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这是一篇倡议性文章,旨在呼吁中国管理科学的研究要直面管理实践.从读者、研究者、学生、主管机构、社会评论者的困惑出发,反思了管理科学发展存在的问题,主张管理科学研究要重新思考管理的本质,使之从异化中走出来,强化对实践问题的研究,从中提炼真正的科学理论问题,既可以用理论指导实践,也可以服务于中国管理科学体系的创建.在此基础上,提出了管理科学未来发展的10项倡议和10个方面的突破点.  相似文献   

谈谈创建现代管理科学中国学派的若干问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘人怀  孙东川 《管理学报》2008,5(3):323-329
分析了中国管理科学面临的形势;评述了管理科学与管理学的广义内涵与狭义内涵,赞成对管理科学取广义;建议学习与借鉴钱学森关于系统科学与系统学的论述以及所做的工作;认为中国的管理工作在全世界独树一帜,具有中国特色的管理模式正在形成,应该积极创建现代管理科学的中国学派;最后对创建工作提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

从对当前我国管理学名词术语的一些疑惑,提出管理学在中国发展过程中的一些问题;从对我国管理科学基础研究主渠道研究经费使用的指导思想的解读,明确管理学在中国发展的终级目标是"创建管理科学的中国学派";通过对世界级的管理大师德鲁克管理思想的分析,支持了"基金委"管理科学部制订的管理科学的战略目标;从学术期刊的视角道出了《管理学报》对这一战略目标的憧憬和努力,并期待着管理学者、专家对《管理学报》的关注、指导和支持!  相似文献   

高校中层领导班子的结构,是整体功能发挥的基础,是领导科学和管理科学的一项基本要求。本文就完善高校中层领导班子结构进行初步的探讨。  相似文献   

该文认为,和谐社会创建的基础是和谐组织的创建。和谐组织的创建包括组织内的和谐创建、组织间的和谐创建、组织与社会的和谐创建。应该基于价值链管理进行和谐组织的创建,创建和谐组织是一项复杂而艰巨的系统工程,是企业家观念转变和盈利性组织资源重新整合的一种管理方式的变革。  相似文献   

江苏省疾控中心坚持以党的建设和文明单位创建推进全面建设,实行目标管理,严格监督考核,领导班子督办提升,中层干部合力创建,全体职工群策群力,创建氛围浓厚.围绕"以客户为中心"和"以职工为主人"两个重点,做到以人为本民主公开,促进管理科学高效,深化法治江苏建设.  相似文献   

青岛成为新时期加强机关建设的典范项目背景与动因平衡计分卡(BSC)是目前国际管理科学界公认的最先进、最有效的管理工具。2005年,作为青岛市"创建高绩效机关、做人民满意公务员"工作的重要组成部分,青岛市委市直机关工委在国内党政机关率先推行平衡记分卡方法。  相似文献   

国家自然科学基金委员会管理科学部指出,“在经历了20多年‘学习、引进、消化、吸收’的过程后,我国管理科学已经具备了进入自主创新发展阶段的条件。21世纪初中国的管理科学正面临一个发展的跃阶点,即从跟踪模仿阶段进入具有自主创新能力的阶段。”由此提出“十一五”的3项战略目标:“奠定在未来10~20年中逐步建立管理科学中国学派的学科基础;显著提高管理科学研究为中国管理实践服务的能力和水平;完成管理科学研究的基础设施的总体设计和部分内容建设。”对于这一令人振奋的历史使命,我国管理科学工作者都十分关注,也会有不同的理解。为了…  相似文献   

中国管理科学研究面临的几个关键问题   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
一、管理科学基本理论的研究亟待加强本文所说的管理科学 (managementsciences)是广义的 ,而不是管理学丛林中的管理科学 (managementscience)学派①。本文所说的管理科学的核心部分 ,是我们常说的管理学(management) ,但又不限于此。要想从战略角度 ,看清楚中国管理科学研究的关键问题 ,就不能不一瞥世界管理科学发展的大致情况。(一)概况从世界管理科学的角度来看 ,管理科学还处于理论的丛林阶段。二战以前 ,从泰勒的科学管理开始 ,经由法约尔的总结 ,形成了14条一般管理原则 ,及管理活…  相似文献   

建立与市场经济相适应的现代企业制度,是公司化改革的根本方向。现代企业制度作为一项复杂的系统工程,包含着多方面的内容,而按照"管理科学"的要求,建立和完善企业内部管理制度,则是其重要内容之一。  相似文献   

