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Earnings of Women In Michigan: Ninth Annual Report of the Bureau of Labor and Industrial Statistics. Henry A. Robinson, Commissioner of Labor. 1892. Lansing, Michigan. Pp. xvii, 472. Reviewed by Lucy M. Salmon.

Effect of Occupation on Health: The Effect of Occupation on the Health and Duration of the Trade-life of Workmen. 12th, 13th, and 14th Annual Reports of the Bureau of Statistics of Labor and Industries, of New Jersey, 1889, 1890, and 1891. Trenton, N. J. Reviewed by S. W. Abbott.

Influence of Occupations Upon Mortality: Journal de la Société de Statistique de Paris. October and November, 1892. Reviewed by William Z. Ripley.

Fertility of Marriages in Prussia According to the Religious Creeds of the Contracting Parties: The Zeitschrift des Königlich Preussischen Statistischen Bureaus for 1891 contains a very interesting article upon the fertility of marriages in the different religious sects of Prussia for sixteen years (Eheliche Fruchtbarkeit bei den verschiedenen Religionsgemeinschaften in Preussen, 1875 bis 1890). Reviewed by Gary N. Calkins.

The French Population: Journal de la Société de Statistique de Paris. September, 1892. La population française. Par M. Levasseur. Reviewed by W. Z. Ripley.

The French Population: Journal des Economistes. October, 1892. La population française le dénombrement. M. Leon Roquet. Reviewed by W. Z. Ripley.

The Geographical Distribution of Sexes: Karl Bücher has recently published in the Allgemeines Statistische Archiv, for 1891–92, Part II, a paper entitled Ueber die Verteilung der beiden Geschlechter auf der Erde, originally read before the Verein für Geographie und Statistik zu Frankfurt a Main. Reviewed by Gary N. Calkins.

Effect of Parents' Age on Vitality of Children: Josef Körösi has recently written an interesting article upon the Effect of Parents' Age on the Vitality of Children in the Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik, No. 4, 1892. It is based upon records kept by himself during the five years between 1878 and 1882, and during the years 1888 and 1889, making in all seven years, although not consecutive.

The Fall of the Rate of Interest and its Influence on Provident Institutions: In La Reforme Sociale (Nos. 45 and 46) for November, 1892, appears an article on the above subject by M. Cheysson, with an appended discussion by MM. Juglar, Fougerousse, Gibon, and Cheysson. Reviewed by Francis Walker.

Limitations of Statistics: In the March issue (1892) of the Rassegna di science sociali e politiche the scope and limitations of statistics is considered by Prof. Salvioni, in an article entitled Ai Confini della Statistica. The following is a summary of the principal positions taken by the author. Reviewed by Stephen F. Weston.

Suicides in the Austrian Army in the Years 1873–90: In the last April number of the Statistische Monatschrift (Austria) Josef Roth has an article upon suicides in the German army during the period 1873–90 (Die Selbstmorde in der k. u. k. Armee in den Jahren 1878–90).

Ten YEARS' Growth of the City of London: Ten Years' Growth of the City of London. Report, Local Government and Taxation Committee of the Corporation, by James Salmon, Chairman. London, 1891. 139 pages. Reviewed by F. A. Currier.

Work of the Statistical Seminary at the University of Vienna: Bericht über die thatigkeit des statistischen Seminars an der K. K. Universität Wien im Wintersemester, 1891–92. By Dr. Hermann v. Schullern-Schrattenhofen. In the Statistische Monatschrift, October, 1892. Reviewed by Victor Rosewater.

Local Public Records of Massachusetts: The Report on the Custody and Condition of the Public Records of Parishes, Towns, and Counties in Massachusetts for 1892 has recently appeared. In it the Commissioner, Robert T. Swan, makes complaint of the manner in which state laws are neglected by many town and county clerks.

The Criminal Statistics of Buenos Ayres: Provincia de Buenos Aires. Memoria del Departamento de Policía. 1892. Pp. 196; tables. Reviewed by L. P. Lane.

Registration Report of Massachusetts: Fiftieth Report of Births, Marriages, and Deaths in the Commonwealth, and returns of Deaths investigated by the Medical Examiners, for the Year 1891. Pp. 145. Boston, 1892. Reviewed by G. N. Calkins.

The Necessity of a Revision of the Classification and Nomenclature Employed in the Vital Statistics of Massachusetts.  相似文献   


Employment of Women in England: Report by Miss Collet on the Statistics of Employment of Women and Girls. Labor Department, Board of Trade. London, 1894. Reviewed by M. K. Conynton.

Taxation in Paris: The Tax Paid by a Parisian Family. Report by L. Beaurin-Gressier, Journal de la Société de Statistique de Paris, October, 1895. Reviewed by Wm. Herbert King.

Taxation in Illinois: Eighth Biennial Report of the Bureau of Labor Statistics of Illinois. Subject: Taxation. By the Commission, George A. Schilling, Secretary. Springfield, III. 1895. Pp. 490. Reviewed by Miles Menander Dawson.

Canada Assurance: Canada Life Assurance Company. Mortality Experience, 1847 to 1893. Published by the Company, Hamilton, Ontario. Reviewed by Miles Menander Dawson.

Vital Statistics: Mouvement de la Population de la Suisse pendant l'Annee 1893. Berne, 1895.

Vital Statistics: Breslauer Statistik. Im Auftrage des Magistrats der königl. Haupt- und Residenzstadt Breslau. Herausgegeben vom statistischen Amt der Stadt Breslau. Bd. 16, Erstes Heft. Breslau, 1895.

Charity Statistics: Armenstatik. Compiled by H. Silbergleit, Superintendent of the Bureau of Statistics for the City of Magdeburg. Magdeburg, 1895. Pp.29. Reviewed by M. K. Conynton.

Thirteenth Biennial Report of Public Oharities of Illinois. Springfield, 1894. Pp. 127.

Criminal Statistics: Annual Report of the Department of Police and Excise, Brooklyn, N. Y., for 1894. Pp. 137.

Railways in United States: Seventh Annual Report of the Statistics of Railways of the United States for the Year Ending June 30, 1894. Prepared by the Statistician to the Interstate Commerce Commission. Washington, 1895. Pp. 102; diagrams 9.

Notes: Catechism for Social Observation; a Manual of Social Phenomena. By C. R. Henderson. Boston: D. C. Heath. 1894. Pp. 58.

Notes: Katalog der Bibliothek des Statistischen Amtes der Stadt Dresden. Second Edition. October 15, 1894. Dresden. Pp, 119.

Notes: Memoir of Henry Wheatland, M.D. By William P. Upham. Re-printed from the proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society. 1895. Pp.27.

Notes: The Rain and Snowfall of the Province of Ontario. By Hugh V. Payne. Meteorological Service. Dominion of Canada. Ontario. Pp. 16 and chart.

Notes: Seventh Report of the Custody and Condition of the Public Records of Parishes, Towns, and Counties. By Robert T. Swan, Commissioner. Public Document. Boston, 1895. Pp, 39.

Notes: Garland's Banks, Bankers, and Banking: A Financial Directory of Canada. Second edition. Ottawa, 1895. Pp.515.

Notes: Report of the Chief Labor Correspondent on the Strikes and Lockouts of 1893. Board of Trade, Labor Department, Great Britain. London, 1895.

Notes: Forty-First Annual Report of the City Comptroller of Philadelphia for 1894. Pp. 221.

Notes: Twenty-Fifth Annual Report of the Board of Directors of City Trusts, Philadelphia, for 1894. Pp. 191.

Notes: Renseigmements statistiques sur le mouvement dans les asiles publics d'aliénés de la Suisse et dans les principaux e'tablissements privés. No. 99. Pp.76. Berne, 1894.  相似文献   


Suicide in the European Armies. Reviewed by Fred P. Emery.

Movement of Population in France For 1890. Reviewed by G. N. Calkins.

Statistical Year-Books and Annuals: Die Bevolkerung der Erde. VIII By H. Wagner and A. Supan. Justus Perthus. Gotha, 1891. Pp. x, 271.

Statistical Year-Books and Annuals: Statistical Abstract of the United States, 1890. Published by the Bureau of Statistics, Department of the Treasury. Washington, 1891. Pp. 346.

