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Loss reserving is an important subject of actuarial mathematics. It aims at the prediction of future losses caused by claims which have incurred in the past but have not yet been closed. The problem of predicting such losses is particularly important in liability insurance. More generally, it is most relevant with respect to the new regulatory requirements for insurance companies operating in the European Union, which are known as Solvency II.  相似文献   

This paper describes the performance of specific-to-general composition of forecasting models that accord with (approximate) linear autoregressions. Monte Carlo experiments are complemented with ex-ante forecasting results for 97 macroeconomic time series collected for the G7 economies in Stock and Watson (J. Forecast. 23:405–430, 2004). In small samples, the specific-to-general strategy is superior in terms of ex-ante forecasting performance in comparison with a commonly applied strategy of successive model reduction according to weakest parameter significance. Applied to real data, the specific-to-general approach turns out to be preferable. In comparison with successive model reduction, the successive model expansion is less likely to involve overly large losses in forecast accuracy and is particularly recommended if the diagnosed prediction schemes are characterized by a medium to large number of predictors.  相似文献   

Conformal predictors, introduced by Vovk et al. (Algorithmic Learning in a Random World, Springer, New York, 2005), serve to build prediction intervals by exploiting a notion of conformity of the new data point with previously observed data. We propose a novel method for constructing prediction intervals for the response variable in multivariate linear models. The main emphasis is on sparse linear models, where only few of the covariates have significant influence on the response variable even if the total number of covariates is very large. Our approach is based on combining the principle of conformal prediction with the 1 penalized least squares estimator (LASSO). The resulting confidence set depends on a parameter ε>0 and has a coverage probability larger than or equal to 1−ε. The numerical experiments reported in the paper show that the length of the confidence set is small. Furthermore, as a by-product of the proposed approach, we provide a data-driven procedure for choosing the LASSO penalty. The selection power of the method is illustrated on simulated and real data.  相似文献   

The distribution(s) of future response(s) given a set of data from an informative experiment is known as prediction distribution. The paper derives the prediction distribution(s) from a linear regression model with a multivari-ate Student-t error distribution using the structural relations of the model. We observe that the prediction distribution(s) are multivariate t-variate(s) with degrees of freedom which do not depend on the degrees of freedom of the error distribution.  相似文献   

Prediction in multilevel generalized linear models   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary.  We discuss prediction of random effects and of expected responses in multilevel generalized linear models. Prediction of random effects is useful for instance in small area estimation and disease mapping, effectiveness studies and model diagnostics. Prediction of expected responses is useful for planning, model interpretation and diagnostics. For prediction of random effects, we concentrate on empirical Bayes prediction and discuss three different kinds of standard errors; the posterior standard deviation and the marginal prediction error standard deviation (comparative standard errors) and the marginal sampling standard deviation (diagnostic standard error). Analytical expressions are available only for linear models and are provided in an appendix . For other multilevel generalized linear models we present approximations and suggest using parametric bootstrapping to obtain standard errors. We also discuss prediction of expectations of responses or probabilities for a new unit in a hypothetical cluster, or in a new (randomly sampled) cluster or in an existing cluster. The methods are implemented in gllamm and illustrated by applying them to survey data on reading proficiency of children nested in schools. Simulations are used to assess the performance of various predictions and associated standard errors for logistic random-intercept models under a range of conditions.  相似文献   

The linear chirp process is an important class of time series for which the instantaneous frequency changes linearly in time. Linear chirps have been used extensively to model a variety of physical signals such as radar, sonar, and whale clicks (see 1, 5 and 6). We introduce the stochastic linear chirp model and then define the generalized linear chirp (GLC) process as a special case of the G-stationary process studied by Jiang et al. (2006) to model data with time-varying frequencies. We then define GLC(p,q) processes and show that the relationship between stochastic linear chirp processes and GLC(p,q) processes is analogous to that between harmonic and ARMA models. The new methods are then applied to both simulated and actual data sets.  相似文献   

We present a Bayesian analysis of a piecewise linear model constructed by using basis functions which generalizes the univariate linear spline to higher dimensions. Prior distributions are adopted on both the number and the locations of the splines, which leads to a model averaging approach to prediction with predictive distributions that take into account model uncertainty. Conditioning on the data produces a Bayes local linear model with distributions on both predictions and local linear parameters. The method is spatially adaptive and covariate selection is achieved by using splines of lower dimension than the data.  相似文献   

