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Reports of Health and Vital Statistics: Indiana. Ninth Annual Report of the State Board of Health for the fiscal year ending October 31, 1891; and Annual Report of the Bureau of Vital and Sanitary Statistics. Indianapolis, 1891. Reviewed by Gary N. Calkins.

Reports of Health and Vital Statistics: Kansas. Fifth Annual Report of the State Board of Health, ending December 31, 1889. Topeka, 1890. Reviewed by Gary N. Calkins.

Reports of Health and Vital Statistics: Massachusetts. Twenty-Second Annual Report of the State Board of Health. Boston, 1891. Reviewed by Gary N. Calkins.

Reports of Health and Vital Statistics: Michigan. Seventeenth Annual Report of the Secretary of the State Board of Health for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1889. Lansing, 1890. Reviewed by Gary N. Calkins.

Reports of Health and Vital Statistics: New Hampshire. Tenth Annual Report relating to the Registration and Returns of Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths, for the year 1889. Manchester, 1891. Reviewed by Gary N. Calkins.

Reports of Health and Vital Statistics: New Jersey. Thirteenth Annual Report of the Board of Health, and Report of the Bureau of Vital Statistics. Camden, 1889. Reviewed by Gary N. Calkins.

Reports of Health and Vital Statistics: New York. Eleventh Annual Report of the State Board of Health. Volumes I, II. Albany, 1891. Reviewed by Gary N. Calkins.

Reports of Health and Vital Statistics: North Carolina. Third Biennial Report of the Board of Health for the years 1889 and 1890. Raleigh, 1891. Reviewed by Gary N. Calkins.

Reports of Health and Vital Statistics: Ontario. Report relating to the Registration of Births, Marriages, and Deaths for the year ending December 31, 1889. Toronto, 1890. Reviewed by Gary N. Calkins.

Reports of Health and Vital Statistics: Ontario. Ninth Annual Report of the Provincial Board of Health for the year 1890. Toronto. 1891. Reviewed by Gary N. Calkins.

Reports of Health and Vital Statistics: Wisconsin. Thirteenth Report of the State Board of Health, 1889–90. Madison, 1891. Reviewed by Gary N. Calkins.

Reports of Health and Vital Statistics: New York City. Annual Report of the Board of Health of the Health Department for the year ending December 31, 1890. New York, 1891. Reviewed by Gary N. Calkins.

Statistics of Pauperism in Hartford: Report of the Special Committee on Out-door Alms of the Town of Hartford, 1891. Hartford. The Case, Lockwood & Brainard Company. 1891. Pp. lxxi, 93. Reviewed by A. G. Warner.

Comparison of Movement of Population in Prussia and France: The following is based upon material published in the Zeitschrift des Königes Preussischen Statistischen Bureaus. 1891. Nos. 1–2. Reviewed by F. C. Norton.

Suicides in Prussia and Italy: The following paragraphs are taken from the Zeitschrift des Kön. Preus. Stat. Bureaus, 1891, Nos. 1–2. Reviewed by F. C. Holmes.

Anthropometric Statistics: Thirtieth Annual Report of the Professor of Hygiene and Physical Education of Amherst College. 1891. Pp. 20. Map. Reviewed by R. Waterman, Jr.

The Census of Berlin: Einstweilige Ergebrisse der Volkszählung vom 1. December, 1890, in der Stadt Berlin. Veröffentlicht vom Statistischen Amt der Stadt. 1891. Pp. 64.

Statistics of Vaccination: Neue Beiträge zur Frage des Impfschutzes. Zweite Beobachtungsserie, 1887–88. Von Josef Körösi, Director des Budapester Communal-statistischen Bureaus. Berlin, 1891.

Statistical Articles in Magazines and Journals: Journal de la Société de Statistique de Paris. April, 1891. ÉAtude sur les placements faits a l'étranger par les differents peuples. By M. Georges Martin. Reviewed by William Z. Ripley.

