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Correspondence to Dr Martin R. Textor, Hessstrasse, D-8000 München 40, Germany. Summary After a short overview of adoption services in Germany, thelegal situation, and the number of adoptions the results ofinterviews with 117 social workers arc presented. All of themwere responsible for adoptions and worked at agencies of localauthorities or welfare organizations in Bavaria. Their attitudestowards adoption as an alternative to abortion, towards birthmothers, adoptive families, searching adoptees, internationaladoptions, open adoptions, and the placement of children arcexplored. It was found that the attitudes were very heterogeneousand that they had changed during the last 20 years: The respondentsespoused a more positive view of birth mothers and searchingadoptees, considered uncommon groups of applicants (e.g. singles,remarried couples) and children (e.g. handicapped or older ones)for adoption, and took a more positive stance towards half openand open forms of adoption. They did not see adoption as analternative to abortion, were against private adoptions, andstrove for more open forms of adoption.  相似文献   

司督阁的见闻 1882年夏天,一位名叫杜格尔德·克里斯蒂的苏格兰人,以医疗传教士的身份,携同他新婚的妻子,来到了中国东北.1887年,此人在沈阳小河沿附近建起一座西医院,并担任医生之责,据说手艺很是了得,救治了许多人,包括皇戚贵族,还与清代名将左宝贵成了十分要好的朋友,双方有着家族式的往来. 杜格尔德·克里斯蒂的中文名字叫“司都阁”.1894年中日甲午战争爆发的时候,司都阁正在沈阳.随着战事的发展,他避难到营口,并服务于临时成立起来的红十字会医院,在那儿救助了许多伤残的清兵.《甲午战时辽居记录》是司都阁对那场战争的记忆,并于其中留下了他对田庄台的所见所闻:  相似文献   

A conception of enlightenment that is new in both origin and prototype yet rooted in Chinese tradition can be found in the works of Liang Shuming and Zhu Qianzhi, his follower in the historical field. Kant maintained that enlightenment implied that the power of reason would give man the courage to use his mind. Similarly, Zhu Qianzhi used enlightenment to define reason, putting the focus of enlightenment on religion. In doing so, on the one hand, he neglected the richness, complexity and inner evolution of the Western concept of reason; on the other hand, like Hegel, he dismissed the subtle but significant differences between Chinese and Western concepts of reason. In terms of thought, intuition, emotion, desire, practice, skill and the movements of nature, reason in the Western tradition inevitably tends toward the good. The word later used to translate “reason” into Chinese had already appeared in Confucian and Buddhist classics. Reason in Song and Ming Confucianism is an all- embracing absolute; its function involves intuition, thought and emotion, all directed toward the good. Liang Shuming accepted the differentiation between reason and understanding of Western philosophy, but proposed that understanding was the function and reason the essence of the heart-mind. Overall, this represents only the heart-mind approach. The non- religious character, didactic tendency and emphasis on intuition in the Confucian view of reason can all be found in the Confucian theory of emotion. Being essentially a response to good and evil, emotion may share some common ground with classical Western philosophy.  相似文献   

西部地区股票市场发展的内外部环境的变化,使得西部企业通过股票市场融资的道路困难重重,作为资本市场重要的另一翼,债券市场的魅力愈益受到人们的关注和推崇,在加快中国债券市场发展问题上可以说各方面已经达成了共识。当前西部债券市场发展面临着良好的机遇,西部政府各界应把握时机,采取得力措施发展债券市场,实现西部资本市场的创新发展。  相似文献   

The disenfranchisement of felons and ex-felons has long served to restrict the practice of democracy in the United States. In the late 20th century, a number of states allowed increasing numbers of felons and ex-felons to vote. Previous work has noted that Democrats are often associated with extensions of voting rights to felons and ex-felons. If this is the case, what accounts for their support for re-enfranchisement? In this paper I conduct a series of event history analyses of voting rights policy changes at the state level. I argue that Democratic support was not based on expected electoral benefits that might derive from changes in the composition of the electorate. Instead, analyses suggest that would-be reformers—often Democratic, but also Republican—were importantly constrained by the ideological climate among a state's population. Thus, policy liberalism appears to have trumped crass partisan strategizing in encouraging restoration of voting rights to felons and ex-felons. Results also confirm claims that local patterns of racial domination were relevant in decisions to re-enfranchise or not.  相似文献   