We describe a method of determining upper bounds on the variances of linear combinations of the kth records values from i.i.d. sequences, expressed in terms of variances of parent distributions. We also present conditions for which the bounds are sharp, and those for which the respective lower ones are equal to zero. A special attention is paid to the case of the kth record spacings, i.e. the differences of consecutive kth record values.  相似文献   

This work deals with two methodologies for predicting incurred but not reported (IBNR) actuarial reserves. The first is the traditional chain ladder, which is extended for dealing with the calendar year IBNR reserve. The second is based on heteroscedastic regression models suitable to deal with the tail effect of the runoff triangle – and to forecast calendar year IBNR reserves as well. Theoretical results regarding closed expressions for IBNR predictors and mean squared errors are established – for the case of the second methodology, a Monte Carlo study is designed and implemented for accessing finite sample performances of feasible mean squared error formulae. Finally, the methods are implemented with two real data sets. The main conclusions: (i) considering tail effects does not imply theoretical and/or computational problems; and (ii) both methodologies are interesting to design softwares for IBNR reserve prediction.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate the concept of the mean response for a treatment group mean as well as its estimation and prediction for generalized linear models with a subject‐wise random effect. Generalized linear models are commonly used to analyze categorical data. The model‐based mean for a treatment group usually estimates the response at the mean covariate. However, the mean response for the treatment group for studied population is at least equally important in the context of clinical trials. New methods were proposed to estimate such a mean response in generalized linear models; however, this has only been done when there are no random effects in the model. We suggest that, in a generalized linear mixed model (GLMM), there are at least two possible definitions of a treatment group mean response that can serve as estimation/prediction targets. The estimation of these treatment group means is important for healthcare professionals to be able to understand the absolute benefit vs risk. For both of these treatment group means, we propose a new set of methods that suggests how to estimate/predict both of them in a GLMMs with a univariate subject‐wise random effect. Our methods also suggest an easy way of constructing corresponding confidence and prediction intervals for both possible treatment group means. Simulations show that proposed confidence and prediction intervals provide correct empirical coverage probability under most circumstances. Proposed methods have also been applied to analyze hypoglycemia data from diabetes clinical trials.  相似文献   

In this paper, the notion of the general linear estimator and its modified version are introduced using the singular value decomposition theorem in the linear regression model y=X β+e to improve some classical linear estimators. The optimal selections of the biasing parameters involved are theoretically given under the prediction error sum of squares criterion. A numerical example and a simulation study are finally conducted to illustrate the superiority of the proposed estimators.  相似文献   

In randomized clinical trials, we are often concerned with comparing two-sample survival data. Although the log-rank test is usually suitable for this purpose, it may result in substantial power loss when the two groups have nonproportional hazards. In a more general class of survival models of Yang and Prentice (Biometrika 92:1–17, 2005), which includes the log-rank test as a special case, we improve model efficiency by incorporating auxiliary covariates that are correlated with the survival times. In a model-free form, we augment the estimating equation with auxiliary covariates, and establish the efficiency improvement using the semiparametric theories in Zhang et al. (Biometrics 64:707–715, 2008) and Lu and Tsiatis (Biometrics, 95:674–679, 2008). Under minimal assumptions, our approach produces an unbiased, asymptotically normal estimator with additional efficiency gain. Simulation studies and an application to a leukemia study show the satisfactory performance of the proposed method.  相似文献   

It may not be an overstatement that one of the most widely reported measures of variation involves S 2, the sample variance, which is also well-known to be alternatively expressed in the form of an U statistic with a symmetric kernel of degree 2 whatever be the population distribution function. We propose a very general new approach to construct unbiased estimators of a population variance by U statistics with symmetric kernels of degree higher than two. Surprisingly, all such estimators ultimately reduce to S 2 (Theorem 3.1). While Theorem 3.1 is interesting and novel in its own right, it leads to a newer interpretation of S 2 that is much broader than what is known in the statistical literature including economics, actuarial mathematics, and mathematical finance.  相似文献   

