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李曼 《女性大世界》2006,(2):152-155
与挪威近距离接触是因为认识了她的三文鱼。鲜嫩爽滑的鱼肉入品即化,肺腑里厂家到的却是北欧海域洁净清冷的海水。挪威来到中国的方式很有意思,不讲自己的家园如何美,而是用特殊的三文鱼为中国的游客打开一道神奇的门。多年来,挪威的水产局一直看好中国市场,做足了文章。  相似文献   

孟兰英 《当代老年》2009,(12):28-29
人民大会堂以庄严和雄伟所著称,自从它竣工的那天起就在中国人民心中占据了一个特殊的位置。今天的人们或许很难相信,这座世界上最大的会堂建筑,从规划、设计到施工,一共只用了1年零15天,其中,从选址到敲定设计图纸,仅用了50天的时间。  相似文献   

洋葱可以说是一道无国界的美食,从亚洲到欧洲和美洲大陆,几乎每个国家的餐桌上都离不开洋葱的身影。说到洋葱的搭档,就不得不提牛羊肉了。在埃及,人们烤肉会配上洋葱;在俄罗斯,冬季的罗宋汤里少不了洋葱和牛肉粒的身影;精致的法式牛排,要配上洋葱汁才算完美;美国快  相似文献   

合唱用她那优美的歌声拨动着我们的心弦,让我们体会到生活的美,也让我们更加的热爱生活。随着我国合唱指挥事业的飞速发展,人们欣赏合唱的水平也在不断的提高,从之前要求的声音洪亮,到现在的音响和谐统一;从以前的人数众多、气势宏伟,到现在的精兵强将、表现细腻,合唱在当下的中国正进行着蜕变飞跃的过程。  相似文献   

萧音 《金色年华》2008,(9):32-32
从记事时起,每当一起外出时,母亲便不由自主地站到我的左边,用这种下意识的动作遮挡住陌生的目光。我左边的脸上、脖子上、肩胛骨上,暗紫色的殷红连成了一片,汇成一道让人触目惊心的疤痕。  相似文献   

光阴荏苒.一甲子岁月飘然流逝,在中国蓬勃发展的60年里,百姓的健康生活也发生着翻天覆地的变化。人们的身体从消瘦到健壮,营养观念从吃饱到吃好,健身方式从简单到多元……  相似文献   

曾经有这样一句话:点争让女人走开!但在南中国海,有一群巾帼不让须眉的女兵,她们带着蔚蓝色的梦想,从陆地走向海洋,从繁华热闹的都市闯入人迹罕至的荒岛,在生与死的面前接受考验,在血与火的洗礼中磨炼成长,用她们灿烂的青春在中国三军中树起了一道夺目的蓝色风景线——  相似文献   

吴音 《伴侣(A版)》2008,(6):12-14
自1990年至今,应联合国和有关地区请求,中国参加了15次维和行动,共派出6000余人次的部队和民事警察到热点地区执行维和任务,赢得了联合国和国际社会的广泛赞誉。迄今为止,中国是联合国五个常任理事国中派出维和人数最多的国家之一。目前,中国仍然在参与联合国维和行动。维和是一场没有硝烟的战争。在这场战争中,女军人成为一道亮丽的风景线。作为和平使者,她们以细腻的情感,从不同视角,感受着战争中的苦难。她们用自己的行为书写着中国女性的勇敢、智慧和柔情,更在当地人民的心中树立起我们中国强大、友好、爱护和平的伟大形象。  相似文献   

正2014年6月13日凌晨2点,四年一度的世界杯在巴西圣保罗竞技场拉开大幕。作为全球最受瞩目的体育盛会,世界杯不仅是各国球员的竞技场和全世界球迷的狂欢节,也是一个全球商家争夺的巨无霸"蛋糕"。每届世界杯都是各国企业施展拳脚的舞台,本届世界杯则是中国企业大放异彩的一届。本届巴西世界杯有诸多中国企业的"中国制造"产品:小到比赛用球、球迷围巾、吉祥物,大到比赛场馆能源设备、球场电子大屏幕……随处可见的"中国元素"已成为本届世界杯一道独具特色的亮丽风景。  相似文献   

丹桂飘香,金风逸爽。2007年国庆黄金周首日,南昌美丽的八大山人梅湖景区南岸,一座从筹建到正式落成,仅用了一年时间的"程允贤将军个人雕塑艺术馆"拔地而起——那青砖白墙的典型中式建筑风格,又给动感之都南昌增添了一道靓丽的风景。  相似文献   

日本姑娘岩崎春香被网友亲切地称作“香香”,她曾以志愿者的身份,在北京中日友好医院当了一年半的护士。香香见证了中国抗击新冠肺炎疫情的强大决心和不懈努力。2021年由始,查查分享了她的新年愿望:尽管距离遥远,她愿新的一年越来越好,未来有机会再回到中国,看望她的同事、朋友。  相似文献   

日前,上海市人大代表、上海名牌主持人柏万青,在电视节目中告诫所有生活在上海的未婚女青年要自尊自爱,不要过度放纵,她强调:“贞操是女孩给婆家最贵重的陪嫁!"这位“柏阿姨”的贞操论引发了人们的大争论。  相似文献   

