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一周前,杨阳做了宫颈癌筛查时发现HPV(人乳头状瘤病毒)高危型感染,同事告诉她,高危型HPV感染与宫颈癌直接相关。之后她茶饭不思,夜不能寐,感染了HPV病毒真的就意味着会得宫颈癌吗?  相似文献   

正宫颈癌筛查手段不断更新宫颈癌的筛查和癌前病变的处理这二级防控策略非常重要。可以说,这是目前西方发达国家晚期宫颈癌患者越来越少的主要原因。在美国,绝大部分宫颈癌发生在不筛查或筛查不充分的人群。大约50%的宫颈癌患者从来没有接受过宫颈癌筛查,10%的宫颈癌患者诊断前5年内没有筛查!最初,宫颈癌是没有筛查这一说的,病人自己  相似文献   

半袖 《现代妇女》2010,(8):59-59
宫颈癌是我国女性发病率最高的恶性肿瘤,至今发病例数占全人类的三分之一。如何能早期发现、治疗宫颈癌成为广大女性关注的问题。而“粉红丝带”的基因检测则能让你免去癌症的隐患,轻松健康地生活。  相似文献   

王钟林 《老年人》2003,(1):52-52
问:我的一个老姐妹身体一向很好,为什么会突然间就被发现患了宫颈癌呢? 茶陵县 曾运球 答:宫颈癌发病率占女性生殖器恶性肿瘤首位,多见于中老年妇女。该病的早期诊断并不难,因为子宫通过阴道直接与体表相通,发生病变而引起流血、白带异常等症状时,很容易表现  相似文献   

<正>孙小蓉,1993年获澳大利亚Monash大学医学博士学位。美国洛克菲勒大学博士后。加拿大BC肿瘤研究所研究员。1999年回国。武汉兰丁肿瘤早期诊断检测中心主任。检测中心名称中的"兰",即取自她女儿汪兰的名  相似文献   

正胃肠道肿瘤是常见的恶性肿瘤,但它们并不是不治之症,依靠现在的医学技术,早期诊治可使5年生存率超过90%。胃癌的发生有一个漫长的演变过程,一般经过“幽门螺杆菌感染→慢性萎缩性胃炎→肠上皮化生→异型增生→胃癌”的过程。如今,完全可以通过胃镜检查,早期发现病变,早期诊断治疗,早期阻断胃癌的发生。胃镜检查具有直观性,直接夹取活体组织进行病理检查,是目前诊断胃癌的“金标准”,对于早期胃癌的筛查有着不可  相似文献   

郑惠方 《老年人》2010,(12):55-55
子宫内膜癌,又称子宫体癌,它是发生于子宫内膜的恶性肿瘤,是女性生殖系统常见的恶性肿瘤之一,约占女性生殖道恶性肿瘤的20%~30%。子宫深居于盆腔中央,子宫内膜癌的早期往往没有明显症状,又不具备宫颈癌那样可以通过宫颈刮片筛查发现的普查条件,使绝经后不规则阴道出血成了它早期诊断的唯一重要线索。但是,十分遗憾的是,即使是这样一个唯一的重要预警信号,也并未被大多数中老年妇女所认识和重视。  相似文献   

这是二十年来从未公开过的一次军机被劫事件。二十年前夏季的一天上午,一架载着乌干达高级军事代表团专机被劫持。以副大队长兼机长兰丁寿为首的8位反劫持英雄以对祖国和有的机智勇敢。经过一场惊心动魄的生死搏斗.终于粉碎了歹徒况下,驾机凯旋的中国空军航空兵某部“子爵号”人民的赤胆忠心,中国空军健儿特的劫机阴谋,在外宾毫无察觉的情  相似文献   

不能剥离的心理问题目前,主流心理咨询沿用了“不问不理”的医学模式。这样它就势必继承了医学实践的一个潜在规则,这就是剥离问题发生的场合、背景,关起门来在医院进行诊断和处理。医学实践本身有个“潜规则”,就是基  相似文献   

