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A profitable niche will have few entrants if the presence of significant mobility barriers impedes entry and, hence, reduces the expected rents for entrants. Identifying sources of mobility barriers is critical in explaining how incumbents can sustain competitive advantage and obtain supranormal profits (excess rents). While much of strategic management research (and strategic group research, in particular) focuses on the pursuit of sustainable performance advantages, there is relatively little empirical research exploring the dynamics of firm movement and the impact of mobility barriers on performance. The paper analyses mobility dynamics and, most importantly, develops a method to identify the location and severity of mobility barriers. The method is illustrated on a database of large multiples in the UK retail grocery industry for the period 1982–1986. It appears that there are two dimensions of strategic change that facilitate movement into profitable niches. Implications for competition and profitability are discussed.  相似文献   

企业竞争优势或价值创造的源泉在哪里,或者企业绩效异质性的成因是什么?这一问题一直是战略管理领域的研究焦点。移动互联网时代,企业纷纷通过重塑商业模式来实现转型升级或跨界发展,并将其作为价值创造和竞争优势的一种重要来源。因此,本文旨在以开放型商业模式为研究对象,探讨其内在属性与价值创造之间的关系。首先,本文阐述开放型商业模式的内涵及构成;接着,识别出其内在属性特征,即新颖性(N)、锁定性(I)、互补性(C)、效率性(E);同时,重点借助战略网络理论、新木桶理论、平台经济学等理论基础论证NICE与价值创造间的关系及背后的作用机理,提出理论假设;最后,运用调查问卷和结构方程模型的方法实证检验,且演绎结论的管理含义。本文所使用的数据来源于中国最大的服务交易平台:猪八戒网和EMBA、MBA、EDP等项目课堂。研究表明,开放型商业模式新颖性与企业价值正相关、互补性与顾客价值正相关、效率性与企业价值和伙伴价值均呈正相关关系;而新颖性与顾客价值及伙伴价值正相关;互补性与企业价值及伙伴价值呈正相关关系等结论未得到印证。本文的研究回答了"企业竞争优势或价值创造源泉在哪里?"这一问题,并且本文的理论机理分析和实证结论有利于指导企业创新商业模式并获取竞争优势的战略决策。  相似文献   

产业集群:提升天津滨海新区竞争力的战略选择   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
产业集群的研究已经成为地区或国家竞争力研究以及区域经济研究的热点.在发达国家,基于产业集群而形成的集群经济早已成为区域经济的重要板块和亮点.本文通过对产业集群理论的回顾以及对产业集群竞争优势的研究,深入思考天津滨海新区所特有的经济条件和发展优势,提出了为提升区域竞争力、加快实施产业集群的经济发展战略.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of strategic groups research and argues that it should be linked more closely to questions central to strategic management. Particularly fruitful directions for future research include industry evolution, competitive and industry dynamics, and linkages to resource-based theories. Specific observations and suggestions are made about the content and method of strategic groups research. These are illustrated by reference to empirical studies of the pharmaceutical industry and the food processing industry.  相似文献   

This article focuses on defining and discussing the concept of critical success factors as input into the environment analysis, resource analysis, and strategy evaluation steps in the strategic planning/strategy development process. The reader is provided with eight possible sources of critical success factors including environmental analysis, analysis of industry structure, industry/business experts, analysis of competition, analysis of dominant firm in the industry, company assessment, temporal/intuitive factors and PIMS results. Examples of CSF's from various sources are provided and a scheme by which the reader can assess the relative importance of identified CSF's is presented.  相似文献   

战略集团理论是近年来在国际管理科学界兴起的一个研究热点。在理论和实践上,它对产业战略重组、企业竞争战略的选取等方面都具有较好的指导作用。通常意义下,人们都是从产业的整体角度去讨论战略集团的存在与划分问题。本文缩小了产业范围,对产业内的局部企业进行了分析,通过一个煤炭企业战略集团划分的实例,证明了现实的战略集团在区域性产业内的存在性。同时,本文还运用数据包络分析(DEA)技术进一步证明了在战略集团之间存在着明显的差异性。最后指出,战略集团的划分并结合企业效率的评价对整个产业或局部性产业内的企业重组具有较高的参考价值。  相似文献   

This paper attempts to explain the competitive advantages of the small firm in the capabilities perspective. It begins by identifying the kinds of strategic assets possessed by small firms. It argues that entrepreneurship and a simple capital structure are the sources of dynamism for small firms. The relationship between the small firm's resources and its capabilities are then critically examined. In particular, the analysis focuses on the influences of strategic assets on the organizational flexibility – a significant source of competitive advantage enjoyed by small firms. The competitive attributes of small firms are further discussed in terms of firm's internal and external capabilities. Finally, the relationship between the small firm's capabilities and the choice of technology strategies is examined.  相似文献   

