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The Tempest is one of William Shakespeare’s famous play,which mainly focused on the magic and the Postcolonial oppression.The work exposed the crucial harm and inhumanity in those years.In order to demonstrate the deep meaning of this great work and everlasting influence it has made,this essay picks out two parts of its significant themes and gives them a detailed explanation.By demonstrate those profound meanings,the real value of The Tempest may be clearer and the readers can have a better understanding of it.  相似文献   

The National Working Committee on Children and Women (NWCCW) under the State Council on February 12 held the First Session of the Sixth NWCCW Conference. Daring the conference, the committee summarized its work (related to women and children) during the past year, and it outlined its work plan for this year.  相似文献   

FOREIGNERS who have been to Beijing are probably familiar with the Beijing International Hotel near the main railway station. It's the four-star hotel where I work as a chief cook. My job is to manage nine kitchens—both Chinese and Western. I have been a chef for 34 years. After graduated from school in 1964, I studied Chinese cuisine for three years. I believed that it was a job worth doing. In the past, people looked down on this occupation; they thought it was a low-class job because cooks were always serving other people. I, however, found the job very interesting. After all, I reasoned, everyone needs to eat. If we could make eating into a kind of art or a science, eating could become an act of culture. People engaged in the food industry treat the act of eating with a respect that most people cooking at home do not feel. But for those of us who work in prestigious hotels whose guests come from all over the world and have different customs and tastes, it is our job to put the Chinese cooking cultu  相似文献   

A painter from the late Qing Dynasty left no signature on this portrait of customs and figures. The work measures 148.6 cm long and 79.8 cm wide. The artwork reveals a household scene of Man ethnicity women. The mistress, a  相似文献   

The painting Picture of Beautiful Women with Flowers in Their Hair is attributed by some to Zhou Fang—a well-known painter of figures in the Tang Dynasty. Painted on silk, this 46×180 cm work depicts some of the aspects of the luxurious lives of noble women during the reign of Li Kuo, an emperor of the Tang Dynasty. The painter, by employing fine lines and deep colors, creates a leisurely and carefree mood. In this scene, a group of beautiful women, five mistresses and one servant girl, are playing with dogs, catching butterflies, and enjoying the flowers on a walk in rate spring. The noble women are dressed in gorgeous silk  相似文献   

The Shandong Provincial Party (Communist Party of China) Committee has included work related to the protection of women and children's legal rights and interests in the standards for the evaluation of government organs' work. Officials of the Qingdao (a city in East China's Shandong Province) Working Committee on Children and Women recently monitored the city's work related to women and children, and they concluded the city had done the following during the first half of this year:  相似文献   

Directing Lives     
YANG Yang is he director of China Television PlayCenter.Before the arrival of the series Holding Hands,she filmed television plays reflecting women and marriage.Examples of her work include Niu Yuqin and Her Trees and theMidnight Trolley.The artistry and sympathy towards women inthese programmes make it obvious that they were directed by awoman.Holding Hands especially cements this connection.  相似文献   

Moonlight in a Snow Forest Along the stream in a snow covered forest comes a small boot. A little girl is sitting in it, as her boat flows foward the river of hope The scene features obscurity, revealing the integration of moonlight, stream. boat and frees. The little girl looks at us with pure, bright eyes, as if suggesting something to those of us who live a crowded and noisy life  相似文献   

Editor’s Notes     
CHINA has achieved great leaps in the 20 years since it launched itsreform. Economically it has reached a vital junction — the reform ofstate-owned enterprises. China is aiming to enable the majority of thelarge- or medium-sized state-owned enterprises to rid themselves of deficitand those serving as China's economic backbone to establish a modernenterprise system, all by the end of the century. This is the hard, urgent taskfacing the Chinese people. In this reform, women have given, and are stillgiving, an important contribution. Wang Hongming, General Manager of theShenyang Dawn Garments Group, provides a suitable focus for this issue.  相似文献   

"The Soul of the Forest." a ceramic work exhibited at the "Century Women" Art Show. is a fine example of the work of Zhang Wenzhi from Guangdong Painting Studio: this particular piece reflects the artist's concern for environmental protection. The ceramic objects created by Zhang are not for pragmatic use; instead. they are a kind of modern art: sculpture in essence. but cer amic in flavor. Zhang Wenzhi obtained her master's degree at Guangzhou Fine Arts Academy in 1993 and her book. Arts of Modern Materials. Was published in June of that year. The next year. she joined the European Synthetic Arts Soci-ety. In 1996. she held ceramics exhibition in the gallery of Illinois State University. Her work, "The World of Wine." Was collected by the former Culture Ministry. In 1997. her work. "Chinese" was selected for the first National Modern Ceramics Exhibition in Shanghai and awarded the silver medal.  相似文献   