“恶性肿瘤早期征兆”专栏宫颈癌发病率占女性生殖器恶性肿瘤首位,是女性生殖器最常见的恶性肿瘤,多见于中老年妇女。湖南及邻近的江西、湖北都是宫颈癌高发地区。中老年女性朋友也许会问:宫颈癌能否早期诊断和预防?回答是肯定的。在女性生殖器三大恶性肿瘤(宫颈癌、子宫内膜癌、卵巢癌)中,宫颈癌是最便于早期诊断的一种。解剖上,宫颈通过阴道直接与体表相通,宫颈发生病变而出现流血、白带异常等症状容易表现出来。宫颈也易于暴露,检查时借助窥阴器可以直接了解宫颈表面病变情况,可以很方便地进行宫颈刮片、阴道镜检和活检,从而…  相似文献   

This paper describes a model for crisis intervention through group therapy for women with breast cancer. The group sessions, conducted by a multidisciplinary team, are part of the Linn Clinic's post-operative treatment. The discussions using a holistic approach, helped the women to cope more effectively with the disease, the trauma of the operation, and with the chemotherapy or radiation treatment. The women learn that they can do much to regain their health.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE AND PARTICIPANTS: In 2006, the authors examined intention to receive an HPV vaccine among 340 college students. METHODS: A total of 138 men and 202 women completed questionnaires. The authors measured intention by asking participants how likely they would be to accept an HPV vaccine that prevented against (1) all HPV, (2) cervical cancer but not genital warts, (3) genital warts but not cervical cancer, and (4) both genital warts and cervical cancer. RESULTS: Men and women reported high intent to receive an HPV vaccine, although women did so at a significantly higher rate (77.5% vs 88.6%, respectively; p < .01). Men were less willing to receive a vaccine that prevents cervical cancer alone than they were to receive one that prevents cervical cancer and genital warts (34.1% vs 77.5%, p < .001). Intent to receive the vaccine was significantly greater among participants who reported more than 5 sex partners and correctly answered 2 or 3 HPV knowledge questions. CONCLUSIONS: Interest varied according to sexual history, according to knowledge about HPV, and (in men) according to vaccine target.  相似文献   

Since 1943, Papanicolaou (Pap) smears have been widely used to screen for cervical cancer. Over the past 25 years, new understanding of the natural history of cervical epithelial neoplasia has defined the existence and importance of dysplasia, also termed cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN), and more recently, its probable link to human papilloma virus (HPV). Inflammatory atypia (IA) is a common cytological diagnosis whose significance is less understood. Current gynecological opinion strongly supports a practice of colposcopic evaluation for all women with cytology showing any degree of CIN. Data from studies in our health service and elsewhere establish that 15% to 30% of patients with IA will have CIN if evaluated by colposcopy. Although clinicians may choose to follow such patients with repeated Pap smears, there are strong arguments for offering colposcopic evaluation to patients with IA. Potential problems with false-positive cervical biopsy reports, however, may limit the utility of colposcopy in patients with IA cytology.  相似文献   


Employing both quantitative and qualitative methodologies, this study examined: sexual orientation bias experiences among American Indians (AIs) who were gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgend-ered, or two-spirited (GLBTT-S); service provider attitudes toward AI GLBTT-S; and service barriers and needs with respect to AI GLBTT-S at one AI community-based organization. Among the 14 AI GLBTT-S surveyed, the percentages reporting various bias-related experiences were comparable or greater to those reported for non-AI GLBTT-S in other studies (e.g., 36% had been physically assaulted because of their sexual orientation). The 22 service providers surveyed revealed generally low levels of heterosexism, which was inversely related to contact and comfort with AI GLBTT-S as well as understanding of AI GLBTT-S terms. Data from 8 focus groups (7 with service providers and 1 with AI two-spirited men) yielded four main themes related to problems and barriers to service utilization for AI GLBTT-S (i.e., invisibility, discrimination, trauma, and identity) as well as ideas for community-based program planning with this population.  相似文献   