Statistical Year-Books and Annuals: The Statistical Year-Book of Canada for 1890. Published by the Department of Agriculture. Compiled by Sydney C. D. Roper. Ottawa, 1891. Pp. 628.

Statistical Year-Books and Annuals: Statistical Tables for British India. 15th issue. Compiled in the Statistical Branch of the Finance and Commerce Department. Cal-cutta, 1891. Pp. 176.

Statistical Year-Books and Annuals: Oesterreichisches Statistisches Handbuch. Ninth Year, 1890. Published by the K. K. Statistischen Central-Commission. Vienna, 1891. Pp.282.

Statistical Year-Books and Annuals: Annuaire Statistique de la Belgique. 21st issue, 1890. Brussels, 1890. Pp. 357. Published by the Ministére de l'Intérieur.

Statistical Year-Books and Annuals: Statistisk Arsbok för Finland. Issued by the Statistiska Central-byran. 12th issue, 1891. Helsingfors. Pp. 166.

Statistical Year-Books and Annuals: Statistish: Aarbog for Kongeriget Norge. 10th issue, 1890. Christiana, 1890. Pp. 161.

Statistical Year-Books and Annuals: Annuaire Statistique de la Suisse. Published by Le Bureau de Statistique du Départment Fédéral de l'Intérieur. First year, 1891. Berne. Pp. xiv, 265; two maps.

Statistical Year-Books and Annuals: Résumé Statistique de l' Empire du Japan. No. V. Tokio, 1891. Pp. 159; map and chart.

Statistical Year-Books and Annuals: Annual Statistical Report of the American Iron and Steel Association for 1890. By James M. Swank. Secretary. Philadelphia, 1891. Pp.80.

Statistical Year-Books and Annuals: American Electrical Directory for 1890–91. Published by the Star Iron Tower Co. Fort Wayne, Ind. Pp. 593.

Statistical Year-Books and Annuals: The Financial Reform Almanac, 1891. London. Pp, 200.

Statistical Year-Books and Annuals: Low's Hand-Book to the Charities of London, 55th year, 1891. London. Sampson Low, Marston & Co. Pp. 296.

Statistics Of German Cities: Statistisches Jahrbuch deutscher Städte. By Dr. M. Neefe, Direktor des Statistischen Amtes der Stadt Breslau. First issue. Breslau, 1890. Reviewed by Roland P. Falkner.

French Statistical Album. Reviewed by William Z. Ripley.

Preliminary Report of the Census of the United Kingdom.  相似文献   


A Statistical Study of Illegitimacy: Illegitimacy, and the Influence of Seasons upon Conduct. Two studies in Demography. By Albert Leffingwell, M.D. With maps and diagrams. London and New York, 1892. Pp. viii, 160. Reviewed by Charles F. A. Currier.

Mortgage Indebtedness in Europe. Reviewed by George K. Holmes.

Statistics of Divorce in France.

Anthropometry: The results of Anthropometry as derived from the measurements of the Students of Amherst College. Amherst, 1892. Pp. 7, Tables.

A University Course in Statistics.

Convention of Commissioners of Bureaus of Labor Statistics.

Statistics of Prisoners, 1890: Statistics of Prisoners, 1890. Collected by the Wardens' Association of the United States and Canada; with an introduction by Roland P. Falkner, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Statistics, University of Penn. Published by the Association, 1892. 800. Pp. 56. Reviewed by A. G. Warner.  相似文献   


An Annual Census of Manufactures. The Annual Statistics of Manufactures (Massachusetts), 1886, 1887, Boston, 1889. Pp. xix, 119. Reviewed by S. N. D. North

An Annual Census of Manufactures. The Annual Statistics of Manufactures, 1888. Boston, 1889. Pp, lxxxii, 147. Reviewed by S. N. D. North

Hubner's Geographisch-Statistisohe Tabellen. Otto Hübner's Geographisch-statistische Tabellen für 1889. Edited by Prof. Fr. v, Juraschek.

Hubner's Geographisch-Statistisohe Tabellen. Album of Agricultural Statistics of the United States. Department of Agriculture. Results of Investigation under direction of the Statistician. Washington, D. C., 1889. Quarto. Pp. 8; plates 16.

Comparative Statistics of Springfield Churches. Second Annual Report of the Eastern Avenue Congregational Church together with comparative statistics ofthe Springfield churches for fifty years. Springfield, Mass., Oct., 1889. Pp, 20.

Recent Industrial Reports. Third Annual Report of the Factory Inspectors of the State of New York, for the year ending December 1, 1888. Albany; 1889. Pp. 461.

Minor Notices. Third Annual Report of the Interstate Commerce Commission. December 1, 1889. Washington, 1889. Pp. 463.  相似文献   


Ohio Building and Loan Associations: Fourth Annual Report of the Inspector of Building and Loan Associations of Ohio, for 1894. Columbus. Pp. 515. Reviewed by Stephen H. Wilder

Labor Statistics: Fourth Biennial Report of the Bureau of Labor of Minnesota for 1893–94. L. G. Powers, Commissioner. St. Paul, 1895. Pp. 546.

Labor Statistics: Seventeenth Annual Report of the Bureau of Statistics of Labor of New Jersey, for the Year Ending October 31, 1894. Trenton, 1895. Pp.568.

Labor Statistics: Eighteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of Labor Statistics of Ohio for 1894. Columbus. Pp. 395.

Labor Statistics: Second Annual Report of the Bureau of Labor of New Hampshire, 1894. Pp. xxxvi, 539. Concord, 1895.

Labor Statistics: Annual Report of the Bureau of Statistics for the Province of Ontario, 1894. Toronto, 1895. Six parts, paged separately.

Labor Statistics: Report on the Question of Employers' Liability in Germany. Foreign Office, Miscellaneous Series. Reports of 1894. No. 325. London, 1894. Pp. 29.

Labor Statistics: Ninth Annual Report of the State Board of Arbitration and Conciliation of Massachusetts for 1894. Boston, 1895. Pp. 153.

Labor Statistics: Report on Profit-Sharing. By D. F. Schloss, Labor Department, Board of Trade. London, 1894. Pp. 198.

Labor Statistics: Seventh Special Report of the Commissioner of Labor. The Slums of Baltimore, Ohicago, New York, and Philadelphia. Carroll D. Wright, Commissioner. Washington, 1894. Pp. 620.

Unemployment: Twenty-fourth Annual Report of the Massachusetts Bureau of Statistics of Labor. March, 1894. Boston. Pp.311. Reviewed by Edward W. Bemis.

Foreign Statistical Annuals: The Statistical Year Book of Canada for 1894. 10th Year. Issued by the Department of Agriculture. Ottawa, 1895. Pp. 1134.

Foreign Statistical Annuals: The Statistical Register of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope for the Year 1894, with Supplement for March Quarter, 1895. Cape Town, 1895. Pp, 320. Diagram of Imports, Exports, Revenue, and Expenditure, 1876–1894.

Foreign Statistical Annuals: Statistics of the Colony of Queensland for the Year 1894. Brisbane, 1895. Pp. 356.

Foreign Statistical Annuals: Jahrbuch für bremische Statistik, 1894. Nos. 1 and 2. Bremen, 1895. Pp. 275, 270.

Foreign Statistical Annuals: Statistisk Aarbog for Kongeriget Norge. 14th Year, 1894. Christiania, 1894. Pp. 198.

Foreign Statistical Annuals: Statistisk Arsbok for Finland. 16th Year, 1895. Helsingfors, 1895. Pp. 181.

Foreign Statistical Annuals: Statistisches Jahrbuch für das deutsche Reich. Published by the Kaiserliches Statistisches Amt. 16th Year, 1895. Berlin. Pp. 218; 5 diagrams.

Foreign Statistical Annuals: Annuaire Statistique de la Belgique. 25th year, 1894. Brussels. Pp. ix, 369, xxi.

Foreign Statistical Annuals: Oesterreichisches statistisches Handbuch. 13th Year, 1894. Vienna, 1895. Pp. 320.