We consider a make‐to‐order manufacturer that serves two customer classes: core customers who pay a fixed negotiated price, and “fill‐in” customers who make submittal decisions based on the current price set by the firm. Using a Markovian queueing model, we determine how much the firm can gain by explicitly accounting for the status of its production facility in making pricing decisions. Specifically, we examine three pricing policies: (1) static, state‐independent pricing, (2) constant pricing up to a cutoff state, and (3) general state‐dependent pricing. We determine properties of each policy, and illustrate numerically the financial gains that the firm can achieve by following each policy as compared with simpler policies. Our main result is that constant pricing up to a cutoff state can dramatically outperform a state‐independent policy, while at the same time achieving most of the increase in revenue achievable from general state‐dependent pricing. Thus, we find that constant pricing up to a cutoff state presents an attractive tradeoff between ease of implementation and revenue gain. When the costs of policy design and implementation are taken into account, this simple heuristic may actually out‐perform general state‐dependent pricing in some settings.  相似文献   

We consider a make‐to‐stock, finite‐capacity production system with setup cost and delay‐sensitive customers. To balance the setup and inventory related costs, the production manager adopts a two‐critical‐number control policy, where the production starts when the number of waiting customers reaches a certain level and shuts down when a certain quantity of inventory has accumulated. Once the production is set up, the unit production time follows an exponential distribution. Potential customers arrive according to a Poisson process. Customers are strategic, i.e., they make decisions on whether to stay for the product or to leave without purchase based on their utility values, which depend on the production manager's control decisions. We formulate the problem as a Stackelberg game between the production manager and the customers, where the former is the game leader. We first derive the equilibrium customer purchasing strategy and system performance. We then formulate the expected cost rate function for the production system and present a search algorithm for obtaining the optimal values of the two control variables. We further analyze the characteristics of the optimal solution numerically and compare them with the situation where the customers are non‐strategic.  相似文献   

项目投资组合决策的分析框架——基于实物期权的方法   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
本文在实物期权分析方法的基础上,结合净现值法,引入期权坐标图构造一个项目投资组合战略决策的分析框架,并且结合案例分析,讨论了不同类型的投资项目的组合投资策略。  相似文献   

This study develops a heuristic procedure for decision making coordination in a decentralized organization structure. The procedure consists of simplified rules of iterative communication between decentralized units and a central agent. The central agent assigns budgeted profit levels and adjusts such levels guiding the system toward optimality. The decision making procedure developed in this study is compatible with management by objectives practices and can serve as a prototype for decentralized management.  相似文献   

This paper proposes the ‘Mapping Tool for Make-To-Order companies’ (2MTO), a new approach to map, analyse and achieve lean benefits in high-variety-low-volume job shops. The focus is, mainly, on the transitional phase from push to pull, when there is a compelling need to acquire a deep understanding of the current state of the system under analysis. Sometimes, in this initial phase, a pure pull approach cannot be developed and a job shop configuration must be maintained. If so, 2MTO allows selecting a suitable hybrid Production Planning and Control system to control Work-In-Process and to limit lead times, so as to quickly achieve lean benefits, without significantly altering the original layout. 2MTO is fully explained making reference to an Italian precision mechanic company, where the application of the method led to a successful implementation of a Workload Control system.  相似文献   

We study a continuous‐review acquisition problem, in which the raw material price follows a discrete‐state Markov process and demand is compound Poisson. We show that one optimal policy is of the order‐up‐to type. Under our mean reversion and time continuity conditions, we further show that the order‐up‐to levels are decreasing at the current price level. At the same time, our computational study verifies that both conditions are indispensable for the monotonicity result. The study also hints at the connection between discrete‐ and continuous‐state price processes.  相似文献   

In this article, we examine the attempt of two hospitals to implement management by objectives (MBO) as a means of improving organizational planning and control. Our conclusion is that, as a goal-directed form of management technology, MBO may lead to dysfunctional decision making at the institutional level within organizations, especially those facing complex, dynamic environments. However, if viewed as a philosophy of management administered at the sub-unit level, MBO may serve as a catalytic agent for encouraging decentralized decision making and performance evaluation.  相似文献   

在企业技术创新过程中,同时设计与运作多个创新项目或替代方案(创新项目群)是现代企业的主流创新模式.本文运用系统论思想和GERT网络理论,通过对这一企业技术创新主流模式的剖析,揭示了该模式中各项目之间的组合规律,提出了企业技术创新项目群的串联、并联和混联这三种不同的组合模式.在此基础上,本文构建了企业技术创新项目群的风险与周期评估的组合GERT网络模型,并给出了相应的算法.  相似文献   

壁面清洗机器人发展趋势浅析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文综述了国内外壁面清洗机器人的研究概况 ,重点介绍了几种典型的壁面清洗机器人 ,据此对壁面清洗机器人向实用化方向发展进行了论述 ,指出了利用风扇使清洗机构吸附于壁面 ,并将行走与清洗机构相分离 ,这种设计思路的优越性  相似文献   

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