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Response Rate in Academic Studies — A Comparative Analysis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A study was conducted to explore what could andshould be a reasonable response rate in academicstudies. One hundred and forty-one papers which included175 different studies were examined. They were published in the Academy of Management Journal, HumanRelations, Journal of Applied Psychology, OrganizationalBehavior and Human Decision Processes , and Journal ofInternational Business Studies in the years 1975, 1985, and 1995, covering about 200,000respondents. The average response rate was 55.6 with astandard deviation of 19.7. Variations among thejournals such as the year of publication and othervariables were discussed. Most notable is the declinethrough the years (average 48.4, standard deviation of20.1, in 1995), the lower level found in studiesinvolving top management or organizationalrepresentatives (average 36.1, standard deviation of 13.3), andthe predominance of North American studies. It issuggested that the average and standard deviation foundin this study should be used as a norm for future studies, bearing in mind the specific referencegroup. It is also recommended that a distinction is madebetween surveys directed at individual participants andthose targeting organizationalrepresentatives.  相似文献   

Sexism(gender discrimination) in the labor market is a common phenomenon in China. It is quite evident that the difference in income and occupation between male and female is because of gender problem rather than labor productivity. This course paper aims at investigating and analyzing the sexism in China's labor market and proposing some pragmatic recommendations.  相似文献   

A discussion of Deborah Waxenberg's clinical case presentation of a woman with severe inhibitions in work, in intimate relationships, and in the realm of sexuality. The case material is considered in terms of its impact on a reader/listener as a way to consider parallel process in treatment and in supervision. Questions of gender identity, of sexual orientation, and enactment and its sequelae are addressed, along with questions of the patient's narcissism in relation to her experience and representation of her parental imagoes.  相似文献   

This qualitative study involved in-depth interviews with 11 parents whose children had been taken into custody. The initial reactions and responses of the parents to the detention of their children were examined, as well as these parents' thoughts and feelings about theprocess and their involvement in the juvenile justice system. The following major themes emerged from the data analysis: (a) feeling frustrated and confused, (b) a perception of the system as being fair, (c) the juvenile system assuming a parental role, and (d) the influence of detention on family dynamics. Findings highlight the personal experiences of the parents as they attempted to navigate the juvenile justice system.  相似文献   

English learning class is a place emphasizing interactions, especially the interactions between teachers and students. Based on the fact that university students nowadays, however, are attaching more concern to their faces and demonstrate little interest in taking part in the interactions in English classes, this thesis is making efforts to obtain a more effective way from the perspective of students themselves. By utilizing FTA strategies to ask questions, students can equip themselves to grasp points more firmly and moreover lend an aroma of harmony to the class.  相似文献   


Increasingly, employers play an active role in assisting their employees in dealing with crisis. This exploratory study conducted analyses using a large national database to examine how companies representing various industry types differed in the frequency of requests for critical incident response services, the types of incidents that evoked the requests, the types of interventions utilized, and the delay time between the request and provision of services. Results demonstrated substantial variability in the types of incidents and frequency of service utilization. However, some consistent patterns were noted. For example, over half of all critical incident response services across industry types were delivered in response to a death impacting the workforce. A different pattern was evident for the Finance/Insurance/Real Estate industry, where robberies were most prevalent and the delay time between the incident and the critical incident response delivery date was shortest. There appeared to be an inverse relationship between the size of the company and the use of critical incident response services. This study has implications for further research regarding the training of practitioners administering critical incident response services and determining themost effective crisis interventions for the situation and recipient population.  相似文献   

This discussion expands on the themes of annihilation and what Apprey terms the “no place” of racial- and gender-based violence. Taking examples from their clinical work, all of the authors here reflect on the terror that was instilled in the wake of the White supremacist march in Charlottesville, Virginia. The terror was not just sparked by the event but by the response of President Trump declaring there were “good people on both sides,” that is, that White supremacists were “good” people. This shift indicates a profound sense of institutional betrayal that, as Malin Fors’s paper points out, has been central to the United States since the beginning. Integrating ideas from critical race theory, this discussion asks whether psychoanalysis can function to create what Best and Hartman, reflecting on the U.S. history of slavery, termed a “fugitive justice” in the face of what this author considers to be, a foretelling of human extinction.  相似文献   

The official rhetoric of welfare states unconditionally pays tribute to older people's right to express dissatisfaction. In practice, users of older services in welfare states may be deprived of their “exit” options and face considerable constraints when it comes to raising their “voices.” For example, when older people in nursing homes would like to lodge a complaint, they may well be referred to the very staff members they depend on in their everyday lives. This article analyzes a national case study in which these contradictory tendencies are especially explicit: formal influence channels for older people in Sweden. Using data from structured interviews with 100 representatives of Swedish municipalities and drawing on Hirschman's (1970) Hirschman, A. 1970. Exit, voice, and loyalty: Responses to decline in firms, organisations, and states, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.  [Google Scholar] theory on exit and voice, the article analyzes obstacles to older service users' influence in Sweden and develops explanations for these obstacles in terms of social contexts.  相似文献   

Silk as soft as water; Fine dresses marvelous as clouds; How magnificent they are! But how much more beautiful the kind hearts, passion and wisdom that they cover. A whole new China, with its longer civilization, and closer harmony between human and nature. Here, heaven and earth, silk and light, songs and dances, time and space, are singing the praises together…  相似文献   

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