Foreign Statistical Annuals: Résumé Statistique de l'Empire du Japon. 9th Year. Tokio, 1895. Pp. 148; maps and charts.

Publications of the Treasury Bureau of Statistics: Cotton in Commerce. Statistics of United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Egypt, and British India. Pp. 37.

Publications of the Treasury Bureau of Statistics: Imports for Consumption into the United States, 1884–94, with Rates of Duties and Duties Paid, and Ad Valorem Equivalents of Duties. Pp. 269.

Publications of the Treasury Bureau of Statistics: Movement of Prices, 1840–1894. Saurbeck, London Economist, United States Senate Tables. Pp. 22.

Publications of the Treasury Bureau of Statistics: In addition the Bureau publishes a monthly bulletin entitled Principal Articles of Domestic Export, pp. 8.

Publications of the Treasury Bureau of Statistics: Immigration and Passenger Movement at United States Ports, 1894. Chief of Bureau of Statistics. Washington, 1895. Pp. 77.

Vital Statistics: Todesursaehen-Statistik im deutschen Reiche wührend des Jahres 1892, mit Bemerkungen von Sanitätsrath Dr. A. Würzburg.

Vital Statistics: Popolazione Movimento dello Stato Civile. Anno 1894. Roma, 1895.

Vital Statistics: Twelfth Annual Report of the Superintendent of Health, Providence, R. I., for 1894. Pp. 47. Charles V. Chapin, Superintendent of Health.  相似文献   


Labor Statistics: Twentieth Annual Report of the Massachusetts Bureau of Statistics of Labor. Horace G. Wadlin, Chief. December, 1889. Boston. Pp. xxv, 694. Reviewed by Frank S. Hathaway.

The United States Census Bulletins: No. 6. August 4, 1890. Financial Condition of Counties. By T. Campbell-Copeland. Pp. 26.

The United States Census Bulletins: No. 7. Aug. 6, 1890. Indebtedness of States in 1880 and 1890. By T. K. Upton. Pp. 4.

The United States Census Bulletins: No. 8. Aug. 8, 1890. Production of Slate. By William C. Day. Pp. 10.

The United States Census Bulletins: No. 9. Aug. 20, 1890. Production of Pig Iron. By Dr. Wm. M. Sweet. Pp. 8.

The United States Census Bulletins: No. 10. Aug. 22, 1890. Quicksilver Mines and Reduction Works. By T. B. Randall.

The United States Census Bulletins: No. 11. August 23, 1890. Growth of Rapid Travel Facilities from 1880 to 1889, inclusive, in cities having over 50,000 inhabitants. By Henry C. Adams. Pp. 8.

The United States Census Bulletins: No. 12. Oct. 30, 1890. Population of the United States and Territories: 1890. By Robert P. Porter. Pp. 8.

The United States Census Bulletins: No. 13. Oct. 31, 1890. Production of Steel. By Dr. William M. Sweet. Pp. 7.

The United States Census Bulletins: No. 14. Nov. 4, 1890. Financial Condition of Municipalities. By T. Campbell-Copeland. Pp. 67.

The United States Census Bulletins: No. 15. Nov. 7, 1890. The Census of Alaska. By Ivan Petroff. Pp. 6.

Statistical Report of Interstate Commerce Commission: Second Annual Report on the Statistics of Railways in the United States to the Interstate Commerce Commission, for the year ending June 30, 1890. Henry C. Adams, Statistician.

Banks and Banking: Garland's Banks, Bankers, and Banking in Canada, to which has been added statistics of the Dominion. Edited by N. Surrey Garland. Ottawa. Mortimer & Co. 1890. Pp. xxiii, 328.

Banks and Banking: Annual Report of the Inspector of Finance, showing the condition of the Savings Bank and Trust Companies in Vermont on June 30, 1890. Pp. 223.

Banks and Banking: The Clearing-House System. By Dudley P. Bailey. Reprinted from the Bankers' Magazine. Homans Publishing Co. New York. 1890. Pp. 57.

The English Mint Report: Twentieth Annual Report of the Deputy Master of the Mint, 1889; with a general index to the annual reports from 1870 to 1889 inclusive. London. 1890. Pp. 136, xi.

Local Finance and Taxation: Report of the Tax Commissioner of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for the year ending Dec. 31, 1889. Pub. Doc. 1890. Pp. 299. Reviewed by William Z. Ripley

Local Finance and Taxation: Report of the Special Tax Commission of Maine, appointed under resolve of the Legislature, March 8, 1889. Augusta. 1890. Pp. 192. Reviewed by William Z. Ripley

Local Finance and Taxation: Finance Annual Report of the Executive Department of the City of Boston, for the year 1889–90. Boston. 1890. Pp. 416. Reviewed by William Z. Ripley

Local Finance and Taxation: Report of the Special Committee on use of Streets by Private Corporations. Boston. City Document 144. Sept. 8, 1890. Pp. 35. Reviewed by William Z. Ripley

Problems of Population: Marriage Rates and Marriage Ages, with special reference to the growth of population. By Dr. William Ogle. In Journal of the Royal Statistical Society (London), June, 1890. Pp. 253–289. Reviewed by Davis R. Dewey.

Problems of Population: Twenty-first Annual Report of the State Board of Health of Massachusetts. Boston. 1890. Pp. 457. Reviewed by Davis R. Dewey.

Minor Notices: A Preliminary report on the cost of production. Pig iron, steel ingots, steel rails, coal, coke, iron ore, and limestone. By the Commissioner of Labor. Washington. 1890. Pp. 61.

Minor Notices: Some Experiments on behalf of the Unemployed. By Amos G. Warner, Ph.D. In Quarterly Journal of Economics. October, 1890.  相似文献   


Vital Statistics: Medizinal-statistiche Mittheilungen aus dem kaiserlichen Gesund-heitsamte. Berlin, 1897. Reviewed by H. J. Gerling.

Vital Statistics: Report Relating to the Registration of Births, Marriages, and Deaths in the Province of Ontario for 1896. Toronto, 1897, pp. 36, ccxviii.

Vital Statistics: Twenty-eighth Annual Report Relating to the Registry and Return of Births, Marriages, and Deaths in Michigan for the Year 1894. Lansing, 1897. Pp. 338, 33.

Vital Statistics: Forty-third Report Relating to the Registry and Return of Births, Marriages and Deaths, and of Divorce in Rhode Island for 1895. Prepared by Gardner P. Swarts, M.D., Providence, R. I. 1897. Pp. vi, 291.

Vital Statistics: Sixth Biennial Report of the North Carolina Board of Health, 1895–96. Winston, 1897. Pp. 212.

Vital Statistics: This subject is also dealt with in the Tulane University publications, No.2, on the Social and Physical Conditions of Negroes in Cities. Tulane, 1897, pp. 72, 14.

Physical and Mental Condition of School Children in London: Report on the scientific study of the mental and physical condition of childhood. With particular reference to children of defective constitution; and with recommendation as to education and training. London: Published by the Committee, Parker Museum, Margaret Street, W., 1895. Pp. 117.

Physical and Mental Condition of School Children in Switzerland: Résultats du dénombrement des enfants faibles d'esprit en âge de fréquenter l'école, y compris ceux qui sont atteints d'infirmités physiques ou, qui sont négligés et moralement abandonnés, enquête qui a eu lieu en Suisse au mois de mars, 1897. Part I. Berne, 1897. Pp. xxx, 91.

German Income Tax Statistics: Die mittleren Klassen der Einkomminsteuer in einigen deutschen Grosstädten in der Jahren 1880–1895. By Dr. Wilhelm Böhmert. In Jahrbuch für Gesetzgebung, Verwaltung und Volkswirtschaft. Leipzig, 1896. Reviewed by H. D. Hunt.

Municipal Electric Lighting: Twelfth Annual Report of the Board of Gas and Electric Light Commissioners of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, June, 1897. Boston, 1897. Pp. 182, clvi.

Notes: Statistical Report of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope for the year 1896. Cape Town, May, 1897. Pp. xv, 359.

Notes: Report of the Results of a Census of the Colony of New Zealand, taken for the night of the 12th of July, 1896. Wellington, New Zealand, 1897. Pp, 163.