Journal des Economistes. Sept., 1891. The Progress of Paper Money. By E. Fournier de Flaix. Reviewed by William Z. Ripley.

Revue d'Économie Politique. May, June, 1891.Une statistique des mariages. By Prof. Harald Westergaard. Reviewed by William Z. Ripley.

Revue d'Hygiène. November 20, 1891. De la Morbidité et la Mortalité par Professions. By Dr. Jacques Bertillon. Reviewed by Gary N. Calkins.

The Archiv für Eisenbahnwesen. August, 1891. Prozentbarechnung über den Personenverkehr. Reviewed by Victor Rosewater.

Conrad's Jahrbuch. July, 1891. Die Ergebnisse der Konkursstatistik. By Dr. A. Wirminghaus.

Frauenarbeit. By Prof. Stieda.

Archiv für soziale Gesetzgebnng und Statistik. IV, No. 2, 1891. Neuere Untersuchungen uber die Lage der arbeitenden Klassen in Holland. By Dr. Otto Pringsheim.

Zeitschrift des K. Sachsischen Statistischen Bureaus. 1890. Nos. 3–4. Dresden, August, 1891.

Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. London. June, 1891.

Journal of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland. Sept., 1891. The Congested Districts. By Richard J. Kelly.

The Economic Review. October, 1891. London.

Transactions of the Manchester Statistical Society. 1890–91.

The Fortnightly Review. December. The Canadian Census. By J. G. Colmer.

The Charity Organization Review. London. December, 1891. Character and development of the German Labor Colonies, from the opening of the first colony in 1882 to 1889. By Dr. Berthold.  相似文献   


School Reports and School Efficiency. By Professor David S. Snedden and Dr. William H. Allen. Published by the Macmillan Company. Reviewed by F. Spencer Baldwin.

Mortality Statistics, 1906. Report of the Bureau of the Census, Washington, D.C., 1908. Reviewed by F. S. Crum.

Prisoners and Juvenile Delinquents in Institutions, 1904. Special Report, Bureau of the Census, Washington, D.C., 1907. Reviewed by F. S. C.

Annuario de Estatistica Demographo-Sanitaria, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. By Dr. Sampaio Vianna. (For the year 1906, and published in 1907.) Reviewed by F. S. C.  相似文献   


Studies in Jewish Statistics: Studies in Jewish Statistics, social, vital, and anthropometric. By Joseph Jacobs. London, 1891. Pp. 59, lxix 13. Reviewed by Charles F. A. Currier.

The Wool Book: A Statistical Manual Containing the Latest Official Data of the Production, Movement, and Consumption of Wool in all Countries. Compiled for the National Association of Wool Manufacturers, by S. N. D. North, Secretary, Boston, 1892.

Statistical Articles in German Periodicals and Journals: Die Entwickelung der Briteschen Landwirthschaft unter dem Druck ausländischer Konkurrenz. By Prof. Dr. Paasche. Reviewed by Victor Rosewater.

Statistical Articles in German Periodicals and Journals: JahrbüUcher füUr NationalsöUkonomie und Statistik. February, 1892.

Statistical Articles in German Periodicals and Journals: Schmoller's Jahrbnch. XVI. No. 1. Der Wiener Weltpost Kongress. By J. Jung. Reviewed by Victor Rosewater.

Statistical Articles in German Periodicals and Journals: Allgemeines Statistisches Archiv. II. No. 1. Die Jahresschwankungen in der Häufigkeit verschiedener bevölkerungs und moralstatistischer Erscheinungen. By Dr. K. Becker. Reviewed by Victor Rosewater.

Statistical Articles in German Periodicals and Journals: Zeitschrift für Schweizerische Statistik. XXVII. No. 3. Zehn Basler Arbeiterhaushaltungen. By Carl Landolt. Reviewed by Victor Rosewater.

Statistical Articles in German Periodicals and Journals: Vierteljahrshefte zur Statistik des Deutschen Reichs. Herausgegeben vom Kaiserlichen Statistischen Amt. Erster Jahrgang, 1892. Erster Heft. Berlin, 1892. Reviewed by C. F. A. Currier.

