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本文在分析广西北部湾经济区产业集聚现状和不足之处的基础上,通过计算反映产业集聚的基尼系数,总结广西制造业产业集聚的特征,并利用stata软件构建固定效应模型,分析影响北部湾经济区制造业产业集聚的因素,最后,对将广西北部湾经济区中国-东盟制造业基地构建的产业集聚发展提出建议。  相似文献   

摘要承接沿海发达地区产业转移,是实现广西东部地区崛起的一项重大决策。在我国东部发达地区产业西移的大势中,广西东部四市要使承接产业转移不断跃上新台阶,必须选准产业转移的承接点;并在打造承接产业转移的平台上下足功夫,以良好的投资环境作有力支撑,促进广西东部四市经济实现跨越式发展。  相似文献   

建设区域性国际物流中心,是广西北部湾经济区实现跨越式发展的必由之路。而区域物流产业的发展,离不开区域内相关关联产业的发展。现代物流相关关联产业对打造广西北部湾经济区国际物流基地具有重要的意义,而加工业、商业和国际会展业,则是最关键的关联产业,需要采取积极对策,加快发展,并与该区域物流业形成良性互动。  相似文献   

案例背景 去年国务院出台了《关于进一步促进广西经济社会发展的若干意见》,再加上广西北部湾经济区全面开发开放、中国-东盟自由贸易区正式建成和“14+4”产业集群的打造.广西经济社会正面临良好的发展机遇,这也对广西教育提出更高要求。  相似文献   

中国-东盟合作给广西北部湾产业园区带来了重大的发展机遇,通过借鉴其他区域合作中产业园区发展经验,北部湾产业园区可以从改变产业结构、强化服务、注重招商引资、推动合作对接等方面加快园区发展步伐。  相似文献   

本文通过对湖南省岳阳市气象信息产业发展历程的回顾,系统地盘点了其发展、扩张、做强的策略,认为岳阳气象信息产业发展态势将继续呈良性发展,并从多角度阐述了细分市场,研制开发个性化信息产品,科学规范设置信息工作平台的信息产业发展思路;指出争取政策支持,扩张信息领域,打造气象文化,拓展服务领域,增加科技含量,是气象信息产业扩张的有效方略。提出了铸造综合平台,打造气象信息产业品牌的整合方向,从而实现气象信息产业可持续发展的目标。  相似文献   

随着发展战略性新兴产业的提出,广西、山东、浙江、湖南、安徽、青海、江苏、江西等地相继出台了未来几年内海洋产业、文化创意产业以及光伏产业的未来发展规划.本文根据已出台的规划文件对海洋产业、文化创意产业、光伏产业的进行数据比较。来勾画各地区未来发展重点领域蓝图。  相似文献   

广西:实行科技创新一揽子政策广西围绕技术研究开发、工程应用、成果转化和人才队伍四个方面,按照产业化工程院、产业工程院、工程院的三个层次,着力打造25个自治区工程院;确定了100家自治区级研发中心、100家产学研用一体化企业、100家自治区级创新型企业,通过加大100个科技攻关项目投入,从企业、项目、人才等方面示范带动广西创新体系建设。(《领导决策信息》)  相似文献   

广西作为"一带一路"有机衔接的重要门户,在其实施中具有区位、平台载体、交通便捷等优势。"一带一路"战略通过促进多领域互联互通、产业聚集、资源要素有序流动与市场高度融合等,深刻改变广西城镇化发展格局并赋予诸多新机遇。基于"一带一路"框架,广西新型城镇化发展应树立全区发展的大局观和合作观,构建资源要素自由流动通道,强化产业带动与支撑功能,完善县域城镇体系并与大中城市发展互动衔接。  相似文献   

案例背景 最近10多年.广西工业发展迅速。“脊梁”挺起,地位上升.“短腿”变成了“主导”,但总量小、发展方式粗放、科技创新能力不强的状况仍没有根本改变。在这样背景下。广西根据国家产业调整和振兴规划及《国务院关于进一步促进广西经济社会发展的若干意见》,于2009年底出台了《关于做大做强做优工业的决定》,明确提出打造14个千亿元产业、培育和发展4个新兴产业。  相似文献   

基于.NET的供应链管理系统设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文系统研究了供应链管理系统的设计原理和总体架构,提出了供应链管理的运作流程,以缩短供应链响应时间和作业流程最优化为目标,提出了基于.NET的供应链管理系统解决方案,实现了供应链管理系统的供应商、制造商、销售商、第三方物流公司、终端客户等管理功能.该系统为企业管理人员提供了智能化管理决策工具.  相似文献   

Considerable advances have been made in corporate governance research in recent years and opportunities exist to consider these developments within alliances. We extend the “scope of operations” hypothesis to the domain of joint ventures. This proposition suggests that the monitoring carried out by boards increases when organizations become more complex. The inherent characteristics of JVs generate unique sources of complexity that are currently unexplored in the corporate governance literature. First, we seek to determine their influence on monitoring by using primary data on JV board monitoring. Second, we adopt the size of JV boards as a proxy for monitoring in order to examine whether the determinants of board size and monitoring in fact coincide and to reveal if certain effects are masked by using board size as a simple proxy for monitoring. Doing so enables us to investigate the black-box of what boards actually do as well as extend governance research to other organizational forms. Our findings confirm that the unique characteristics of JVs influence the information needs by the boards resulting in more monitoring by JV directors. Our findings show there is value in bridging alliance theory and the literature on corporate governance research. We also advance practitioner's understanding by providing suggestions on how to structure JV boards in relation to their complexity.  相似文献   

