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黄卫来 《职业》2016,(24):7-8
完成《技能扶贫是最有效的扶贫方式--从我的挂职扶贫经历谈起》一文后,总感觉意犹未尽,因为我的另一段援派经历同样与扶贫有关。  相似文献   

我出生并成长于东北的一个小县城,从小入目的便是一望无边的平原和富饶的黑土地,最爱“稻花香里说丰年,听取蛙声一片”的丰收景象。在成为国务院扶贫办的一员前,我并不了解贫困,也不了解扶贫。走上工作岗位就来到了以“苦瘠甲于天下”而闻名的中国扶贫发源地甘肃省定西地区。那一年,作为扶贫战线上的新人,我在这片看上去虽贫瘠但底蕴丰厚的土地上迅速成长,熟悉了中国扶贫事业的发展史,参与了整村推进、产业扶贫、劳动力转移培训等专项扶贫工作在最基层的实践,学习了定西干部群众几十年来坚持的“领导苦抓、部门苦帮、群众苦干”的“三苦”精神,为之后从事的工作打下了扎实的基础。  相似文献   

最近,笔者对山西省吕梁市市委驻岚县扶贫工作队所属20个工作组开展机关定点扶贫工作三年来的情况,进行了认真细致的了解,他们情系贫困群众,倾力定点扶贫的好经验、好做法,给我留下深刻印象,非常值得总结推广.  相似文献   

陈荣 《中国扶贫》2017,(7):58-59
电商扶贫是精准扶贫的一大举措,近年来,湖南省围绕如何开展电商扶贫进行了努力探索,取得了可喜成效.但目前还存在不少困难和问题,为使电商扶贫更快更好地推进,我认为今后必须着力"四大"抓手.  相似文献   

根据中央党校安排,我向大家报告脱贫攻坚工作情况.不妥之处,请批评指正.借此机会,对大家长期以来关心、关注和支持扶贫事业表示衷心感谢. 改革开放以来,随着经济持续快速发展,我国扶贫开发稳步推进,扶贫标准逐步提高,贫困人口逐步减少.1982年,我国启动"三西"专项扶贫计划,拉开了有计划、有组织、大规模扶贫开发的序幕.  相似文献   

2016年2月,经江西省吉安市食品药品监督管理局推荐,我被组织上选派到遂川县双桥乡潭溪村担任第一书记. 脱贫攻坚,缺了产业支撑不行.近年来,扶贫方式由"输血式"转变为"造血式",由救济式转变为开发式扶贫,归根结底,就是要让扶贫从一次性变为可持续性.那么,第一书记该如何搞好产业扶贫?2016年,在大家齐心协力、共同努力下,潭溪村的皇菊产业获得了丰收,取得了一定的成绩.结合潭溪村皇菊产业,我有以下几点体会.  相似文献   

杨元忠 《中国扶贫》2016,(12):44-46
今年3月底,全国精准扶贫建档立卡座谈会在甘肃兰州召开期间,国务院副总理、国务院扶贫开发领导小组组长汪洋带领国家部委、部分省(区、市)负责同志来我州康乐县上湾乡马巴村视察调研,对该村精准扶贫工作给予了充分肯定,认为“工作扎实有效,做法可圈、可点,可信、可学”,指出“精准扶贫就应该这样做……”。作为国家六盘山集中连片特困片区重点扶贫地区和全省扶贫攻坚的主战场,我们始终把脱贫攻坚作为全州工作的“一号工程”,认真贯彻落实中央和省委、省政府关于扶贫开发的一系列决策部署,聚焦落实“六个精准”“五个一批”和“1+17”方案要求,结合州情实际和群众所需,探索走出了一条因地制宜、精准到户、因人施策、讲求实效的精准扶贫精准脱贫新路子。康乐县上湾乡马巴村的做法,就是我州众多贫困村的一个基本缩影,是我们推进精准扶贫精准脱贫的一个生动写照。  相似文献   

3月8日,习近平总书记在十二届全国人大四次会议湖南代表团的重要讲话,特别是对湖南的精准扶贫如此关注,让我这名驻村扶贫干部备感振奋,夜不能寐。回想这一年驻村扶贫的点点滴滴,顿有一种人生豪迈的感觉。  相似文献   

姚浪 《中国扶贫》2017,(11):29-30
"两耳不闻窗外事,一心只读圣贤书"的时代已经离读书人远去;"家事国事天下事,事事关心"已成当今社会的主流.作为接受了高等教育的青年学生,我们更应积极地投入到社会实践中.而扶贫成效第三方评估工作正为我们提供了一个有效平台,让广大青年学子有机会走出去,了解国情、社情、农情和扶贫工作.2017年1月,我有幸参与到了扶贫成效第三方评估工作之中,对我国扶贫工作有了更深刻的认识与理解.  相似文献   

作为中国证监会派驻河南省兰考县的挂职干部,我自2013年6月起担任兰考县副县长,分管扶贫和金融工作.兰考是总书记在党的群众路线教育实践活动中的联系点,期间,他两次亲赴兰考,深入乡村看望贫困群众,再三叮嘱要切实关心贫困家庭,因地制宜发展产业,促进农民增收致富.在两年半的扶贫工作中,我从机制创新、资本对接、金融扶贫、后盾支持四个方面进行了探索,取得了一定成效.  相似文献   

This article details my racialized awakenings as a White kindergarten teacher after being called a racist by a parent of one of my students. I chronicle critical reflections of myself and my school in terms of latent institutional racism and actions. I share the actions that I have begun in my efforts to counter racism and move toward teaching for social justice. Changes in my teaching included interrupting deficit perspectives, talking explicitly about race, critiquing literature that I use in my classroom, and exploring ways to provide ongoing counternarratives that honor culturally and linguistically diverse students. I conclude with implications for other Early Childhood teachers who are teaching across racial boundaries. While I do not position my findings as the solution to countering institutional racism in the classroom, I hope that my journey can be enlightening to educators facing similar conflicts.  相似文献   