Statistische Monatschrift. Vienna, January, 1892. Die überseeische österreichische Auswanderung, insbesondere in den Jahren 1889 und 1890. By Dr. Friedrich ProbSt.

Die gewerbliche Genossenschaften in Oesterreich zu Ende des Jahres 1891. By Dr. Schmid.  相似文献   


An Introduction to the Theory of Statistics. By G. Udney Yule. London: Charles Griffen and Company. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company. 1911. Pp. xiii, 376. Reviewed by Wm. B. Bailey

Ungarisches Statistisches Jahrbuch. Neue Folge, XVII, 1909. Reviewed by F. S. Crum

The Public Health Agitation, 1833–48. By B. L. Hutchins. (London 44 Fleet St., E. C., 1909. Pp. 150.) Reviewed by J. Pease Norton

Tenth Annual Report on Strikes and Lockouts, 1908. Massachusetts Bureau of Statistics. (Part II of the Fortieth Annual Report on the Statistics of Labor.) Boston, 1910. Reviewed by Ira B. Cross  相似文献   


Sickness, and Mortality Experience of the Leipzig Communal Sick Fund, 1887–1905. Reviewed by F. S. Crum

The Jews: A Study in Race and Environment. Reviewed by E. A. Goldenweiser

The American Year Book Reviewed by Edward Stanwood

Annual Report for 1909 of the Chief Medical Officer of the Board of Education (London), 1910. 11d. Reviewed by Wm. B. Bailey

Report of Committee on Standard Tables. Reviewed by H. A. Richards, Walter F. Willcox, Thomas S. Adams, Frederick S. Crum, C.-E. A. Winslow, Allyn A. Young

Business Barometers Used in the Accumulation of Money. By Roger W. Babson. Wellesley, Mass., 1911. 4th ed. Pp. 380. Reviewed by H. A. Richards  相似文献   


Divorces Granted in Michigan During the Year 1897. Reviewed by Cressy L. Wilbur.

Classification of Causes of Death.

Birth Rate in England: Is the Birth-rate Still Falling? By R. H. Hooker, M.A. In Manchester Statistical Society Transactions. Session 1897–98. Pp. 101–126. Reviewed by H. J. Gerling.

Birth Rate in France: L'affaiblissement de la natalité est-il un bien ou un mal? By Charles Morene. In La Réaforme Sociale. July, 1898. Reviewed by H. J. Gerling.  相似文献   


Criminal Statistics of Indiana. Reviewed by John Koren

Municipal Finances in Massachusetts. Reviewed by Robert H. Tucker

The Special Report of the United States Census on Statistics of Cities Having a Population of over 30,000 in 1908. Reviewed by Horace Secrist

Cost of Living in American Towns. Report of an Enquiry by the Board of Trade into Working Class Rents, Housing and Retail Prices, together with the Rates of Wages in Certain Occupations in the Principal Industrial Towns of the United States of America. With an introductory Memorandum and a Comparison of Conditions in the United States and the United Kingdom. London: His Majesty's Stationery Office. 1911. (Cd. 5609) Pp. xcii, 533. Price 5s. 1d. Reviewed by Robert G. Chapin

Report of the Public Service Commission for the First District of the State of New York. Vol. III: Statistics of Public Service Corporations. Compiled by the Bureau of Statistics and Accounts. Dated January 10, 1910, and covering the year ending December 31, 1909, pp. 971. Reviewed by H. A. Richards  相似文献   


Occupation Statistics of the Twelfth Census Reviewed by W. C. Mitchell

Economic Conditions of the Jews in Russia Reviewed by E. A. Goldesweiser

Misleading Statistics of Cost of Production Reviewed by David L. Wing

Records of Charity Reviewed by Lilian Brandt

Consumers' Societies in Germany Reviewed by Frank Wetzlar

Wages and Family Budgets in Berlin Reviewed by C.-E. A. Winslow  相似文献   


A Statistical Study of Illegitimacy: Illegitimacy, and the Influence of Seasons upon Conduct. Two studies in Demography. By Albert Leffingwell, M.D. With maps and diagrams. London and New York, 1892. Pp. viii, 160. Reviewed by Charles F. A. Currier.