Existing approaches within leadership studies often share a bias towards industrialized societies and lack broader cross-cultural and ethological reference. Meanwhile, cross-cultural and evolutionary approaches within anthropology are actively working to unify research on leadership and followership across the biological and social sciences. This review provides a novel and thorough view of political leadership as investigated by evolutionary anthropologists and highlights the benefits of incorporating findings from the evolutionary social sciences into leadership studies generally. We introduce the anthropological approach to leadership; describe evolutionary anthropology, its subdisciplines (including primatology, paleoanthropology, paleogenetics, human behavioral ecology, and gene-culture coevolution), and its complementary disciplines (particularly evolutionary psychology); review leadership and hierarchy in nonhumans, including our extinct hominid ancestors; review female leadership and sex-differences; and, primarily, discuss the relationships between evolution, ecology, and culture as they relate to the observed patterns of political leadership and followership across human societies. Through evolutionary anthropology's diverse toolkit, a deeper insight into the evolution and cross-cultural patterning of leadership is realized.  相似文献   

This analysis of International Business (IB) corruption literature identifies gaps and inconsistencies in how corruption is perceived or deliberated in top academic journals. The reviewed articles tend to focus on one of the three key themes of IB corruption (Contributing factors, Consequences, and Combating) and are categorised into the six sub-domains of the IB framework. The content of the articles is categorised into the respective themes and discussed in relation to underpinning theories and key constructs. The process is intended to be less a synthesis of the literature than an audit revealing that IB corruption research is weakened by tendencies to: 1) Be siloed within its subtheme and to not cross-tie to work in other key themes—this issue is very severe in the Combating theme; 2) Have a short-term focus that disregards the cumulative effects of total graft, and; 3) Asymmetrically focus (predominantly) on the supply side of corruption. These finding suggest several avenues for further research.  相似文献   

Subjective probability distributions constitute an important part of the input to decision analysis and other decision aids. The long list of persistent biases associated with human judgments under uncertainy [16] suggests, however, that these biases can be translated into the elicited probabilities which, in turn, may be reflected in the output of the decision aids, potentially leading to biased decisions. This experiment studies the effectiveness of three debiasing techniques in elicitation of subjective probability distributions. It is hypothesized that the Socratic procedure [18] and the devil's advocate approach [6] [7] [31] [32] [33] [34] will increase subjective uncertainty and thus help assessors overcome a persistent bias called “overconfidence.” Mental encoding of the frequency of the observed instances into prespecified intervals, however, is expected to decrease subjective uncertainty and to help assessors better capture, mentally, the location and skewness of the observed distribution. The assessors' ratings of uncertainty confirm these hypotheses related to subjective uncertainty but three other measures based on the dispersion of the elicited subjective probability distributions do not. Possible explanations are discussed. An intriguing explanation is that debiasing may affect what some have called “second order” uncertainty. While uncertainty ratings may include this second component, the measures based on the elicited distributions relate only to “first order” uncertainty.  相似文献   

本文在对国内专业市场电子商务发展趋势和浙江湖州专业市场电子商务应用现状分析的基础上,规划了基于湖州区域的"专业市场+网络商铺"平台的功能,在分析ASP.NET技术的基础上设计了平台的系统结构与数据库实现技术,最后归纳了平台规划与设计的创新点.  相似文献   

From an evolutionary perspective, followership is puzzling because it is not clear why individuals would relinquish their autonomy and set aside their personal goals to follow those of another individual, the leader. This paper analyzes followership from an evolutionary perspective and advances three main conclusions that are not yet part of the leadership literature. First, followership evolved as a strategy to solve a range of cooperation and coordination problems in groups (e.g., collective movement, peacekeeping). Second, individuals who lack the physical, psychological, or social capital to be leaders themselves are more likely to emerge as followers. Third, followership styles, behaviors, and engagement result from (a) variations in the relative pay-offs that accrue to followers vis-à-vis their leader, (b) the adaptive goals pursued by followers, (c) the adaptive challenges that select for different followership styles, and (d) the prevailing leadership style. Together, these conclusions have several implications for followership theory, research, and practice.  相似文献   

This article explores the concept of leveraging global knowledge for business model innovation, whereby knowledge is transferred across space and firm boundaries for the reconfiguration of an incumbent firm's business model. Considering the implications of an ever-increasing fragmentation of global value chains and the associated dispersion of global knowledge sources, we propose that supply chain partners at foreign locations can provide valuable knowledge that incumbents can leverage to change their business model. Integrating insights from global supply chain, business model, and organizational learning literature, we theorize and empirically test how different organizational capabilities enable firms to acquire knowledge from foreign partners, integrate external with internal knowledge, transform knowledge through experimentation, and finally apply global knowledge in the form of business model innovation. We conclude with suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

Even though war gaming and scenario planning are widely used in business contexts, there is little evidence that either practice is associated with superior performance. Why, then, spend the costs? In this paper we address this puzzle and suggest why the extant empirical findings have so far proven limited. We consider the development of these practices and find that they have a substantially entangled and overlapping history, particularly at the RAND Corporation in the 1950s. Despite shared historical roots, the treatment of war gaming and scenario planning in the scholarly literature branched out into different streams. This separation is unfortunate because it obscures a better understanding of the premises under which these practices are effective. We propose an analysis of the overlaps and contrasts of war gaming and scenario planning that sets out clear boundary conditions for their use and efficacy. We find that each practice is tailored to provide strategic guidance in a context where the organization is facing different forms of uncertainty. This suggests they may be effective, and thus improve organizational performance, where the relevant uncertainties are operative. Such benefits would be apparent over longer time scales, and only if the relevant boundary conditions are met. However, to the best of our knowledge, no longitudinal empirical test of either war gaming or scenario planning is available. We therefore conclude that more research is needed to ascertain the true relationship between these popular practices and their performance outcomes.  相似文献   

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