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中国文化源远流长,传统文化是民族生存的基石,是民族谋求发展的智囊宝库,传统文化的传承与发展也需要在当代创新思维下寻求多元化。本文以全国范围内掀起的中国传统文化热为契机,试图探讨在当代创新思维下传统文化传承与发展的多元化。通过分析当代文化中对传统文化的传承与发展的现状以及创新思维对文化发展的影响,使读者能够认识到传统文化的重要性以及当代价值,进而使文化能够在当代发展潮流中更好的传承与发展。 相似文献
四平调形成于二十世纪四十年代末,是以淮北花鼓为基础,融合江苏,山东、河南、安徽等地方风土人情形成的一种人民群众喜闻乐见的民间说唱艺术形式。济宁金乡四平调在吸收其他地区花鼓戏的精髓,参考京剧、豫剧、评剧的腔调和表演艺术,融合济宁本地的风土人情,逐渐形成了别具一格的戏剧风格。 相似文献
文化是民族的血脉,而高校肩负着文化传承的神圣使命,本文主要探讨高校思想政治工作者如何发挥高校功能,使文化传承创新更加有效。 相似文献
云南人民用最原始的方式表达着内心的感情,把生活中的点滴化作舞蹈,感染他人,促进舞蹈的发展。本文从舞蹈表演和舞蹈教学等方面,对舞蹈所表现出的情感、肢体、地域、民俗风情等特点进行了探讨,以及对云南舞蹈艺术特色的传承和创新进行了分析。 相似文献
安塞腰鼓历史悠久,是陕北最具有代表性的民间鼓舞,有极高的艺术与文化价值。本研究运用文献资料法、访谈法等研究方法,探讨安塞腰鼓的历史起源发展与文化价值,分析安塞腰鼓发展过程中的制约因素,以及进行保护与传承的途径和模式,为安塞腰鼓的发展提供实践支持。 相似文献
"绿色语文"是对应"灰色语文"提出的一个新的教学概念,本文就"绿色语文"对中国传统语文教学的传承和创新加以阐释。 相似文献
随着西北“花儿”被列为国家级非物质文化遗产,临夏“花儿”作为传统艺术形式和民间瑰宝的代表,具有很大的研究价值.本文对临夏“花儿”的传播现状进行研究,以期对其进一步的传承、保护与发展尽绵薄之力. 相似文献
近一个世纪以来,我们的学术更为规范化、精准化地确立了“艺术人类学”,而“民间艺术”这莫大的人类宝藏令人们叹为观止。众所周知,“花儿”是国内外学者一直关注着的优秀民间艺术精粹,而“洮岷花儿”作为西北地区甘肃岷县境内流传的民间艺术特色,她更以独特的“原生美”滋养着这方水土的生灵。作为“花儿”创造者和演唱者主体之一的女性,究竟是以何等状态参与并渗透到其中,其实是最值得我们关注的亮点话题。或许沉重强势的男权主义早已给贫困地区的女性打上了被动、懦弱、依附的印记。笔者尝试对此加以调查研究,希望挖出“花儿”与人、性、性别、民间传统观念以及社会政治背景的综合关系,剖析其存在意义,在文化保护和传承上做到“花儿传唱”老中青辈辈有人,“民族遗产”祖子孙代代能传。 相似文献
京剧在二百多年的历史长河中不断发展,被尊称为国粹。它从表演、写意、虚实等不同的方面,以超脱舞台局限,使京剧达到了至真至善的境地。如今,京剧逐渐走向下坡路,失去了昔日耀眼的光环,所以京剧要不断的弘扬,要不断的创新,促进其生命力的不断增长。所以追回京剧昔日的光环,让京剧渐渐地被更多的人所接受,使京剧在我们的生活中起到一定的作用,就需要我们不断的探索,不断地努力。这是我们艰巨而光荣的任务。 相似文献
冯学文 《大江周刊.城市生活》2011,(4):44-44
中国的传统设计拥有自己独特的风格,无论是服饰,建筑,或是平面等等.部有其特殊的关感.传统设计一直与人们的生活息息相关.丰富了人们的精神生活.树立了一个国家的文化风格,目前,中国的设计师们逐渐认识到.挖掘传统设计元素,传承传统文化,在这样的基础上进行创新,中国的当代设计才能开创出一条独特的设计之路,才能在当代国际设计领域中占有一席之地.创造出优秀的当代设计作品. 相似文献
Nowadays,financial management plays a vital role in the process of enterprise operation.To improve the level and ability of financial management of enterprises is of great significance to the realization of the modernization of enterprises and the sustainable development of science.In this paper,the financial management status would be first proposed,and suggestions would be made to improve the financial management in enterprises. 相似文献
Reflecting on the compilation and analysis of a range of network datasets drawn from our own work and some prominent examples, we consider the ethical challenges in dealing with network data in business and management settings. We argue that the managerial processes that characterize such settings introduce particular ethical sensitivities in the stages of commissioning and research design, and when collecting, analyzing and reporting network data. These sensitivities arise from the imperatives of business, motivations for commissioning network analyses and the legal authority that managers have over employees. We argue that ethical considerations are much more pervasive in business and management network research than in many other fields.In this contribution, we present a range of ethical challenges in network research in business and management settings that arise at several stages of the research process. For each issue identified, we describe the ethical problem and propose mitigation remedies. From this reflection, we suggest guidelines for other researchers to consider when designing research projects in this application area. 相似文献
Scholars in the field of management and culture have developed paradigms regarding the importance of managing people across culture. While most scholars agree that culture plays a vital role in an organization, it has been recognized that research on the sub-cultures within a national culture that impact on an organization, is very limited. One example is the impact of Javanese culture in Indonesian organizations' environments. Indonesia is widely known as a multicultural country, with a population made up of people from approximately 364 ethnicities. Of these ethnicities, the Javanese have come to be recognized over time as the most culturally and politically dominant in Indonesia. The exploration of Javanese culture and its development over time are the central concerns of this article. The values central to Javanese culture are identified and the relationship between these values and Western perspectives of management practices such as communication, change management, and conflict management are discussed. 相似文献
