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外国政府统计体制的类型及其特点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
联合国统计司1980年出版的《国家统计组织手册》,对各国政府统计体制类型进行了全面系统的分析,将各国政府统计体制划分为两类,即集中型和分散型。所谓集中型是指官方统计工作(或称国家统计工作)主要由中央统计局承担;分散型是指官方统计工作基本分散在政府其他部门和地方政府之中;集中和分散相结合的官方统计工作组织管理形式则称为混合型。之后,在研究政府统计体制类型时,基本上都沿袭了这种划分标准。我们认为,这一划分标准不够全面、具体,容易引起对政府统计体制类型判断的混乱,有必要进一步明确政府统计体制类型的划分…  相似文献   

一、单项选择题:1.根据现行《统计法》的规定,我国的统计管理体制是()。①统一领导、分级负责②分散和集中相结合的双轨体制③“一垂三统”④集中领导,分级、分部门负责2.追究统计违法者法律责任的条件之一,是损害  相似文献   

我国的统计体制需要改革 ,这已形成共识。但是 ,统计体制如何改革?朝什么方向改革?对此 ,人们还有各种不同的看法。本文试图从统计体制的国际比较入手 ,在初步分析世界统计体制的发展趋势和共同特征的基础上 ,提出我国统计体制改革的方向———建立一个既集中又超脱的统计体制。一、统计体制的集中化统计体制的集中化是一个世界性趋势。加拿大是资本主义国家实行集中型统计体制最典型的一个代表。加拿大中央统计局的整个工作 ,从资料的收集、整理、编制乃至资料的使用、分析、发行等方面 ,都集中办理。苏联是从1957年开始采取这种集中…  相似文献   

去年笔者随国家统计局赴美国考察团 ,访问了美国商务部普查局、经济分析局等统计部门 ,与对方进行了业务交流。也与一些在美国统计界工作的华人进行了座谈。现就美国统计工作管理体制、统计调查方法及数据质量保障等问题作一介绍 ,供读者参考。一、美国的统计工作管理体制美国统计管理体制是分散与集中并存的管理体制。所谓分散 ,主要是指统计机构分散 ,集中则是指统计制度方法与统计管理高度统一。美国政府统计没有全国性的统计机构 ,政府统计分散到各部门进行 ,美国政府统计体系由三大部分组成。一是统计协调机构 ,即白宫管理和预算办公室…  相似文献   

出路何在   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
改革开放以来,我国的统计指标、统计标准、调查方法、技术手段、数据报送和处理方式等都进行了一系列改革,建立了与国际惯例相接轨的新国民经济核算体系(SNA),整个统计工作面貌发生了巨大的变化,统计事业取得了长足的进步,但是,如果仔细观察就可以发现,我国以往的统计改革大都没有触及深层次的统计体制问题。随着社会主义市场经济体制基本框架的确立,原有的统计体制与社会主义市场经济体制之间的矛盾日益尖锐,体制改革的滞后已经成为当前的矛盾和焦点,对传统的统计体制进行根本性改革已势在必行。一、建立相对独立的中央统计…  相似文献   

台湾地区实行“集中管理、分散统计”的混合型统计体制,即整个地区的统计行政管理工作集中由行政院主计处负责,并层层接受其上级主计处的监督和指导,但统计工作由各级部门分散进行。台湾统计局,简称第三局,隶属于行政院主计处,主管台湾地区统计工作。随着统计调查任务的日益加重,1983年增设普查局,简称第四局,负责普查和抽样调查工作。统计局组织机构 统计局下设7个科和一个中心,各个科的主要业务如下: 第一科(统计法制和统计标准科):主要负责定期检查统计法的实施和执行情况,增修各种统计标准分类,如行业标准分类(第7…  相似文献   

