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被称为"80后"的一代如今已经陆续结婚生子,他们在给家庭带来幸福的同时,也带来了特殊的矛盾——孩子的姓氏应该跟谁。研究以昆山市5个1980后出生的被访者为个案研究对象,以开放式的定性访谈来获得研究资料,对"80后"婚姻中的姓氏之争展开了深入的实地调查。在对资料进行定性分析的基础上发现:"80后"婚姻中出现姓氏之争的原因呈现多样性,既有政策、个人方面的因素,也受传统文化与现代文明所左右;"80后"家庭对姓氏之争采取了相应的应对方式:生两胎、采用新复姓等。姓氏之争表面上是日常生活中的家庭矛盾,实质上却是受经济发展、文化变迁、家庭结构转变乃至价值观念等众多因素制约而面临的"复杂性问题"。  相似文献   

未婚同居正在成为年轻人择偶过程的一部分,同居是否会走向婚姻,哪些因素会促进或阻碍同居走向婚姻,成为家庭行为研究的新议题。文章利用95位“90后”乡城流动青年同居者的回溯性和追踪性访谈资料,对同居向婚姻或是分手转变过程中的关键因素进行了探索性分析。研究发现,经济因素即男方家庭的婚姻支付能力对婚姻的形成仍然是最重要的;个体化进程和对婚姻情感基础的强调,使同居关系质量也成为关系转变的关键因素,尽管它对结婚和分手结果的影响强度是不同的;同居关系本身的一些特征也可能影响到同居结果,地域异质性是进入婚姻的一个重要障碍,而同居中的怀孕则会加速向婚姻的转变。研究结果有助于理解同居关系的转变,为分析当今年轻人的婚姻形成提供了新的解释因素。  相似文献   

一位古希腊哲人有这样一句名言:“人和人没什么不同,只有选择的不同。” 比如,有人选择不要孩子的婚姻——“DINK家庭”,有人却想要一个没有婚姻的孩子——“ DI儿”。  相似文献   

80年代后期,以妇女为主流的跨省区异地远距离婚姻流动日趋增多,持续不断的外流妇女婚姻大流动,自愿与非自愿异地联姻,在一定程度上缓解了区域人口性别比失调的矛盾,同时也引发出一系列社会问题。本文以江苏省淮阴市外进婚普查万人资料为基础,通过对跨省区异地远距离联姻扩大化成因的剖析,得出三个基本结论:一、当前在农村存在潜在的“新娘市场”是导致“以财谋婚”和“以婚谋财”出现的原因,经济因素对婚姻流向的干预特征显著。二、与婚姻大流动相伴随,违法婚姻较多,外进婚家庭婚姻质量不高。三、外进婚家庭职能的弱化与当代农民家庭社会变迁总趋势的巨大反差日渐显著。  相似文献   

本文根据北京、西安等地抽样调查资料,运用协方差和复回归等多元技术,分析了影响家庭生活满意度与婚姻满意度的因素。结果表明,在影响家庭生活满意度的因素中以婚姻满意度最为重要,这就从定量的角度有力地证实了目前认为当今中国家庭关系转向以夫妻关系为轴心的论断的正确性。但对影响婚姻满意度的分析,根据文中所列举的一系列因素,发现其中以反映家庭经济支配权的“是否因用钱意见不和”一项影响最大,这是本文与近年来所见其它研究结果的不同之处。由于本文所讨论影响婚姻满意度的因素,其解释力R~2已高达近70%,且同时为两地样本所证实,所以模型是优良、可靠的。有鉴于此,文中所讨论的反映家庭经济支配权的“因用钱意见不和”以及反映家庭义务的“家务满意度”等问题,对婚姻质量的影响都是不容忽视的。  相似文献   

家庭文化在青少年性别观念形成的初始阶段最具影响力。本文依据北京大学中外妇女问题研究中心有关“中国当代性别定型观念的形成与发展”问卷调查相关数据,在北京市与济南市对初高中学生及其父母随机进行的入户访谈,以及在北京大学国际关系学院、电子学系和英语系对若干学生进行的有关“专业方向选择与家庭影响”的访谈资料,对家庭文化在青少年性别刻板印象形成与发展中的影响进行分析,并提出了相关对策。  相似文献   