Notes: Mitteilungen des Bernischen statistischen Bureaus. Year 1897, No. 2. Berne, 1897. Pp. 73–193.

Notes: Fourth Annual Report of Changes in Wages and Hours of Labor in the United Kingdom for 1896. London, 1897. Pp. lxxxi, 273.

Notes: Synoptical Index of the Reports of the Statistician. United States Department of Agriculture, 1893–1894. By George F. Thompson. Washington, 1897. Pp. 258.

Notes: The Manual of American Water Works. 1897. Edited by M. N. Baker, Associate Editor of Engineering News. Engineering News Publishing Co., New York, 1897. Pp. 611, cxiv

Insanity in England.  相似文献   


Electric Lighting Plants: Eleventh Annual Report of the Board of Gas and Electric Light Commissioners of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 1896. Pp.170, clx.

Inquiries Concerning Poverty: Das Armenwesen in Steiermark. By Dr. Ernst Mischler, Director des statistischen Landesamtes von Steiermark. Graz, 1896. Pp. 258. Reviewed by M. K. Conyngton.

Inquiries Concerning Poverty: Beitrage zur Statistilk des Herzogthums Braunschweig. Herausgegeben vom statistischen Bureau des herzogI. Staatsministeriums. Heft XII. 1895. Reviewed by M. K. Conyngton.

Railway Statistics: Forty-Third Annual Report of the Railroad Commissioners of Connecticut for the Year Ending September 30, 1895. Hartford. Pp.500, 116.

Railway Statistics: Eighteenth Annual Report of the Board of Railroad Commissioners of Iowa for the Year Ending June 30, 1895. Des Moines, 1895. Pp, xl, 316.

Railway Statistics: Thirty-Seventh Annual Report of the Railway Commissioners of Maine for the Year Ending June 30, 1895. Augusta, 1895. Pp.59, 155, 391.

Railway Statistics: Twenty-Third Annual Report ofthe Commissioner of Railroads of Michigan for 1895. Lansing. Pp. lxi, 454.

Railway Statistics: Fifth Annual Report of the Board of Railroad Commissioners of North Carolina for 1895. Pp. xiii, 712.

Labor Statistics: Fourth Annual Report of the Bureau of Industrial Statistics of Maryland, 1896. A. B. Howard, Jr., Chief. Baltimore. Pp. 170.

Labor Statistics: Thirteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of Labor and Industrial Statistics of Michigan. Lansing, 1896. Pp. xxvi, 402.

Labor Statistics: Third Annual Report of the Inspector of Factories in Michigan. Lansing, 1896. Pp. 260.

Circulation of Money: La vitesse de La circulation de la monnaie. By Pierre des Essars. Journal Société de Statistique de Paris, April, 1895; p. 143. Reviewed by Anita Corbert.

Vital and Health Statistics: Fifty-Seventh Annual Report of the Registrar-General of Births, Deaths, and Marriages in England, 1894.

Vital and Health Statistics: Twenty-First Annual Report of the Secretary of the State Board of Health of Michigan for the Year Ending June 30, 1893. Lansing, 1895. Pp. cxxiv, 444.

Vital and Health Statistics: Fifteenth Annual Report of the State Board of Health of New York. Albany, 1895. Pp.775. Vol. II, maps and diagrams.

Anthropometric Statistics of Italy: Anthropometria Militare. By the Ministry of War, under the direction of Dr. Ridolfo Livi. Part I: Anthropological and Ethnological Data. Rome, 1896. Pp. 419. Maps and diagrams, xxiii, Reviewed by William Z. Ripley.

Notes on Demography: Census of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 1895. Horace G. Wadlin. Part I; Vol. 1. Population and Social Statistics. Pp.67. Boston, 1896.

Notes on Demography: Bulletin No. 12, Uensue of Michigan. June 1, 1894. School Attendance. Pp. 13.

Notes on Demography: Copy of Statistical Tables Relating to Emigration and Immigration from and into England in the Year 1894. Board of Trade. London, April 9, 1895. Pp. 55.

Trade, Industry, and Finance: Report of the Commissioner of Navigation to the Secretarg of the Treasury. 1895. Washington. Pp. 360.

Trade, Industry, and Finance: The New York Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor has issued, as Pamphlet No.1, An Inquiry into the Causes of Agricultural Depression in New York State. Pp. 24.

Trade, Industry, and Finance: Statistics of the Dairy, Compiled from the United States Census for 1890, and from Other Reliable Sources, with Explanatory Notes. By Henry E. Alvord, Chief of the Dairy Division, United States Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Animal Industry. Bulletin No. 11. Washington, 1896. Pp.53.

Trade, Industry, and Finance: Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the National Board of Trade held in Washington January, 1896. Philadelphia. Pp.277.

Trade, Industry, and Finance: Report of the Minister of Finance to H. M., Emperor, on the Budget of the Empire for 1896. St. Petersburg, 1895. Pp. 48.

Trade, Industry, and Finance: Twenty-Eighth Report of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Island Revenue, for the Year Ended 31st March, 1895. London, 1895. Pp. 62, lx.  相似文献   


Hoffman's Statistical Study of the Negro: Race Traits and Tendencies of the American Negro, by Frederick L. Hoffman, Publications of the American Economic Association, Vol. XI, Nos. 1, 2, and 3, August, 1896. Reviewed by Miles Menander Dawson.

Infant Mortality in Prussia: Kindersterblichkeit sozialer Bevölkerungsgruppen insbesondere im preussischen Staate und seiner Provinzen, In Beiträge zur, Geschichte der Bevölkerung in Deutschland seit dem Anfange dieses Jahrhunderts. Reviewed by By Dr. Seutemann. Tübingen, 1894. Reviewed by Gary N. Calkins.

Inebriety and Suicide: Trunksucht und Selbstmord und deren gegenseitige Beziehungennebst einem statistischen Anhang und 2 Karten. By Dr. F. Prinzing. Leipzig, 1895. Reviewed by A. T. Hosmer.

Notes on Vital Statistics: Statistics of the Colony of New Zealand for the Year 1894, with Abstracts of the Agricultural Statistics of February, 1895, and Statistics of Local Governing Bodies for the Year Ended March 31, 1895. Compiled in the Regietrar-General's Office from Official Records. Wellington, 1895. Pp. xiv, 469. Reviewed by Cressy L. Wilbur.

Notes on Vital Statistics: Cape of Good Hope. Reports on the Public Health for the Year 1894, including the Report of the Acting Medical Officer of Health for the (Colony, together with Reports of District Surgeons, Medical Officers, Medical Inspectors, and Local Authorities. Cape Town, 1895. Pp. cxxxviii, 242.

Notes on Vital Statistics: Mariages, Naissances et Décès en Suisse de 1871 à 1890. Publiépar le Bureau de Statistique du Département Fédéral de l'Intériéur. Berne, 1895.

Notes on Vital Statistics: Annual Report of the Central Sanitary Bureau Attached to the Home Department of the Imperial Japanese Government, for the Twenty-fifth Year of Meiji (1892). Tōkyō, 1895.

Notes on Vital Statistics: Jahresbericht über die Verwaltung des Medicinalwesens die Kranken-Anstalten, und die öffentlichen Gesundheitsverhaltnisse der Stadt Frankfurt a. M. xxxviii. 1894. Frankfurt a. M., 1895.

Notes on Vital Statistics: Anuario Demogréfico de la Republica Oriental del Uruguay. Año 1894. Director, L. C. Bollo. Montevideo, 1895.

Notes on Vital Statistics: Annual Summary of Births, Deaths, and Causes of Death in London and other Large Towns, 1894. London, 1895. Pp, lxxxvi.

Middle-Class Expenditure: Some Statistics of Middle-Class Expenditure. Edward Grubb, M.A. The Economic Review, Vol. VI, No.3. Pp.358–370.

Sociological Statistics of New York City: The Federation of Churches and Christian Workers in New York City. First Sociological Canvass. Supervised and Tabulated by Rev. Walter Laidlaw, Secretary. Pp. 112. Reviewed by Harry D. Hunt.

Notes: Eighth Report on the Custody and Condition of the Public Records of Parishes, Towns, and Counties of Massachusetts. Robert T. Swan, Commissioner. Boston, 1896. Pp. 42.

