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游俊 《广西民族研究》2006,22(4):160-164
古代民族由于所处时空域的限制,不可能全面认识自然生态系统并自觉直接维护生态环境,而是在文化建构的过程中从所处的自然生态系统内人为地分割出一个最适合于本民族生息的区域,按照本民族文化的理解去建构并直接维护本民族特有的民族生境。对生态环境的维护,主要是通过文化制衡来实现的,它具有无意识性、间接性、被动性和区域性。探讨这种生态维护的特点及功效,有助于深化对民族生境的认识并为今天的生态维护提供前人的经验教训。  相似文献   

近年来,在建立地方性知识的学术研究过程中,一个主要趋势就是着重从生态安全的角度出发来建立地方性知识的理解框架,研究揭示人与自然生态之间的"亲密关系".因此,民族地方性知识的发掘与利用,要确立民族之生态意识的"自觉"和具体生态的"情境性"逻辑,尊重民族文化自身的运行规律,重视民族生态知识利用过程中可能产生的"负面效应"以及生态知识之"地方性"中的"开放性".  相似文献   

民族传统文化是以该民族居住地的生态环境为土壤而滋生。生活在广西的各族人民,在对自然环境和生物资源的适应、改造中,实现了民族传统文化的"以人为本"、"因地制宜"、"人人和谐"的局面。将民族传统文化与生态文明建设有机结合起来,广西的生态文明建设和民族传统文化更具有特色、生机与活力。  相似文献   

民族文化生态特征与民族文化生态保护关系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
民族文化生态是指民族文化各要素之间以及民族文化与其所处民族生境之间的制衡关系,这种制衡存在是维护民族稳态延续的根本动力.民族文化生态应包含区域性、系统性、动态性和脆弱性等特征.少数民族在其历史进程中,在不断地应对民族生境时,构建了特有的民族文化生态,要建设好民族文化生态保护区,必须准确认知少数民族文化生态特征,这样民族文化生态保护区建设工作,才具有针对性和实效性.  相似文献   

以水族糯稻种植、水资源管理、植物认知和宗教信仰等文化事象为切入点,对水族多样化的传统生态知识展开研究,认为其中所蕴含的生态智慧具有现代价值和功能,可服务于现代社会。进一步,将传统生态知识与现代科学方法相结合,对于遏制生态环境恶化、应对生态灾变、推进生态文明建设、维护国家生态安全等都具有重要现实意义。  相似文献   

生态民族学发端于西方,从美国学者斯图尔德提出“文化生态学”以来,已有六十余年。我国于20世纪80年代恢复民族学学科,西方的文化生态学也随之引起我国学界的关注,在《民族译丛》多有翻译文章推介。此后我国一批学者立足于我国文化多样性与生物多样性的实际,从中国学术传统出发,不断吸收西方生态民族学的理论与方法,不仅开展了大量的地方区域的实践研究,也对生态民族学的理论与方法进行了有益的探索,取得了丰硕的研究成果,目前正在形成生态民族学的中国学术话语体系。  相似文献   

生态博物馆作为新博物馆学的重要组成,其目的是为了对当地的文化、自然遗产及风景进行"在地"的保护。与传统博物馆注重对文物的收集及展览不同,生态博物馆以自然风景、文化遗产或居民的集体记忆为收藏和诠释的对象,打破了传统博物馆的固定边界,将"地域"概念扩展到博物馆领域。随着旅游的发展,生态博物馆作为重要的旅游吸引物,在促进生态博物馆建设和发展中发挥重要作用,为生态博物馆"在地"文化的保护和发展提供了新的模式。本文以文化空间理论为基础,从生态博物馆的概念模型出发建构生态博物馆的文化空间,提出了生态博物馆文化空间的根本、基础和载体。在此基础上,以广西民族生态博物馆群为研究对象,针对其旅游发展中存在的问题,结合生态博物馆文化空间,提出广西民族生态博物馆旅游可持续发展的实现路径,为生态博物馆建设及旅游发展提供理论借鉴。  相似文献   

本文主要探讨了理性与非理性、自然生态与民族生境的意义与关系,对文化生态和本土生态知识进行了较为详细地阐述,指出即使在科学技术高度发展的今天,在生态灾变救治的终极目标上仍然需要依靠特定生态背景下特定文化共同体的这本土性知识。  相似文献   

