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体面劳动(decent work)的概念自1999年问世以来受到了国内学者的极大关注。本文检索了2009年至2012年9月在国内公开发表的以"体面劳动"为关键词的研究论文和著作,并对这些研究进行了分析、梳理,认为近期的研究具有视角多元化、群体广覆盖和实证研究取得突破性进展三个特点,最后做出了简要述评和展望。 相似文献
女性农民工已成为工业化和城市化的重要力量,体面劳动是一种有尊严的、和谐的劳动,是一种新的、符合社会发展要求的劳动观。研究女性农民工这一特殊群体的体面劳动具有重要的社会价值与管理意义。本文通过问卷调查统计分析女性农民工体面劳动的现状及其影响因素,验证人力资本与社会资本对于体面劳动的双重作用路径,同时验证心理资本的正向调节作用,旨在引起社会对女性农民工体面劳动的关注,促进和谐劳动关系的实现,为丰富体面劳动的理论与实践体系提供借鉴。 相似文献
劳动经济学中,劳动力参与率是指有工作者和正在寻找工作者占相应人口的百分比,是衡量那些愿意在家庭之外工作的人口的一个重要而明确的统计指标。劳动参与率的大小往往与劳动供给曲线相联系。劳动供给曲线是经济学的一个基本分析模型,其中以向后弯曲的供给曲线最为经济学所引用。后弯曲线是说明增加工资反而使劳动力供给量减少, 相似文献
由于制度性障碍尚未完全消除,加之很多农民工缺乏就业竞争优势,导致农民工在劳动关系矛盾中很难通过“劳资博弈”机制来维护自身的合法权益。因此,构建农民工劳动关系政府规制机制非常必要。要明确规制目标,查找短板,不断提升规制效率和效果,就要建立绩效考核制度,而其关键环节就是构建关键绩效指标体系。然而,这方面的研究极为缺乏。本文运用层次分析法构建了农民工劳动关系政府规制的关键绩效指标层次结构模型,该模型体现了“保护农民工的合法劳动权益,促进农民工劳动关系和谐健康发展”的战略导向,能督促各级政府部门将工作重点集中于对实现战略目标具有重大驱动力的要项,促进战略目标的达成。 相似文献
科学发展观是指导发展的科学理论,其核心是提高人民的生活质量。本文以科学发展观为指导,从宏观层面构建了澳门居民客观生活质量指标体系。该体系涵盖了经济、社会、环境三大系统,包括物质福利、教育、健康等11个与生活质量直接相关的领域,反映了澳门经济、社会、环境的整体发展面貌和居民生活质量状况,体现了全面、协调、可持续发展的科学发展观内涵。 相似文献
In this article a macro-oriented conceptual framework of the conditions necessary for the advancement of sustainability within an economy and society is formulated and analysed. The theoretical framework presented is a set of logical identities, which define relationships between the total environmental stress (TES) and the basic indicators of economic, technological and social development. The framework, called the Total Environmental Stress Approach, provides necessary but not sufficient conditions for advancing sustainability. Scenario alternatives utilizing the TES approach with data from Finland are presented to evaluate the theoretical framework. 相似文献
An Introduction to ‘Benefit of the Doubt’
Composite Indicators 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Laurens Cherchye Willem Moesen Nicky Rogge Tom Van Puyenbroeck 《Social indicators research》2007,82(1):111-145
Despite their increasing use, composite indicators remain controversial. The undesirable dependence of countries’ rankings
on the preliminary normalization stage, and the disagreement among experts/stakeholders on the specific weighting scheme used
to aggregate sub-indicators, are often invoked to undermine the credibility of composite indicators. Data envelopment analysis
may be instrumental in overcoming these limitations. One part of its appeal in the composite indicator context stems from
its invariance to measurement units, which entails that a normalization stage can be skipped. Secondly, it fills the informational
gap in the ‘right’ set of weights by generating flexible ‘benefit of the doubt’-weights for each evaluated country. The ease
of interpretation is a third advantage of the specific model that is the main focus of this paper. In sum, the method may
help to neutralize some recurring sources of criticism on composite indicators, allowing one to shift the focus to other,
and perhaps more essential stages of their construction.