Notes: Sixty-Sixth Annual Report of the Inspectors of the State Penitentiary for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1895. Pp.143.

Notes: Twenty-Third Annual Report of the State Charities Aid Association of New York. December 1, 1895. New York, 1895. Pp. 138.

Notes: Ninth Annual Report of the General Superintendent of Prisons in Massachusetts Concerning Prison Labor. December, 1895. Pp.63.

Notes: Report of the Attorney-General of Massachusett, for tne Year Ending January l5, 1896. Boston, 1896.

Notes: Third Annual Report of the Bureau of Agriculture, Labor, and Industry of Montana for the Year Ended November 30, 1896. Helena, 1896. Pp. 405.  相似文献   


Studies in Jewish Statistics: Studies in Jewish Statistics, social, vital, and anthropometric. By Joseph Jacobs. London, 1891. Pp. 59, lxix 13. Reviewed by Charles F. A. Currier.

The Wool Book: A Statistical Manual Containing the Latest Official Data of the Production, Movement, and Consumption of Wool in all Countries. Compiled for the National Association of Wool Manufacturers, by S. N. D. North, Secretary, Boston, 1892.

Statistical Articles in German Periodicals and Journals: Die Entwickelung der Briteschen Landwirthschaft unter dem Druck ausländischer Konkurrenz. By Prof. Dr. Paasche. Reviewed by Victor Rosewater.

Statistical Articles in German Periodicals and Journals: JahrbüUcher füUr NationalsöUkonomie und Statistik. February, 1892.

Statistical Articles in German Periodicals and Journals: Schmoller's Jahrbnch. XVI. No. 1. Der Wiener Weltpost Kongress. By J. Jung. Reviewed by Victor Rosewater.

Statistical Articles in German Periodicals and Journals: Allgemeines Statistisches Archiv. II. No. 1. Die Jahresschwankungen in der Häufigkeit verschiedener bevölkerungs und moralstatistischer Erscheinungen. By Dr. K. Becker. Reviewed by Victor Rosewater.

Statistical Articles in German Periodicals and Journals: Zeitschrift für Schweizerische Statistik. XXVII. No. 3. Zehn Basler Arbeiterhaushaltungen. By Carl Landolt. Reviewed by Victor Rosewater.

Statistical Articles in German Periodicals and Journals: Vierteljahrshefte zur Statistik des Deutschen Reichs. Herausgegeben vom Kaiserlichen Statistischen Amt. Erster Jahrgang, 1892. Erster Heft. Berlin, 1892. Reviewed by C. F. A. Currier.

Statistische Monatschrift. Vienna, January, 1892. Die überseeische österreichische Auswanderung, insbesondere in den Jahren 1889 und 1890. By Dr. Friedrich ProbSt.

Die gewerbliche Genossenschaften in Oesterreich zu Ende des Jahres 1891. By Dr. Schmid.  相似文献   


Longstaff's Studies in Statistics: Studies in Statistics. Social, Political, and Medical. By George Blundell Longstaff, M.A., M.B., etc. London: Edward Stanford. 1891. 8vo. Pp. 455. Maps and diagrams. Reviewed by S. W. Abbott.

Keynes on Statistics: The Scope and Method of Political Economy. By John Neville Keynes, M.A., London. Macmillan and Company. 1891. Pp. xiv, 359. Reviewed by Davis R. Dewey.

United States Census Bulletins: 1No. 39. March 16, 1891. Wealth and Resources of Alaska. By Ivan Petroff. Pp. 15.

United States Census Bulletins: No. 40. March 17. Population by Counties, North Central Division. Pp. 9.

United States Census Bulletins: No. 41. March 19. Agriculture, Truck Farming. By J. H. Hale. Pp. 12.

United States Census Bulletins: No. 42. March 20. Population by Counties, South Central and Western Divisions. Pp. 9.

United States Census Bulletins: No. 43. March 21. Coal Product West of the Mississippi River. By John H. Jones. Pp. 8.

United States Census Bulletins: No. 44. March 25. Distribution of Population in Accordance with Mean Relative Humidity of the Atmosphere. By Henry Gannett. Pp. 3.

United States Census Bulletins: No. 45. March 26. Granite. By William C. Day. Pp. 41.

United States Census Bulletins: No. 46. March 27. Railway Statistics of the New England States. By Henry C. Adams. Pp. 18.

United States Census Bulletins: No. 47. March 28. Distribution of Population by Drainage Basins. By Henry Gannett. Pp. 5.

United States Census Bulletins: No. 48. April 7. The White and Colored Population of the South. 1890. Pp. 27.

United States Census Bulletins: No. 49. April 14. Precious and Ornamental Stones and Diamond Cutting. By George Frederick Kunz. Pp. 8.

United States Census Bulletins: No. 50. April 15. Population of Rhode Island by Minor Civil Divisions. Pp. 3.

United States Census Bulletins: No. 51. April 16. Population of Vermont by Minor Civil Divisions. Pp. 4.

United States Census Bulletins: No. 52. April 17. Urban Population in 1890. Cities Containing 8000 Inhabitants or more. Pp. 9.

United States Census Bulletins: No. 53. April 20. Statistics of Education. Alaska, Arkansas, Delaware, Missouri, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Oregon, Texas, Utah, Washington, West Virginia, and forty-two Cities. By James H. Blodgett. Pp. 34.

United States Census Bulletins: No. 54. April 23. Public School Finances. By J. K. Upton. Pp. 12.

United States Census Bulletins: No. 55. April 24. The Relative Economy of Cable, Electric, and Animal Motive Power for Street Railways. By Charles H. Cooley. Pp. 17.

United States Census Bulletins: No. 56. April 25. Population of Maine by Minor Civil Divisions. Pp. 7.

United States Census Bulletins: No. 57. April 27. Population of Delaware by Minor Civil Divisions. Pp. 3.

United States Census Bulletins: No. 58. April 28. Population of Connecticut by Minor Civil Divisions. Pp. 3.

United States Census Bulletins: No. 59. April 29. Commercial Floriculture. By J. H. Hale. Pp. 11.

United States Census Bulletins: No. 60. April 30. Irrigation in New Mexico. By F. H. Newell. Pp. 14.

United States Census Bulletins: No. 61. May 8. The Production of Mica. By L. J. Childs. Pp. 6.

United States Census Bulletins: No. 62. May 9. Asylums for the Insane in the United States. By Dr. John S. Billings and W. H. Olcott. Pp. 32.

United States Census Bulletins: No. 63. May 11. Distribution of Population in Accordance with Latitude and Longitude. With diagrams. By Henry Gannett. Pp. 7.

United States Census Bulletins: No. 64. May 12. Foreign, National, State, and County Indebtedness. By J. K. Upton. Pp. 52.

United States Census Bulletins: No. 65. May 13. Distribution of Population in Accordance with Topographic Features. By Henry Gannett. Pp. 7.

United States Census Bulletins: No. 66. May 14. Floating Equipment on the Great Lakes. By Henry C. Adams. Pp. 11.

United States Census Bulletins: No. 68. May 16. Production of Manganese Ores. By Joseph D. Weeks. Pp. 5.

United States Census Bulletins: Mo. 69. May 18. Population of New Jersey by Minor Civil Divisions. Pp. 6.

United States Census Bulletins: No. 70. May 22. Statistics of Churches. By Henry K. Carroll. Pp. 27.

United States Census Bulletins: No. 71. May 23. Production of Bluestone. By William C. Day. Pp. 6.

Congress of Demography.

Old Age and Pauperism in England.

Mortality of English Clergymen.

Fire Statistics.  相似文献   


Mortality Experience: Mortality Experience of the Australian Mutual Provident Society. 1849–88. Compiled by Richard Teece, F.I.A., Actuary and Manager. Reviewed by Miles Menander Dawson.

Bulletins of the Canadian Census: No. 1. August, 1881. Preliminary Returns of Population.

Bulletins of the Canadian Census: No. 2. October, 1891. Population of the Sub-Districts of the Province of Ontario.

