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This study examined the contents of adolescents' hopes and fears for the future in a sample of 1,975 urban and rural 8th, 10th, and 12th graders in China. Chinese adolescents' hopes and fears were most often related to future education, occupation, parental well‐being, marriage and family, academics, leisure activities, wealth, interpersonal relationships, collective issues, and self‐related issues. Urban adolescents compared to rural ones reported more hopes for education and leisure activities and held fewer hopes and fears for parental well‐being and interpersonal relationships. Males reported more hopes and fears for marriage, whereas females reported more hopes and fears for parental well‐being. These results suggest the important role of the social and cultural context in adolescents' future thinking.  相似文献   

Neighborhood opposition to community-based treatment centers (CBTCs) has prompted fears that these centers will become concentrated in inner city, "transitional neighborhoods." These neighborhoods are thought to lack the willingness and/or resources to oppose CBTCs. This paper examines the distribution of CBTCs in a northern metropolitan county. The findings suggests that the fears of "ghettoization" may be real only for certain types of centers. Most centers were located in higher-status city and suburban neighborhoods. However, these centers were physically or visually isolated from the surrounding housing, making them less likely to attract attention and therefore less likely to arouse neighborhood opposition.  相似文献   

Fear, denial, and the avoidance of death and dying appear to be products of life in modern society. While society insulates most people from contact with the death and dying of others, there are professions that come into repeated contact with dying individuals. The present study uses the Collett‐Lester Fear of Death Scale to analyze the Fear of Death and Dying for Self and Others (four subscales) among a sample of registered nurses (BA level). Over a 10‐year period, nurses’ fears concerning death and dying were measured at three points—before a course on death and dying (Pretest), after the course (Posttest), and at a point in their professional nursing practice (Retest). The results suggest that these nurses’ fears of death for self and others change at a statistically significant level over the Pretest and Posttest observations; however, the changes are temporary. The Fear of Dying for Self and Others tends to decline significantly over the Pretest and Retest observations. Age, religion, religiosity, and employment factors were also analyzed vis‐à‐vis the Fear of Death and Dying Subscales. Some directions for additional research into nurses’ fears about death and dying are given.  相似文献   

This is the second article in a two-part series on the social, ethical and public policy implications of the new artificial intelligence (AI). The first article briefly presented a neo-Durkheimian understanding of the social fears projected onto AI, before arguing that the common and enduring myth of an AI takeover arising from the autonomous decision-making capability of AI systems, most recently resurrected by Professor Kevin Warwick, is misplaced. That article went on to argue that, nevertheless, some genuine and practical issues in the accountability of AI systems that must be addressed. This second article, drawing further on the neo-Durkheimian theory, sets out a more detailed understanding of what it is for a system to be autonomous enough in its decision making to blur the boundary between tool and agent. The importance of this is that this blurring of categories is often the basis, the first article argued, of social fears.  相似文献   

Drawing on in-depth, semi-structured interviews with a sample of 24 child protection workers in the northeastern United States, we analyze how workers engage with non-citizen immigrant families. Confirming findings from previous scholarship on immigrants' fears when interacting with Child Protection Services (CPS), workers reported encountering different fear factors—the organizations, events, or people that instill fear in immigrant families. These included fear of deportation, fear of CPS workers as the people who remove children, and fear of CPS as a potentially repressive government agency. We also found that workers seek to minimize or leverage these fears in the engagement process—we refer to this process as fear management. Most of the workers interviewed seek to minimize immigrant families' fears, and we show that they employ four strategies to do so: providing knowledge, brokering services, doing dignity and status work, and learning culture.  相似文献   

Research focusing on the victimisation of young people outside the home has paid insufficient attention to less criminal forms of victimisation such as harassment and their relationship to fear expressed by children. Based on survey data of 2420 children aged 9–16 years from The Children and Young People's Safety Survey, this study focuses on the personal characteristics of offenders and victims, the types of victimisation experienced in specific locations, and the range of fears expressed by the children and young people. The study revealed a significant link between experiences of victimisation and higher levels of fear that appear to be gender‐specific and bear a strong relationship to age. The results of the study have important theoretical and practical implications for preventing victimisation and reducing fears and anxieties. Copyright © 2006 The Author(s).  相似文献   

As is traditional with the Preview Issue — the first issue of the year — we asked stakeholders for their reflections on the past year and their hopes and fears for the new year. Thanks to the field leaders who responded to our request for comments. More stakeholder comments for this article will be in next week's issue.  相似文献   

As someone who fears all religions, reviewing a book on faith-baseddevelopment is a particular challenge for me. I am among thosewhom the editor of this book charges with seeing religion ‘aspart of the problem rather than as part of the solution.’(p. 167). So I ventured into this book with trepidation. My more basic fears were laid to rest, however. Among the storiestold from across the developing world, and from religions suchas Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Mayan, the Bahá'ífaith, and various versions of animism, is a great deal of honesty.The stories  相似文献   

Wrestling with ghosts and staging fatal accidents with Matchbox cars allow a critically ill six-year-old to come to terms with the fears prompted by his illness.  相似文献   