Mortgage Indebtedness in Europe. Reviewed by George K. Holmes.

Statistics of Divorce in France.

Anthropometry: The results of Anthropometry as derived from the measurements of the Students of Amherst College. Amherst, 1892. Pp. 7, Tables.

A University Course in Statistics.

Convention of Commissioners of Bureaus of Labor Statistics.

Statistics of Prisoners, 1890: Statistics of Prisoners, 1890. Collected by the Wardens' Association of the United States and Canada; with an introduction by Roland P. Falkner, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Statistics, University of Penn. Published by the Association, 1892. 800. Pp. 56. Reviewed by A. G. Warner.  相似文献   


Results of the Russian Census of Manufactures, Mines, and Quarries for 1908. Reviewed by E. A. Goldenweiser

Wages and Family Income in the Village, of Lonsdale,’ by Carol Aronovici, Ph. D. Director of the Bureau of Social Research of New England. Reprint from the Annual Report of the Rhode Island Bureau of Industrial Statistics, Part 2, 1911. pp. 31. Reviewed by Wm. B. Bailey  相似文献   


The Standard of Living Among Workingmen's Families in New York City. By Robert Coit Chapin, Ph.D., Professor of Economics in Beloit College. Russell Sage Foundation Publication, 1909. (New York: Charities Publication Committee, 105 East Twenty-Second Street, pp. xv., 372, $2.00, postpaid.) Reviewed by Warren M. Persons

Women and the Trades. By Elizabeth Beardsley Butler. Russell Sage Foundation Publication, 1909. (New York: Charities Publication Committee, 105 East Twenty-Second Street, pp. 440, $2.00, postpaid.) Reviewed by Warren M. Persons

Housing Reform, A Handbook for Practical Use in Modern Cities. By Lawrence Veiller. Copyright, Russell Sage Foundation, New York, 1910. Reviewed by Eleanor H. Woods.

An Analysis of the United States Steel Corporation With Chart of Quarterly Earnings Since Its Organization. By Charles Wilson Taintor. Boston, 1909.  相似文献   


Migration of Colored Population. Reviewed by Frederick J. Brown.

Natality in Massachusetts: Essai sur la natalité au Massachusetts. By Arsène Dumontm, Nancy. Berger-Levrault et Cie. 1898.

Statistics of Infirmities in New Zealand.

Proportion of the Sexes.

Vital statistics of West Indies: Jamaica Annual Report of the Registrar-General for the Year ended 31st March, 1897. From the General Register Office, Spanish Town, November 29, 1897, pp. 44. Reviewed by Cressy L. Wilbur.

Mortality of Negroes.

Operation of Poll Tax in Iowa.

Athletics and Scholarship.

Ages of Students Entering College

The Production and Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages

Comparative Criminal Statistics.

Statistics of Trade Unions.

Notes.  相似文献   


Mortality Statistics, 1905. Bureau of the Census, Washington, D.C., 1907. Reviewed by F. S. Crum  相似文献   


Reports of Bureaus of Labor Statistics: Fifth Annual Report of the Commissioner of Labor. 1889. Railroad Labor. Carroll D. Wright. Washington. 1890. Pp. 888. Reviewed by Arthur T. Hadley

Indiana.—Second * Biennial Report (Eighth Volume) of the Department of Statistics 1887–88. Wm. A. Peelle, Jr., Commissioner. Indianapolis. 1888. Reviewed by Frank R. Hathaway.

Iowa.—Third Biennial Report of the Bureau of Labor Statistics 1888–89. E. R. Hutchins, Commissioner. Des Moines. 1889. Pp. cxiii, 440. Reviewed by Frank R. Hathaway.

