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目前生涯辅导越来越受到高校普遍关注,而传统的教育方式难以较好培养学生成才。体验式生涯辅导采用大学生亲身体验的方式,获得自己的经验,提高大学生的生涯发展自主意识和自我学习动力,以增强适应未来社会环境的就业能力和持续发展能力。  相似文献   

薛峰  刘真 《职业时空》2009,5(6):67-68
对大学生生涯辅导的现状进行了初步的调查与分析,并从大学生生涯辅导的时间、方式、目标等多个角度对大学生生涯辅导体系的构建与实施进行了初步的探索。  相似文献   

职业成熟度研究对大学生生涯辅导的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Super最先提出了职业成熟度的概念.作为描述不同年龄学生的生涯发展阶段以及他们作出职业选择的准备状况。本文以此作为重要的切入点,介绍职业成熟度的内涵和研究成果,并论述了其对大学生生涯辅导的三点启示:生涯辅导应多种形式并存、生涯辅导课程要有针对性、加强生涯评估工作。  相似文献   

高职院校艺术设计专业学生的学习态度问题包括对高职教育的认可度低,有一定的排斥、逆反心理;自信心不足,不能正确面对挫折;思想意识相对独立但行为依赖性强;缺乏明确的奋斗目标及学习的动力.在高职院校应开展职业生涯的规划与辅导,重视高职学生独立、自信、负责的意志品质培养;帮助高职学生实现未来发展目标.  相似文献   

慈勤佳 《职业》2014,(33):133-133
体验式教学法是一种经过长期教学实践验证的行之有效的教学方法,这种教学方法特别注重师生交流、学生的直观体验及独立思考能力的培养。这种欣赏学生、倾听学生主观想法的教学方法在中职类英语教学中的作用尤其突出,笔者通过日常工作总结出体验式教学法的作用。  相似文献   

林芳 《职业》2016,(23):143-144
本文围绕中职体验式生涯课程情境为载体学生为主体体验为核心三大理念,阐述了课程目标及结构,介绍了情境体验、主题活动、纸笔游戏三种教学方法,并结合具体实例对情境感受、自主探究、实践体验、反馈拓展四阶段的教学环节进行了论述,评估了体验式生涯课程境·探·体·拓教学模式对促进中职生个性化发展的效果.  相似文献   

团体心理辅导是高校大学生心理健康教育的重要途径。在新生入学教育中运用团体辅导,可以有效改善大学生心理健康水平,提高大学生的心理素质。本文对比团体辅导前后,症状自评量表、团体活动自我评估表等反应的测试结果,对团体心理辅导在大学新生入学教育中的作用展开质的分析。  相似文献   

为探析高校朋辈心理辅导服务现状与作用,本研究先后调研了河北大学、华北电力大学、河北师范大学、河北医科大学等14所有代表性的高校,发现了在校大学生存在的一些心理困惑和各高校朋辈心理辅导体系现状,以期通过有效提升高校朋辈心理辅导的质量进一步加强高校心理健康工作。  相似文献   

本文以软件工程本科专业为例,从2011—2015年毕业生就业去向、就业服务体系构建的具体途径、存在的问题及完善策略等方面论应用型高校就业指导课教学研究。提出开展以服务为导向的全方位的就业技能培训工作。建立相关的服务指导、咨询教学为一体的模式;通过建设职业指导工作队伍,建立全新就业指导工作体系。  相似文献   

Effects of Question Order on Survey Responses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two question orders were used in a Kentucky statewide randomsurvey. In nonoverlapping sections, four questions which askedthe respondents to express their general interests in politicsand religion and their general evaluations of the gravity ofthe economic and energy situations either preceded or followedseries of specific questions on the same issues. The respondentsexpressed significantly greater interest in politics and religionwhen these general questions followed the specific questions,but evaluations of the economic and energy crises were not significantlyaffected by question placement. Implications for the arrangementof questions within surveys are discussed.  相似文献   

