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In an effort to make visible the subtle and seldom acknowledged aspects of gendering dynamics, Martin focuses on unreflexive practices that both communicate and constitute gender in paid work settings. She reviews the distinction between practices that are culturally available to ‘do gender’ and the literal practising of gender that is constituted through interaction. While acknowledging that agency is involved in any practicing of gender, she considers how intentionality and agency intersect, arguing that people in powerful positions routinely practise gender without being reflexive about it. Defining practising as emergent, directional, temporal, rapid, immediate and indeterminate, Martin shows how these qualities affect men as well as women in unexpected and often harmful ways. She concludes with a call for innovative ways to ‘catch gender in practice’ and for attention to reflexivity's role in the ongoing constitution of gender at work.  相似文献   

Gender and Welfare Regimes: Further Thoughts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
LEWIS  JANE 《Social politics》1997,4(2):160-177

现阶段,我国深化农村产权制度改革的核心任务是完善农村集体资产股份6项权能试点.6项权能改革试点可分3个层面予以推进:一是全面开展集体资产股份占有权、收益权试点;二是有条件开展集体资产股份有偿退出权、继承权试点;三是慎重开展集体资产股份抵押权、担保权试点.  相似文献   

一20世纪90年代中期,我国以住宅投资占GDP的比例以及每千人建住宅套数远高于发达国家的速度,很快缓解了90年代初住宅市场中的供不应求,但在其后不到2年的时间内,持续的住宅供给超过了住宅的有支付能力的需求,进而形成住宅消费市场中的大量商品房的空置,且愈演愈烈.据国家统计部门公布的数字,1996年空置商品房6203万平方米,1997年达7135万平方米,1998年又猛增到8800万平方米.  相似文献   

Further notes on Craven's conjecture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper extends the work of Fishburn [4] and Abello and Johnson [1] by increasing lower bounds on the number of possible value-restricted preference orderings, and by considering cases in which the number of alternatives is not a power of 2.I am grateful to Peter Fishburn for comments on an earlier version, and for drawing my attention to earlier papers on this topic.  相似文献   

A commentary of the article discussing the possible reimagining of long-term care (LTC) is provided. The reimagining article examines how to diminish the role of nursing homes in the LTC system. The text is provocative. It is also thought-provoking. In this commentary I provide a further opinion that we could do better within the current system using the current resources.  相似文献   

Regression analysis of data from recent U.S. national surveys was used to estimate, for white men and women separately, the total effect of amount of education on job satisfaction and the effect net of extrinsic rewards (money, prestige, authority, and autonomy). We reasoned that education which does not lead to extrinsic rewards would lead to dissatisfaction with work by producing unfulfilled expectations and aspirations, and thus we hypothesized that the estimated effect of education on job satisfaction net of extrinsic rewards would be negative. The hypothesis was not supported for women and was only weakly supported for men, and thus the findings of this study do not suggest that any increase in overeducated workers will have a major negative impact on job satisfaction., The indicated total effect of education is positive for both sexes but is considerably stronger for women than for men.  相似文献   

The Supreme Court has acted to eliminate discrimination against women on state petit juries and blacks on state grand juries. The next step is a Court decision eliminating sex discrimination on state grand juries. The Court could achieve this by applying the standard used to measure unacceptable race discrimination to sex discrimination. That standard assumes racial discrimination if there is an opportunity to discriminate and systematic disproportion of racial representation. This article discusses how the standard works, and then focuses on a study of the comissioner system in two Texas grand jury jurisdictions (Dallas and Houston) to illustrate its potential application to female exclusion.  相似文献   

中阿能源合作对双方社会经济可持续发展乃至全球国际能源安全意义重大。中国要恰如其分地评估阿拉伯世界尤其是海湾国家对我国国际能源合作的重要性及难度,正确处理好我国油气进口来源多元化与经营主渠道的关系。要及时抓住国际形势演变带来的新机遇,同时正视中阿能源合作面临的严峻挑战。新形势下的中阿能源合作要以新能源安全观为指导,积极利用中阿合作论坛等各种合作机制,在互利共赢中推动中阿战略合作关系的健康发展。  相似文献   

A broad model of female gender disorder is presented in which distinctions are drawn between gender dysphoria, defined as an internal emotional state of discontent or discomfort associated with one's gender, the fantasized solution of wishing to be the other sex, and the request for hormonal and/or surgical sex reassignment. This model is applied to three clinical cases, representing both transsexual and non-transsexual types of gender disorder. Subsequent discussion explores some of the questions raised by considenng these components separately, and also presents some hypotheses about the nature of gender dysphoria in women.  相似文献   

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