Around the time of the outbreak of the First Sino-Japanese War, France reiterated that it had no direct interest in the Korean issue, and professed to be an onlooker. But from the very beginning, in fact, France viewed the war as an opportunity to consolidate its alliance with Russia and further encroach on China’s southwest frontiers; it was therefore happy to see war break out between China and Japan, and took Russia’s position on stopping Britain from playing a dominant role in mediation between them. As the outcome of the war became clear, exposing Japan’s ambition to invade China, France turned from its wait-and-see attitude to intervention, taking an active part in the peacemaking activities of Russia, Britain and France and the triple intervention of Russia, France and Germany. In so doing, it attempted to safeguard general European interests and consolidate its alliance with Russia, as well as preventing Japan from replacing Europe as the dominant force in China. At the same time, it demanded a quid pro quo from the victim. During negotiation over the return of the Liaodong Peninsula, France put aside its conflicts with its old enemy Germany and endeavored to mediate in disputes between Germany and Russia so as to maintain concerted action under the triple intervention. It proposed to sacrifice the interests of China to satisfy the wishes of Japan and Russia for a swift resolution of the issue of the Liaodong Peninsula.  相似文献   

从1960年到1990年,西方现代国防经济学在冷战期间日臻完善和成熟。本文分析了西方现代国防经济学的诞生及背景,并对其研究状况分专题进行了简要的综述。  相似文献   

孟英 《唐都学刊》2005,21(4):152-155
中国人民的抗日战争,是近代中国反对外敌入侵第一次取得完全胜利的民族解放战争,创造了半殖民地弱国打败帝国主义强国的奇迹;抗日战争是世界反法西斯战争的东方主战场,有力地支援了世界人民的和平事业,也极大地提升了中国的国际影响力;抗日战争使中国正式解脱了一切不平等条约的枷锁,雪洗了百年耻辱,开始以平等的地位站立于国际政治舞台上;抗日战争是中华民族大团结的象征,锻炼了中国共产党和中国人民,进一步提升了中华民族的向心力和凝聚力。抗日战争的胜利,成为中华民族由衰败走向振兴的历史转折点。  相似文献   


In the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, the United States claimed to be neutral, but was in fact pro-Japanese. Before the war, it repeatedly refused mediation requests by China and Korea and rejected Britain’s joint mediation proposal while tacitly agreeing to or inciting Japan’s launching a war. During the war, American diplomats, as wartime protectors of both Japanese and Chinese nationals, frequently went beyond the limits of international law to protect Japanese spies in China. As the only mediator between China and Japan, the United States rejected the joint mediation efforts of European powers and helped reduce international pressure on Japan. At the same time, it unilaterally convinced the Qing government to accept Japan’s aggressive demands so as to help Japan achieve its war aims. The main reason for the United States’ bias towards Japan was that it hoped to use Japan to end the tributary relationship between China and Korea in order to further open the door to China while weakening the influence of Britain and Russia in East Asia.  相似文献   

靖国神社自建立以来,就是宣扬军国主义精神的场所。二战后,靖国神社得到日本内阁厚生省等支持,将大批战犯合祀进去。1978年靖国神社又合祀甲级战犯。此后,围绕合祀甲级战犯和参拜靖国神社问题,在日本和国际上遭到批判。特别是小泉首相连续五次参拜靖国神社,集中表现出日本欲为侵略历史翻案的极端民族主义情绪,更加遭到国内和中韩等国的强烈反对。  相似文献   

The CPSU Program states that the party poses the task of assuring the uprooting of all violations of law and order, the elimination of crime, and the removal of all its causes. Socialist society is, as a matter of fact, in a position to resolve this problem. However, it cannot be resolved by legal means alone. The best laws cannot by themselves guarantee the elimination of crime. In societies based on exploitation, war has been waged against crime for centuries and millennia on the basis of legal norms by the use of punishments, and crime continues to exist.  相似文献   

Reorganization of the NHS in 1974 sped up the process of professionalization of the leadership of the Community Dental Health Services. Since that event public dental officers have gained status through recognition of the need for specialists in community dental health. Nevertheless, by the beginning of 1982 no trainees had yet been appointed to begin the special training programme, thus far failing the efforts of those area dental officers who have striven since 1974 to raise the standards of their successors.  相似文献   

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