Previous conceptions of social justice presupposed a closed political community in which nation‐states were to be in full control of policy instruments that reinforced mechanisms of social justice. States’ governing capacity to deliver social justice to their citizens has been challenged in the face of deepening transnational interactions and interdependencies in economic, political, and cultural realms, as these interactions and interdependencies directly affect the lives of millions of people. This paper revisits an ongoing debate on Global Social Justice and aims to introduce two clashing views – namely, Minimalist and Cosmopolitan approaches – on whether or not people in affluent societies have distinctive duties of concern for people in less developed countries. After outlining the main contours of the arguments on both sides, the paper concludes by suggesting that the debate can inform different areas of sociological inquiry that are directly related to issues such as power, inequality, and social exclusion.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the impact of electronic land administration as an e-government policy initiative in Nigeria. It analyses conceptually the differences between the expected and actual value of Abuja Geographic Information Systems (AGIS)—an e-land administration project—on urbanisation in Abuja, the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) of Nigeria. The AGIS case study reveals that differences between the expected and actual value of strengthening the state’s financial capacity are low. The differences are medium for enhancing access to and security of credit, and improvement of land use planning and environmental management and high for the promotion of popular participation. The elicited differences are traceable to hindrances inscribed in Land Use and National Housing Acts, to inequitable access to land, inconsistent resettlement policy, poor community participation and financial misconduct. The findings suggest the need to pay attention to provisions through which e-government can support the reduction of country specific problems, improve the quality of institutions and to promote urbanisation, thereby increasing social welfare as well as participation by the people in promoting suitable and adequate shelter for all citizens.  相似文献   

The far-reaching effects of the social systemic division of labor on the organization and contents of primary ties make the Community Question an important issue for many sociologists. This paper looks at the personal embeddedness of families in three German cities (Berlin, Hamburg, and Stuttgart) and examines the Community Question with data collected at the end of 2003. It is based on the theoretical views of Wellman [Wellman, B., 1979. The community question. The intimate networks of East Yorkers. American Journal of Sociology 84, 1201–1231], who used a network analysis perspective to conceptualize “the Community Question”. The results of this German study generally support the results of Wellman's second East York Study. However, the network structures analyzed in my study vary from the three ideal-type models. Cluster analysis shows that Wellman's typology can be replicated relatively well in Germany. In contrast to traditional discourse related to the Community Question, particular network types are not associated with low levels of social relations. Moreover, structural factors do not explain the existence of different network types. Thus, the networks are not a product of only one community model. They suggest that it is less helpful to talk about “Saved”, “Lost”, or “Liberated” communities than it is to regard communities as a mixture of strongly-knit nuclear clusters and of broader, sparsely-knit relations that provide access to different groups and their resources.  相似文献   


This essay explores the changing landscape of food sovereignty politics in the shadow of the so-called ‘land grab’. While the food sovereignty movement emerged within a global agrarian crisis conjuncture triggered by northern dumping of foodstuffs, institutionalized in WTO trade rules, the twenty-first-century food, energy and financial crises intensify this crisis for the world's rural poor (inflating prices of staple foods and agri-inputs) deepening the process of dispossession. The circulation of food is compounded by global financial flows into enclosing land for industrial agriculture and/or speculation, challenging small producer rights across the world. Under these conditions, the terms of struggle for the food sovereignty movement are shifting towards a human rights politics on the ground as well as in global forums like the FAO's Committee on World Food Security. This includes in particular the need to develop a discursive politics to reframe what is at stake, namely the protection and support of a production model based on social co-operation, multi-functionality and ecologically restorative principles.  相似文献   