Cities are dynamic economic and social structures that play a dominant role in both national and international economies.
They are centers of population, production, consumption, and development. Cities utilize all advantages of economy of scale,
proximity, and concentration. On the other hand, they produce high environmental pressures and diminish thereby the quality
of life for urban residents. Indicators (environmental, economic, and governance and management) are seen as a tool that would
help policy-makers in formulating urban policy that would lead cities towards sustainability and provide assistance for monitoring
their development and municipal performance. The aim of this paper is to consider the role that urban indicators can play
in city management. We present basic features of urban indicators that will determine their usefulness in urban management.
This paper provides the framework to include environmental and economic indicators, as well as governance and management indicators,
in successful urban management. 相似文献
Wonhyung Lee Kristin M. Ferguson 《Journal Of Human Behavior In The Social Environment》2013,23(3):389-402
ABSTRACTContrary to the perception that the business community can be hostile and exclusive toward individuals experiencing homelessness, local businesses can and do serve homeless populations at multiple levels. This article proposes a theoretical framework that links the versatile roles that local businesses can play in addressing various dimensions of human needs. This theoretical framework is illustrated through two models in Washington, D.C. and Los Angeles, which focus on the role of business improvement districts (BIDs) and a social enterprise intervention (SEI), respectively. These models demonstrate that the business community can meet not only physical needs but also the emotional and self-actualization goals of homeless individuals. This article suggests that social work education and field education curricula can benefit from engaging the business sector in addressing complex social issues, such as homelessness. 相似文献
There is plenty of evidence demonstrating that volunteering generates benefits for individuals and society at large. However, the role of technology used in recruiting, managing, and retaining volunteers in nonprofits is underexplored in East Asia. Drawing from in‐depth interviews with representatives of eight nonprofits, we examine how technology reconfigured volunteer management in nonprofits, identify its limitations and shortcomings, and discuss strategies in which technology can be utilized to enhance the effectiveness of volunteer management. We found, through this study, that the use of technology reconfigured key aspects of volunteer management: improving recruitment by enlarging and diversifying the volunteer pool; enhancing precision and speed of volunteer matching; improving nonprofits’ ability to recruit professionals; and reducing overall administrative burden of volunteer management within these nonprofits. However, challenges in volunteer management resulting from technology uptake were also observed, including resistance among frontline staff to adopt technology, and volunteer accountability and quality assurance. Specifically, it was found through this study that the extent to which nonprofits are able to effectively utilize technology in volunteer management is contingent on how well volunteer managers are able to actualize the notion of capacity optimization, create a friendly volunteer environment, and build rapport with volunteers. Implications for enhancing organizational capacity in volunteer management vis‐à‐vis the role of technology in the third sector are further discussed. 相似文献
Katarzyna Piątkowska 《Intercultural Education》2015,26(5):397-408
Approaches to the concept of culture and teaching cultural competence in a foreign language classroom have been changing over the last decades. The paper summarises, compares, contrasts and evaluates four major approaches to teaching cultural competence in foreign language teaching, that is, knowledge-based approach, contrastive approach, Communicative Language Teaching and intercultural communicative competence approach. 相似文献