Reports of Labor Statistics: Third Biennial Report of the Bureau of Labor Statistics of Minnesota, 1891–92. L. G. Powers, Commissioner. Minneapolis, 1893. Pp. 446.

Reports of Labor Statistics: Tenth Annual Report of the Bureau of Labor of Michigan, Feb. 1, 1893. Henry A. Robinson, Commissioner. Lansing, 1893. Pp. 1353.

Reports of Labor Statistics: Fifth Biennial Report of the Commissioner of Labor, Census, and Industrial Statistics. Wisconsin, 1891–92. Madison, 1892. Pp. 175.

Reports of Labor Statistics: Fifth Annual Report of the Commissioner of Industrial Statistics of Rhode Island. Providence, 1892. Pp. 191.

Reports of Labor Statistics: Seventh Annual Report of the Bureau of Labor Statistics of Connecticut for the Year Ending Nov. 30, 1891. Hartford. 2 vols. Pp. 1510.

Reports of Charities and Corrections: Fifth Biennial Report of the State Board of Corrections and Charities of Minnesota for the Year Ending July 31, 1892. Minneapolis, 1893. Pp. 256.

Reports of Charities and Corrections: Twelfth Biennial Report of the Board of State Commissioners of Public Charities of Illinois. Springfield, 1893. Pp. 326.

Reports of Charities and Corrections: Eleventh Biennial Report of the Michigan State Board of Corrections and Charities, 1891–92. Lansing, 1893. Pp. 169.

The Civil Service of Buenos Ayres: Estudio Estadístico del Presupuesto Nacional seguido de un Proyecto de Reforma del Mismo, etc. By Francisco Latzina. 1893. Pp. 75. Tables. Reviewed by L. P. Lane.

Assisted Emigration: Del Patronato degli Emigranti in Italia e all' Estero. By Dr. Egisto Rossi. Relazione al Primo Congresso Geographico Italiano, Genoa, 1892. Rome, 1893. Pp. 93.

Physical and Mental Condition of Children: Results of an Inquiry as to the Physical and Mental Condition of Fifty Thousand Children seen in One Hundred and Six Schools. By Francis Warner, M.D. London. In Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, March, 1893.

Miscellaneous: Address upon the Condition of Articulative Teaching in American Schools for the Deaf. By Alexander Graham Bell. Boston, 1893. Pp. 72.

Miscellaneous: Proceedings of the Twenty-third Annual Meeting of the National Board of Trades held in Washington, January, 1893. Boston, 1893. Pp. 254.  相似文献   


Mayo-Smith's Sociology and Statistics: Sociology and Statistics. By Richmond Mayo-Smith, Ph.D. New York, 1895. Pp. xvi, 399. Reviewed by David R. Dewey.

Graduates of Colleges for Women: Compensation in Certain Occupations of Graduates of Colleges for Women. (From the Twenty-fifth Annual Report of the Massachusetts Bureau of Statistics of Labor. Pp. 1–48.) By Horace G. Wadlin, Chief of the Bureau of Statistics of Labor. Boston, 1895. Reviewed by M. K. Conyngton.

Year Books and Annuals: The World Almanac and Encyclop?dia. 1896. New York. Pp.584.

Year Books and Annuals: Whitaker's Almanac for 1896. London. Pp. 440.

Year Books and Annuals: The Financial Reform Almanac for 1896. London. Pp.312.

Year Books and Annuals: Statistisches Jahrbuch der Schweiz. Fifth Year, 1895. Berne, 1896.

Year Books and Annuals: Statistique de L'industrie Minérale et des Appareils a Vapeur en France et en Algérie, 1894. Paris, 1895. Pp. xxiv, 246; 21 diagrams.

Year Books and Annuals: Statistisches Jahrbuch des K. K. Ackerbaun-Ministeriums für 1894. Vienna, 1895. Part I; pp. 227; diagrams, 5; maps, 8. Part II; pp. 159.

Year Books and Annuals: Statistique Agricole Annuelle. Ministére de L'Agriculture, 1894. Paris, 1895. Pp. 269.

Year Books and Annuals: Beitrage zur Statistik der Herzogthums Braunschweiz. No. 12, 1895. Pp. 106.

Year Books and Annuals: Statistical Abstract of the United Kingdom from 1880 to 1894. Forty-second number. London, 1895. Pp, 251.

Year Books and Annuals: New South Wales. Statistical Register for 1893 and Previous Years. By T. A. Coghlan, Government Statistician. Sydney, 1894. Pp.746.

Year Books and Annuals: The Wealth and Progress of the New South Wales, 1894. By T. A. Coghlan, Government Statistician. 2 Vols. Vol I. Sydney, 1895. Pp. 465.

Year Books and Annuals: New Zealand Official Year-Book, 1895. Wellington, New Zealand, 1895. Pp. 554.

Year Books and Annuals: South Australia Statistical Register, 1894. Adelaide, 1895. This is exclusively tabular in form.

Year Books and Annuals: Western Australian Blue Book for the Year 1894. Perth, 1895. Pp.380.

Year Books and Annuals: Statistics of the Seven Colonies of Australasia from 1861 to 1894. Compiled in the Office of the Government Statistician of New South Wales. Sydney, 1895. Pp. 15.

Year Books and Annuals: South Australia; Australasian Statistics for the Year 1893. Compiled by the Government Statist of Victoria. Adelaide, 1895. Pp. 24.

Year Books and Annuals: Review of the Trade of India, 1894 and 1895. By J. E. O'Connor, Director-General of Statistics. Simla, 1895. Pp. 92.

State Censuses: Census Bulletins of Rhode Island. No.1, August 12, 1895; No. 2, August 21; No.3, September 25; No. 4, October 31; No. 5, November 9.

State Censuses: First Triennial Report of the Bureau of Statistics of Utah for the Year Ended December 31, 1894., with Census of 1895. Salt Lake City, 1895. Pp. 54.

State Censuses: The Census of Michigan, June 1, 1894. Bulletin No.1, December 7, 1894. Total Population and Population as Native and Foreign Born.

State Censuses: Bulletin No.3, February 25, 1895. Farms Classified According to Tenure; Dairy Products.

State Censuses: Bulletin No. 4, March 25, 1894. Live Stock and Wool.

State Censuses: Bulletin No.5, June 19, 1895. Farms and Farm Valuations.

State Censuses: Bulletin No.6, June 25, 1895. Poultry, Eggs, Meadows, and Silos.

State Censuses: Bulletin No.7, August 30, 1895. Parent Nativity.

State Censuses: Bulletin No.8, September 30, 1895. Births by Sex, Color, Parent Nativity, and Grand-Parent Nativity.

State Censuses: Bulletin No.9, October 30, 1895. Manufacturers, Mines, and Fisheries.

State Censuses: Bulletin No. 10, December 10, 1895. Illiteracy. Pp. 15.

Labor Statistics: Eleventh Annual Report of the Bureau of Labor Statistics of Connecticut. Year ending November 30, 1895. Pp, 280.

Labor Statistics: Sixth Biennial Report of the Bureau of Labor Statistics for Iowa, 1894–95. Des Moines. Pp. 199.

Labor Statistics: Tenth Annual Report of the Bureau of Labor and Industry, Kansas, 1894. Pp. 230.

Labor Statistics: Twelfth Annual Report of the Bureau of the Statistics of Labor of New York for 1894. Albany, 1895. Pp. 674

Labor Statistics: Third Biennial Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture and Labor of North Dakota for the Year Ending June 30, 1894. James-town, 1894. Pp. 332.

Labor Statistics: Annual Report of the Secretary of Internal Affairs of Pennsylvania for 1894. Part III. Industrial Statistics. Albert S. Bolles, Chief.

Labor Statistics: Report of the Commissioner of Labor of West Virginia, 1893–94. Charleston, 1894. Pp. 210.

Labor Statistics: Report of the Chief Inspector of Factories and Workshops for the Year 1894. London, 1895. Pp. 517.

Criminal Statistics of England: Judicial Statistics of England and Wales. Reprint of pp. 71–96 of the Introduction to the Judicial Statistics for 1893. London, 1895. Pp. 28; diagrams, 6; maps, 4.

