏好与产学研合作项目越匹配,产学研合作将有助于提升团队的学习能力。而学术团队人员的互补性越强,产学研合作广度的增加将有利于形成团队的互动与逐渐正式化,随着团队产学研合作深度的增加,其对学术团队文化氛围的影响也就越有利。  相似文献   

以团队工作中的个体作为研究对象,应用结构方程模型,构建和验证了影响个人报酬的影响因素的结构模型,并分析了影响个人报酬的显著性因素。研究结果显示,个人报酬受团队绩效和个人绩效的重要影响,团队绩效与个人绩效存在双向互动作用。  相似文献   

本研究以团队为对象,考察了在正式的工作关系背景下,当团队成员间存在工作竞争时,团队内社会网络对知识转移的影响.研究认为,反映社会网络质量的网络信任会促进团队内知识转移,而网络认知信任和网络情感信任对团队内知识转移具有不同的作用,其中网络情感信任的影响要强于网络认知信任.工作竞争具有调节这种影响的作用,并且对网络认知信任和情感信任的调节程度会有所不同.研究对所提假设进行了实证检验,并对结果进行了进一步解释,旨在进一步剖析知识活动的规律,从而为企业有效的管理知识提供指导.  相似文献   

Research results that have been reported indicate that the specific outcomes of teamwork vary and are in part context-dependant, while less is known about the interaction between teamwork and psychological factors. This paper reviews research results published in scientific journals in the period 2000-2005, and assesses current knowledge of teams and associated psychological factors. Furthermore, the review process identified the importance of team constituent factors (interdependence and team autonomy), team type and team size, and contextual factors for the results that were reported, and assessed the design and research-methodological foundations of those results. The main inclusion criteria for papers were that they had been based on field studies of formally established teams and were published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. Furthermore they must have been based on the use of questionnaires, and the occupational sector must have been identified. Fifty-five papers were identified for inclusion in the review. An almost consistent pattern of positive associations between psychological variables and teamwork was found to be reported across team types, team sizes, and contextual factors. Furthermore, the reported psychological factors appear to be positively linked to team autonomy and team interdependence. This paper discusses the strength of the interactions between teamwork and various psychological variables, and suggests directions for future research.  相似文献   

This study investigates the influence of leadership on followers' identification with their work group. Adopting a qualitative research approach, it takes on the followers' perspective for inductively deriving leadership behaviors that pertain to the development of team identification. Based on in-depth data from members of seven teams in the context of UN peacebuilding operations, four aggregate leadership dimensions can be identified that are conducive to members' team identification: providing guidance, encouraging involvement, role modeling, and administering teamwork. Accordingly, this study adds to the exploration of leadership behaviors relevant for team identification that have not been considered by extant research. The results may lay the foundations for future investigations on complementary effects of different leadership behaviors for fostering followers' identification with their work group.  相似文献   

Engineering managers, faced with ever greater system integration challenges, must actively improve team communications. As a conceptual tool, the work activity of a system development team may be described in terms of a group of coupled conversations. Based on this approach, a model is outlined which offers a graphic representation of team resources and a metaphor for interactive communication activity. Use of the model encourages complete consideration of the requirements for a given conversation and helps to explicitly document successful interaction patterns. Models with these features are expected to lead to broader use of computer workstations for managing system development. Until then, the concepts are valuable to managers to help to organize and clarify their teamwork.  相似文献   

This article reports the development of a measure of teamwork for use with management teams. A five‐stage process was followed. First, a model of teamwork including team processes was generated through empirical research involving the elicitation of 600 team performance constructs from members of management teams and from theoretical considerations. Second, items were written to operationalize the model. Third, data from 220 members of management teams working in private‐ and public‐sector organizations were factor analysed in order to establish the scale structure of the instrument. Fourth, data from a second sample of 16 complete management teams were collected in order to assess within‐team properties of the instrument. Lastly, convergent and criterion‐related validity were assessed. The resulting ‘Teamwork Survey’, is a 7‐scale, 36‐item general‐purpose questionnaire that can be used in further research and in consulting interventions.  相似文献   

Many organizations rely on teamwork, and yet field evidence on the impacts of team‐based incentives remains scarce. Compared to individual incentives, team incentives can affect productivity by changing both workers’ effort and team composition. We present evidence from a field experiment designed to evaluate the impact of rank incentives and tournaments on the productivity and composition of teams. Strengthening incentives, either through rankings or tournaments, makes workers more likely to form teams with others of similar ability instead of with their friends. Introducing rank incentives however reduces average productivity by 14%, whereas introducing a tournament increases it by 24%. Both effects are heterogeneous: rank incentives only reduce the productivity of teams at the bottom of the productivity distribution, and monetary prize tournaments only increase the productivity of teams at the top. We interpret these results through a theoretical framework that makes precise when the provision of team‐based incentives crowds out the productivity‐enhancing effect of social connections under team production.  相似文献   


Team researchers in the field of organizational behavior (OB) seem to be increasingly aware of the need to embrace the organizing nature of teams. In this article, we outline the limitations of the prevailing static collectivist explanations in team research and suggest how an increased emphasis on a microdynamics-oriented approach that takes into account the essentially relational and organizing nature of teams can provide new insights to our understanding of teamwork. We argue that a multilevel, multi-theoretical, and multi-period framework may help enhance our understanding of teams. To show the advancements of the field in this sense, we review the OB literature on teams and highlight exemplars of research that have started to emphasize the microdynamic nature of teams consistent with this general framework, and their contributions to our understanding of team phenomena. We conclude by outlining the opportunities and needs for a microdynamic insight into team and teamwork, providing guidance for scholars who are interested in adding a microdynamic perspective into their models of teamwork.  相似文献   

变革型领导对R&D团队创新绩效的影响机制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
R&D团队是企业技术创新的重要组织形式.本研究从变革型领导这一视角探讨了其对R&D团队创新绩效的影响及中介机制.本文运用结构方程模型方法,通过对316个R&D团队样本的实证研究发现,R&D团队领导者的变革型领导风格对团队创新绩效有积极影响,而知识分享与知识整合正是这种影响的中介机制.  相似文献   

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