Twin brothers aged 12 attended a special needs boarding school which had provision for children with emotional disturbances and other disabilities. While they were at home during the holidays, their mother overheard a conversation between them which led her to suspect abuse. She asked them several questions and decided to contact the police. An investigation began which also included interviewing several other boys, some of whom had been removed from the twins' school and were attending a school elsewhere. The evidence obtained from a number of the boys was considered to be strong enough for the Crown Prosecution Service to take the case forward. Almost a year after the mother's initial referral the committal hearing took place. Lobbying from a local voluntary organization resulted in screens being used in the courtroom which would otherwise not have been provided. The case was heard and transferred to the Crown Court for trial. The magistrate in the committal hearing made clear recommendations that the children's disabilities and the delay there had already been in bringing the case to court should determine that the subsequent trial needed to take place as soon as possible. However, more delays ensued and the final date was established almost a year later. The children each spent between 2 and 6 hours in the witness-box. The defence counsel frequently focused on their disabilities in questioning the validity of their evidence. The twins were expecting to give evidence by video-link, but the delays meant they were considered too old to be ‘vulnerable’ witnesses and had to speak in open court. The first twin's evidence was not completed in one day and the mother was told that she could not talk to either of them about the case, nor could they stay together that night. She was told that she had to choose which of her distressed sons to take home and that she had to make alternative arrangements for the other child. She was given no support in making the decision. In addition to this distress, during the day she had witnessed the defence counsel's attitude to her son, who had severe hearing difficulties. The defence counsel had laughed at the child's difficulty in hearing and said, ‘Can't hear or is it that you don't want to answer?’ One of the other children was humiliated by the defence counsel saying, ‘Who would want a smelly, shitty boy on their lap, no-one hugs smelly, shitty boys like you?’. The child was giving evidence on video-link and became so upset he was ‘switched off’ so that he was no longer visible to the court. Another child had epilepsy and counsel argued that he could not put questions to the child in case the child had a fit. In addition, an ‘expert’ witness who had seen some of the children 5 years previously stated categorically that ‘these children are born liars’. The outcome of this trial was that the headmaster was found guilty on several counts and received an 18-month prison sentence.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of a pilot of a cross-national learning process within the context of social work education. The pilot was carried out in the electronic environment by students from four European universities (Hogeschool Utrecht, Sheffield, Tartu and Vilnius). The analysis of the social work case of a disabled person was aimed at developing students’ abilities to make sensitive cross-national comparisons, to communicate within a different language and cultural context and to demonstrate understanding between practice and policy in a different country. Students’ reflections revealed the relevance of cross-cultural social work case analysis for developing future social workers’ professional and personal competencies. The study offered new insights into the social reality of the students’ own countries, into social work education and practice, and provided a broader understanding of international social work trends. The evaluation of the piloted e-learning programme indicated the advantages and limitations of long distance, cross-national learning.

Straipsnyje pristatomi socialinio darbo studentams skirtos elektroninio mokymosi programos bandymo tarptautiniu lygiu rezultatai. Programos bandyme dalyvavo keturiu Europos auk?tuju mokyklu studentai (?efildo, Tartu, Vilniaus universitetu ir Utrechto Hogeschool). Elektronineje erdveje jiems buvo pateiktas neigalaus asmens problemi?kos socialines adaptacijos atvejis, kuri, vadovaujant destytojams, jie turejo sinchroni?kai i?analizuoti programoje nurodytomis pakopomis. Mokymo programos tikslas – ugdyti studentu tarpkulturine kompetencija, gebejimus atlikti lyginamaja analize, padeti jiems giliau suprasti ry?i tarp skirtingu ?aliu socialines politikos ir socialinio darbo praktikos. Studentu refleksijos bei atvejo sprendimo proceso analize parode, kad tokia programa yra tinkama ugdyti busimu socialiniu darbuotoju profesine ir asmenine kompetencija tarptautiniu lygiu. Vertindami elektroninio mokymosi programa, studentai konstatavo, kad ji leido jiems naujai pazvelgti i savo ?aliu socialine situacija, geriau suprasti tarptautinio socialinio darbo tendencijas ir suteike lyginamuju tyrimu patirties. Programos bandymas padejo identifikuoti ir distancinio mokymo trukumus, i kuriuos butina atsizvelgti taikant ja ateityje.

In dit artikel worden de resultaten van de pilot van een e-learning programma gepresenteerd waaraan Social Work opleidingen van verschillende Europese universiteiten en hogescholen hebben deelgenomen (Hogeschool Utrecht, Vilnius University, Sheffield Hallam University Sheffield en University of Tartu). Een Nederlandse casus over de begeleiding van de werksituatie van een verstandelijk gehandicapte cliënt vormde het uitgangspunt. Gedurende een periode van 10 weken, maakte van elk land een groep van 4 studenten een analyse en interventieplan. De resultaten van digitaal verstrekte opdrachten werden met elkaar vergeleken. De bedoeling was dat studenten op deze wijze inzicht verwerven in diversiteit van benaderingen binnen Social Work in Europa. Het resultaat van de pilot is dat minstens zoveel overeenkomsten als verschillen in de Social Work praktijk en het onderwijs zichtbaar werden. Internationale trends konden worden onderscheiden. In een evaluatie van het e-learning programma worden de mogelijkheden en beperkingen van grensoverschrijdend afstandsonderwijs besproken.  相似文献   

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