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基层党组织执行力如何,直接关系到党在群众中的形象,关系到党的执政思路和执政意图的实现,关系到党的执政能力的提高。因此,提升基层党组织的执行力,是我们面临的一项十分紧迫的任务。  相似文献   

基层党组织的执政能力是党的整个执政能力体系中的重要组成部分。提高和增强党的基层组织执政能力,必须加大在新的经济组织、社会组织中建立党组织的工作力度,探索党组织和党员发挥作用的方法与途径,是构建社会主义和谐社会能力的必然内容。  相似文献   

基层党组织是党执政的依托,是党联系群众的纽带和桥梁。加强基层党组织建设是巩固党执政的基础,坚固党执政的地位。随着经济发展新形式的需要,对基层党组织建设提出更高要求,我们要不负使命,不断加强完善基层党组织建设。  相似文献   

基层党组织是党的基础性组织,是党联系广大人民群众的基本纽带,基层党组织的建设和发展关系到党在人民群众中的形象与威望,关系到党的各项方针、政策能否贯彻落实,更关系到党的执政地位。加强基层党组织建设,对提高党的执政能力、党与群众紧密相连、党与群众同呼吸共命运、实现中华民族的强国梦都具有极其重要的作用。  相似文献   

当前,党的执政能力与新形势新任务的要求还不完全适应、不完全符合,一些党员、干部的思想观念、能力素质与党的先进性要求还不完全适应,不完全符合,一些基层党组织的管理手段和创新能力与经济社会发展任务还不完全适应、不完全符合,  相似文献   

基层党组织是党领导和执政的重要基础,也是社会主义现代化建设中一个非常关键的内容。新的发展时期,应该重视基层党组织工作的创新,以更好的发挥四大作用,促进我国社会经济的持续健康发展。本文就基层党组织工作创新的措施和路径进行简要分析。  相似文献   

基于当前我国的国情,建设学习型党组织来提高党建科学化水平是一件非常有意义的事情,其对于提升党的基层执政能力和党的领导地位,增强党的影响力有很大的帮助。本文将从分析学习型党组织建设的意义出发,探究如何建设学习型党组织,提高党建的科学化水平。  相似文献   

随着综合国力的增强,经济结构的调整,我国职业教育也取得了丰硕成果,成绩的取得都离不开党政领导的高度重视和大力支持.党的十八大明确提出要全面提高党的建设科学化水平,要努力创建学习型党组织,切实提高基层党组织和党员干部的执政能力,是适应新形势新任务的必然要求,更是推动中国职业技术教育和提高整体国民素质的重要举措.  相似文献   

学习是政党巩固之基,国家兴盛之要。基层党组织是落实党的路线方针政策的战斗堡垒。把基层党组织建设为学习型党组织,对我党回本强基意义重大。我县在开展学习型党组织建设活动中,做了很多卓有成效的探索,取得了一些成果,对更深入推进此项工作积累了宝贵经验。  相似文献   

党建,即党的建设的简称。在长期执政的历史条件下,建设什么样的党、怎样建设党是一个重大现实问题,直接关系到我们党和国家的前途命运。党的十六大以来,中国共产党根据新世纪、新阶段经济社会发展带来的新情况,从不断夯实党执政的组织基础出发,提出了基层党组织建设的方针,强调着力扩大基层党组织覆盖面,创新组织设置方式和党组织活动方式,特别提出了构建城乡统筹的基层党建新格局的新目标,提出了建立健全党内激励、关怀、帮扶机制和党员志愿服务的制度。  相似文献   

I analyze voters’ incentives in responding to pre-election polls with a third party candidate. Third party supporters normally have an incentive to vote strategically in the election by voting for one of the major candidates. But these voters would vote third party if the third party candidate is doing surprisingly well in the polls. Because voters are more likely to vote third party if the third party candidate is doing well in polls, voters who like the third party candidate best have an incentive to claim they will vote third party in the polls so that more voters will ultimately vote third party in the election. The differing incentives faced during polls and elections accounts for why third party candidates do better in polls than in elections.  相似文献   

In a laboratory experiment we study how costly punishment behavior of second and third parties in a social dilemma situation is affected by monitoring costs. Subjects have to pay a fee over and above punishment costs if they wish to condition punishments on previous play, which is equivalent to a binary choice between the acquisition of perfect information on the target subject’s behavior and no information at all. When monitoring is costly both second and third party punishment is weaker and less discriminate and hence generates weaker incentives for cooperation than when monitoring is free. There are subtle differences between second and third parties: The presence of monitoring costs leads subjects to withhold sanctioning more often as second parties than as third parties, and to punish indiscriminately more often as third parties than as second parties. The results contribute to the understanding of peer-enforcement of cooperation in social dilemmas and whether there is a common motivational structure underpinning second and third party punishment.  相似文献   

The trend toward more buying of health insurance, life insurance, and pension or annuity plans through employers brings up problems of consumer sovereignty , problems of the incentives of service providers, and problems of availability of the services of insurance which are only available through group buying. In order to specify what social indicators would be useful in this area, this paper analyzes the incentive systems for consumers, for service providers, and for employers as they are affected by the trend toward third party buying. It assesses the indicators that are available on the trend, and the literature in health economics which tried to analyze the impact of the trend on the provision of health services and health costs. On this basis, needed social indicators for policy assessment in the area of third party buying are suggested.  相似文献   

北非地区政党的形成与发展很不平衡,尽管这一地区的多数国家已建立和推行西方式的资产阶级政党制度,定期举行大选,但实际上执政党力量常常居压倒优势,反对党力量十分弱小,地区国家政党制度的运作常受各种复杂因素的制约.主要政党的领袖在多数北非国家一直起着举足轻重的作用.该地区政党大致可以分为阿拉伯民族主义政党、阿拉伯社会主义政党、社会党、共产党和伊斯兰政党等几种类型.  相似文献   

While most employers understand the scope of their responsibility to prevent sexual harassment between employees, the scope of an employer's responsibility to prevent sexual harassment by third parties is often less clear. Such third parties may include customers, clients, sales representatives, vendors, investors, or anyone in the workplace who is not a member of the employer's workforce. Although an employer may be unable to easily control non‐employee actions, it is legally obligated to respond to any third‐party sexual harassment of its employees that is brought to the employer's attention. With proper safeguards and remedial action, however, an employer can keep its employees safe from third‐party sexual harassment and protect itself from liability in the process. This Q&A explains employer liability for third‐party sexual harassment, describes the ramifications of an employer's failure to properly address or prevent it, and recommends strategies to reduce an employer's legal exposure.  相似文献   

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