24岁的西安姑娘李一拥有美丽的歌喉和惊人的音乐才华。别看她如此年轻,却已在法国音乐界闯出了几分名气,还幸运地成为中法文化交流的使者,在法国国宴上一展歌喉,赢得全场嘉宾的赞赏。这位西安姑娘的成功背后,是父亲独自抚养女儿长大,艰辛求艺路上那些曲折动人的故事。  相似文献   

薰衣草不仅有消除疲劳、抚慰心灵、治疗失眠等效果,更是生产高级香水和护肤品的原料之选。正是看准了这一点,河南女孩杜莉才敢冒险在新疆租下大片荒地,当起了香草世界的“谷主“。  相似文献   

“中国梦”是每一个中国人的梦。我们每个人都是“中国梦”的主人公,也是“中国梦”的见证者。“中国梦”也是每一个中国女性的梦。在本刊2013年12期的卷首语中,这样的表述引起编者与读者的共鸣:“‘中国梦’之于中国女性,是巾帼建功之梦,是男女平等之梦,是家庭幸福之梦。”本刊从今年3期开始将采访来自各界的中国女性,探寻她们对于“中国梦”的理解,分享她们各自的梦想。本期采访对象是曾荣获“网易摄影2012年度最受欢迎女摄影师”称号的刘雯。  相似文献   

This paper presents a case study of a young woman’s narrative of leaving home and her transition to adulthood. The case study is part of a larger research project about young women with an experience of an early break-up from home, through running away or being thrown out. Empirical material underlying this paper consists of a qualitative study of 12 young women that have been interviewed. The aim of the study is to understand how events like running away/being thrown out of home influences their transition to adulthood. The particular narrative demonstrates how a young woman presents and accounts for such a dramatic event as running away or being thrown out from home, and how that is understood in relation to her adulthood. A further aim is to illustrate how social services efforts are reflected in her narrative.  相似文献   

In this article I explore the links between the form and content of narratives collected from a young Malagasy/French woman, named Soa, who has recently moved from Madagascar to France. Soa's self‐account is riddled with stories that point out the ambiguities inherent in her experience of life as a woman with feet, and obligations, in two worlds at once. Rather than indicating her confusion or uncertainty, it is argued here that these stories, and the form in which they are presented, indicate the sort of ironic stance that may well be the prerogative of transnational, millionétisse narrators like Soa.  相似文献   

This paper examines the experiences of belonging of young Chinese internet users through an analysis of their online identity practices. Drawing on a qualitative research project about online citizenship practices of 31 young Chinese citizens from mainland China, I explore their experiences of belonging on two online platforms (Weibo and WeChat) and the identities formed and sustained through these experiences. The results show that young people experience different senses of belonging in different social media spaces. Their strategies in navigating these experiences are informed by (a) their perceptions of online spaces as private or public, and (b) using online identity performance as a supplement to or escape from identities in physical life. I argue that young Chinese internet users experience different senses of belonging by flexibly appropriating the affordances of social media platforms for communication and networking; these senses of belonging play a key role in forming and sustaining their identities, and are crucial for their wellbeing.  相似文献   

The focus of this article is on the migration of the married Berber woman and her children from the city of Nador in Northeast Morocco to Europe. The Berber woman has her own space to move in her own world with specific boundaries. In the countryside, the setting of the boundaries of the married Berber woman is materialized primarily by the boundaries of the house and the surrounding group of women. The Berber woman's real authority in the home, her potential power, corresponds to the role of the man in the external world, which is the 'wild' for the woman. In addition to the sexually determined boundaries, there is also a spatial differentiation in behavior in the women's world. Upon her arrival in Brussels, the Berber woman enters a completely new terrain in terms of both the environment and the space that will become her internal world, the home. The Berber woman, after a period of time that varies from woman to woman, will cross the new boundary to establish contacts in the outside world. The traditional boundary system is continually challenged by the functional aspect of daily life. Many of the immigrant women see their stay in Europe as a temporary phase in their lives and prepare for returning to Morocco. To obtain an insight into the manner in which young immigrants construct their life worlds and the conflicts that can accompany it, it is necessary 1st to know their country of origin, in particular, the world that their parents and ancestors were raised in and which is structured by the boundary system described in this paper.  相似文献   

This article examines the ways in which young Plong Karen Buddhist women enact morality in southeastern Myanmar. Focusing on how one young Plong Karen woman navigates her own moral status, I draw out the highly performative and experimental aspects of ethical subject making which simultaneously coheres with and transgresses Plong Karen moral ideals. Drawing from recent work from the ‘ethical turn’ in anthropology (Keane, Webb. 2015. Ethical Life: Its Natural and Social Histories. Princeton: Princeton University Press), I emphasise the freedom of young women to enact a moral register of their own making as they navigate multiple and sometimes conflicting social worlds. I argue that while outsiders may perceive inconsistencies and incompatibilities within the various moral registers enacted by young women, they themselves experience little contradiction moving within and between them.  相似文献   

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