In 1807, in anticipation of a renewed British attack on Buenos Aires, the local authorities turned to slaves to supplement their military forces. It was an unexpected choice in view of fears raised in recent years by the growing number of slaves in the region, the Haitian Revolution and local threats involving the black population. Indeed, the process of recruitment was surrounded by reservations and limitations with nothing being offered to the slaves. Nevertheless, they proved willing recruits, in part because of a commitment to king, religion and patria, in part because the British had offered them nothing when they had held Buenos Aires briefly in 1806. But the reservations about the slaves continued even after the successful defence of the city, as only a handful of those who fought were rewarded with their freedom. The events indicate the state of race relations in the Río de la Plata in the period immediately before the independence struggles, and that while the slaves' military contribution in 1807 may have eased racial fears to some extent, it did not produce any significant abolitionist feelings.  相似文献   

Using a sample of 1010 women from a southeastern state university, we explore whether associations between fear of sexual assault and other crime-specific fears vary based on presumed victim-offender relationship. More specifically, we assess the extent to which fear of stranger- and acquaintance-perpetrated sexual assaults differ in the extent to which they are correlated with fear of other crime victimizations. Multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed that both fear of stranger-perpetrated sexual assault and fear of acquaintance-perpetrated sexual assault were positively associated with nearly all other crime-specific fears under examination. However, associations were particularly strong between fear of sexual assault by a stranger and fear of other stranger-perpetrated crimes. Findings have significant implications for how academic institutions should comprehensively address direct and indirect negative influences of violence against college women.  相似文献   

A common problem faced by progressive human service educators is how to motivate students and encouraee their interest in social change strategies. This article explores-some of the fears and resistances that hold students back, and suggests several approaches for inspiring students' creative learning. The author proposes several teaching tactics based on her experiences in teaching an undergraduate community organizing course. Many of these techniques can be applied in other courses taught by progressive educators.  相似文献   

Data indicate a substantial and growing “unionism gap” between the public and private sectors. Previous research identifies possible explanations for this gap, including preferences for collective action, political considerations, fears of employer retaliation, and concerns about job security. Our results provide support for these explanations, but also suggest that perceived differences between private and public sector unions may be a significant factor.  相似文献   

The rising interest among policymakers in developing employment policies for older persons can be traced to several sources. Two of these-concerns about the financing of retirement benefits and fears about possible future labor shortages-are shaping employment policies in ways that have undesirable consequences for older workers who are in poor health and who lack the economic resources to be able to afford retirement. In contrast, employment policies that operate by providing work incentives, rather than retirement disincentives, do not have discriminatory impacts on these subgroups of the older population.  相似文献   

Judaism is wrongly blamed for exacerbating the dilemma facing this Orthodox patient and her family. In actuality, a vital and human halakhic tradition is a resource that can respect the daughter's autonomy while appropriately responding to her father's fears about her well-being.  相似文献   

The article explores the emotional regimes of settler colonialism in post‐apartheid South Africa. The focus is on apocalyptic fears of the imagined eradication of whiteness. These fears are articulated in response to postcolonial/decolonial interpellations of abject whiteness, and are made visible in a range of sensational signs that circulate online and offline. The signs cluster around two themes that are central to the ideologies of settler colonialism: land (and its feared loss), and (white) bodies (and their feared disappearance). Following Sarah Ahmed (2004a,b), emotionally charged signs can be seen as actions (akin to words in speech act theory). In contrast to Jürgen Habermas’ conception of the public sphere as an idealized place of rational debate, the article argues that a combination of affect‐emotion‐feeling and the performance of ‘reason’—what Aristotelian rhetoric refers to as pathos and ethos—are integral for understanding public‐political discourses of whiteness at a time when white privilege has been called out globally (and locally), and white dominance has lost its stronghold.  相似文献   

美国撤军伊拉克后伊朗和沙特的抗衡   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
美国从伊拉克撤军后对伊拉克安全稳定的最大挑战是地区势力的角逐,尤其是伊朗和沙特在该地区的竞争将对伊拉克的安全和稳定带来重要影响。沙特担心伊朗将利用其在伊拉克的影响来使其在美国撤军后在地区称霸。本文讨论伊朗和沙特之间的竞争以及该竞争对伊拉克未来稳定的影响。  相似文献   

The genogram is a structured method of taking a three-generational family history. This paper describes a variety of ways the clinician can use the genogram in addition to the standard uses described in the literature. It also demonstrates using the genogram as a quasi-projective technique which reveals unarticulated fears, wishes and values of the individuals comprising the family unit. Practical suggestions as to technique in creating genograms are offered, as well as a discussion of when, with whom and under what circumstances genograms should be undertaken.  相似文献   

While the WTO and Doha Development Round do not deal with labour issues – they leave this to the ILO – the main countries that conclude free trade agreements incorporate labour provisions, which vary in terms of stringency. Sanctions are rarely used, and fears that “social clauses” would serve protectionist purposes have proved to be unfounded. Labour provisions are designed to meet a variety of sometimes conflicting goals, by means of different mechanisms aimed at improving labour practices and promoting Decent Work; the author makes a number of suggestions in this regard.  相似文献   

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