WHERE I'm from, the countryside of Longsha Township in Wanxian City, Sichuan Province, most young women still find a husband with the help of a go-between. Families of this kind lack the bond of feelings and it is not uncommon that the husband beats the wife. Many wives go back their parents' home for asylum while those wives from  相似文献   

The All-China Women's Federation (ACWF) and China's Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security held, in Chengdu (capital of Southwest China's Sichuan Province) on May 8, a conference to demonstrate and promote achievements in developing the weaving industry to help women find work and/or start a business. Shen Yueyue, Vice- Chairperson of the NPC (National People's Congress) Standing Committee and ACWF President, spoke during the conference. Song Xiuyan, Vice- President and First Member of the Secretariat of ACWF, hosted the event.  相似文献   

At the 1994 Spring Festival Party held by China Central Television, a press photographer and the four large photos he had on display became one of the highlights of the event. The photos were taken in 1950, 1963, 1979 and 1994, respectively of an ordinary rural family in Zhejiang Province. They were selected from nearly 1,000 photos taken by the photographer on more than 50 visits to this family. They trace the changes of an ordinary Chinese family and vividly illustrate the historical changes that have taken place in New China. The photographer was Xu Yonghui, a senior reporter with Zhejiang Daily. In this issue we feature a few of his photos and a report which testify to those changes.  相似文献   

THE world audience watched as Gloria Eastephan presented her rendition of the heroic song Peak of Perfection, to close this year's grand Centennial Olympics. The modem Olympics, which have played a major part in outstanding human creation over the past century, have provided a platform enabling human beings to demonstrate their unremitting struggle and indefatigable creative spirit. The past 100 years of the Olympics represent an immortal  相似文献   

"WHERE does a tomato come from?" The top class in a Chinese kindergarten was silenced by this question. Some children looked to the right and left. Others twiddled their fingers and lowered their heads. The teacher in charge of the class called a student's name, "Come, you answer it." "A tomato grows on a plate." Before the little boy finished his words, the children began to discuss this point heatedly.  相似文献   

Diretor:Zhao Tianyu Cast:Wu Zhenyu,Yu Nan, Wen Jiaqin and Jiang Yiyan For those people who still think women should be mild tempered,docile and obedient housewives,"Deadly Delicious"is a movie worth watching.The film challenges some of the stereotypes of women,and it reflects the significance of love and  相似文献   

The interpretation of the traditional Chinese paintings done by Xie Lijun vividly expresses a woman's tolerance and silence. In traditional Chinese paintings black is the main component and the function of the color red is only to provide a striking contrast, so it is only used occasionally. On the contrary, in "Spotless. ,Jade-Like Personality." the color red is the main color in the painting. So different from its usual function, the red set against the quiet internal world passes from the expression of the figure's eyes. The red color adds more elegance and inlplicit meaning to the work.  相似文献   

More than 350 students, from 11 universities in Zhengzhou (capital of Central China's Henan Province), recently attended a training course on employment at Henan Institute of Education. The course was intended to help female university students, especially those who were about to graduate, find work and/or start a business. The event was hosted by Henan's Education Department and Henan Women's Federation. Before the course began, the experts and entrepreneurs, who were invited to participate, presented each female trainee with a flower or a bamboo branch as a gift. During the two-day (November 23-24, 2013) course, the experts and entrepreneurs shared their work experiences with the young women, and offered them advice on preparing their resumes, attending job interviews,  相似文献   

EVERYONE who likes to drink wine knows Guizhou's Maotai, a well-known white spirit. It is the pride of the Guizhou people, because it has been elected as the most famous Chinese white spirit three times and honored as the "state white spirit." Maotai tastes mellow and leaves a pleasing aftertaste. The good taste of this strong spirit benefits from its good water source and the skill of the masters. The Maotai Township is located by the limpid Chishui River, which has clear and sweet water. The method of making Maotai is complicated. It uses wheat to  相似文献   

RISE early one morning and take a walk along the streets.You will not bealone.Every day people teem the streets in the still wee hours to work out inthe dew-filled air.And they are just warming up;recent reports show this armyis expanding.The local media attributes this to the strengthening of health awarenesslinked with the improvement of living standards.  相似文献   

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