Kansas.—Fifth Annual Report of the Bureau of Labor and Industrial Statistics. 1889. Frank H. Betton, Commissioner. Topeka. 1890. Pp. 407. Reviewed by Frank R. Hathaway.

Michigan.—Eighth Annual Report of the Bureau of Labor and Industrial Statistics. A. H. Heath, Commissioner. Lansing. 1891. Pp. vviii, 451. Reviewed by Frank R. Hathaway.

Minnesota.—Second Biennial Report of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. 1889–90. John Lamb, Commissioner. Minneapolis. 1891. Pp. 377. Reviewed by Frank R. Hathaway.

Missouri.— Twelfth Annual Report of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. 1890. Lee Meriwether, Commissioner. Jefferson City. 1890. Pp. 569, 141. Reviewed by Frank R. Hathaway.

Pennsylvania.— Annual Report of the Secretary of Internal Affairs. Part III. Industrial Statistics. Vol. XVII. 1889. Albert S. Bolles, Chief of Bureau. Harrisburg. 1890. Reviewed by Frank R. Hathaway.

United States Census Bulletins: No. 16. Dec. 13, 1890. Population of the United States by States and Territories: 1890. Pp. 10.

United States Census Bulletins: No. 17. Dec. 16, 1890. Preliminary Statistics of Education for Louisiana, New Hampshire, Wisconsin, various cities, and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. By James H. Blodgett. Pp. 10.

United States Census Bulletins: No. 18. Dec. 26, 1890. Statistics of Churches. By Henry K. Carroll. Pp. 26.

United States Census Bulletins: No. 19. Dec. 30, 1890. Vital Statistics of the Jews in the United States. By John S. Billings. Pp. 19. Diagrams, 4.

United States Census Bulletins: No. 20. Jan. 5, 1891. The Anthracite Coal Fields of Pennsylvania. By John H. Jones. Pp. 13.

United States Census Bulletins: No. 21. Jan. 15, 1891. Population of New Hampshire by Minor Civil Divisions. Pp. 4.

United States Census Bulletins: No. 22. Jan. 20, 1891. Distilled Spirits Consumed in the Arts, Manufactures, and Medicine. Pp. 9.

United States Census Bulletins: No. 23. Jan. 21, 1891. Areas of States and Counties. Pp. 14.

United States Census Bulletins: No. 24. Jan. 24, 1891. Population of Massachusetts by Minor Civil Divisions. Pp. 6.

United States Census Bulletins: No. 25. Jan. 29, 1891. Statistics of Indians. By Thomas Donaldson, special agent. Pp. 14.

United States Census Bulletins: No. 26. Jan. 30, 1891. Coal-mining Industry of Maryland in 1889. By John H. Jones. Pp. 6.

United States Census Bulletins: No. 27. Jan. 30, 1891. Coal-mining Industry of Alabama in 1889. By John H. Jones. Pp. 6.

United States Census Bulletins: No. 28. Jan. 28, 1891. Freight Traffic on the Great Lakes. By Henry C. Adams. Pp. 21.

United States Census Bulletins: No. 29. Feb. 4, 1891. Transportation. Changes in Floating Equipment on the Great Lakes since 1886. Pp. 10.

United States Census Bulletins: No. 30. Feb. 11, 1891. Alaska, Statistics of Population. 1890. Pp. 9.

United States Census Bulletins: No. 31. Feb. 14, 1891. Convicts in Penitentiaries. 1890. By Frederick Howard Wines.

United States Census Bulletins: No. 32. Feb. 24, 1891. Distribution of Population in Accordance with Mean Annual Rainfall. By Henry Gannett. Pp. 4.

United States Census Bulletins: No. 33. Feb. 25, 1891. Distribution of Population with Reference to Mean Annual Temperature. By Henry Gannett. Pp. 4.

United States Census Bulletins: No. 34. Feb. 26, 1891. Centre of Population: 1890. By Henry Gannett. Pp. 4. Maps 2.