苗族崇拜一切有生命的自然物,诸如圣山、神山和神林等,其宗教观念在生态维护和全球生态安全中可以发挥无法替代的积极作用;进行生态维护和生态建设,必须尊重各民族的传统文化,承认它的客观存在,宗教同样在其中发挥独特作用;自然保护区建设的目标与传统文化中的宗教信仰相结合,其生态维护的成效就可以得到充分发挥,并达到事半功倍效果.  相似文献   

西方人类学家从不同视角对人类与生态之间的关系进行了深入研究,形成了诸多研究理论,甚至派别。从环境决定论到环境可能论,再到文化生态学,进而衍生新功能主义和民族植物学。美国人类学家朱利安·斯图尔德认为特定文化因适应特定的生态环境而表现出文化的地域性特征,从而构建了文化生态学。这对生态人类学这一学科的确立产生了深刻影响。今天,我们在接受、消化与吸收西方学术资源时,需要摆脱西方生态人类学的文化与自然二元对立的思维方式,更需要克服民族中心主义、人类中心主义等思维习惯,真正从人类文化与自然生态为有机整体的角度去重新审视和分析问题,让生态人类学更好地服务于人类的生存、发展与延续。  相似文献   

李光荣 《民族学刊》2016,7(5):58-64,113-115
The Hani’s rich folk literature has preserved their traditional culture. Interpreting it from the perspective of ecological culture may lead us to the conclusion that the Hani’s traditional eco-logical understanding is that of a harmonious rela-tionship between man and nature. This ecological understanding is similar to that of other ethnic groups in Yunnan, such as the Bai, Dai, Wa, Yao, Naxi, Jingpo, Bulang, and other ethnic groups, which shows that this ecological under-standing is common across the Chinese nation. Meanwhile, this ecological understanding has an enlightening role for human beings to keep the eco-logical balance in the present day. This article tries to investigate the deep connection between the Hani’s folk literature and the natural ecology, and reveals the Hani’s traditional ecological under-standing. 1 . The Hani’s traditional ecological under-standing is revealed in their folk literature The Hani have no fairy tales in the strict sense, their literature is a kind of“universal litera-ture” enjoyed by both adults and children. Howev-er, the Hani’s folk literature also created a roman-tic world similar to that of fairy tales. This “fairy tale world” is just the world of nature reflected in the Hani’s literature. The typical characteristics of this world are harmony and happiness. In this har-monious and happy world, mountains are a para-dise for man and all other things on earth. In this paradise, man is only a part of nature, they are not the spirit or the core of the world. Man, animals and plants have their own places, and their own happiness. Meanwhile, they support each other, and have a common development. In a word, man and nature have a highly harmonious relationship. When environmental protection and ecological bal-ance become a common topic in today’s discourse, one can gain some insight by reading Hani fairy tales and legends. Therefore, digging out the eco-logical beauty from Hani folk literature still has a practical purpose. How then does Hani folk literature describe the relationship between man and nature? We find that the Hani folk literature is full of stories con-cerning how the animals and plants save mankind. Many works reflect this idea: if mankind had not been assisted by the animals and plants, it must have died out long ago, therefore, man should show his thanks to the animals by protecting them. Be-cause the animals and plants saved man’s life, and man knew to show his gratitude to them, the rela-tionship between man and nature is always good in the fairy tales, although they live in their own ways, they never disturb each other — they have a totally harmonious relationship. Moreover, man can even marry animals and have descendants with them. The harmonious relationship between man, animals and plants is a basic theme of the Hani folk literature, as well as a basic part of the Hani eco-logical understanding. The relationship between man, animals and plants reflects not only a friend-
ship, but a kind of family relation, because they can even become couples, although the couples can sometimes suddenly turn hostile — they may have disagreements or even come to blows. When this happens, the deities could help to solve the problem— this is another aspect which reflects a harmoni-ous relationship between man, animals and plants. In the Hani folk literature, the harmony be-tween man and nature is also reflected in the mutu-al assistance between man, animals and plants. In this kind of literature, man, animals and plants are always equal; they not only have a common goal and the same standards for good and evil, but also have a common language, with which man, animals and plants are able to negotiate with each other, help each other and reap their own rewards. 2 . The cultural sources of the Hani’s tradition-al ecological understanding Although literature is a creation of the writer, it reflects social life. The writers’ imaginings can-not be separated from the practicalities of place, and folk literature has its own particularity. Folk literature is created by several folk artists from gen-eration to generation. It might be a result from sev-eral people’s discussions during the creative process or when the work is passed down, hence, it is typically collective work and has typically mass characteristics. Although the individual plays a significant role in the creation of a work, the content of folk literature does not always reflect a single artist’s idea, but the idea of a group. There-fore, we say that the harmonious ecological under-standing reflected in the Hani literature actually re-flects an overall awareness of the Hani people. Why did the Hani form this kind of common awareness, then? We believe that it is decided by the Hani’s living environment and common cultural resources. Most Hani people live in the mountain-ous or semi-mountainous areas between Mt. Ailao and Mt. Mengle. The living environment partly in-fluences ideology. Because of the level of inacces-sability, and self -sufficient life style, communi-cation among the different Hani villages is rare,