The emergence of new global competitors, the convergence of high-technology industries and the increasing speed and cost of technological development promises an increasingly uncertain environment for organisations, making adaptation to changes in the environment a central theme in the study of the organisation for both organisation theory and strategic management. This study thus seeks principally to verify that, while innovation and quality management (QM) alone do not possess the qualities required to provide organisations with sustainable competitive advantages, the bundle of innovation and QM together with other resources and competencies will allow organisations to obtain a competitive advantage and adapt to their environment. The results show that the factors determining innovation – such as resistance to change, cohesion and workload pressures – have repercussions for the firms’ capacity to adapt to their environmentand that a QM context facilitates this adaptation. Finally, we can conclude that a climate of support for innovation is positively related to the organisation’s performance.  相似文献   

Due to dramatically increasing global competition and in the light of Europe '92, companies have to concentrate on their particular competitive advantages and on those business activities they know well. The market, however, asks for an ever increasing range of products and services. ‘System deals’ include — along with a product — attractive sideline services, like project management, system implementation or supply of related products. In many cases, entering these markets or achieving technological breakthroughs is only possible with a strong partner.These recent developments forced corporations to consider alternative company structures. The failure of many strategic alliances, however, has clearly shown that understanding the development process of the alliance is critical for success. Christoph Bronder and Rudolf Pritzl present a structured procedure for developing strategic alliances that outlines four critical phases: strategic decision for an alliance, alliance configuration, partner selection, and alliance management.  相似文献   

First and second mover theory, as developed in industrial organization economics, maintains that firms can gain competitive advantage by using optimal timing in the introduction of innovations. Because the industry is the unit of analysis, the theory does not provide specific guidance for individual firms. We analyze the underlying sources of first and second mover timing advantages and clarify several issues regarding the basic theory. We then identify a variety of factors at the industry, firm and product/service levels and develop propositions showing their relations to individual firms in their efforts to benefit from timing advantages. We discuss the link which these indicator factors provide between economic theory and strategic timing choices. Finally, we suggest directions for research which would assist firms and their managers in selecting and pursuing innovation timing strategies.  相似文献   

基于企业属性的IT价值多维度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,业界对于IT为企业所带来的战略价值持有两种观点,一种观点认为,IT已经成为基础设施,是企业的一种纯技术工具,将不再为企业带来竞争优势,企业对于IT只需进行风险管理;另一种观点则认为IT仍然具有战略价值,对于提升企业竞争力仍具有推动作用。本文从组织管理的角度审视IT价值,结合企业特定的内部条件和外部环境探讨了IT带给企业的差异性,从行业、规模、组织结构、管理流程以及企业文化五个企业属性维度分析了IT对企业具有的不同战略价值,认为IT仍然是企业未来发展和提升竞争力的核心动力之一。  相似文献   

节点企业间界面关系与供应链绩效研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本论文从节点企业及其相互关系的角度对供应链结构进行了科学定义,并将之作为解释变量,在界定供应链节点企业间界面关系测量维度的基础上,通过世界PC业竞争格局变化中三条代表性供应链结构特征的对比,分析了供应链竞争优势如何从供应链节点企业间的关系重塑中产生,并如何影响到供应链总体绩效水平。论文最后提出了有关供应链结构、竞争优势和战略以及绩效关系的分析框架。  相似文献   

In many industries, the traditional sources of competitive advantage tend to evaporate fairly rapidly. Therefore, managers need to continually rethink and reformulate their firm strategies. Likewise, scholars have felt compelled to shift the traditional centre of attention from competitive advantage that is sustainable over time to a focus on how firms compete by achieving a series of temporary advantages. However, the proliferation of research on temporary competitive advantage, far from building a solid body of literature, has produced a series of fragmented studies. This condition calls for detecting the state of knowledge in this realm of strategic inquiry. By leveraging the present status of the literature on temporary competitive advantage, we offer a conceptual map of the current inquiry of the antecedents, management, and consequences of temporary competitive advantage. Then, we identify the key implications for strategy theory and discuss the major challenges for cultivating fertile territories in this intriguing area of research.  相似文献   

Feng Li 《英国管理杂志》2001,12(4):307-322
The rapid development of information and communication technologies (ICTs), with the Internet being one of the most significant, is shaking the foundation of the banking industry. Simply deploying the Internet as a more efficient distribution channel will not bring sustainable strategic advantages. To compete effectively, banks may need to embrace a new set of strategic priorities, based on the 'unbundling' of banking services and processes, and the 'deconstruction' of the integrated banking model. Such a radical transformation threatens the profitability and survival of some existing incumbent banks, and at the same time, it brings a cohort of new opportunities and powerful new players to the market. This paper reviews existing studies on the use of the Internet in banking, and highlights two prevailing models and the strategic thinking behind them. Based upon recent empirical evidence gathered from in-depth case studies and other information sources in the UK, the paper discusses a number of emerging tendencies and explores possibilities to reconcile the discrepancies between the two prevailing models. The paper calls for a radical departure from existing strategies in the banking industry based on the concept of process integration and service bundling. A new framework is outlined for banks and other financial organizations in developing and evaluating their strategies. The latest evidence suggests that at least eight models of Internet banking, somewhere on the spectrum between the two prevailing models highlighted by previous studies, have emerged in the UK. These models are illustrated briefly in the paper. This is still a rapidly evolving area, and new research is clearly needed to understand the key dynamics of the banking industry in the networked economy. Finally, some themes for further research are highlighted.  相似文献   