Summary.  The problem of component choice in regression-based prediction has a long history. The main cases where important choices must be made are functional data analysis, and problems in which the explanatory variables are relatively high dimensional vectors. Indeed, principal component analysis has become the basis for methods for functional linear regression. In this context the number of components can also be interpreted as a smoothing parameter, and so the viewpoint is a little different from that for standard linear regression. However, arguments for and against conventional component choice methods are relevant to both settings and have received significant recent attention. We give a theoretical argument, which is applicable in a wide variety of settings, justifying the conventional approach. Although our result is of minimax type, it is not asymptotic in nature; it holds for each sample size. Motivated by the insight that is gained from this analysis, we give theoretical and numerical justification for cross-validation choice of the number of components that is used for prediction. In particular we show that cross-validation leads to asymptotic minimization of mean summed squared error, in settings which include functional data analysis.  相似文献   

精算是保险发展的基础,是保险经营的技术支持。精算在国外有四百年的发展历史,引入中国只有二十年。要使精算技术在中国得到发展创新并为社会需要服务,必须了解精算思想产生的历史背景,厘清精算理论发展的脉络,真正把握精算思想的实质。基于此,介绍了精算各发展时期的主要代表人物及其学术思想,阐述精算技术对各时期保险发展的影响,同时对精算学与复利理论、数学、统计学、计算技术、金融经济学交叉融合的历史过程进行了分析述评。  相似文献   

Omid Khademnoe 《Statistics》2016,50(5):974-990
There has been substantial recent attention on problems involving a functional linear regression model with scalar response. Among them, there have been few works dealing with asymptotic distribution of prediction in functional linear regression models. In recent literature, the centeral limit theorem for prediction has been discussed, but the proof and conditions under which the random bias terms for a fixed predictor converge to zero have been ignored so that the impact of these terms on the convergence of the prediction has not been well understood. Clarifying the proof and conditions under which the bias terms converge to zero, we show that the asymptotic distribution of the prediction is normal. Furthermore, we have derived those results related to other terms that already obtained by others, under milder conditions. Finally, we conduct a simulation study to investigate performance of the asymptotic distribution under various parameter settings.  相似文献   

The problem of determining the number of variables to be included in the linear regression model is considered under the assumption that the dependent and independent variables have a joint normal distribution. It is shown that for a given sample size n there exists an optimal number k0 (0 ≤ k0 < n-2) of variables among all independent variables in the model, such that the expectation of the mean squared error corresponding to the prediction equation with k0 variables is minimal.Application of this result to ustepwise procedures is discussed.  相似文献   

A typical model for geostatistical data when the observations are counts is the spatial generalised linear mixed model. We present a criterion for optimal sampling design under this framework which aims to minimise the error in the prediction of the underlying spatial random effects. The proposed criterion is derived by performing an asymptotic expansion to the conditional prediction variance. We argue that the mean of the spatial process needs to be taken into account in the construction of the predictive design, which we demonstrate through a simulation study where we compare the proposed criterion against the widely used space-filling design. Furthermore, our results are applied to the Norway precipitation data and the rhizoctonia disease data.  相似文献   

An important problem for fitting local linear regression is the choice of the smoothing parameter. As the smoothing parameter becomes large, the estimator tends to a straight line, which is the least squares fit in the ordinary linear regression setting. This property may be used to assess the adequacy of a simple linear model. Motivated by Silverman's (1981) work in kernel density estimation, a suitable test statistic is the critical smoothing parameter where the estimate changes from nonlinear to linear, while linearity or non- linearity requires a more precise judgment. We define the critical smoothing parameter through the approximate F-tests by Hastie and Tibshirani (1990). To assess the significance, the “wild bootstrap” procedure is used to replicate the data and the proportion of bootstrap samples which give a nonlinear estimate when using the critical bandwidth is obtained as the p-value. Simulation results show that the critical smoothing test is useful in detecting a wide range of alternatives.  相似文献   

In the present paper we discuss the situation for a linear growth with correlated structure of the errors and indicate the nature of optimal designs for estimation and prediction problems. We study the intraclass structure of the error distribution. As regards estimation of the slope parameter, we look for robust optimal designs. Here robustness means that optimality should hold for a large variety of correlation parameters. The robust optimal designs for the prediction problem center around a performance measure of the predictors for all design points simultaneously. We have also studied the autocorrelated error structure and found similar results which are reported very briefly.  相似文献   

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