however, what they see every day in their living ar-eas are mountains; therefore, their similar living environment leads them to have a similar under-standing of the mountains. The Hani are a “migrated ethnic group”. Their ancestors originally lived in the remote north. Due to natural and social causes, they moved south. Following the cultural development and improvement of natural conditions, their popu-lation gradually increased. After they stepped into the mountainous areas of Mt. Ailao, they had im-proved material conditions and peaceful life, and the population dramatically increased. Later, they settled down in the broad area of the Honghe and Lishejiang drainage basins. The Hani’s history of migration and development indicates that no matter how large a population they have, and how they are scattered, their culture has the same origin. Therefore, tracing the origin of the Hani culture is very important to understand why the Hani share a common awareness of the harmonious relationship between man and nature. Another point worth noting is that the Hani are called as an “Ethnic Group of Stories”. The Hani like telling stories, and making up stories, therefore, there are many popular stories among the Hani. This is because Hani have no writing, which makes the essence of the Hani culture lie in their oral stories. The ancestors’ stories, and their wisdom are all spread and handed down through these stories. The Hani stories actually play act as cultural carriers, burdened with the task of preser-ving culture, and playing an educational role. It is due to the influence of the ancestors’ traditional culture that the Hani have kept an awareness of maintaining a harmonious relationship between man, animals and plants. Then, which factors in the Hani’s cultural origin have promoted this awareness and made it exist for a long time? This article separately discusses the impact of the origin of the heavens, earth, man, animals, and plants, as well as the understanding of animism to this awareness.
In the Hani’s traditional religion, animism is a basic tenet. The Hani believe that the universe is created by the gods, and all things on earth are brought about by the gods. These deities infuse the things in the universe with a spirit; man cannot hurt other things, including those things without life;and the proper relationship between man and nature is harmony. A harmonious relationship means to obey the deities’ will, and is a special representation of their worship. Some people be-lieve that the formation of this kind of understand-ing is directly related to the ecological environment in which the Hani live. They live in the mountain-ous areas and conduct farming work from genera-tion to generation. The forest and water sources are their basic production materials. While using and transforming nature, they must protect and respect nature. Only in this way can an ethnic group un-dergo constant development in a difficult environ-ment—this already has become common knowledge during the process of inheriting the Chinese culture in the past thousand years. And to the Hani peo-ple, this is their principle, as well as their life philosophy. The Hani’s understanding of animism is a kind of pantheistic ideology, which belongs to religious aspect and does not fit with materialism. However the understanding of animism plays a very big role in the Hani’s formation of a self-consciousness in protecting the animals and plants, and keeping the ecological balance. Its role is not limited to an in-dividual or a local area, instead, its meaning to the whole Hani area cannot be underestimated. Hence, we take it as one of the sources for the for-mation of the harmonious natural understanding of all Hani people.  相似文献   

少数民族自治区建立“民族特色文化生态保护区”研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在全国各少数民族自治地方建立"民族特色文化生态保护区",是通过制度保障落实民族区域自治权利的具体措施之一;"民族特色文化生态保护区"的设立,有利于解决资源开发对区域环境的破坏与民族传统文化遗产流失的问题,使少数民族自治地方生态环境与传统文化得到精心保护和创新发展,从而推动各民族的共同繁荣发展。  相似文献   

民俗文化的当代价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蔡志荣 《西北民族研究》2012,(1):208-211,188
民俗文化作为一种传统的文化现象,其当代价值日渐凸显并受到重视。民俗文化的当代价值体现于文化、经济、社会等多个领域。在文化领域,民俗文化是民族文化、现代文化、先进文化的源泉与基础,对于形成文化认同也功不可没;在经济领域,民俗文化作为大文化的一个子系统,成为一种无形资本,创造着经济效益;在社会领域,民俗文化的维系、团结、教化功能是不可替代的。  相似文献   