United States Census Bulletins: No. 35. Feb. 27, 1891. Irrigation in Arizona. By F. H. Newell. Pp. 8.

United States Census Bulletins: No. 36. February 28, 1891. Statistics of Education. Arizona, California, Connecticut, District Columbia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Montana, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Vermont, Virginia, Wyoming, and eighty-three Cities. By James H. Blodgett. Pp. 27.

United States Census Bulletins: No. 37. March 7, 1891. Population by Counties. North Atlantic and South Atlantic Divisions. Pp. 7.

United States Census Bulletins: No. 38. March 10, 1891. Viticulture. Statistics of Grape Growing and Wine Production in the United States. By H. Gardner. Pp. 11.

Reports of State Boards of Charities and Corrections: Twenty-fourth Annual Report of the New York State Board of Charities. Transmitted to the legislature Feb. 5, 1891. Pp. 74.

Reports of State Boards of Charities and Corrections: Twenty-second Annual Report of the Board of State Charities and Corrections of Rhode Island, 1890. Pp. 142.

Reports of State Boards of Charities and Corrections: Twelfth Annual Report of the State Board of Lunacy and Charity of Massachusetts. January, 1891. Pp. 205, lxxxiv.

Reports of State Boards of Charities and Corrections: Eleventh Biennial Report of the Board of State Commissioners of Public Charities of Illinois, 1888–1890. F. H. Wines, Secretary, Springfield. 1890. Pp. 322.

Reports of State Boards of Charities and Corrections: Fourth Biennial Report of the State Board of Supervision of Wisconsin Charitable, Reformatory, and Penal Institutions for the two years ending Sept. 30, 1890. Madison. 1891. Pp. 239.

Health and Vital Statistics: Forty-eighth Report to the Legislature of Massachusetts Relating to the Registry and Return of Births, Marriages, and Deaths for the year ending Dec. 31, 1889, together with Returns of Libels for Divorce and the Returns of Deaths Investigated by the Medical Examiners. Editorial remarks by Samuel W. Abbott, M.D. Boston. 1890. Reviewed by Davis R. Dewey.

Health and Vital Statistics: Twelfth Annual Report of the State Board of Health of Rhode Island for the Year 1889, and including the Report upon the Registration of Births, Marriages, and Deaths in 1888. Providence. 1890. Reviewed by Davis R. Dewey.

Health and Vital Statistics: Twenty-second Annual Report of Births, Marriages, and Deaths in Michigan for the Year ending 1888. Lansing. 1890. Pp. viii, 260. Reviewed by Davis R. Dewey.

Health and Vital Statistics: Fourth Annual Report of the State Board of Health of Ohio for the Year ending October 31, 1889. Columbus. 1889. Pp. 350. Reviewed by Davis R. Dewey.

Health and Vital Statistics: Fourth Annual Report of the State Board of Health and Vital Statistics of Pennsylvania. Harrisburgh. 1889. Pp. 1200. Reviewed by Davis R. Dewey.

Health and Vital Statistics: Eleventh Biennial Report of the State Board of Health of California for the two years ending June 30, 1890. Sacramento. 1890. Pp. 284.

Health and Vital Statistics: Fifth Annual Report of the State Board of Health of Maine for 1889. Augusta. 1890. Pp. xvi, 304. Reviewed by Davis R. Dewey.

Health and Vital Statistics: Medical Education, Medical Colleges, and the Regulation and Practice of Medicine in the United States and Canada. 1765–1891. By John H. Rauch, M.D., Secretary Illinois State Board of Health. Springfield. 1891. Pp. 222. Reviewed by Davis R. Dewey.

Health and Vital Statistics: A Manual of Public Health. By H. Wynter Blyth. London. 1890. Pp. 23, 653. Reviewed by Davis R. Dewey.

Statistical Year-Book of Uruguay: Anuario Estadístico de la República Oriental del Uruguay 1889. Montevideo. 1890. Pp. lxxvii, 727. Reviewed by R. R. de Carvalho.