本文运用质性研究方法中的深入访谈,对19名“80后”青少年对“80后”现象的看法进行了深入研究。结果表明.与以往一些学者研究中社会媒体和家长、老师对“80后”青少年更多持负面、否定评价相比,“80后”青少年对自身评价更为积极明朗,他们对社会及一些媒体对“80后”青少年的看法表示否定。对“80后”青少年持积极肯定态度。他们对“80后”的概念进行了重新诠释。认为“80后”可以分为“85前”和“85后”。“85前”与上一代价值观念更为趋同,而“85后”更符合社会和媒体所描述的青少年特点。“80后”既有突出的优点,也存在着不容忽视的缺点;改革开放特定的时代环境造就了“80后”的一代,他们既有相对独特的个性、心理特征、生活方式,也存在着特有的精神的困惑和心理的压力。“80后”绝对不是垮掉的一代,而且时代的发展也不是一代不如一代,“80后”是有希望的一代。  相似文献   

风光婚礼or“瘦婚” 当下,网络上有一句流行语:“我们爱得起,却婚不起!”为了办一场风光的婚礼,婚后往往负债累累.然而,80后女孩张文文和男友结婚时,却选择了办一场“瘦婚”——这是一种介于“裸婚”和土豪婚礼之间,不摆排场,追求个性,将婚礼极尽简化之能事的婚礼……  相似文献   

当前,“80后”正值婚恋高峰期。在改革开放和多元时代下成长起来的“80后”在恋爱观、择偶观、性观念和婚姻观上有着自己独特鲜明的看法。他们直白朴素的恋爱观、多元务实的择偶观、热情与保守相交织的性观念以及“个人主义”的婚姻观,不仅直接影响着个体对未来婚姻、家庭的责任和义务的承担,而且还间接影响着整个社会的主流婚恋价值观趋势。对“80后”婚恋观现状及其原因的探讨,有利于“80后”树立起正确的婚恋观,实现婚姻家庭幸福;有利于社会稳定及和谐社会的构建:更有利于实现中华民族的伟大复兴。  相似文献   

江湖 《女性天地》2007,(10):17-19
2007年7月,合肥市中级人民法院宣判了一起杀人案,因争看电视而将丈夫刺死的妻子被判处有期徒刑15年。难道仅仅因为争看电视,妻子就杀害了丈夫?这对“80后”夫妻的婚姻究竟出了什么问题?  相似文献   

The effect of parental divorce on the outcomes of children's marital relationships has been long studied and well documented in many contemporary Western countries. This paper investigates whether family history also has an impact on the early phase of marriages of offspring, especially on how the wedding is celebrated. The topic is whether parental divorce may affect the choices concerning the celebration of the marriage, in particular the choices concerning the rite of marriage, the wedding party, and the honeymoon trip. An empirical analysis of this subject was carried out on contemporary Italy. The data set used was produced by the survey Family and Social Subjects carried out in 2009 and published in 2013 by Istat (Italian National Institute of Statistics). The results highlight phenomena of social inheritance between generations. Children of divorced parents are less likely to marry under a religious ceremony, provide a banquet, and go on a honeymoon. There is also an intra-generational transmission of family models: those who have cohabited choose less traditional forms of marriage.  相似文献   

This study examines why low‐income, unmarried parents who say that they plan to marry at the time their child is born do not follow through on their plans. We use data from a nationally representative birth cohort survey—the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study (N =3,710)—combined with data from an embedded qualitative study—Time, Love, Cash, Caring, and Children (n =47)—to explore the reasons behind this apparent discrepancy. We find that some of the difference between parents’ expectations and behavior may be because of the overstatement of intentions at the time of the birth. Most of the discrepancy, however, results from parents’ perceived social and economic barriers to marriage. Specifically, unmarried parents have a long list of financial and relationship prerequisites they believe must be met in order for them to wed. Combined with other factors, these standards lead to an indeterminate delay in marriage.  相似文献   

In this study, we evaluate the association between wedding spending and marriage duration using data from a survey of more than 3,000 ever‐married persons in the United States. Controlling for a number of demographic and relationship characteristics, we find evidence that marriage duration is inversely associated with spending on the engagement ring and wedding ceremony. (JEL J12, Z1, D1)  相似文献   

The quality of marriage is investigated for a sample of 79 couples living in a midwestern comprehensive retirement community. These 158 older, middle-class men and women are healthy and average 74.8 years of age. Marital length averages 41 years, and 34.8 percent have celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary. Marital quality, morale, and sexual behavior are not significantly different for golden wedding couples than for couples married less than 50 years. Couples married less than 50 years spend more time socializing with other couples each week than do those who have passed the 50 year mark; they also have higher levels of sexual interest, and are more likely to have been previously married. All of these couples are happily married, have high morale, and most are still sexually active (62.8 percent).  相似文献   