I have realised how central my therapy background and skills have been in my current job. Without being conscious of it, I use much of my background as a therapist in my role as Commissioner for Children and Young People. I probably spend more of my time advocating for children and young people as a group because they are excluded or disregarded on the basis of their status as children.  相似文献   

When the time came for me to leave on a sabbatical to do research in Mississippi, I had to leave my 32-year-old daughter, who suffers short-term memory loss due to a cancerous brain tumor she had when she was 15. Leaving became a traumatic moment for me as she had just received notice that she could move into an apartment. She had been on a waiting list for a place for over a year. In some ways, I believed that the timing for my sabbatical could not have been worse for our family. Still, my other four children, my husband, and I moved her as we wanted her to have this opportunity for semi-independent living as soon as possible. Two weeks prior to my departure, I began writing a narrative capturing my emotions, detailing how difficult my getting off was for me.  相似文献   

The professional development of sociologists involves specialized training through which we acquire and apply numerous skills. However, it is unlikely that our professional socialization includes training in how to inform the public about sociological knowledge and research through media involvement. As a sociologist who did not receive such training and was not prepared for the enormous unanticipated media and public interest given to my research topic, I provide a personal account of my unexpected metamorphosis into a media self and my experiences working with the media. I describe the nature of my professional and media obscurity, provide an overview of my initiation into media culture, and explore a self-transformation process that became necessary to manage the responsibilities associated with the media-assigned role of expert. I identify and examine the lessons I learned through extensive media involvement and the emergent realities of this involvement. Based on my experiences and resulting awareness of media culture, I offer to the discipline some suggestions and guidelines for media involvement and advocate for media training.  相似文献   


In this article I offer an account of some of the 'boundary oscillations' I experienced during the writing of my doctoral thesis, and attempt to illustrate my personal struggle with the presentation of qualitative data. This struggle evolved through my search for an appropriate style to [re]present both voice and experience as a text, resulting in my turning towards genres alternative to those normally adopted in social science research. And it was during that process that I experienced both change and conflict in my epistemological position, as I moved from positivism, through postpositivism and towards postmodernism.  相似文献   

I wake up at 6:15 am, roll out of bed, and flip on my personal computer. Fieldwork is never more than a few steps away, thanks to my access to Zytek's electronic mail system. I dial into the network and spend the next 30 minutes sending out messages to set up meetings. I am planning another trip to Detroit in two weeks and send a message to the area sales manager I met last week in order to get permission to attend a two day event for a major customer. I send additional messages to set up an interview and get my name put on a distribution list, download new mail to my PC, and start printing it. After breakfast, I return to find 17 pages of mail — announcements and agendas for four meetings, a five page memo with the minutes from yesterday's pricing committee meeting, a five page memo requesting input from marketing groups for a software product, and a response from a marketing manager to my request to have lunch next Wednesday. I look through my mail for ten minutes and then head out the door. It's 7:35 am.  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of John Harsanyi's contributions to Social Choice and Welfare Economics.This article is a slightly expanded version of remarks I made on July 9, 1994 when I introduced John Harsanyi's address (which follows in this same issue) to the meetings of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare in Rochester, New York. In preparing my remarks for publication I have tried to keep the conversational tone of the original presentation but have added references for the reader's convenience. At the time of the meetings I had not anticipated publishing my introduction. When a few months later Maurice Salles asked if I would write up my remarks, I had to do so from memory, not having kept the notes I used to make my presentation. Subsequent to the Rochester meetings, Professor Harsanyi was awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences and I am pleased to add my congratulations to him for this honour in the form of this introduction to his research in Social Choice and Welfare Economics. Research support from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Many professionals experience conflict between personal ideals about the meaning and importance of their work, and the structural limitations of the workplace. This conflict presents professionals with the challenge of how to hold true to their ideals within a non-supportive or even hostile environment. In this paper, I describe my experiences balancing my ideals about teaching, learning, and the purpose of a college education with the institutional constraints of a community college. There are three main sections in this paper. First is a discussion of the reasons I chose a career in community college teaching. The second section focuses on the institutional constraints I have encountered over the first 5 years of my career. In the third section, I explain how I have attempted to balance my ideals with the structural limitations of the college where I teach. Throughout the paper, I blend personal narrative with the relevant literature. In doing so, I intend to use my personal experience as a lens for discussing the challenges and possibilities that characterize community college teaching in general.  相似文献   

Sohyun An 《Social Studies》2020,111(4):174-181

How do children develop racial literacy? How do they make sense of and respond to the master narratives of race and racism? What role does elementary social studies education play in children’s racial literacy development? I explored these questions as a parent–researcher, inquiring how my child, an Asian American elementary student, develops racial literacy as she learns U.S. history at school. In the following, I first situate my inquiry within the literature on social studies education from a critical race perspective. Next, I delineate my positionality as a critical race motherscholar and the rationale for studying my own child. Last, I present the findings from my inquiry and discuss its implications for elementary social studies education.  相似文献   

In response to Horne and Hicks's critique of my 1994 revision of Bowen Theory, I present an updated rationale for my work. I argue that the primary difference in my construction of emotional differentiation rests in the way "self" is constructed. I suggest that many women, persons from less individualistic cultures, and very spiritual persons develop a "connected self" that is significantly different than Bowen's image of separate selves engaged with each other. I hold that Bowen Theory privileges individuality and ignores many of the positive aspects of togetherness. I put forth an inclusive model for differentiation that equally prioritizes each.  相似文献   

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