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This study explored contextual or determining factors and their impacts on lean manufacturing in small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) operating in food-processing industries. In order to get an in-depth insight into the real situation at the work floor, this study adopted a multiple-case-study research approach. The inherent characteristics of food industries, such as mandatory quality assurance requirements, low shelf life of food products, and the extremely volatile demand and supply presented barriers to lean manufacturing adoption. In addition, the challenges of ‘change’ in an SME environment are distinct from those faced by large organizations. The small size of the plant, the traditional setup, and inflexible layout make it difficult to implement lean manufacturing in food-processing SMEs. The knowledge of contextual factors influencing lean manufacturing adoption in food processing SMEs will be a contribution to current knowledge. Many studies have explored lean constructs and tools, while far fewer have explored the crucial element of actually implementing these. The study will also help practitioners to anticipate potential obstacles and take proper measures to deal with them during lean implementation.  相似文献   

Social media in higher education is becoming increasingly important both in courses' delivery and assessment. This research explores the adoption of social media as a supporting tool in undergraduate (UG) education using both educators' and students' perspectives. The first study involves a survey of 205 educators who reported their views on the importance and use of social media within their management courses. The second study consists of four focus groups, which provides insights into students' perspectives and attitudes toward the use of social media by their educators in higher education. Results show that both educators and students acknowledge the importance of incorporating social media in delivery and assessment of courses and highlight its positive impact on students' deep learning experience and engagement, as well as their enhancement of collaborative and organizational skills. However, faculty is advised to keep a balance in terms of relevance of social media use, control, and usage level of social media platforms.  相似文献   

Currently, the terms interface and interface management in the context of interorganisational relationships between suppliers and customers are under intensive discussion. Central issues are the emphasis placed upon the coordination of activities at business interfaces, and the conviction that the concept can make business operations more efficient and thus more effective. That interface management in supplier–customer relationships is discussed in various academic disciplines and characterized by various thematic approaches makes this field complex. Thus the first goal of this article is to investigate the state of interface research, identifying select topics that promise further significant research in the field of interface management in supplier–customer relationships. In addition, based upon a comprehensive citation analysis of 176 journal articles or 4,654 references, the publication development, the important players and the most important academic journals in interface management research in supplier–customer relationships will be briefly presented. Finally, five clusters in interface management research that provide a framework for additional research activities are, based on a co-citation analysis, defined and briefly analysed.  相似文献   

Penny Dick 《英国管理杂志》2009,20(S1):S182-S193
Professional reduced-hours working is a form of flexible working that runs counter to the increasing trend of employer-led flexibility, and exemplifies the rise of the so-called 'idiosyncratic' employment deal. Although an emerging body of literature, there is evidence to suggest that despite the claim that professional reduced-hours working provides 'better' part-time employment than usually typifies this pattern, it actually confers considerable costs to both individuals and organizations. Some academics have called for a more strategic approach to the introduction and management of professional reduced-hours working, in order to combat these problems. Utilizing a pluralistic perspective on the employment relationship, I draw on data from research in three metropolitan UK police forces to argue that the needs of the part-time employee and the organization will be difficult to integrate. Showing how the negotiation context of the employment relationship has changed and resulted in a power shift from the manager to the part-timer, I argue that the best that can be achieved is a minimal integration of the needs of both parties, and draw out the theoretical and practical implications of this position.  相似文献   

Estimating microbial dose–response is an important aspect of a food safety risk assessment. In recent years, there has been considerable interest to advance these models with potential incorporation of gene expression data. The aim of this study was to develop a novel machine learning model that considers the weights of expression of Salmonella genes that could be associated with illness, given exposure, in hosts. Here, an elastic net-based weighted Poisson regression method was proposed to identify Salmonella enterica genes that could be significantly associated with the illness response, irrespective of serovar. The best-fit elastic net model was obtained by 10-fold cross-validation. The best-fit elastic net model identified 33 gene expression–dose interaction terms that added to the predictability of the model. Of these, nine genes associated with Salmonella metabolism and virulence were found to be significant by the best-fit Poisson regression model (p < 0.05). This method could improve or redefine dose–response relationships for illness from relative proportions of significant genes from a microbial genetic dataset, which would help in refining endpoint and risk estimations.  相似文献   

There have been many criticisms of the Sarbanes–Oxley (SOX) Act passed in July of 2002 to correct business accountability and performance practices. The act has a major emphasis on accounting and its practices. This paper attempts a response to these criticisms by investigating changes in productive efficiency for 62 of the largest US public accounting firms between the periods (2000–2001) and (2003–2004)—the periods before and after enactment of SOX in July of 2002. DEA is used to calculate Malmquist indexes of productivity and efficiency changes. This index is used because it can distinguish between changes in technical efficiency, which limit the possibilities, and changes in the performance efficiencies for each firm. Contrary to many of the criticisms, results indicate that accounting firms have exhibited significant post SOX growth in productive efficiency which is better than pre-SOX performances.  相似文献   

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