Using a nationally representative survey of married couples (N = 572) in The Netherlands, I analyze three characteristics of the contemporary western marriage ceremony: (a) whether couples give a wedding party, (b) whether couples have their marriage consecrated in church, and (c) whether couples go away on a honeymoon. Hypotheses are developed arguing that marriage ceremonies reinforce role transitions in two complementary ways: They reduce uncertainty about the new roles that people will occupy, and they provide approval for norm‐guided behavior. Multivariate analyses support the hypotheses. Elaborate marriage ceremonies are more common among couples for whom the transition to marriage is more drastic, and traditional values in the social context of the couple go hand in hand with a more elaborate marriage ceremony.  相似文献   

Developmental idealism (DI) theory suggests that individuals who endorse DI schemas about marriage are more likely to choose their own spouses and do so for love. Such DI schemas conflict with South Asian gender schemas about marriage for women, but not for men. In turn, such conflict and compatibility may create gender differences in incorporating DI into expectations and experiences of marital choice and love in South Asia. Connections between endorsing DI as an abstract model of the world and using DI as a concrete guide for marriage may also differ by gender. Using survey data from Nepal, the author finds that men are more likely than women to expect to choose their own spouse and do so for love. Their parents' expectations show the same gender differences. Men are also more likely to choose their own spouses in practice. Connections between abstract and concrete DI are not stronger among men though.  相似文献   

Using results of a 6 month 1981 extensive social survey in urban districts of Beijing Municipality this paper shows that there is not only a tendency for young people to shift their actual marriage age to an earlier time but also, their earlier marriage does not necessarily result in earlier reproduction. The key to the success of this work of separating marriage and giving birth after a proper interval lies in propaganda and education. Based on their answers to the question "what do you think is the ideal age for marriage," most young males preferred to get married at 24, 25, and 26 years, with 25 as the peak of desired marriage age. Young females mostly choose to get married at 22 through 26; the desire to get married after 26 declines sharply. The ideal marriage ages indicated by the unmarried youth, though earlier than the actual marriage ages of the married young people, are later than what the married ones desire. The overwhelming majority of people become pregnant and give birth promptly after marriage. More than 70% of the married young couples investigated became pregnant and gave birth within 1 year of their marriage; those who believed it "ideal" to get pregnant and give birth within 1 year of the marriage only account for 25% of those surveyed. 1 of the main factors for both husbands and wives to delay giving births is their need to save some money to avoid economic hardship cause by immediate births after marriage. Overall, there exists a marked difference between the actual times of the 1st births of married young people and their ideal times of 1st births.  相似文献   


Prejudice against sexual-minority groups has continuously declined in Australia over the past several decades, yet inequality in marriage policy that denies legal recognition of same-sex relationships remains. Social role theory suggests this may be due in part to traditional beliefs about gender roles that fuel concerns regarding the ability of same-sex couples to raise children because they violate these social norms and roles. The current study identified reasons behind support of, or opposition to, same-sex marriage. Data were collected from a community sample (n = 536) in South Australia through an open-ended question included on a larger survey. Content analysis suggested that gender role norms do play a part in negative attitudes toward same-sex marriage as well as perceptions of same-sex couples' ability to raise children. Our findings also revealed heteronormativity embedded in the responses of participants both for and against marriage equality. Implications for advocacy efforts focused on marriage equality, parenting by same-sex couples, and the focus for future research endeavours in this substantive domain are discussed.  相似文献   

We examine data from a national survey of 15 – 27 year olds in the Philippines to assess attitudes toward marriage and cohabitation, and we analyze the marital and nonmarital union experiences of 25 – 27 year olds. We find that attitudes toward cohabitation remain quite conservative among young Filipinos, although men view cohabitation more favorably than do women. We also find that men’s socioeconomic status affects their ability to enter unions, particularly marriage, whereas women’s union formation patterns are influenced by the family in which they grew up, their participation in religious services, and to some degree by their place of residence. Both men and women who hold more liberal attitudes on a range of issues are more likely to have cohabited than are individuals who do not share those views. For now, however, we do not expect cohabitation to become a widespread substitute for marriage in the Philippines.  相似文献   

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