王忠辉 《统计研究》2007,24(12):54-56
政府统计调查体系是由政府统计体制决定的。现有政府统计体系由政府综合统计系统和政府部门统计系统组成,政府综合统计体制实行“统一领导、分级负责”的管理模式。国家统计局对各部门统计机构的关系,保留在业务审批和协调管理上。现有政府统计调查体系存在的主要问题,集中表现在四个方面:(1)统计数据的客观真实性难以保证。(2)统计调查体系成本高、效率低,主要表现在统计调查项目多、重复性调查内容多。(3)中央政府统计与地方政府统计之间、综合统计系统和部门统计系统之间,统计调查分工不明确(统计法律没有明确规定),矛盾增加,协调困难。(…  相似文献   

适应市场经济需要搞好统计信息工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄斌 《统计与预测》1995,(1):38-39,47
适应市场经济需要搞好统计信息工作惠州市统计局黄斌党的十四大把我国经济体制改革的目标确定为建立社会主义市场经济体制。在我国向建立市场经济体系迈进新形势下、计划、财政。税务、金融、经贸以及劳动工资等体制都在进行改革和调整。那么,受计划经济影响之深的统计体...  相似文献   

行业工资水平与垄断程度的Granger因果关系分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了Granger因果关系检验的基本思想和方法 ,并从动态角度对行业相对工资水平与行业垄断集中程度之间的Granger因果关系进行了统计检验 ;最后对其机理进行了分析  相似文献   

丁耀民 《浙江统计》2003,(12):15-16
省经贸委是调节全省近期国民经济运行的综合经济管理部门,也是全省工业和贸易的主管部门。无论是调节国民经济运行,还是做好工业、贸易的管理与服务,都离不开统计这项基础工作。在《统计法》颁布20周年之际,我主要谈谈统计与经贸工作的关系。经贸部门既是统计主体,又是综合统计资料的主要使用者。我们十分重视统计对经贸工作的促进作用,同样在行使经贸职能当中也十分重视加强统计工作。一、统计工作助推经贸工作水平提升统计工作对经贸工作的助推作用,突出表现在三个方面:1、统计工作提高经济形势分析工作质量。调节近期国民经济运行的前提,…  相似文献   

There are two principal issues in statistical planning. One is the accuracy/reliability of statistical inference and the other is the length of test time needed to complete the designed experiment. With regard to the latter, various test schemes have been proposed and applied in statistical literature. These schemes, among others, include type-I censoring, the usual type-II censoring, and progressively type-II censoring. To implement any of these experiments it is necessary that the capacity of the test facility is large enough so that all the items can be tested simultaneously. If, however, instead of having one facility with large capacity there are several facilities with relatively smaller capacities, a differently designed experiment would be necessary. This paper studies and compares elapsed test times and total elapsed test times corresponding to different statistical plans. The results obtained here are useful for performing an experiment that has shorter test time in a certain sense.  相似文献   

Systematic and appropriate statistical analysis is needed to examine the relative performance of anthropometrical indices, viz. body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), waist hip ratio (WHR) and waist stature ratio (WSR) for predicting type 2 diabetes. Using information on socio-demographic, anthropometric and biochemical variables from 2148 males, we examined collinearity and non-linearity among the predictors before studying the association between anthropometric indices and type 2 diabetes. The variable involving in collinearity was removed from further analysis, and the relative importance of BMI, WC and WHR was examined by logistic regression analysis. To avoid non-interpretable odds ratios (ORs), cut point theory is used. Optimal cut points are derived and tested for significance. Multivariable fractional polynomial (MFP) algorithm is applied to reconcile non-linearity. As expected, WSR and WC were collinear with WHR and BMI. Since WSR was jointly as well as independently collinear, it was dropped from further analysis. The OR for WHR could not be interpreted meaningfully. Cut point theory was adopted. Deciles emerged as the optimal cut point. MFP recognized non-linearity effects on the outcome. Multicollinearity among the anthropometric indices was examined. Optimal cut points were identified and used to study the relative ORs. On the basis of the results of analysis, MFP is recommended to accommodate non-linearity among the predictors. WHR is relatively more important and significant than WC and BMI.  相似文献   