An abridged version of this paper was presented at the Workshop on European Indicators and Scoreboards, organised by DG Education
and the Joint Research Centre within the auspices of CRELL, in Brussels, October 24–25, 2005. 相似文献
The European Union launched the Lisbon Strategy in 2000 with the aim of establishing itself as the world’s most powerful economy. The importance of job quality has returned to the top of the European employment and social policy agenda. As targets are set, significant progress has been made in the creation of indicators. In this study, we compute a composite index for quality of work life using the dimensional structure provided by the European Commission, and present our results for regions, sectors, professional categories and sizes of firm in Spain in the period 2001–2004. We find that better results are found in the more developed regions, in service sectors, in bigger firms and in jobs with more responsibility. Finally, we compare the results of the index with workers’ subjective perceptions of job satisfaction, measured by a quality of work life survey. The test results reveal a strong relationship between the two measurements. 相似文献
Pei-shan Liao 《Social indicators research》2009,91(1):99-114
This study explores the consistency between objective indicators and subjective perceptions of quality of life in a ranking
of survey data for cities and counties in Taiwan. Data used for analysis included the Statistical Yearbook of Hsiens and Municipalities
and the Survey on Living Conditions of Citizens in Taiwan, both given for the year 2000. The Quality of life was examined
in seven domains: medical services, domestic finances, work, education, leisure, public safety, and environmental quality.
Subjective and objective rankings for each domain of quality of life for 23 areas (some areas are cities and some are counties)
are compared. Analysis by means of nonparametric correlation coefficients indicates that there is no significant correlation
between objective indicators and subjective perceptions, except in Education and Environmental Quality. Objective indicators
of Environmental Quality (air pollution and garbage) are positively correlated with subjective satisfaction with residential
environment. But inexplicably, higher levels of literacy and educational achievement are negatively correlated with satisfaction
with the educational system. It may be considered that disparity in either average objective conditions or in average subjective
perceptions may not adequately depict quality of life differences.
Pei-shan LiaoEmail: |
There are many indicators of a person’s well-being that could be used for policy purposes. Few would argue that any single
indicator of well-being is appropriate in all contexts and, increasingly, social scientists are attempting to integrate the
various indicators. Further successful integration depends on understanding how the various indicators of well-being relate
to one another in a dynamic way. This paper attempts to connect indicators of what people anticipate to indicators of what
is actually experienced and, in so doing, inform the normative debate about the appropriateness of different indicators in
policy contexts. 相似文献
Indigenous Peoples and Indicators of Well-being: Australian Perspectives on United Nations Global Frameworks 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
John Taylor 《Social indicators research》2008,87(1):111-126
One of the major tasks of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) following its establishment in 2000 has been to establish statistical profiles of the world’s Indigenous peoples. As part of this broad task, it has recommended that the Millennium Development Goals and other global reporting frameworks should be assessed with a view to incorporating greater recognition of Indigenous concerns, interests, and interpretations of development and well-being. This article reviews the conceptual basis for this recommendation and compares the activities of the UNPFII towards the development of appropriate indicators with the practices of the Australian government in measuring disadvantage among Indigenous peoples in that country. Indigenous peoples’ own perceptions and understandings of well-being are seen to extend beyond and sometimes conflict with conventional reporting frameworks with the latter constructed more around processes of governmentality than Indigenous priorities. 相似文献
There are over 200 identified community based indicator projects in the United States. This paper reviews the factors that
contribute to the success and failure of community indicator projects and discusses the types of desired outcomes that communities
are trying to achieve. Both organizational and political factors contributing to the success of community indicators projects
are discussed. Appendices include information on many of the community indicator projects in the United States. Advice for
communities seeking to launch an indicator project are outlined. 相似文献
Jeffrey James 《Social indicators research》2007,80(3):535-553
Meeting the Millennium Development Goals will necessarily require a heavy focus on rural areas, where most of the world’s
poor are to be found. More specifically, policy will need to raise the productivity of this group, which includes farmers,
wage labourers and those suffering from disease and malnutrition. Yet, at present, no index exists which can assess countries
on the basis of technological indicators that bear heavily on the productivity of the rural poor. A wide variety of unresolved
problems notwithstanding, this paper constitutes the first attempt to construct an index that is designed specifically to
assist those who are concerned with rural-specific policies towards meeting the MDGs. 相似文献