Cervical cancer is a well-established smoking-related illness, but many at-risk women are unaware of this link. Objective: The authors designed this study to (1) investigate the relationship of smoking behavior with the history of abnormal Pap test results, sexual history, and perceived risk of cervical cancer and (2) determine whether self-classified smoking status (and hence perceived risk) corresponds with actual smoking behavior in a college student population. Participants and Method Summary: College women students (N = 135) completed a survey assessing smoking history, health history, sexual risk behavior, and risk awareness. Results: Relative to those who had not smoked in the past month, current smokers (n = 36, or 27% of the total sample) perceived themselves to be at higher risk for developing cervical cancer, but did not demonstrate increased awareness of specific cervical cancer risk factors, including smoking. Twenty-eight percent (10 of 36) of past-month smokers did not define themselves as current smokers. Conclusion: The authors conclude that antismoking and health-related messages targeting smokers may misfire for individuals who do not define themselves as smokers but are nonetheless at risk for smoking-related consequences and escalating use.  相似文献   

Cervical cancer is a well-established smoking-related illness, but many at-risk women are unaware of this link. OBJECTIVE: The authors designed this study to (1) investigate the relationship of smoking behavior with the history of abnormal Pap test results, sexual history, and perceived risk of cervical cancer and (2) determine whether self-classified smoking status (and hence perceived risk) corresponds with actual smoking behavior in a college student population. PARTICIPANTS AND METHOD SUMMARY: College women students (N = 135) completed a survey assessing smoking history, health history, sexual risk behavior, and risk awareness. RESULTS: Relative to those who had not smoked in the past month, current smokers (n = 36, or 27% of the total sample) perceived themselves to be at higher risk for developing cervical cancer, but did not demonstrate increased awareness of specific cervical cancer risk factors, including smoking. Twenty-eight percent (10 of 36) of past-month smokers did not define themselves as current smokers. CONCLUSION: The authors conclude that anti-smoking and health-related messages targeting smokers may misfire for individuals who do not define themselves as smokers but are nonetheless at risk for smoking-related consequences and escalating use.  相似文献   

One hundred fifty-four female students completed a questionnaire regarding the Pap test and cervical cancer screening during routine yearly examination at a university health center. Ninety percent knew that a Pap test screened for precancerous and cancerous lesions of the cervix. More than half of the students, however, thought that the test also screened for other forms of gynecologic cancer and for a variety of sexually transmitted diseases. Approximately half of the respondents were unfamiliar with proper preparation for the test (e.g., avoiding sexual intercourse and intravaginal contraceptive application) and the majority did not know about specific risk factors for cervical cancer. These findings indicate a need for improved health education efforts regarding the risk factors for cervical disease and the role and importance of Pap smears.  相似文献   

Obesity is now considered to be a global epidemic. The problem of obesity has significant implications for the diagnosis and treatment of gynaecological cancer. The cancer most frequently associated with obesity is that of the endometrium. The risk of endometrial cancer is 2-3 times higher in overweight and obese women. Obesity also adversely affects survival in most studies. With regard to ovarian cancer the evidence is inconsistent. Obesity in young adulthood may be more important than that in later life. With regard to survival obesity has an adverse effect but not in early stage disease. Few data are available regarding cervical cancer and obesity. There is evidence that obesity is associated with adenocarcinoma rather than squamous carcinoma. Data on vulval cancer and obesity are scant.  相似文献   

During the past decade, there has been mounting scientific evidence linking human papillomavirus (HPV) with cervical cancer and, at the same time, a great increase in physician consultations for HPV infections. HPV infection risk factors include multiple sex partners, early age at first intercourse, history of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and smoking. This study surveyed 263 sexually active college women and concluded that (1) they are at considerable risk for contracting HPV, (2) they lack awareness of HPV, and (3) they are not practicing preventive behaviors that could reduce their risk of HPV and its serious consequences.  相似文献   

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