Response surface experimentation is an integral part of the development of a new process or product, but the relatively efficient statistical methodologies for such experimentation are underutilized by research and development scientists and engineers because of a lack of knowledge and/or understanding of these methodologies. To help to increase its utilization, a simplified approach to one such statistical methodology, known as the determination of optimum conditions, has been developed which can be used by scientists and engineers with a minimum of statistical knowledge.  相似文献   

In recent years, statistical profile monitoring has emerged as a relatively new and potentially useful subarea of statistical process control and has attracted attention of many researchers and practitioners. A profile, waveform, or signature is a function that relates a dependent or a response variable to one or more independent variables. Different statistical methods have been proposed by researchers to monitor profiles where each method requires its own assumptions. One of the common and implicit assumptions in most of the proposed procedures is the assumption of independent residuals. Violation of this assumption can affect the performance of control procedures and ultimately leading to misleading results. In this article, we study phase II analysis of monitoring multivariate simple linear profiles when the independency assumption is violated. Three time series based methods are proposed to eliminate the effect of correlation that exists between multivariate profiles. Performances of the proposed methods are evaluated using average run length (ARL) criterion. Numerical results indicate satisfactory performance for the proposed methods. A simulated example is also used to show the application of the proposed methods.  相似文献   

Although several authors have indicated that the median test has low power in small samples, it continues to be presented in many statistical textbooks, included in a number of popular statistical software packages, and used in a variety of application areas. We present results of a power simulation study that shows that the median test has noticeably lower power, even for the double exponential distribution for which it is asymptotically most powerful, than other readily available rank tests. We suggest that the median test be “retired” from routine use and recommend alternative rank tests that have superior power over a relatively large family of symmetric distributions.  相似文献   

Research has shown that applying the T2 control chart by using a variable parameters (VP) scheme yields rapid detection of out-of-control states. In this paper, the problem of economic statistical design of the VP T2control chart is considered as a double-objective minimization problem with the statistical objective being the adjusted average time to signal and the economic objective being expected cost per hour. We then find the Pareto-optimal designs in which the two objectives are met simultaneously by using a multi-objective genetic algorithm. Through an illustrative example, we show that relatively large benefits can be achieved by applying the VP scheme when compared with usual schemes, and in addition, the multi-objective approach provides the user with designs that are flexible and adaptive.  相似文献   

Over 60 years ago Ronald Fisher demonstrated a number of potential pitfalls with statistical analyses using ratio variables. Nonetheless, these pitfalls are largely overlooked in contemporary clinical and epidemiological research, which routinely uses ratio variables in statistical analyses. This article aims to demonstrate how very different findings can be generated as a result of less than perfect correlations among the data used to generate ratio variables. These imperfect correlations result from measurement error and random biological variation. While the former can often be reduced by improvements in measurement, random biological variation is difficult to estimate and eliminate in observational studies. Moreover, wherever the underlying biological relationships among epidemiological variables are unclear, and hence the choice of statistical model is also unclear, the different findings generated by different analytical strategies can lead to contradictory conclusions. Caution is therefore required when interpreting analyses of ratio variables whenever the underlying biological relationships among the variables involved are unspecified or unclear. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

林洪 《统计研究》1996,13(6):68-72
统计变异分析的方法论研究林洪ABSTRACTItisindispensiblecontentstodetermineandanalyzethevariablevariationinstatisticalapplicationswhetherindes...  相似文献   

The T 2 control chart is widely adopted in multivariate statistical process control. However, when dealing with asymmetrical or multimodal distributions using the traditional T 2 control chart, some points with relatively high occurrence possibility might be excluded, while some points with relatively low occurrence possibility might be accepted. Motived by the thought of the highest posterior density credible region, we develop a control chart based on the highest possibility region to solve this problem. It is shown that the proposed multivariate control chart will not only meet the false alarm requirement, but also ensure that all the in-control points are with relatively high occurrence possibility. The advantages and effectiveness of the proposed control chart are demonstrated by some numerical examples in the end.  相似文献   

余根钱 《统计研究》2008,25(2):17-21
内容提要:统计指标内在关系众多,如何把这些关系反映出现对综合数据库开发极为重要。指标类型、指标类别、指标代码是反映这些关系的重要技术。  相似文献   

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