Engel's Family Budgets: Die Lebenskosten belyischer Arbeiter-Familien früher und jetzt. Ermittelt aus Familien-Haushaltrechnungen und vergleichend zusammengestellt. By Dr. Ernst Engel. (Bulletin de l'Institut International de Statistique. Tome IX. Première Livaison. Rome, 1895. Reviewed by A. G. Warner.

Educational Statistics: Report of the Commissioner of Education for the Year 1892–93. 2 Vols. Pp. 2153. Washington, 1895.

Italian Immigration.

Permanent Census Bureau.  相似文献   


English Labor Statistics: Statistical Tables and Report on Trade Unions. Third Report. (Report by the Labour Correspondent of the Board of Trade.) London, 1889. Pp. 262. Reviewed by Davis R. Dewey.

English Labor Statistics: Report on the Strikes and Lockouts of 1888. By the Labour Correspondent to the Board of Trade. London, 1889. Pp. 104. Reviewed by Davis R. Dewey.

English Labor Statistics: Returns of Expenditure by Workingmen. (Commercial Department Board of Trade.) London, 1889. Pp. 49. Reviewed by Davis R. Dewey.

English Labor Statistics: Returns of Rates of Wages in the Principal Textile Trades of the United Kingdom with report thereon. (Robert Giffen, Board of Trade.) London, 1889. Pp. xxxviii, 152. Reviewed by Davis R. Dewey.

French Statistical Album: Album de Statistique Graphique de 1888. Ministère des travaux publics. Paris. 1889. Pp. x. Plates 22.

Minor Notices: Atlas of Commercial Geography, illustrating the general facts of physical, political, economic, and statistical geography on which international commerce depends. By John George Bartholomew. With introductory notes, by Hugh Robert Mill. Cambridge University Press. 1889. Pp. viii. Maps 27.

Minor Notices: Fourth Annual Report of the Factory Inspectors of the State of New York. January, 1890. Albany. Pp. 329.

Minor Notices: Annali di Statistica. Saggio di Bibliografia Statistica Italiana. Terza Edizione Accresciuta. Ministero di Aguicoltura, Industria, e Commercio. Rome, 1890. Pp. xix, 213.

Minor Notices: Fifth Annual Report of the Board of Gas and Electric Light Commissioners of Massachusetts. January, 1890. Boston. Pp. 207.

Minor Notices: Second Report on the Custody and Condition of the Public Records of Parishes, Towns, and Counties. By Robert T. Swan, Commissioner. Boston, 1890. Pp. 45.

Minor Notices: Third (1889) Annual Report of the Board of Mediation and Arbitration of the State of New York. Albany, 1890. Pp. xii, 437.

Minor Notices: Special Report on the New York and Brooklyn Surface Railroad Strike. Pp. 188.  相似文献   


Reports of Health and Vital Statistics: Indiana. Ninth Annual Report of the State Board of Health for the fiscal year ending October 31, 1891; and Annual Report of the Bureau of Vital and Sanitary Statistics. Indianapolis, 1891. Reviewed by Gary N. Calkins.

Reports of Health and Vital Statistics: Kansas. Fifth Annual Report of the State Board of Health, ending December 31, 1889. Topeka, 1890. Reviewed by Gary N. Calkins.

Reports of Health and Vital Statistics: Massachusetts. Twenty-Second Annual Report of the State Board of Health. Boston, 1891. Reviewed by Gary N. Calkins.

Reports of Health and Vital Statistics: Michigan. Seventeenth Annual Report of the Secretary of the State Board of Health for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1889. Lansing, 1890. Reviewed by Gary N. Calkins.

Reports of Health and Vital Statistics: New Hampshire. Tenth Annual Report relating to the Registration and Returns of Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths, for the year 1889. Manchester, 1891. Reviewed by Gary N. Calkins.

Reports of Health and Vital Statistics: New Jersey. Thirteenth Annual Report of the Board of Health, and Report of the Bureau of Vital Statistics. Camden, 1889. Reviewed by Gary N. Calkins.

Reports of Health and Vital Statistics: New York. Eleventh Annual Report of the State Board of Health. Volumes I, II. Albany, 1891. Reviewed by Gary N. Calkins.

Reports of Health and Vital Statistics: North Carolina. Third Biennial Report of the Board of Health for the years 1889 and 1890. Raleigh, 1891. Reviewed by Gary N. Calkins.

Reports of Health and Vital Statistics: Ontario. Report relating to the Registration of Births, Marriages, and Deaths for the year ending December 31, 1889. Toronto, 1890. Reviewed by Gary N. Calkins.

Reports of Health and Vital Statistics: Ontario. Ninth Annual Report of the Provincial Board of Health for the year 1890. Toronto. 1891. Reviewed by Gary N. Calkins.

Reports of Health and Vital Statistics: Wisconsin. Thirteenth Report of the State Board of Health, 1889–90. Madison, 1891. Reviewed by Gary N. Calkins.

Reports of Health and Vital Statistics: New York City. Annual Report of the Board of Health of the Health Department for the year ending December 31, 1890. New York, 1891. Reviewed by Gary N. Calkins.

Statistics of Pauperism in Hartford: Report of the Special Committee on Out-door Alms of the Town of Hartford, 1891. Hartford. The Case, Lockwood & Brainard Company. 1891. Pp. lxxi, 93. Reviewed by A. G. Warner.

Comparison of Movement of Population in Prussia and France: The following is based upon material published in the Zeitschrift des Königes Preussischen Statistischen Bureaus. 1891. Nos. 1–2. Reviewed by F. C. Norton.

Suicides in Prussia and Italy: The following paragraphs are taken from the Zeitschrift des Kön. Preus. Stat. Bureaus, 1891, Nos. 1–2. Reviewed by F. C. Holmes.

Anthropometric Statistics: Thirtieth Annual Report of the Professor of Hygiene and Physical Education of Amherst College. 1891. Pp. 20. Map. Reviewed by R. Waterman, Jr.

The Census of Berlin: Einstweilige Ergebrisse der Volkszählung vom 1. December, 1890, in der Stadt Berlin. Veröffentlicht vom Statistischen Amt der Stadt. 1891. Pp. 64.

Statistics of Vaccination: Neue Beiträge zur Frage des Impfschutzes. Zweite Beobachtungsserie, 1887–88. Von Josef Körösi, Director des Budapester Communal-statistischen Bureaus. Berlin, 1891.

Statistical Articles in Magazines and Journals: Journal de la Société de Statistique de Paris. April, 1891. ÉAtude sur les placements faits a l'étranger par les differents peuples. By M. Georges Martin. Reviewed by William Z. Ripley.

Journal des Economistes. Sept., 1891. The Progress of Paper Money. By E. Fournier de Flaix. Reviewed by William Z. Ripley.

Revue d'Économie Politique. May, June, 1891.Une statistique des mariages. By Prof. Harald Westergaard. Reviewed by William Z. Ripley.

Revue d'Hygiène. November 20, 1891. De la Morbidité et la Mortalité par Professions. By Dr. Jacques Bertillon. Reviewed by Gary N. Calkins.

The Archiv für Eisenbahnwesen. August, 1891. Prozentbarechnung über den Personenverkehr. Reviewed by Victor Rosewater.

Conrad's Jahrbuch. July, 1891. Die Ergebnisse der Konkursstatistik. By Dr. A. Wirminghaus.

Frauenarbeit. By Prof. Stieda.

Archiv für soziale Gesetzgebnng und Statistik. IV, No. 2, 1891. Neuere Untersuchungen uber die Lage der arbeitenden Klassen in Holland. By Dr. Otto Pringsheim.

Zeitschrift des K. Sachsischen Statistischen Bureaus. 1890. Nos. 3–4. Dresden, August, 1891.

Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. London. June, 1891.

Journal of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland. Sept., 1891. The Congested Districts. By Richard J. Kelly.

The Economic Review. October, 1891. London.

Transactions of the Manchester Statistical Society. 1890–91.

The Fortnightly Review. December. The Canadian Census. By J. G. Colmer.