红色文化是中国革命建设征程的历史凝结,补钙壮骨,通今溯源,与中华民族共同体意识有着严密的耦合逻辑。在政治上,红色文化有利于坚定中国共产党的领导,明晰铸牢中华民族共同体意识的政治前提;在经济上,红色文化彰显社会主义市场经济的民族互惠指向,夯实铸牢中华民族共同体意识的经济基础;在文化上,红色文化标注社会主义先进文化建设的中国底色,聚合中华民族共同体建设的文化动力;在社会上,红色文化促进各民族交往交流交融,提升铸牢中华民族共同体意识的社会认知;在生态上,红色文化有助于建立人与自然交响协奏的生命共同体,筑牢中华民族共同家园的生态底线。  相似文献   

文化润疆是习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想在新疆的生动实践,是新时代党的治疆方略的重要组成部分。厘清文化润疆的理论要旨,不仅是推进中国特色社会主义文化强国建设的内在要求,是提升新疆基层文化事业发展的客观需要,更是铸牢新疆各族群众中华民族共同体意识的向往诉求。探赜文化润疆的实践路径,强调文化法治、深化文化浸润、提升文化底蕴、着眼文化认同,将文化润疆融入铸牢新疆各族群众中华民族共同体意识的全过程各领域,切实推进新时代党的治疆方略守正创新。  相似文献   

蒋彬 《民族学刊》2012,3(1):44-49,94
羌族地区的灾后文化重建是在国家的统筹下,在受灾地区民众的诉求基础上,在社会各界呼吁保护羌族传统文化的舆论中,通过援建省市的具体实施而实现的。作为援建方的山东,一方面根据国家的相关意见、条例、方案的文化保护、文化重建规定进行援建;另一方面,他们又根据自身对羌族文化的认识和理解以及当时、当地的实际情况,进行了文化的援建与重建工作。在承认羌族地区文化重建取得巨大成就的同时,还应当看到文化重建中政府意志与学者呼声的疏离,援建后的北川羌族传统文化呈现出同质化、一体化、文化符号泛化等问题。  相似文献   

在民族本质属性问题上历来存在着文化与政治的二元对立,由此对民族理论和民族实践带来诸多困扰。文化民族与政治民族的概念体系对此具有一定的消解作用,并有望为现实民族问题的解决提供新的理论视角和分析工具。本文从民族构建的基本纽带入手,对文化民族与政治民族概念体系的理论形成、应用领域和局限反思等问题进行了初步探究。  相似文献   

周超  刘虹 《民族学刊》2021,12(1):19-25, 85
中华民族共同体建构的基本逻辑是一个从"求同存异"到"聚同化异"的过程,旨在构建一个多民族休戚与共、血脉相连的共生关系与共生状态。中华民族共同体的有效建构必须赋予"共生"的理念,以责任、族际、文化、利益、命运为共生单元的建构逻辑,进而推动中华民族政治共同体、文化共同体、价值共同体、利益共同体、命运共同体的全面建构。  相似文献   

王炎龙  江澜 《民族学刊》2021,12(1):49-56, 89
中华民族理论探索和构建的过程始终立足于近现代中国的现实发展。本研究通过对意识观念萌生、文化历史溯源和社会现实观照三个方面的历时性梳理,试图厘清中华民族共同体意识产生、发展和完善的基本逻辑。党的十八大以来,在党和国家关于民族工作的认识和新时代民族思想指导下,"中华民族共同体意识"作为中华民族"多元一体"的内在凝聚成为党和国家在新时代民族工作的重要思想基础。在中华民族的现代性发展过程中,不同媒体的话语叙事在铸牢中华民族共同体意识中有独特的内在传播逻辑。机构媒体兼具权威性和拟人性双重风格,在传播叙事中强化国家整体性。平台媒体的技术赋能,也强化了议题的交流讨论和用户的具身体验。内容生产者利用自媒体进行个人叙事,更多主体参与到中华文化的主动阐释和书写叙事,传递民族独特性。中华文明是在互相学习、吸收、融合的过程中发展起来的,各民族文化和而不同,各有特色,各民族在遵从各自的民族认同的同时,又始终秉持共同的价值认同。在新的历史发展阶段,中华民族共同体意识在不同的媒体话语叙事中得以发展、强化,技术的发展进步为不同民族和地区的人们进行民族话语表达和民族文化传播提供了便利的表演和展示平台。  相似文献   

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