Report of the Comptroller of the Currency: Annual Report of the Comptroller of the Currency, December 1, 1890. Edward S. Lacey, Comptroller. Washington. 1890. Pp. 307.

Municipal Finance: Third Annual Report of the Executive Committee of the Citizens Association of Boston. 1891. Pp. 80.

Municipal Finance: Bulletin Annuel des Finances des Grandes Villes. Dixiěme Année: 1886. By Joseph Körösi, BudapeSt. 1890. Pp. 93.

Minor Notices: Three Papers read before the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science. By Henry Heyleyn Hayter, Government Statist of Victoria. Melbourne. 1890. Pp. 37.

Minor Notices: Report on the Beef Supply of the United States, and the Export Trade in Animals and Meat Products. By Dr. D. E. Salmon. United States Department of Agriculture. 1890. Pp. 15.

Minor Notices: Abandoned Farms in Massachusetts. (From the Twenty-first Annual Report of the Massachusetts Bureau of Statistics of Labor.) By Horace G. Wadlin. Boston. 1891. Pp. 177–258.

Minor Notices: Shoe and Leather Reporter Annual for 1891. Boston. Pp. 701.

Minor Notices: Maps of the United States showing the Central Station Plants of Electric Railways and System in Operation. Thomson-Houston Electric Company. Boston. 1891. Pp. 110.  相似文献   


Labor Statistics: Twentieth Annual Report of the Massachusetts Bureau of Statistics of Labor. Horace G. Wadlin, Chief. December, 1889. Boston. Pp. xxv, 694. Reviewed by Frank S. Hathaway.

The United States Census Bulletins: No. 6. August 4, 1890. Financial Condition of Counties. By T. Campbell-Copeland. Pp. 26.

The United States Census Bulletins: No. 7. Aug. 6, 1890. Indebtedness of States in 1880 and 1890. By T. K. Upton. Pp. 4.

The United States Census Bulletins: No. 8. Aug. 8, 1890. Production of Slate. By William C. Day. Pp. 10.

The United States Census Bulletins: No. 9. Aug. 20, 1890. Production of Pig Iron. By Dr. Wm. M. Sweet. Pp. 8.

The United States Census Bulletins: No. 10. Aug. 22, 1890. Quicksilver Mines and Reduction Works. By T. B. Randall.

The United States Census Bulletins: No. 11. August 23, 1890. Growth of Rapid Travel Facilities from 1880 to 1889, inclusive, in cities having over 50,000 inhabitants. By Henry C. Adams. Pp. 8.

The United States Census Bulletins: No. 12. Oct. 30, 1890. Population of the United States and Territories: 1890. By Robert P. Porter. Pp. 8.

The United States Census Bulletins: No. 13. Oct. 31, 1890. Production of Steel. By Dr. William M. Sweet. Pp. 7.

The United States Census Bulletins: No. 14. Nov. 4, 1890. Financial Condition of Municipalities. By T. Campbell-Copeland. Pp. 67.

The United States Census Bulletins: No. 15. Nov. 7, 1890. The Census of Alaska. By Ivan Petroff. Pp. 6.

Statistical Report of Interstate Commerce Commission: Second Annual Report on the Statistics of Railways in the United States to the Interstate Commerce Commission, for the year ending June 30, 1890. Henry C. Adams, Statistician.

Banks and Banking: Garland's Banks, Bankers, and Banking in Canada, to which has been added statistics of the Dominion. Edited by N. Surrey Garland. Ottawa. Mortimer & Co. 1890. Pp. xxiii, 328.

Banks and Banking: Annual Report of the Inspector of Finance, showing the condition of the Savings Bank and Trust Companies in Vermont on June 30, 1890. Pp. 223.

Banks and Banking: The Clearing-House System. By Dudley P. Bailey. Reprinted from the Bankers' Magazine. Homans Publishing Co. New York. 1890. Pp. 57.

The English Mint Report: Twentieth Annual Report of the Deputy Master of the Mint, 1889; with a general index to the annual reports from 1870 to 1889 inclusive. London. 1890. Pp. 136, xi.