The Charity Organization Review. London. December, 1891. Character and development of the German Labor Colonies, from the opening of the first colony in 1882 to 1889. By Dr. Berthold.  相似文献   


Statistics of Infectious Diseases: Statistik der Infectiosen Erkrankungen in den Jahren 1881-91, und Untersuchung der Einflusses der Witterung. By Josef Körösi, Director des Communal-statistischen Bureaus, Budapest. Berlin, 1894. Puttkammer und Mühlbrecht.

Mortality in Australia: Tropical Mortality. By Richard Teece, F.I.A., F.F.A., Actuary of the Australian Mutual Provident Society. Reviewed by Miles Menander Dawson.

Labor Statistics: Third Annual Report of the Bureau of Industrial Statistics of Maryland. 1895. A. B. Howard, Jr., Chief. Pp. 196.

Labor Statistics: Eighth Annual Report of the Bureau of Industry and Labor Statistics for Maine. August, 1895. Pp. 219.

Labor Statistics: Annual Report of the Secretary of Internal Affairs of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Part III. Industrial Statistics, Vol. XXI. 1893. Harrisburg, 1894.

Labor Statistics: Sixth Biennial Report of the Commissioner of Labor, Wisconsin, 1893-94. J. Dobbs, Commissioner. Madison, 1894. Pp. 119, 221.

Labor Statistics: Seventh Annual Report of the Commissioner of Industrial Statistics of Rhode Island. 1884. Providence. Pp. xii, 337.

Labor Statistics: Second Annual Report of the Bureau of Industrial Statistics of Maryland. A. B. Howard, Jr., Chief. 1894. Annapolis. Pp.387.

Labor Statistics: Statistics of Coal in Illinois. Twelfth Annual Report. A Supplementary Report of the State Bureau of Labor Statistics, containing the 10th Annual Report of the State Inspectors of Mines. George A. Schilling. Springfield, 1894. Pp. lxxix, 162.

Labor Statistics: Sixteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of Statistics of Labor and Industry of New Jersey for the Year Ending October 31, 1893. Trenton, 1894. Pp. iv, 490.

Labor Statistics: Seventh Annual Report of the Board of Mediation and Arbitration of the State of New York. January 22, 1894. Albany. Pp. 334.

Labor Statistics: Jahrsbericht Deutsche Erwerbs-und Wirthschaftsgenossenschaften. By D. F. Schenck. Leipzig.

Labor Statistics: Sixteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of Labor Statistics and Inspection of Missouri for the Year Ending November 5, 1894. Jefferson City. Pp. 531.

Labor Statistics: Tenth Annual Report of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Connecticut, for the Year Ending November 30, 1894. Hartford. Pp, 398.

Charities and Corrections: The Sixty-Fifth Annual Report of the Inspectors of the Penitentiary for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1894. Pp. 178.

Charities and Corrections: Fifth Report of the Board of State Charities of Indiana for the Year Ending October 31, 1894. Indianapolis. 1894. Pp. 104. Part 2. Proceedings of the Third Annual State Conference of Charities. Pp. 62.

Charities and Corrections: Semi-Centennial of the New York Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor. October, 1894. Pp. 275.

Charities and Corrections: The 19th Annual Session of the Directors of the Poor of Pennsylvania, held at Williamsport, October 17-19, 1893. Pittsburg, 1894. Pp.201.

Charities and Corrections: Twelfth Biennial Report of the Michigan State Board of Corrections and Charities, 1893-94. Lansing, 1895. Pp, 263.

Charities and Corrections: Twenty-Sixth Annual Report of the Board of State Charities and Corrections of Rhode Island. 1895. Pp. 164.

Statistical Year-Books and Almanacs: The Statesman's Year-Book, 1895. Edited by J. Scott Keltie. Thirty-second Annual Publication. London, 1895. Pp, xxxi, 1156.

Statistical Year-Books and Almanacs: The Statistical Year-Book of Canada for 1893. Department of Agriculture. Ottawa, 1894.

Statistical Year-Books and Almanacs: The Financial Reform Almanac, 1895. Thirty-first issue. London. Pp.296.

Statistical Year-Books and Almanacs: Album de Statistique Graphique de 1893. Ministry of Public Works. Paris, 1894. Pp. xviii. Plates, 21.

Statistical Year-Books and Almanacs: Statistisches Jahrbuch der Schweiz. Fourth year. 1894. Statistical Bureau of the Department of the Interior. Berne, 1894. Pp. xviii, 444.

Statistical Year-Books and Almanacs: Mineral Resources of the United States. 1893. David T. Day. Chief of Division of Mining Statistics. United States Geological Survey. Washington, 1894. Pp.810.

Statistical Year-Books and Almanacs: The Tradesman's Annual. Chattanooga, Tenn. Pp.218. January 1, 1895.

Statistical Year-Books and Almanacs: The Wool Book and Statistical Manual, Containing Latest Financial Information of the Production, Movement, and Consumption of Wool in all Countries, Textile Schedules of the Tariff of 1894, Manufacturing Tables, etc. By S. N. D. North, Secretary of the National Association of Wool Manufacturers. Boston, 1895. Pp 142.

Statistical Year-Books and Almanacs: The World Almanac and Encyclopedia, 1895. Pp. 481.  相似文献   


Statistics in Hungary: Geschichte und Organization der amtlichen Statistik in Ungarn. By Gustav Bokor. Pp. v, 291. Budapesth. Pester Buchdruckerei Active Gesellschaft, 1896.

Bertillon's Treatise: Cours élementaire de statistique conforme au programme arrêtépar le Gonseil Supérieur de Statistique pour l'examen d'admission dans diverses administrations publiques. By Dr. Jacques Bertillon, Chef des Travaux Statistiques of Paris, France. Three parts. Pp. 599. Paris, 1895.

Muhleman's Monetary System: Monetary Systems of the World. By Maurice L. Muhleman. Revised edition. New York, 1897. Pp. 239.

Notes: Financial Reform Almanac for 1897. London. Pp. 316.

Notes: Eighth Annual Report by the Chief Labor Correspondent on Trade Unions, 1894–95. London, 1896. Pp. xxix, 515.

Notes: Third Annual Report of the Labour Department of the Board of Trade, 1895–96, with Abstract of Labour Statistics. London, 1896. Pp. xxviii, 200.

Report of the Secretary of the American Statistical Association. Reviewed by Davis R. Dewey.  相似文献   


Medical Statistics of the Negro: The Surgical Peculiarities of the American Negro. By Rudolph Matas, M.D., Professor of Surgery, Medical Department of Tulane University of Louisiana. Reviewed by Frederick L. Hoffman.

Mulhall's Statistics: Industries and wealth of Nations. By Michael G. Mulhall. Longmans, Green & Co. London, New York, and Bombay. 1896. Pp.451.

New York Bureau of Municipal Statistics.

Boston Department of Statistics.


Washington Meetings.

Municipal Statistical Offices.  相似文献   


The Population of Paris: Population de Paris; Remarques demographiques sur l'habitat urbain. By G. Lagneau.

Female Life Mortuary Experience: Female Life Mortuary Experience of the New England Mutual Life Insurance Company. Compiled by Walter C. Wright, Actuary. Reviewed by Miles Menander Dawson.

A Model Registration Report: Beiträge zur Statistik der Stadt Frankfurt am Main. Zweites Heft. Die Bewegung der Bevölkerung im Jahre 1891, inbesondere Studien über die Wanderungen. Frankfurt am Main, 1893. Reviewed by Gary N. Calkins.

Illegitimacy; Two Studies in Demography. Illegitimacy, and the Influence of Seasons upon Conduct; Two Studies in Demography. By Albert Leffingwell, M.D. With maps and diagrams. 2nd edition. London. Swan, Sonnenschein & Co.

City of Boston Bills of Mortality, 1810–49. Bills of Mortality, 1810–49. City of Boston. With an Essay on the Vital Statistics of Boston from 1810 to 1841. By Lemuel Shattuck. Boston. Reprinted for the Registry Department. 1893.

Geographic Statistic Tables of the World. Otto Hübner's Geographisch-statistische Tabellen aller Länder der Erde. 42. Ausgabe für das Jahr 1893. Herausgegeben von Univ. Prof. Dr. Fr. v. Juraschek. Heinrich Keller. Frankfurt a. M.  相似文献   

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