The uncertainty, dynamism and volatility of the new competitive landscape are altering the fundamental nature of competition as the 21st century begins. In this exciting competitive era, technological learning plays a vital role in the firm’s competitive success. This role is significant because increasingly, technological learning is linked to the firm’s ability to develop, maintain and exploit dynamic core competencies. Dynamic core competencies are the foundation for competitive advantages. Although difficult to accomplish, firms try to establish competitive advantages that can be sustained for some period of time. Being able to develop, maintain and exploit competitive advantages is critical to the creation of firm value. This introductory article for the Special Issue explores the importance of technological learning and the management of knowledge for firm growth and performance. Additionally, we present a context that frames the issues examined and the contributions made by the papers included in the special issue.  相似文献   

As noted by several observers, information technology (IT) has rapidly evolved from “part of the organizational overhead” into a strategic resource capable of changing patterns of competition within industries [8, p. 275]. However, while this evolution has become part of the fabric for literature exploring the strategic impact of IT, very few studies have been undertaken to determine the specific influence(s) of technology-based competition on industry structure. The development of analytical frames for capturing aspects of industry behavior provides a potentially powerful tool for evaluating the influence strategic IT initiatives may have on current bases of competition. Drawing from the theoretical disciplines of industrial economics and strategic management, this study develops a framework for analyzing longitudinal changes in industry structure. Working within this frame, the study then analyzes the nature and change of structure in three industries during and after the introduction of strategic information technology. The findings suggest that in each of these industries structural characteristics were dramatically altered subsequent to the introduction of competitive-based IT. In two of the industries (airlines and industrial chemicals), early adopters broke away from other industry participants, in effect, forming unique bases of competition. In the remaining industry (drug wholesalers), previously distinct bases of competition consolidated, resulting in a more competitive industry structure than that which existed prior to the technological innovation.  相似文献   

基于战略群组理论视角,分析了企业战略定位中不同战略维度的匹配问题。以境内外交易所上市的中国互联网企业为样本,选取移动互联业务比重和IT投入强度这两个关键战略维度,采用面板数据回归模型检验了研究假设。研究发现,当企业的移动互联业务比重和IT投入强度同时处于较高水平时,这一战略组合能为企业带来高绩效,是一种合理的战略位置;另一合理的战略位置则是较低的移动互联业务比重配以较低的IT投入强度,它也明显好于一者较高、另一者较低的战略组合。以上结果表明,战略定位的关键是实现不同战略维度决策之间的合理匹配,从战略组合的角度理解行业中的战略位置。研究结论不仅有助于理解移动互联市场的竞争战略与绩效,也验证了战略群组理论在战略定位研究中的重要意义,对战略组合的分析不可简化为对各战略维度的单独分析。  相似文献   

由于新进入缺陷和资源禀赋有限,新创企业的发展是一个独特的成长问题。运用新创企业竞争优势来源的三维分析框架,对TCL国际电工的发展历程进行了深入分析。结果发现TCL国际电工高速成长中竞争优势来自多种力量的组合:社会资本的有效开发与利用,为新创企业的快速组建及高起点经营,占据有利竞争位势奠定了基础;营销网络建构与管理的创新,为新创企业快速整合渠道资源,获得低成本竞争优势提供了条件;技术创新战略的恰当选择,是新创企业保持技术创新能力,获得可持续竞争优势的主要源泉。  相似文献   

Nowadays, the business environment is characterized by great uncertainty and variability. In this environment, information technology (IT) has proved to be an important strategic ingredient for the creation of competitive advantage. This role of IT has been widely accepted during the past few years [Feeny D. Creating and sustaining competitive advantage with IT. In: Earl M, editor. Information management the strategic direction. Oxford, 1990; Ives B. Wingtip Courriers, Southern Methodist University Case Study #SMY/MIS/90-01, Edwin L. Cox School of Business, Dallas, TX, January 1990].  相似文献   

《Long Range Planning》2005,38(2):197-212
What drives the environmental behaviour of companies is an under-researched and under-developed area of study, particularly in the context of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). This article investigates to what extent the responses by UK screen-printing companies to pressures to improve their environmental performance represented a deliberate attempt by senior managers to provide their organisations with a strategic competitive advantage.Using both a quantitative and qualitative approach, the research shows that the environmental responses of this sector tended to be reactive, defensive and driven by – and frequently limited to – legislative compliance. Even though companies accepted that there were potential commercial benefits to be gained from environmental action, there was very little evidence to indicate that managerial decisions were motivated by strategic intent or that managerial mindsets were tuned to the notion that a proactive environmental response could offer a competitive edge. The article discusses the management implications of this lack of strategic orientation and highlights how a more innovative response by companies could provide both demand and supply side benefits.  相似文献   

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