Local Finance and Taxation: Report of the Tax Commissioner of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for the year ending Dec. 31, 1889. Pub. Doc. 1890. Pp. 299. Reviewed by William Z. Ripley

Local Finance and Taxation: Report of the Special Tax Commission of Maine, appointed under resolve of the Legislature, March 8, 1889. Augusta. 1890. Pp. 192. Reviewed by William Z. Ripley

Local Finance and Taxation: Finance Annual Report of the Executive Department of the City of Boston, for the year 1889–90. Boston. 1890. Pp. 416. Reviewed by William Z. Ripley

Local Finance and Taxation: Report of the Special Committee on use of Streets by Private Corporations. Boston. City Document 144. Sept. 8, 1890. Pp. 35. Reviewed by William Z. Ripley

Problems of Population: Marriage Rates and Marriage Ages, with special reference to the growth of population. By Dr. William Ogle. In Journal of the Royal Statistical Society (London), June, 1890. Pp. 253–289. Reviewed by Davis R. Dewey.

Problems of Population: Twenty-first Annual Report of the State Board of Health of Massachusetts. Boston. 1890. Pp. 457. Reviewed by Davis R. Dewey.

Minor Notices: A Preliminary report on the cost of production. Pig iron, steel ingots, steel rails, coal, coke, iron ore, and limestone. By the Commissioner of Labor. Washington. 1890. Pp. 61.

Minor Notices: Some Experiments on behalf of the Unemployed. By Amos G. Warner, Ph.D. In Quarterly Journal of Economics. October, 1890.  相似文献   


Mortality Statistics of the Registration Area of the United States, 1910 Reviewed by F. S. Crum

A Century of Population Growth in the United States. 1790–1900 Reviewed by F. S. Crum

Wholesale Prices in Canada, 1890–1909 Reviewed by Allyn A. Young  相似文献   


Annual Report of the Department of Health of the City of Minneapolis for the Year ending December 31, 1907. Reviewed by F. S. Crum.  相似文献   


Statistics at International Congresses on Hygiene and Demography. Reviewed by Walter F. Willcox

Saleswomen in Mercantile Stores Reviewed by Frederick J. Allen  相似文献   

Understanding Basic Statistics. Charles H. Brase and Corrinne P. Brase. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1997. xviii + 576 pp. $48.50. ISBN: 0-669-39812-8. Reviewed by Elizabeth Low

Statistics for Management, 7th ed. Richard I. Levin and David S. Rubin. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1998. xvi + 1026 pp. $77.00. ISBN: 0-13-476-2924. Reviewed by Tom Obremski

Statistical Computing Environments for Social Research. Robert Stine and John Fox (eds.). Thousand Oaks: Sage, 1997. iv + 250 pp. $49.95 (P). ISBN: 0-7619-0270-8. Reviewed by Jonathan Nagler

Modern Engineering Statistics. Lawrence L. Lapin. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1997. xv + 583 pp. $66.95. ISBN 0-534-50883-9. Reviewed by V.A. Samaranayake, Jagdish K. Patel

Elements of Engineering Probability and Statistic. Rodger E. Ziemer. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall, 1997. xiv + 322 pp. $77.00. ISBN: 0-024-31620-2. Reviewed by V.A. Samaranayake, Jagdish K. Patel

Applied Statistical Methods for Business, Economics, and the Social Sciences. William L. Carlson and Betty Thorne. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1997. xxiii + 1021 pp. $77.00. ISBN 0-13-570847-8. Reviewed by Marjorie E. Bond

Statistics for Managers: Using Microsoft Excel. D.M. Levine, M.L. Berenson, and D. Stephan. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Reviewed by Marjorie E. Bond

The Ultimate Resource 2. Julian L. Simon. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1996. xlii + 734 pp. $35.00. ISBN: 0-69104-269-1. Reviewed by Thomas Wonnacott  相似文献   

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